All Chapters of Tale Of A Cursed Alpha : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
76 Chapters
Luna's PovIt has been two days since I have been tending to my master, Indrik. After he was brought back, I had officially resumed my duties as his maid, cleaning him up, tending to his wounds, watching over him and most of all, making sure that he doesn't join his ancestors in his sleep. Not my dream job, but well... I dropped the bowl of water that I was bearing in my arms on the shelf by his head and took a look at him. Since his arrival, he had developed a huge fever coupled with the huge pink boils that have popped up on his arms and legs. Walking closer, I placed an arm on his forehead and removed it almost immediately. His body temperature was so hot, it was a wonder my palm was not singed. I sighed as I adjusted his blanket and started to give him a wipe over. He had been drifting in and out of consciousness for the past two days, always muttering gibberish in his sleep which was why I was so surprised to see his eyes snap open. It took a while for him to focus his vision b
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Maid Servant
Indrik's PovListening to my latest master turn me down sent me down a spiral of emotions ranging from hurt, to disappointment, to anger. I almost nearly snapped but something held me aloft. Something that differentiated her from all of my other masters. Unlike the others, she was mine. So, what if she had made up her mind to not teach me? We still had a whole lot of time ahead of us to get used to each other and a lot of time for her to change her mind. So, she wanted to play the maid? Two could play that game. I was starting to enjoy our little game when someone came barging in. Someone that I had hoped would stay away from me, forever. Veronica!I would have covered my nose with both of my hands if she wasn't squeezing them so tightly right now. As usual, she was overdoing everything that had to do with her. I cursed under my breath wishing that I wasn't feeling so weak right now. Maybe then, I would have been able to slip out of her grip and get as far away from here as I could.
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Indrik's Pov"Is there a problem?" I snapped, not very happy with the knowledge that Luna had been staring at me without blinking. She scoffed as she walked forward and dropped the tray she was still holding on the bed before me. "Here! I hope you like that.""Wait!" I called glumly, halting her in her steps. I opened a platter and the heavenly aura of pot roast filled my nostrils. I almost sighed in satisfaction but instead, I slammed down the cover on it as hard as I could, sending her a fierce scowl. I opened the others as I continued to scowl, much against my stomach's volition. At the end, I raised my head toward her, "what is this?" I growled and it really wasn't that hard to look angry. I had already been slightly irked by her announcement that she would not train me and then, Veronica had come along too. Seeing her, I had barely been able to hold myself from swinging my arm in her face. That was how annoyed and irritated she made me feel. All of that anger needed an outlet wh
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Forty Four
Blaire's PovI could barely hold in my smile as Indrik fumed. Watching him get mad was always a fun thing to see. From the way his forehead wrinkled, to the way his face hardened as the muscles on his face stood out, to the way his lips curled cutely, to the way his eyes blazed like it was going to break out in raging black fire in a moment, to the way his jaw clenches in a perfect manifestation of masculine beauty, everything about him does in fact go from handsome to dangerously cute whenever he is mad. "She is not my fiancee!" He growled, his voice husky from his trying to keep his anger in check. His eyes blaze in silent warning for me to get off the topic but I wasn't about to stop when my fun was only just starting. I smirked as I moved even closer taking note of his clenching fists. They are not muscular, in fact, the sight of them would be enough to make the weakest wolf in the pack go mad with laughter but somehow, it still managed to accentuate his beauty. Yes, I did call h
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Forty Five
Veronica's PovTears stung my eyes as I spurred the horse to move faster, the wind clawing at my face. My heart felt heavier than lead in my chest as I recalled how Indrik had spurned me, disgracing me even before his maid. The path before me blurred as the tears poured without restraint. Reaching the golden gates of the palace, I barged in, barely noticing the beautiful sights that rolled past. The horse pulled to a stop before the palace and I slid off it, not caring about what happened to it as I ran into the palace. I could barely see ahead of me as I made my way to my room. "Where are you coming from?" The booming voice of my uncle stopped me in my tracks just as I reached out toward my doorknob. My entire body trembled at the realization that I had been caught red-handed. I knew I was supposed to turn around but my face was still wet with my tears so I didn't dare to. "Vee?" He called again, more softly this time as he started to approach me. An involuntary shiver consumed me
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Forty Six
Indrik's PovThe days have been crawling by slowly. Way too slowly. What with my master refusing to train me. I have tried everything I could think to do, from begging, to threatening, to trying to make her life a living hell all in a bid to get her to train me but she stubbornly keeps refusingNow, having totally run out of options, I have been starting to grow a little bitter. So bitter that I now send her on errands more for malicious reasons than to get her to change her mind. I looked around the room and groaned in annoyance. Everything in the room seemed to be placed there to make me mad. From the plush rugs, to the beautifully painted walls, to the magnificent designs above. Everything. I groaned again as I got out of bed. Yeah! Another reason I was so mad was because I had recovered fully or almost fully, at least. Enough to move around and enough to start training but my master still would not agree to train me. I got dressed and stepped out of the room, eager to get a brea
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In Danger
Luna's PovIt has been a week! A week since my master has awakened. A week since I have had to endure his endless bullying as well as the sharp tongue of his, what is she again? His sidekick? Friend? Bootlicker? Sheesh! They all fit perfectly and she is just as evil as he is. You know what? Scratch that! She is much more evil. While he was still behind bars, I had thought she was bad, but now that he is free, I was finding out that back then was her being nice. Today, Indrik had sent me on an errand to go get, what did he call it again? "Wolf spit?""Wolf spurt!" Jamil corrected with a grunt as he dropped a bale of hay in a brown horse's feeding trough. The smile he had on his face as he answered my question made me scowl at him. This wasn't a joke! He was wearing a sleeveless whitewashed vest that might have once been yellow above short trousers. His long hair was held in place with a clip allowing him to work without it getting in the way. His body glistened with sweat as he checke
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Luna's PovMy eyes widened as I took in the scene before me. "What?" Jamil was a little later in spotting what I was seeing but when he did, his growl was even louder than mine. I ran over to the site of the chaos, my heart hanging in my throat. Sure, I loathed my master but this? This was a little bit too much. Indrik had been surrounded by his half brother, anchor moustache along with his minions. They were laughing cruelly as they toyed with him. Why and when he had left his room, I had no idea but what I was seeing made me boil over. Leon and his friends had crowded around my master and were laughing him to scorn as they teased him endlessly. "Weakling! Come on, fight back if you can." One of the minions cackled as he shoved Indrik hard, sending him stumbling on wobbly feet to another. That one punched him in the face, sending him crumpling face first to the hard floor. "What is the problem? Too weak to fight? Come on, get up brother." Leon jeered as he approached the coweri
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Very Soon
Luna's PovThe men closed in on us and I looked around frantically, trying to see if there was anyone around that could help us. We were out in the empty space between the three palace buildings and the smaller ones. Well, not exactly empty because a pretty patch of flowers sat in the center of this space. The buds glowed brilliantly in the fading sunlight. Too bad I couldn't enjoy the view. There was no one around, not that I could see at least and for some reason, I was convinced that even if they were, nobody would try to interfere. I tightened my hold on Indrik as I gritted my teeth. "Get away from them!" A voice suddenly bellowed and right before my eyes, I watched as the buff men were sent flying with painful cries. In no time, they were all sprawled on the ground and Jamil stood above them, scowling angrily. The men quickly scurried to their feet but none of them dared to move closer again as their eyes shifted from Jamil to Leon whose robe looked rumpled as he looked like he
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Found Him
Luna's Pov I opened my eyes feeling rather groggy and achy. I yawned lazily, stretching my limbs and was rewarding with the satisfying crunch of muscles rearranging themselves. I squinted, taking a look at the room where I had spent the night with the aid of daylight that was streaking in through the window. I nearly fell off my perch as I realized that this was not my room. Looking around, I noticed Indrik still on the bed, snoring softly as he slept. His hair spread all over. The bed, his eyes, his mouth. I smiled as I brushed the hair away from his face. I did a doubletake as my eyes fell on his face. Like I had done so many times while he was unconscious, I slipped into the stool on which I had spent the night and propping my cheeks on my hands, admired his face. Despite the numerous wounds, he always managed to look so spectacular when he was asleep. With his sad eyes closed and his facial muscles robbed by sleep of their crankiness, he looked like an angel in his sleep. I remai
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