All Chapters of Kidnapped By The Obsessed Mafia Boss(Love And Lust): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
142 Chapters
A death match
Shelby's POVI was filled with an overwhelming feeling as the day of the big fight drew closer. I could not wait for the day that I could permanently earn my spot in the life of Hardin and chase that slut out of his life forever. My heart raced faster as I remembered that the fight was tomorrow, not because I was scared to fight Freda but because I did not know what to do and how to do it. “Should I kill her, to avoid any future occurrence of her meeting Hardin?” I asked myself as I slowly lowered my head to sniff in my white powder.I exhaled heavily with my mouth wide open as I closed my eyes. The pleasure that comes with taking the white powder, especially in the middle of the night, one could not overemphasize. I heaved a sigh as I slowly opened my eyes, my mind filled with a series of imagination as I pictured how the fight was going to look. “I won't even spend much time with her,” I murmured to myself, chuckling as I knew that I had a better chance of winning the fight than her
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Freda's POVI woke up with so much anxiety and fretting in my heart. It was finally the most dreadful day that I had been waiting for. I could barely sleep as my whole thoughts were occupied by the big fight and each time I tried to take my mind off the fight, I ended up thinking about the fight the more. I sat up on the bed and I contemplated, whether to go ahead with the fight or just call it a quit, but something kept pushing me to go on with the fight. I heaved a sigh, as I tried to get up from the bed.I walked into the bathroom, slowly, with one big thought on my mind. “What if I lose to her?” I asked myself, and my heart skipped a beat. I could not deny how much I wanted to be with Hardin, even if he is a hell of a pain sometimes. I could not understand why I had fallen so deep for him, and living without him was almost a problem for me. Not long after, I came out of the bathroom, getting ready for the fight, while I tried not to think about how experienced Shelby was.I was fi
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At the hospital
Hardin’s POV Frozen in sight, my eyes locked on the horrifying sight of Freda crumpling to the ground, crimson staining her clothes as blood gushed from her stomach. Despite the urgency of my men rushing to her aid, I stood rooted to the spot, an invisible force holding me in place as if time had come to a stop. It felt as though the very foundation of my world was crumbling before my eyes, a sense of helplessness washing over me like a tidal wave.I tilted my head in the direction of Shelby who wasn't feeling remorseful for what she did. The audacity of her actions left me reeling, disbelief mingling with a rising tide of fury that threatened to consume me whole. As the red haze of anger clouded my vision, instinct took over, primal and unyielding. Without a second thought, my hand moved on its own accord, reaching for the familiar weight of my gun. The cold metal pressed against my palm.In that fleeting moment of clarity amidst the chaos, I raised the weapon, my finger curling ar
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She is finally awake
Hardin’s POVEven when I was told that Shelby was gone, I didn't care because, at that moment, her absence meant nothing to me. The only thought that consumed my mind was of Freda. Is she safe? Is she okay? These questions echoed relentlessly in my mind, drowning out the news of Shelby's passing.“What should we do boss,” he asked again.“Bury, burn, or discard her..,.do whatever you want, just get the hell out of my sight” I said with a hint of frustration in my voice, it was clear that I wasn't in the mood for any nonsense, right now my main priority was Freda’s well-being.********“Is she a fine doctor?” I asked as soon as the doctor came out of the emergency room, it's been up to twenty-four hours and I haven't heard anything from them.“We are trying out best Hardin….but”“But…..what!” I asked, not sure I was ready to hear whatever he had to say.“It will take a miracle for her to make it….see the bullet cut too deep and we believe there are still little fragments of bullets ins
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Confessing his feelings for her
Hardin‘s POVI was overwhelmed with joy when the doctor shared the news, a rush of emotions flooding through me like a tidal wave. I had never experienced such profound happiness before, a sense of relief washing over me like a warm embrace. It felt like a weight had been lifted off my shoulders, a burden I had carried for days finally lifted.“Thank you so much doctor…you don't know how happy this made me” “With the act, you put up eight days ago… I know how much it means to you” “Can I see her doctor?” I asked hoping he would say yes.“She needs rest Hardin…but I can give you a few minutes with her” the doctor replied.Following the doctor, my heart raced in my chest, the anticipation almost too much to bear. As we entered the room, the sight of Freda lying on the bed, surrounded by numerous drips and monitors, filled me with a mix of emotions. Her presence, both fragile and resilient, tugged at my heartstrings…“Freda!” I called out her name and when her eyes met mine, a spark of
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Why did you kill Shelby?
Hardin's POV"Hardin, what took you so long to pick up the phone?" I hesitated for a moment, knowing it was Martins on the line. I wasn't in the mood for a conversation, especially not now. Reluctantly, I answered, my frown evident even before I said a word."Hello?" I said, my voice tinged with irritation."We have been trying to reach you, but your assistant kept saying you are busy" Martins' voice came through the line, annoyingly loud, completely out of sync with my current mood. Each word he spoke felt like a jab, irritating me more with every syllable. I struggled to maintain my composure, trying to listen to what he had to say."You've reached me now Martins, now what do you want?" I asked going straight to the point."We heard about what happened Hardin just in case you don't know" His words seemed to echo in my mind, each one grating on my nerves. I could feel my anger rising, and frustration bubbling beneath the surface."So?" I replied, Despite my annoyance, I forced myself
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I want to see my best friend
Hardin's POVThe rush back to the hospital was like a race against time. Every minute that passed felt like an eternity, the worry gnawing at me from within. I couldn't bear the thought of being away from Freda, especially in her time of need. Those business partners had no right to keep me from her side, but duty called before I could return to her.Pulling up to the hospital, I practically leaped out of the car, my heart pounding with a mix of fear and determination. The corridors seemed endless as I hurried towards Freda's room, each step echoing my urgency to be by her side once more."Hardin you can't_""Oh please doctor not now," I said as I walked past the doctor.The moment I pushed open the door to Freda's room, my eyes fell upon her lying on the bed, a sight that filled me with both relief and joy. The absence of the medical equipment that had surrounded her before was a welcome change, a sign of her improving health. Her face, once clouded with worry, now lit up with a smil
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Showering her with gifts
Freda's POV"Dont worry mama, I got you," Hardin said as I shifted in the wheelchair, feeling the remnants of my hospital stay clinging to me, Hardin's gentle touch was like a soothing balm on my weary soul. Today marked my discharge day, and even though I haven't fully recovered, I told Hardin that I didn't like the hospital smell and it's making me more sick. Hardin's response was nothing short of pure love and care, he had arranged for me to continue my treatment at home.Stepping out of the hospital's sterile confines, I felt a sense of relief wash over me. Hardin's decision to take care of me at home was a gesture that resonated deeply with me. As we made our way to the car, he effortlessly lifted me from the wheelchair and settled me into the seat. The way he cradled my hand, his touch soft yet firm, spoke volumes of his unwavering devotion."Are you okay?" he asked calmly."Yes, I am fine" I replied and then he joined me at the back seat. At that moment, as we sat side by side
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The feeling of being watched
Freda's POVAs the oil sizzled in the pan, I instinctively took a step back, wary of the sudden burst of activity. Following the instructions from the cooking video playing in the background, I poured in the sauce, hoping to recreate the dish with some semblance of success. Cooking was never my forte, but I was eager to explore this new hobby, a step towards self-discovery and growth.After weeks of treatment and recovery, the absence of pain in my abdomen was a welcomed relief, a tangible sign of progress and healing. The doctor had advised that I engage myself in little exercise, like cooking and that's what led me to the kitchen, despite my lack of culinary skills. The aroma of the sauce wafting through the air sparked a sense of anticipation and excitement, a fleeting moment of optimism amidst the chaos of the kitchen."What is next?" I asked myself looking confused, I mean I could clear see the video but I don't understand what next to do.Suddenly an unpleasant smell filled the
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I am not feeling well
Freda's POV" is married life treating you" Miranda asked with a mischievous smile."I am not married dummy" Every time Miranda playfully mentions Hardin, it feels like a never-ending loop of teasing. Her comments about how lovely we look together have become a familiar soundtrack to me. "You look married to me, I mean I can see that marriage glow on you already" Miranda replied, of course, she will always have her way. I couldn't help but wonder what life would be like as Hardin's wife, I mean does he ever want to get married and have kids, I haven't thought of that."Don't worry when the time is right, you will know," Miranda said as if she could read my thoughts.Deciding to break the monotony of being at home, Miranda and I opted for a trip to the park. With Hardin preoccupied, his absence creating a void in my routine, the park seemed like the perfect escape. Despite Hardin's offer to have his man accompany us, I declined, craving a moment of simplicity and solitude w
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