All Chapters of Tale Of A Cursed Alpha : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
76 Chapters
Blaire's PovI sat in Indrik's room, my hands tucked under my cheeks on his bed as I stared at him mesmerized by his sleeping figure. Sunlight streamed into the room, making him look even more amazing. I sighed dreamily as I watched his chest heave slowly accompanied by his soft snoring. He had been asleep for three days and his complexion was still pale from what he had gone through at the hands of his maid yet, he still managed a heart stopping beautiful look. His long black hair framed his face perfectly like he had been tending to it all these days, (which I might have been responsible for), his eyes were closed but they looked just as pretty as they were when open, his nose, a work of art that was honed to a point so sharp, it could cut you if you were not careful enough, his full pink lips that always seemed to be calling for a taste, his cheeks that were neither too plump, nor too thin, his perfect ears, his square jaw that always pulsed with power, even now, with ridiculous s
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I Have To Go Find Her
Indrik's PovI just had the most awful dream. My chest had been on fire and my blood had turned to acid, burning my skin away as it coursed through my veins. I groaned as my eyes fluttered open. My head spun as I stared blankly at the surface above me, feeling rather lightheaded. I shut my eyes as a wave of nausea rushed through me. Opening my eyes again, I started to register the scene around me. The image of a golden wolf approached me moving so fast that I freaked out, swatting it away with a yelp. That was followed with another groan as my hand moved a little too fast and hard, missing the target and slamming into my chest with a dull thump instead. I shook my head to shake the buzz in my ears that was serving to disorient me even further. Thump-thump! Thump-thump! A heavy sound drifted into my ears making me want to scream in frustration as I wondered what exactly was going on with me. I could hear the rustling of trees, the gurgling of water in a faraway creek, the chirping of
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Luna's PovI had been here for so long that I had lost all track of time. In between the endless torture that the guards now seemed to do as a pastime and the rats that seemed to enjoy the taste of the dried blood that had crusted on the ground beneath me, I was surely having the time of my life. At this point, I didn't even know when I was awake and when I was dreaming anymore. I had grown lightheaded from dehydration and loss of blood. Which was why I couldn't figure out if I was daydreaming or really seeing Indrik walking in on spindly feet. Or if his call really was happening or it was my delirious mind working overtime. "Luna!" A warm arm wrapped around my shriveled one and started to untie the ropes around it. Okay, that was surely not a figment of my imagination. No imagination could be that vivid, or tangible. I tried to open my mouth but my days in the darkness without food or water had gotten to me. To even keep my eyes open was proving to be an herculean task. "Are you
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Blaire's PovI paced around in Indrik's room, nearly running mad from my anger at Indrik. That fool! I gritted my teeth wishing I had spent a few days training so I could punch him so hard in the face that his nose would split into two (ok, maybe not so hard. I couldn't bear the thought of ruining his handsome face). Maybe then, his senses would return to him. How could he, after all that girl had done to him, (heck, she had almost killed him. Scratch that, she practically killed him before the doctor had brought him back to life. I shuddered as I recalled how Beta Green had blatantly refused to save him. He would have died if the doctor had not decided to risk everything to save him.) how could he still think about nothing else except her? Why!!!My eyes narrowed as the door opened and Indrik stumbled in holding her up in his arms. My eyes stung as my ears popped and I stomped toward them, intending to slap the grime covered witch back to whatever hole she had crawled out from but ju
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Indrik's PovMy heart broke as I watched Blaire stomp out of the room. I couldn't shake the thought that I was the most ungrateful beast I had ever met for treating her like that. I played out our conversation in my head and wondered if there was a way I could have done it better, a word I was supposed to not have said? An explantation I should have given? I definitely should have given her an explanation. I owed her that much but sadly, I couldn't because there was no telling what she would do with the truth. I couldn't afford to risk my master's life. I shrugged, deciding that I would go talk to her once she had cooled down and was more ready to listen. I had to let her know that Luna had not hurt me. Well, technically, she did but it was for the greater good. I flexed my muscles, feeling the spot in the bottom of my belly that had always been empty now brimming with life and energy. "I guess it is just you and me now." I whispered to Luna as I led her toward the bathroom. She had
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About To Be Killed
Luna's PovI opened my eyes with a start. My head felt light but not in a bad way. As a matter of fact, I felt more light than I had in a couple of days? Months? Felt more like an eternity. I smiled as I stretched sluggishly, glad to be alive. Looking outside the window, I could see the sun beginning to set. Everything was perfect, or was it? I frowned as some noise punctured my quiet. Looking around, I realized that this was not my room. I frowned as I tried to recall how I had ended up here which proved quite a herculean task. I could recall seeing Indrik as he fiddled with my ropes. "Indrik!" I sighed contentedly, my heart growing warm at the memory. I recalled seeing the outside again and feeling so glad to be free. I recalled...wait a minute!I lifted the sheets that were tightly wound around my body (which must have been from when I was turning in my sleep) and nearly shrieked. I was pretty certain this was not the dress I had been wearing, and I looked clean for someone who wa
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Indrik's PovWatching Luna tower over me, the only thing left for her to produce to cement her angry state, a line of smoke, I couldn't help but chuckle in amusement. Hey, don't look at me like that. I had been so mortified at having to clean her up that seeing her so fired up by it made my earlier misgivings feel... What was the word now? Ridiculous. Yeah, that was it. But, hey! I had been unconscious several times too and not once had I acted up when I awakened. This was unfair, I wanted to say but the word was killed in my mouth as she barreled toward me. Now, Luna wasn't very burly. She had a hourglass shape replete with petite limbs. Not very intimidating by how intimidating goes but seeing her close in on me with a death to the sinner look on her face, I couldn't help feeling a little out of my element as I got out of bed and stumbled over to the wall. She continued to close in on me and my lips curled as a thought crossed my mind. I relaxed on the wall as I propped myself on a
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Luna's PovI winced as I made my way to the palace. "Traitors!" I cursed. When I had awakened, I had totally forgotten that I had sustained some injuries from my days in the dungeon. I had been feeling so strong and refreshed. And then, there had been the discovery that Indrik had bathed me. The thought still made me so uncomfortably warm. That had filled me with enough anger and adrenaline to further numb the pain. It wasn't until he had pinned me to the bed that the pain had fully kicked in. I would like to say that was the only reason I had stopped fighting but that wasn't true. I shivered as I recalled that warm feeling that had overwhelmed me, like hot tea on a cold rainy day. It had paralyzed me, preventing me from fighting off Indrik's advances. I traced my finger over my lips as I remembered what had almost happened. I was pulled out of my daydream (or was it evening dream?" by a figure appearing before me out of the blues. The night had arrived without me noticing and now,
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Indrik"Hey!" I called excitedly, shaking Luna awake. She sat up, nearly sending me sprawling on my back. Her eyes were wide with, fright? "Luna?" I might have as well not have been present with the way she stared with blank eyes over my head. I was preparing to speak again when she lowered her eyes to me. "Is it morning already?" She asked, blinking in confusion as she stared out the slightly open window outside which darkness still reigned supreme. "How are your wounds?" I asked, dropping to my knees while keeping my eyes fixed on her arms but in the dim light of the lamp, I couldn't see much of the bruises on there. I knew they were healing though. After I had taken responsibility for the poison, telling a very grumpy group that consisted of the council as well as my friends about how I had drank poison and forced my maid to take responsibility for it, (a story which they had been very reluctant to believe even though it was true in a way,) the doctor had been allowed to treat h
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LunaI was having a very bad dream. In it, I was being chased by something. I was running through the woods, my pounding feet ringing ominously as I moved. Behind me, something was roaring angrily as it cut down the trees, bearing down on me. "You cannot escape. You brought this on yourself." A tremor rocked my body as I pushed my body to move even faster. The voice was neither human nor wolf but it was definitely male. I couldn't place what had spoken, and I dared not turn to look but something about how the voice boomed like thunder, sending shivers down my spine told me that it meant every word. It was going to hunt me down till I had no place left to go. I spurred myself to move even faster. "Stop running." The voice was laughing now although how the creature could manage to do that while it was still running and cutting down trees was beyond me. The laughter was even scarier than its voice. It sounded like the sound a pack of wolves would make if they were tearing a prey apart.
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