All Chapters of The Darling of the Paranoid Tycoon: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
783 Chapters
Chapter 141
Harriet and Marc were bickering, while Delbert watched the show from the side. Molly, however, maintained an indifferent attitude throughout the meal, which displeased Marc. He had been at home for the past few days and rarely spent time with Lula, but Molly still seemed uninterested in him.Vernon and Nora's wedding was hastily prepared, mainly to counter the negative news online. The crisis PR efforts of the Morton family and the Munoz family were effective in minimizing the company's losses. As long as there were no mishaps at the wedding, the whole matter could be put to rest. Unfortunately, Harriet wasn’t going to give them that chance.Vernon and Nora were both in the dressing room backstage getting ready for the wedding. "The media is here, so you two should be clear about what to say and what not to say!" Brad coldly reminded them, feeling extreme disgust towards the two of them. Vernon could only nod in agreement, feeling like a lowly presence in front of his leg
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Chapter 142
"Actually, the Morton family and the Munoz family have already discussed their marriage in private. It's just that we haven’t announced it yet.""What happened before is simply a misunderstanding. I hope the media can report the truth and allow us to witness this important moment of the new couple today!"After Brad finished speaking, Vernon and Nora who dressed in a couture wedding gown, smiled as they walked onto the stage hand in hand. The reporters below were taking photos, and the flash of the cameras had already surpassed the brightness of the venue.Through the crowd, Nora caught sight of the stunning Harriet below.Very well! She was here too!A look of maliciousness flashed in Nora's eyes. Her expression slightly contorted.Great, she and her mother, Bessie, were prepared to clarify the situation later. They wanted to take this opportunity to shift all the blame that had been surrounding her onto Harriet, especially now that Harriet was present at the scene.Delbert w
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Chapter 143
"Miss Harriet, do you have anything to explain about this video?""Is it true that, as shown in the video, you actually drugged your sister, Miss Nora?""Your ability to use drugs proves that you aren't mentally handicapped, right?""Miss Harriet, please answer our questions directly."All the reporters turned their attention to Harriet.Harriet, however, just stood there smiling foolishly at them, pretending to be clueless.Delbert originally wanted to protect Harriet. But seeing Harriet's calm and composed appearance, he knew she had a trick up her sleeve, so he tactfully remained silent.He just gave a cold cough, his face stern and forbidding, exuding an intimidating aura that made those reporters keep a safe distance when asking Harriet questions, rather than swarming forward.Delbert was the current head of the Carlson family’s business empire. Who would dare to offend him?"Delbert, why are they all surrounding me?"Harriet asked Delbert with an innocent look on her
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Chapter 144
After all, without him in the previous incarnation, Harriet's life wouldn't have ended up into a tragedy. This time, he was reincarnated to avenge Harriet!"Nora, is this the so-called truth? You trapped me!" Vernon grabbed Nora's wrist fiercely.He was truly embarrassed today. "It's not like that. Vernon, please let me explain..."Nora panicked and tried to hold onto Vernon. Slap! Vernon, however, would no longer be deceived by her lies and directly slapped her hard. The loud slap was clearly captured by the group of reporters below.At the wedding scene, the groom and bride suddenly started fighting? This topic was definitely enough for tomorrow's headlines.Brad couldn't stand it anymore. He gave Vernon a fierce look, then left the wedding venue in a huff. As the head of the Morton family, he couldn't afford to lose face.These two idiots were unable to accomplish anything!Seeing Brad leave and the approaching reporters, Clifton was ashamed too, so he quickly left
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Chapter 145
Finally, Vernon and Nora's wedding ended hastily.Because of what Nora did at the wedding, Clifton, ignoring Bessie's interference, chased her out of the door.Nora already married into the Morton family, so she had to follow Vernon back to the Morton family’s mansion.But they were ruthlessly driven out once more."How dare you come back?"Brad was infuriated once he saw them, and he angrily smashed the glass on the table.The glass hit Vernon's head by accident, and blood flowed down his face in an instant. It was scary.Although Nora had no feelings for Vernon, she couldn't help but get angry at this scene."Brad, how can you do this? No matter what happens, Vernon is your brother!""I don't have such a useless brother! He's just an illegitimate son who’ll never be accepted by my family! Besides, my dad didn't leave him any inheritance!""Now you two have caused so much trouble for the Morton family. It’s already very nice of me that I didn’t ask you to take the responsi
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Chapter 146
"Nora, mom's here!"Seeing Nora and Vernon sitting in a miserable state on the side of the road, she felt extremely distressed. Without hesitation, she quickly asked them to get into the car and took them to the hotel she had booked early in the morning to have a good sleep."Nora, Vernon, you can stay here for a night.""Nora, after mom’s home, I’ll talk to your dad. Once he calms down, you can come back."Bessie comforted them gently and also bought them many daily necessities."Stop acting!"Nora didn't appreciate Bessie's kindness at all and swept everything off the table."Nora, what's wrong with you?""What's wrong with me? Are you serious? Why is it that every plan I make is known to Harriet in advance? Isn’t everything that happened at today’s wedding planned by you? Have you betrayed me?"Nora completely lost her reason. She was unable to differentiate between friend and foe.She even began to accuse Bessie angrily."Nora , I'm your mother. How could you be suspicio
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Chapter 147
The servants of the Welch family had never seen such a scene. Each of them had to move eyes away in embarrassment.No one could imagine that Mr. Carlson, the well-known tycoon in Meawood City, would be so affectionate in private!But he indeed doted on his wife!"This’s my home. Can't you care a little about my feelings at least?"Marc forced himself to look away from Molly, turning to accuse Delbert and Harriet instead."No!"To his surprise, the couple replied in unison.It turned out that their tacit understanding only surfaced when they were against Marc.Marc felt defeated and couldn't be bothered to argue with them.Nothing has been going smoothly for her recently!"Oh, Delbert, Yuri invited us to Holy Night for drinks tonight. Sean will also be there."During the meal, Marc suddenly remembered something and spoke up."Great, I want to have fun too!"Harriet was the first to clap and agree.After all, now that the villain had received retribution, it was definitel
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Chapter 148
"Vernon, what should I do... I seem to be pregnant..."Upon hearing that news, Vernon was struck dumb, his mind buzzing."What? You're pregnant?"He had already been kicked out of the Morton family. Although he still had some savings, he was used to spending lavishly. It was barely enough for himself. How could he support Nora, who was also used to a life of luxury, and the baby in her belly?Besides, the money wasn't readily accessible. Most importantly, he didn't like Nora at all, so he didn’t want to spend the money on her.They fell silent all of a sudden. Neither of them said anything.After a long while, Vernon struggled to open his mouth, "Why don't you go to the hospital for a check-up first? Maybe you're not really pregnant."What bad luck he had these days!He honestly didn't want Nora to be pregnant. But if she was really carrying his baby, he couldn't just abandon her.What a hassle!"How about this, Vernon, I'll accompany Nora to the hospital tomorrow for the c
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Chapter 149
As soon as Sean finished speaking, Yuri and Selena walked out of the private room together. Upon seeing Harriet, they called out, "Hi, Mrs. Carlson!" Harriet, feeling embarrassed, blushed at their sudden greeting and was about to say something silly. Delbert, however, immediately took Harriet's fair hand and coldly said to the three people, "Keep it down. Don't startle my girl." Yuri, seeing Harriet's blushing cheeks and hearing Delbert's words, teasingly remarked, "Wow, I didn't expect our boss to be such a doting husband. Tell us, are you henpecked at home?" Harriet blushed even more at Yuri's teasing. Delbert, still composed, looked at Yuri and said coolly, "Are you jealous?" Yuri glanced at Selena beside him and then at the shy Harriet leaning on Delbert, feeling utterly helpless. He had to admit that he was jealous! "Alright, let's all go inside," Marc called out to everyone to enter the private room. Delbert held Harriet's hand tightly and followed the others in
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Chapter 150
With a gloomy face, he pushed open the private room door, and went straight to the next room, but he didn't come back for a long time.Molly was a little worried, "You guys go ahead and drink. I need to find Marc.""Molly, I'll go with you," Harriet said.After Harriet got up, Delbert also stood up. In the end, everyone in the private room went out together to find Marc.Once they arrived at the next private room, Harriet was surprised by a glance.In the next private room, a drunken man was causing a scene. It was Vernon.At this moment, several of Vernon's fair-weather friends were trying to take him away, but he fiercely pushed them away."Get lost. I want to drink more!"Vernon was in a terrible mood. He was forced to marry Nora, and she was even pregnant.What annoyed him the most was that he couldn't understand why Harriet, who used to be his obedient admirer, suddenly became cold towards him.In the past, she would do whatever he asked her to do, even if it was ris
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