All Chapters of The Comeback (book 1 of the Miller family): Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
93 Chapters
chapter 51
Adam’s P.O.V.As breakfast came to a close, I watched Gran turn to Jenna while I was putting the dirty dishes into the sink.“Jenna, I must say, you’ve passed the family breakfast test with flying colors.” And I sighed contently, thinking back at how easily Jenna had placed herself in the middle of the family. I could already tell everyone loved her and had already accepted her, making my wolf stick out his chest filled with pride, knowing his one true mate had just done that. “I hope to see you again, very soon, dear.” Gran smiled at Jenna as she got up from her chair, and walked over toward me as she patted me on the shoulder as if to tell me 'atta boy'.“I am heading back home, Mindy is coming over so we can get some coffee and discuss the latest town gossip.” Gran grinned at me, leaning in even closer.“And next time you want to use me as an excuse, at least let me know so I ca
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chapter 52
As the kiss deepened, the world outside seemed to fade away, and it was just Jenna and me, lost in each other’s presence. Our hands found their way to each other’s backs, her fingers grabbed my shoulder as my fingers got tangled in her hair, pulling each other even closer, deepening the connection even more.As we broke the kiss, our foreheads gently rested against one another. I gazed into Jenna’s deep blues, a warm glow of affection washing over me. In that quiet, small kitchen, bathed in the sun’s soft rays, we both knew that our connection was something truly special. And with a soft smile, Jenna whispered to me.“Adam Miller, I think I’m falling for you.”Be still, my heart… While I wanted to shout it from the rooftops, throw her over my shoulder, and drag her back into my room to have my way with her all over again. I forced myself to just lean in and kiss her forehead, letting
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chapter 53
Jenna’s P.O.V. I sat on the edge of my hotel bed, my fingers anxiously tapping the smooth mahogany surface of the nightstand. The room cast long shadows that danced across the cream-colored walls. I had spent my entire day at Anderson’s Construction, immersed in a whirlwind of meetings and site inspections. Now, all I wanted was to escape the sterile office atmosphere and the weight of responsibilities that came with it.   My eyes darted to the clock hanging on the wall. Adam was running late. He had promised to pick me up from the hotel once I was done with work. I reached for my phone, tempted to call him, but hesitated. Maybe he was caught in traffic, or perhaps he was just held up at school. I didn’t want to add to his stress, not today.   With a sigh, I gazed out of the window at the small town below. The view offered me some solace, a distraction from the thoughts that gnawed at me. I couldn’t escape the feeling of unease that
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chapter 54
I took the key from my purse and turned the key in the lock, and with a soft click, the front door of my Uncle Ben’s house swung open, revealing a dimly lit interior. Adam and I stood at the threshold, hesitating for a moment as the weight of what lay beyond settled upon me. The house smelled musty now, like a place that had been closed up for too long. Stale air filled my lungs as I stepped inside, memories flooding my senses. It was as if the very walls held the stories of my childhood, a testament to the life my uncle and I had shared here. I closed the door behind us, the click echoing loudly through the empty hall, and I took a cautious step forward. The wooden floors creaked beneath my feet, greeting me like an old friend. I couldn’t help but be transported back in time. *** It was a lazy Sunday afternoon, the kind that seemed to last forever. The sun streamed through the lace curtains, casting delicate patterns on the
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chapter 55
Jenna’s P.O.V.I stood alone in the dimly lit kitchen of my late uncle’s house. It was getting late and the last rays of the setting sun filtered through the dusty windows, casting long shadows across the old linoleum floor. My uncle’s kitchen was a time capsule, with faded floral wallpaper and checkered tablecloth that had seen better days. Uncle Ben had never been the kind of man to want to best of the best, the man had always lived a simple and yet happy life.As I looked around the room, I still felt torn about the decision I needed to make, whether to sell this house which held decades of my uncle’s life and a huge chunk of my own within its walls, or keep it as a tribute to his memory. My mind was a whirlwind of uncertainty, and it was this clutter of memories that I was here to sort through tonight.I picked up his worn-out apron hanging from a hook on the back of the pantry door. It was stained with the memories of countless m
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chapter 56
“You’ve always seemed to love living in Fairview. Have you ever thought about what you’d like to do in the future, like staying here or moving elsewhere?” I asked him as he smiled, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes as he gazed out the window of the kitchen. “I really do love this small town. There’s something about the sense of community, the way everyone living here has somehow become a part of our family that I’ve come to cherish ever since my parents died. So I honestly never considered moving away after my parents died.” He spoke as I nodded, understanding where he was coming from. Adam’s fingers traced patterns on his chopsticks, a thoughtful expression on his face. “Lately, however, there is something I’ve been thinking about.” He admitted.
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chapter 57
Jenna’s P.O.V.After decluttering for about an hour after finishing our Chinese food, Adam promised to bring me back to my hotel like the perfect gentleman that he was. And right now, as I was back inside my hotel room, it felt as if my mind was working in overdrive, as I was consumed with so many questions and thoughts. For one, I was seriously doubting checking out at the hotel and just moving into my Uncle Ben’s house for the time being. A part of me felt ready, even though I had only been inside his house once, and that had been with Adam by my side. I never had been alone in that house for over an hour ever since my Uncle Ben had died, and I started to doubt if maybe spending the night all alone, would actually be the final drop that would make the bucket too full and it would end up with me a being a sobbing and heartbroken mess.   Two, I also couldn’t help but go over the conversation Adam and I had had durin
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chapter 58
Adam’s P.O.V.The dim glow of the TV screen flickered across the darkened room as I was lying in Jenna’s bed. Her breathing was even and deep as her head was resting against my shoulder, and her arm was securely wrapped around my waist as if a part of her was afraid that I would leave her, not that I ever would. Her chest rose and fell as it was nested against my own, our hearts beating together as one. After our shower, neither of us had the energy to leave the hotel room, so we just crawled into bed as if it was normal and something we did every day, not that I would mind if it was. We had talked a bit and shared room service pizza while watching a movie, but it had only taken about half an hour before Jenna’s breathing had become deeper and I knew she had fallen asleep in my arms, right where she belonged to be. I looked down at her as she was sound asleep in my arms, wondering if whenever she looked in the mirror, she saw
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chapter 59
Jenna’s P.O.V. With a few weeks of pure loving bliss between Adam and me, spring had officially rolled into the small city of Fairview. Jackets had made way for thick winter coats, and I couldn’t leave my house without wearing mittens or a houseIt still felt weird to say it like that… The decision to move into my late uncle’s house had been both practical and sentimental. Financially, it made more sense than continuing to stay in the hotel where I had taken refuge after inheriting the property. But there was more to it than just economics, it was a step towards embracing the legacy he had left behind for me. A chance to breathe life back into the old place that deserved people to live in it. My days were mostly filled with work, the demands of my job at Anderson’s Construction kept me occupied from morning till evening. It was hard and tiring work,
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chapter 60
“Well, I’m honored to be a good enough reason for you to abandon your students during their period.” But he just shrugged, his grin never fading.“They’ll manage without me for a few minutes. So, what brings you to the halls of our school today, Miss Anderson?” He asked me as I gestured toward the library entrance.“I came to see the final result before the painters came in, Mr Miller.”Adam’s eyes sparkled with genuine interest.“I can’t wait to see it when it’s all finished. Principal Carter told me he wanted to put the opening together with the graduation party, so that gives us a couple more weeks extra in case something would set us back.” Adam spoke, to which I nodded, somehow feeling relieved by this news. Graduation, we could definitely make that deadline. “Who knows, the gym teacher might bring the CEO of Anderson’s Construction as his p
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