All Chapters of The Darling of the Paranoid Tycoon: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
783 Chapters
Chapter 111
Chapter 111"Colleen, you know well how I operate, don't you?" Delbert's tone was calm, but his demeanor was icy.Colleen was familiar with rumors about Delbert's methods. He was ruthless and temperamental.She vividly recalled the day when a maid spilled tea on Delbert. He'd casually instructed Cory to take her to the mountains to feed the dog.The memory of the maid's cries made Colleen shiver.She was frightened by Delbert's words and his chilling gaze, collapsing onto the ground."Opal, can you help me? Can you talk to Mr. Delbert and Miss Harriet for me?" Colleen thought of Opal, hoping for her assistance.Opal was a prominent figure by Harriet's side, and her words held weight.But she refused, saying, "Miss Harriet has given you numerous chances, but you didn't cherish them."Now that Delbert had publicly announced his intention to punish Colleen, no one dared to speak up for her. Caution prevailed, and no one wanted to ignite a situation that could harm them.Colleen
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Chapter 112
Chapter 112Colleen's head span, and she trembled all over.Now, no one could save her.Delbert threw the phone at her feet and glared at her.He coldly commanded Cory, "Make her disappear from my sight immediately! The sooner, the better!"Cory complied and moved forward to drag Colleen away.Colleen's face turned pale, and she crawled to Delbert's feet, clutching his pants and continuously begging for mercy."I'm sorry, Mr. Delbert. I was wrong. I shouldn't have bullied Miss Harriet or spoken ill of her behind her back. Please spare me."Delbert remained unmoved.With a wave of his hand, he signaled Cory to remove this troublesome woman. He still needed to go on comforting Harriet.Colleen had no choice but to plead with Harriet. "I'm sorry, madam. I've realized my mistake, and I promise this won't happen again. Please show me your mercy!""I'm sorry, but you're a bad person. I will never forgive you!" Harriet reprimanded, pulling a straight face. "Do you want to stay and
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Chapter 113
Chapter 113Delbert cast a cold glance at the servant who had come to report. Displeasure was evident in his eyes.The servant felt weak and almost collapsed onto the ground."Sir, she arrived in Mr. Welch's car!" he stammered.The security guards and servants on the island were familiar with the cars and people. Except for the Carlson and Munoz families, as well as a few individuals known to Delbert, no one else was allowed to pass.Lula drove in Marc's car that day, which allowed her to slip through.Given the servant's respectful address and demeanor toward Delbert, Lula quickly realized that the handsome man before her was none other than Delbert, the rumored disfigured and vicious son of the Carlson family.She was rooted to the spot in shock.Now, she finally understood why Nora had made a spectacle of herself at the engagement party.Who wouldn't want such a handsome man as their fiancé? But Nora, despite having the opportunity, foolishly gave up this exceptional man to
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Chapter 114
Chapter 114"Oh!" Harriet smirked, her face lighting up with a playful grin."All the servants in this villa know that I am the hostess here, and Colleen is bold enough to think she can bully me and make fun of me. Isn't that the behavior of a wicked servant?"Delbert's eyes narrowed slightly as he looked at Harriet, who was so quick-witted and sharp-tongued.She wasn't like a fool with the IQ of a six-year-old child at all.Lula was rendered speechless.Even though her mother had been with the Carlson family for many years, she was essentially still a servant, and Lula was the child of a servant.Servants could not conflict with their masters, and this was an unchangeable fact.Even though she hated Harriet to the extreme, Lula didn't dare lose her temper in front of Delbert.According to what Marc occasionally mentioned about Delbert, Lula knew that if she poked his sensitive spot, she would be in great trouble."So, can you leave now? There are no leftovers here to enterta
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Chapter 115
Chapter 115"How dare you slander my woman? Are you asking for trouble?" Delbert snapped, pleased with Harriet's knack for seeking his assistance.Yet her playful hand was indeed distracting, hinting at an endearing yet embarrassing closeness, causing a slight blush to tint his ears."If not for Marc's protection, would you even be allowed on this island? In this villa? You're undeserving!" he added.Delbert was now the president of the Carlson Group and a business magnate in Meawood City, wielding power and wealth that rivaled nations.His excellence commanded respect and submission.A single glance from him silenced Lula, rendering her too petrified to utter another word."Did you hear what Delbert said? Leave immediately!" Harriet demanded.With Delbert's backing, she felt emboldened. Slipping out of Delbert's embrace, she advanced toward Lula, a steely resolve in her tone."What, do you fancy tasting the same Pig Tongue Salad made by me?"She harbored no forgiveness for p
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Chapter 116
Chapter 116Harriet didn't care about Lula's screams and mercilessly threw another glass at her.Lula deceived Marc by claiming she had hemophobia, which caused numerous arguments between Marc and Molly.But looking at her current state, her hemophobia must be fake.Harriet didn't mind helping Lula turn this hemophobia into a real condition.In the end, Lula was hit so hard that her eyes rolled back, and she passed out."Lula, my daughter!" Colleen started crying hysterically again upon seeing Lula collapse."Cory, call an ambulance!" Delbert calmly gave the order.Soon, an ambulance hurriedly arrived.Lula was whisked away on a stretcher, and Colleen was forcibly escorted out by Cory, never to return to Meawood City.The commotion finally subsided, and tranquility returned to the villa, save for the ashen-faced servants trembling in fear."Harriet, you said earlier that you were tired, so I'll make breakfast for you," Delbert said, looking at Harriet, who had transformed fr
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Chapter 117
Chapter 117"Delbert, you're overthinking. I would never look down on you," Harriet reassured him, urging him not to worry too much.Delbert was usually so decisive, yet he was acting like a child denied candy when it came to such matters."But Vernon can cook, and you enjoy his cooking," Delbert grumbled with a throaty voice."Who said that? I don't. That's nonsense!" Harriet denied it emphatically. "Delbert, think about it. You have so many outstanding qualities compared to that scoundrel, Vernon. For instance, you're more handsome than him, and you earn more money!"Harriet tried her best to cheer him up."Well, I admit that," Delbert said, getting some confidence back.He embraced Harriet, contentedly nuzzling against her.Cory witnessed their affectionate display once more.Although he had only been with Delbert for half a month, he understood that Delbert had always been away from the kitchen.His cold and distant demeanor was completely at odds with being soft and cute
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Chapter 118
Chapter 118Cory finally managed to control the raging fire in the kitchen, but as soon as he emerged, he saw that the living room was ablaze.He was dumbfounded, wondering if Harriet was the incarnation of Hephaestus.Wherever she went, fire would break out.The fire grew larger, and the situation was spiraling out of control. Even Cory couldn't do anything about it. In the end, he led everyone to retreat to the villa's entrance and wait for the firefighters to arrive and rescue them.After a short while, the fire truck arrived on the island, and the firefighters quickly extinguished the fire.Then they began to admonish and educate those involved. "You need to be careful when using fire. Make sure all valves are closed properly. It's so dangerous. If we hadn't arrived in time, this house would have been gone."Harriet lowered her head, continuously admitting her mistake.The servants were also relieved.They had been working on the island for many years and had never encount
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Chapter 119
Chapter 119As noon approached, the sound of shattering dishes reverberated through the Welch family's villa."Marc..." murmured a woman pitifully.Before Molly could finish, Marc flung her onto the dining table, his scent laced with alcohol.Molly winced as her back hit the marble table, a stifled grunt escaping her lips. But Marc showed no mercy.His forceful hold on her was accompanied by a murmur of Lula's name.His voice was so intimate, but Molly's heart sank to the bottom.It had been just over a month since they got married, but whether it was day or night, Marc would either be drunk or angry whenever he faced her.All along, the only woman in his heart was Lula.From the start, he didn't want to marry Molly."Marc, open your eyes. I'm Molly, not Lula!" Molly suddenly lifted her head and stared down at Marc.She couldn't take it anymore, having received enough disappointment.Marc pushed her away, disgust written all over his face."You're not worthy of mentioning
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Chapter 120
Chapter 120"Divorce?" Marc's hand trembled as he lit a cigarette, and his face contorted in disgust.As he saw it, divorce was merely a bargaining chip that Molly used to threaten him."If you want a divorce, so be it. Since you brought it up, I won't explain anything to your parents. But you should go and talk to my parents. I hope you leave my family as soon as possible," he said, stubbing out his cigarette.He stormed out, slamming the door behind him.Tears finally streamed down Molly's cheeks.Marc's parents had treated her like their own daughter, which was the only solace she had after marrying Marc.They had always hoped for her to have a child with Marc, but now it seemed that she was going to let them down.Marc's irritation hadn't subsided after he left the house.He found it ridiculous that Molly proposed a divorce to him.'Who gives her the right? Does she think she could get married and divorced as she pleased?' He thought.While he was still feeling annoyed,
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