All Chapters of The Darling of the Paranoid Tycoon: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
783 Chapters
Chapter 131
In just an instant, Nora's forehead was covered in fine sweat. Her face flushed, and her eyes became unfocused and alluring. She realized that the drink Harriet had given her earlier must have been drugged. Otherwise, she wouldn't be feeling this way. Nora turned to glare at Harriet right away. Her face contorted to the extreme, but she couldn't resist the dizziness that overwhelmed her mind. Harriet unabashedly met Nora's gaze with a hint of disdainful smile on her lips. Did Nora want to harm her? Nora had no idea what she could do! Lula was the first to notice Nora's unusual condition. She frowned in confusion as she asked, "Nora, are you alright?" "I'm fine. I just feel a bit unwell. I'm sorry, I-I need to leave first. You guys enjoy your drinks." Nora pinched her throbbing brow and tried to leave before she lost all sense of reason, fearing Harriet's scheming. But before leaving, she shot a fierce glare at Harriet. She absolutely couldn't afford to humiliate
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Chapter 132
At this moment, Nora suddenly felt that Harriet in front of her had become extremely strange and terrifying. Meanwhile, due to the shock, the medicinal properties in Nora's body erupted uncontrollably. As a result, after Harriet let her go, her rationality had collapsed.Nora stumbled and pushed open the door of the private room, then ran out. Driven by the medicinal effects, her eyes became hazy and disoriented. "Hot! It's so hot! Someone help me!"She kept tearing at her clothes to relieve the heat inside her body, feeling weak and helpless. The wealthy and noble guests who came to enjoy themselves at Holy Night were shocked to see this scene. Some recognized Nora and immediately started criticizing her."Hey, isn't that Nora Munoz from the Munoz family? What’s she doing?""Oh my goodness, she's actually performing a striptease!""Tsk, I never expected this. She’s already lost face once, but now she's doing it for the second time!"The crowd was filled with murmurs, mos
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Chapter 133
Caught off guard, Vernon was somewhat stunned. As for Nora, she had long lost her rationality and was clinging to Vernon, making it impossible for him to push her away.Soon after, the reporters bombarded them with questions."Mr. Morton, are you and Miss Munoz in a romantic relationship?""Now that you’re openly dating at Holy Night, does it mean your wedding is on the way?""So, is Miss Munoz's refusal to marry into the Carlson family because of you?"One sharp question after another was thrown at Vernon by the reporters. He had to quickly shield Nora behind him, not to protect her, but to prevent her embarrassing state from being captured by the reporters and causing trouble for him.Faced with the reporters' questions, Vernon got mad as his chest heaved up and down, his nerves taut, and his anger raging inside."No more photos!"Vernon couldn't bear it any longer. He snatched a camera from a reporter and smashed it on the ground.There was a moment of silence at the sc
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Chapter 134
"Marc, please..." Lula continued to act coquettish.Marc frowned and looked at the place where Lula was holding him, feeling a strong desire to push her hand away. He slightly turned his head, but his eyes inadvertently fell on the somewhat stiff figure of Molly.He wanted to explain it to her.Molly naturally noticed Marc's gaze, thinking that he wanted her to agree. So she took a deep breath, composed her expression, and put on a gentle smile."You can stay with Miss Becker. I can go home alone."Molly had a perfect smile, but Marc didn’t think she was really fine. The broader the smile, the sadder she felt inside.This reply from Molly left Lula dumbfounded. Should she praise Molly for being tolerant? Or was Molly deliberately putting on an act?Seeing her entangling Marc in this way, Molly could still smile and even sincerely? Marc was stunned. After hearing Molly's words, every breath felt difficult for him.Did Molly really not care about him? Could she really t
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Chapter 135
Harriet: [Taking more photos will be too kind to them.] She replied with a light blink.Harriet already had a good idea in mind.Harriet: [Molly, help me report it to the police.]Molly responded simply with a question mark. She obviously didn’t understand Harriet's intention.Harriet: [Report it the police and say there's an improper transaction in the room where Vernon and Nora are!]Harriet wanted to make this matter big through the hands of the police and see how they would handle it!Molly paused for a moment on the other side of the phone, then immediately replied.Molly: [No problem!]Although Harriet's methods were ruthless, Vernon and Nora deserved it!Putting down her phone, Harriet sat up straight, waiting for Delbert to come out of the bathroom.To her surprise, the next second, there was a sudden "howl" at the door.In an instant, a large, snow-white creature rushed into the room with great excitement. It pounced on Harriet, then excitedly rubbed its furry
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Chapter 136
"No, I don't."Delbert smiled, his deep and beautiful eyes slightly squinting like a fox, concealing his desire.Harriet had indeed grown up. Every frown and smile of hers was excessively attractive."I’m sleepy. I want to sleep. Goodnight, Delbert!"Delbert wanted to say something more, but Harriet had already rushed ahead like a little rabbit, darting into the covers and burying her head securely inside.Delbert shook his head with a smile, feeling that Harriet was too adorable!After that, Delbert turned off the light.Harriet thought that the day would end just like this, especially after so many things had happened today and everyone was very tired. But unexpectedly, as soon as Delbert got into bed, he directly embraced her thin waist, then suddenly pressed close to her. His hot breath sprayed on her neck, making her feel uneasy and out of sorts.By the faint moonlight streaming in from outside the window, Harriet could clearly see the gleaming light in Delbert's eyes. H
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Chapter 137
"No! Police? What are the police doing here?"Nora came back to her senses. She screamed, and immediately covered her body with the quilt."We received an anonymous report that there is an improper transaction taking place here. We need both of you to go with us to the police station for investigation."The police inspected the entire room and woke up Vernon, who was still in a daze.He was completely bewildered. As soon as he opened his eyes, he found himself surrounded by a group of police officers.Vernon still remembered encountering the frenzied Nora at Holy Night last night.She wouldn’t let him go, and then his consciousness became hazy.When he woke up, he was already in the hotel room, and the police had arrived.Looking at the purple and blue marks on himself and Nora, Vernon rounded his eyes in shock to the extreme.Did they?Did he and Nora both lose control of themselves and have sex last night?No, no, it was impossible!"Get dressed and come with us!"The
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Chapter 138
He was easily aroused by his girl?At this moment, Harriet was in a good mood because of the scandal involving Vernon and Nora, so she didn’t notice Delbert's unusual behavior. Instead, she happily enjoyed her breakfast.The drug she gave to Nora last night was a powerful one, so Vernon, who had been in close contact with Nora for a long time, would naturally be affected by it. Then he ended up sleeping with Nora.She originally didn’t plan to get Vernon involved, but this time he showed up himself. It wasn’t her fault.Harriet believed that there would be an even more interesting scene tomorrow.She had already made sure that Molly wouldn't miss this opportunity and spread the news of improper dealings between Vernon and Nora in both the Munoz and the Morton family. It ultimately led to a police raid, and would strike a blow to both families’ companies.Once it affected their families' interests, without her having to personally intervene, their family members wouldn’t easily
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Chapter 139
Reports about the improper dealings between Vernon and Nora and their subsequent visit to the police station had spread like wildfire.Both the Munoz family and the Morton family suffered significant setbacks due to the scandal, with stock market fluctuations and considerable losses.The Morton family never looked favorably upon Vernon who was an illegitimate child. And he had caused such a huge mess. All the headlines in Meawood City were filled with his and Nora's scandalous news, which truly humiliated the Morton family."What do you have to say for yourself this time?"Vernon's elder brother, Brad Morton, always despised him and would rather sweep him out.Now, he was directly seizing upon this matter."I was framed! Unscrupulous media always like to distort the facts. Brad, you really can’t blame me for it!" Vernon defended himself with great reluctance."If you didn't sleep with Nora, would anyone have taken photos of you naked in bed? Would you have been taken away by t
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Chapter 140
He thought Nora could bring him some benefit after growing up, but she turned out to be a good-for-nothing. Her medical skills were inadequate, and she lacked any business acumen too.Now, she even caused such a big scandal. He felt that he had raised her for so many years in vain!If Harriet wasn't a fool with the intelligence of a six-year-old, he would have trained Harriet long ago. At least she could win Delbert's favor and become the most esteemed Mrs. Carlson of the Carlson Group!After Clifton angrily left, Bessie endured the pain and quickly got up from the ground to comfort Nora."Nora, mom knows that this must be Harriet's doing. Don't worry, just agree to marry Vernon first. You can divorce him later anyway!""Mom has an idea. We can expose Harriet's true nature as not being a fool in public at the wedding. This way, we still have a chance to turn the tables!"After hearing Bessie's plan, Nora realized that there was no better option at the moment, so she could only ag
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