All Chapters of Tale Of A Cursed Alpha : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
76 Chapters
Come In Here, Beauty
Blaire's PovHaving treated Indrik's back, I handed him a jar of water which he gulped greedily. I grimaced as I watched him. He had never been one to joke with his belly and now, he was restricted to eating only once in a day? Keeping this in mind, I had packed lots of energy food like legumes and whole grains. I watched contentedly as he gulped them down. Soon, he was done and he grinned his thanks. A fuzzy feeling consumed me and suddenly, all of the stress was worth it. "I'll just go attend to the others." I muttered half-heartedly. Even in the semi-darkness, I could see his eyes grow darker but I had to, for his sake. Picking up a sackbag, I headed out. Reaching the first cell that was not his, I was hit in the face by a horrible stench. A mix of dried sweat, rotten food, and a whole lot of other things that I felt much more comfortable not thinking about. "Hey!" He drawled and it took everything in me to not kneel over and puke all over his face. His breath stank like rotten
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Holding Back
Ulo's PovI stepped away from the door, my heart simmering with rage. I wanted to punch something, rip something or just cause damage. I hated myself for having let her go in alone. What was I thinking, letting her go into that dangerous place all on her own. Sure, she would have wanted to see Indrik but I should have gone with her. Maybe then, whatever had happened wouldn't have. Seeing her like that l, so weak and vulnerable got me feeling so mad and useless. If only I knew who had made her feel like that, I would have gone to them right now and hacked them into a million pieces. "What happened with her?" Jamil asked, gesturing toward the shut door. "I don't know!" I snapped, starting toward the backdoor. I wouldn't be able to sleep now. All my tiredness and exhaustion from earlier had vanished in the wake of my anger. "Come on, Ulo. Not you too!" Jamil groaned as he came after me. "Something definitely happened in there to shake her up that bad. What....""Listen, I don't know,
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Caught Peeping
Luna's PovI was going crazy. Or, that was how my mind wandering aimlessly made me feel at least. Never in my life had I been this holed up. After the breakfast turned interrogation session, I had remained in my room doing nothing other than sleeping and thinking, none of them doing me much good. I had managed the entire day inside my room and now, I felt I was going to go out of my mind if I did not get out. A major reason I did not want to go out was because of the two people that were just waiting to hack off my head. That and the fact that I was still a very unliked stranger but eventually even those were not good enough. I looked out the window and saw the moon glowing not so brightly overhead and thought about going out to the backyard. However, I had barely opened the door when the three friends came bustling in. I was in no mood to get into another fight so I simply stepped back into the room however, before I could shut the door, I noticed the usually very composed Blaire lo
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Luna's PovMy ears must have grown beet red with the amount of blood that rushed to my face from the embarrassment of being caught spying. I had turned my back on them to take in more of the environment and now, I couldn't bring myself to come face to face with him again. What would I tell him? I had sneaked after them to avoid dying from staring at my room walls all day and night? They were going to have me hanged without a doubt. "Luna, it is you!" He repeated like I hadn't beaten myself up enough and I desperately wished the ground would open up to swallow me whole. I imagined the two men glaring at me with hatred and felt the blood pounding in my ears. I jerked when I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around slowly wishing that I could just turn invisible. "What are you doing out here this late at night?" He questioned and I noticed with relief that he did not have a resentful look in his eyes. "I don't know. I just stumbled here, I guess." I tried to sound uninvolved but t
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Blaire's PovI woke up feeling rather disoriented, a feeling that was becoming more and more of a norm with me. I blinked as I sat up on the bed, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes. It took about fifteen seconds for the memories to come rushing in. I looked at my hand where that man had grabbed me last night and shivered involuntarily. The grime was all gone as were the bruises but I could still feel the clammy hand on my arm, pulling me against my will. Sunlight streaked in through the open window and I moaned in pleasure, glad to be reminded of my freedom. I got out of bed and saw my image out of the corner of my eyes. The sight was enough to make me draw closer to take another look. My hair looked like a snake had made a nest on one end and an eagle on the other. Sometime in the night, they had discovered each other and had an epic battle which left me looking like, well, take a guess. I brushed my hand through it absentmindedly until I heard a faint knock on the door. I ignor
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Blaire's PovI paced around my room worriedly as I tried to remember if I had cleaned up after myself yesterday. I remembered opening the doors to the dungeon and Indrik's cell but I could not remember if I had shut them before leaving. I ran to the small bedside shelf and opened its lowest drawer. In there, lying peacefully was the bunch of keys that opened the dungeon. I almost exhaled in relief when I realized that the keys could be removed without locking the doors. If I by any chance had not locked the door after me then, Indrik would be in trouble without doubt when the guards came for patrol. The fear of Indrik getting into more trouble courtesy of me was a horrible weight that was pressing heavily on my shoulders. What made it even worse was the knowledge that I could not go to confirm it, not now at least, without making everything worse. Much worse. I was still pacing anxiously when a knock came on my door. I panicked, wondering if Indrik had already been caught and they we
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Luna's Pov"Do you always eat together?" I asked Jamil as we made our way toward the palace gates. Seeing three members of the council sitting together had made me slightly uncomfortable but luckily, they had not seemed to even notice my presence. Despite my discomfort, there was someone who their presence seem to unsettle even more. Blaire. Throughout the meal, she had spent all her energy focusing on avoiding her mother's gaze. I had looked around, wondering if anybody else noticed the awkwardness but either they all pretended not to notice or they considered it perfectly normal as everyone focused on their meals. If there had been any doubt, the way Blaire had ran off once she was done proved it. Shortly after her, Ulo had left as well, then Leon. I suddenly hated that I had asked for so much food. I had been feeling extremely hungry when I had arrived but now, knowing that three very suspicious eyes were fixed on me, the food suddenly lost its taste and became drier than a desert
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A Lot To Do
Luna's PovThe only thing I knew about this territory was the outline which I had seen from atop a hill. This was probably enough reason for me to let Jamil ride ahead so he could guide me but that was so not happening. Not if Lea was to be the judge at least. Her feet were moving in perfect sync as she leaped large areas in bounds. Soon, we were in the heart of the pack and given that we were already closing in on noon, most of them were outside, going about their daily businesses. Before they could wave and say hi though, Lea had taken another huge leap turning them into tiny blurs in the distance. Jamil was trying to catch up on his stallion but Lea wasn't giving them any chance. My hair had been scattered in the billowing breeze, spreading into my eyes, nose and mouth so that I constantly had to brush them away. Rather than feel terrified though, I was elated. With the world zipping past, I felt like I was at the top of the world. Like...I was free again. Riding always did that to
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Ready To Punish All Errants
Blaire's PovIt was with great relief that I welcomed the arrival of dusk. I had taken great care to avoid running into Ulo and Jamil which was rather easy considering that none of them had returned to our quarters after breakfast. Watching the huge ball sink in a golden blaze of colours, I was filled with an equal measure of dread and anticipation. Using the cover of darkness, I found my way to the kitchen where I slipped some food that I was pretty sure wasn't going to be missed. With the ease that is gotten from having done the same thing for the past three days, I meandered my way to the dungeon. I had hardly gotten in when the prisoners started their protest which was even more intense now given that I had more or less dashed their hopes the other day. Well, we would have to live with that because there was no way I was stepping an inch away from the center of the path. They raised their voices but I was not going to give them the satisfaction of looking at them. I could see t
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Day of Release
Blaire's PovFinally, it was the day that Indrik would be freed. It seemed like ages since he had been whipped and thrown into a dungeon like he had killed someone but finally, everything was going to be alright now. I woke up long before daybreak, eager to see Indrik out in the open again. Soon, I was ready to go but the sun seemed to be taking pleasure in torturing me as it refused to rise despite the fact that it had been a thousand and one hours since I had awakened. After the encounter with my mother, I had been unable to return to the dungeon because my mother had collected her keys and tightened the security out the area. I had spent the past few days worrying my hair off which was what made this day even more exciting. I paced back and forth in my room until I couldn't take it anymore and exited through the doors. I hurried to the other end of the rows of room and knocked on the last one on my row. It took three consecutive knocks to bring the sleepy eyed Jamil to the door.
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