All Chapters of Kidnapped By The Obsessed Mafia Boss(Love And Lust): Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
142 Chapters
Why was Jim looking at her that way
Hardin's POVAs I settled into the cozy chair near the window, I carefully positioned my telescope, ensuring that it remained hidden from Freda's sight. Watching her train discreetly had become a ritual for me, a way to witness her growth without intruding on her journey.Freda had always been determined to prove herself and to show me that she was capable of defending herself. It was this drive that led me to send her to my brother Jim for training. As much as I wanted to be the one to guide her, my demanding work schedule left me with little time to spare.Through the lens of the telescope, I marveled at Freda's dedication. Her movements were swift and precise, a testament to the hours she had spent honing her skills. Each swing of her weapon, each defensive maneuver, spoke volumes about her determination and passion.As I watched her, a mix of emotions swirled within me. Pride welled up in my chest, knowing that she was taking charge of her destiny. But there was also a tinge of sa
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The thoughts of Freda
Hardin’s POVI jumped out of my chair and rallied my men. We hopped into my car and raced over to my brother's house, which was just around the corner. I had booked that apartment just to keep a close eye on Freda, so no harm would come to her.When we pulled up, I told my men to hang tight outside while I snuck in through the back door. I didn't want Freda to catch wind of my arrival. I made my way to my brother's room and plopped down on the couch, waiting for him to show up. The tension in the air was thick, and my heart was pounding in my chest.As I sat there, my mind raced with a mix of emotions. Anger still burned within me, Finally, I heard the door creak open, and Jim stepped into the room. Our eyes locked, and at that moment a pang of anger washed over me.As Jim stood there, frozen, I could feel the fire burning inside me. My blood boiled with a mix of frustration, Every fiber of my being screamed with rage. I clenched my fists, feeling the tension in my muscles.“What the
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A date with Jim
Freda's POVAs I was practicing the new move Jim taught me, I could feel his gaze on me. I couldn't tell if he was interested in my fighting skills or if he just enjoyed watching me. But one thing I know for sure is that he's much friendlier than Hardin. But then, my mind swayed to Hardin. I couldn't help but wonder what he was up to at that very moment. Was he thinking about me or was he with Shelby? The mere thought of them being together ignited a fire of anger within me. Lost in my thoughts and emotions, I didn't notice my strength. In a fit of frustration and distraction, I accidentally hit my hand and felt a sharp pain shoot through me. The impact took me by surprise, and I winced in agony.My hand throbbed with every heartbeat, a reminder of the physical pain I had caused myself. But the pain in my hand paled in comparison to the tumultuous storm of emotions raging within me. Anger, jealousy, and hurt intertwined, creating a tangled web of emotions that threatened to consume
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Wanting to kiss her
Freda's POVAs I slipped into the beautiful red dress that Jim had sent me, a wave of excitement washed over me. It was a stark contrast to the short and revealing dresses that Hardin used to make me wear. This dress was different, it was elegant and classy, and it made me feel like a true queen.As I stood in front of the mirror, the dress hugged my curves in all the right places. The vibrant red color complemented my skin tone, making me feel radiant and confident. I couldn't help but twirl around, admiring how the fabric swirled gracefully with each movement.Applying a touch of makeup, I wanted to enhance my natural features without overdoing it. I opted for a soft, smoky eye and a subtle pink lip. I wanted to look like the best version of myself, not for Jim, but for myself.With my hair pulled back into a sleek bun, I felt a sense of sophistication and poise. It was a departure from the tousled, carefree look that Hardin preferred.As I took one last glance in the mirror, I coul
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Freda’s POVAs Jim leaned in, his lips dangerously close to mine, a surge of adrenaline coursed through my veins. In that split second, I couldn't ignore the overwhelming sense of betrayal. How could he, knowing the connection between me and his brother, attempt to cross such boundaries?Without a second thought, I mustered every ounce of strength within me and forcefully pushed him away. The shock on his face mirrored the disbelief in my own. I wasted no time, swiftly opening the car door and fleeing from that suffocating space.My heart pounded in my chest, the sound echoing in my ears as I sprinted towards the safety of my room. The door swung shut behind me, providing a physical barrier against the outside world. I leaned against it, my back pressed firmly against the wood as if seeking solace and protection.Emotions swirled within me, a tempest of anger, confusion, and hurt. How could someone I thought I could trust so callously disregard my boundaries? The weight of his actions
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Pleasuring herself while thinking of him
Freda’s POVIt was a sunny morning, and the air was filled with anticipation as we prepared for our training session. Jim, being the more experienced fighter, suggested that we have a friendly sparring match to test my skills. Despite knowing that I was no match for him, I couldn't resist the opportunity to challenge myself and see how far I had come.We stepped onto the training mat, surrounded by the sound of our breathing and the occasional echo of our footsteps. Jim's confident stance and focused gaze told me that he was ready to give it his all, while I tried to steady my nerves and gather my determination.The moment the match began, Jim's speed and agility became apparent. His movements were fluid and precise as if he had mastered every aspect of combat. He effortlessly dodged my attempts to land a punch or a kick, always staying one step ahead of me. I could feel the frustration building within me, but I refused to give up.With each failed attempt, I became more aware of the
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Shut the fuck up!
Hardin’s POVI was sitting in my office, completely immersed in a mountain of paperwork. The weight of the upcoming meeting with those big buyers was pressing down on me like a ton of bricks. I knew I couldn't afford to leave this work to my men. It was too important, and I had to give it my all.Running my tired hands through my hair, I could feel the exhaustion creeping in. But I couldn't let it stop me. I had to keep pushing forward, no matter how drained I felt. The success of these deals depended on my dedication and attention to detail.As I glanced at the clock, I realized that it had been far too long since I last checked up on Freda. Guilt washed over me like a tidal wave. She deserved my time and attention, but work had consumed me entirely.Thoughts of Freda lingered in the back of my mind, tugging at my heartstrings. I missed her, and I knew I had been neglecting her lately. It weighed heavily on my conscience.Hour after hour, I sat there, filling out paperwork, while a m
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Not asking about her
Freda's POV"Ouch!" I let out a little yelp as the sizzling oil from the frying pan splashed onto my hand. It stung like crazy, but I quickly shook it off. Today, I decided to make myself a simple lunch because I was feeling bored and didn't know what else to do with my time.Cooking has never really been my strong suit, but it's become a way for me to distract myself from everything else going on in my life. As I grabbed a spoon to stir the potatoes in the frying pan, I made sure to be extra careful, not wanting them to burn. The sizzle and aroma filled the air, creating a cozy atmosphere in my kitchen.While I focused on the task at hand, my mind couldn't help but wander to Hardin. It had been weeks since I last heard anything from him, and it was starting to weigh on me. The silence was deafening, and my thoughts were consumed by questions and doubts. What happened? Why hasn't he reached out? Did I do something wrong?As I stirred the potatoes, my emotions became tangled. I felt a
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Saved by him
Freda's POVAs the car came to a stop in front of the motel, I couldn't help but feel a surge of surprise course through me. This wasn't what I had expected. I had been anticipating a training ground, not a motel. But something inside me urged me to follow Jim inside, to see what awaited us within those doors.As we stepped into the motel, my eyes widened in disbelief. The room was completely transformed, adorned with vibrant flowers and colorful balloons. It felt like I had stepped into a whimsical wonderland instead of a place for training. Confusion washed over me, and I couldn't help but question if we had made a wrong turn somewhere. Why would Jim bring me here when he had promised a training ground?My mind raced with thoughts, trying to make sense of the situation. Was this some kind of elaborate prank or a mix-up? But deep down, a flicker of curiosity ignited within me. Maybe there was a hidden purpose behind this unexpected location. Perhaps Jim had something unique in store
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His anger
Hardin's POVAs I sat in my office, my mind filled with thoughts of Freda. I couldn't help but question whether it was the right decision to involve my brother Jim in her training. Deep down, I had this nagging feeling, a gut instinct that something wasn't quite right.My distrust towards Jim was rooted in past experiences. I knew all too well how he could be with women, and I couldn't shake the worry that he might have feelings for Freda. The thought of him potentially causing her harm sent shivers down my spine.To ease my concerns and ensure Freda's safety, I decided to hire a private spy. It wasn't a step I took lightly, but I felt it was necessary to keep a watchful eye on her. I wanted to protect her from any potential harm that may come her way.I met with the private spy, discussing the details of their surveillance. I couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions, fear, anxiety, and a deep sense of responsibility. It was a heavy burden to bear, knowing that I had to resort to such
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