All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
260 Chapters
Chapter 101: Can I perform with that?
Someone commented on the official Rodriguez's Twitter that this was a modern feeling of a restrained male god, and Eranthe just wanted to roll her eyes.While she was lost in thought, something suddenly landed in her lap. Eranthe was startled, only to realize it was the handsome guy with a bronze complexion from earlier, still staring intently at her.Eranthe just realized that in this game of passing flowers, you could throw the flower to someone! And somehow, it ended up in her hands!She was about to toss it to Frank when the host immediately said, "Beauty, it's not cool to pass the blame at the last minute."The people around burst into laughter, except for Colin's group and Jayden sitting in the distance, who remained expressionless.After all, among this group of people who willingly "lowered their status" to join in this childish game just to please Colin, someone actually dared to openly express interest in Colin's woman? Moreover, the thing was thrown by a guy. Wasn't it obvi
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Chapter 102: Colin sang a song in public
Colin watches her in this way, backlit, she seems to be coated in a layer of golden light.It's like that afternoon when he unexpectedly entered her world, listening outside the music room.The vivid and lively image is now presented before him.She is no longer unattainable, even within reach. Although Colin and she once had a passionate entanglement, looking at her now, Colin only wants to hold her hand without any desire.Even Frank, who grew up in an elite family with a background in learning performing arts since childhood, couldn't help but acknowledge Eranthe's excellent playing skills. Her performance seemed to transcend the intrinsic value of the cello itself. He was just curious why someone with such talent chose to work in the hotel industry.As the piece concluded, with the final note fading away, she lifted her head, graceful as a swan, and bowed slowly.Thunderous applause filled the air. She raised her eyes and looked at Colin, finding depth in his gaze.Eranthe handed
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Chapter 103: I met a college classmate just now
She looked a bit worried and thought about giving him some hangover medicine later.Feeling sorry for him? Huh.He knew very well. Why would Eranthe play games with him if he hadn't arranged for someone to pester that annoying kid in advance? She kept saying he was just a neighbor's younger brother. Why would she care so much about a younger brother?Oriel had been casually chatting with some men who approached, especially those handsome guys from the internet celebrity company. Some people knew she was a unique food blogger, someone who could rely on her looks for money but made use of talent to work.If she could get a follow, it would also attract some traffic for themselves. Later on, during the live broadcast, they could interact with Oriel.Frank had been staring for a long time. When the flower landed on him, he didn't react for a while. The excited girl stood up, "I heard Mr. Wilson is good at kissing. I want to French kiss Mr. Wilson."This statement heated up the atmosphere
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Chapter 104: She was hung on the edge of the cliff
Eranthe breathed a sigh of relief, "Hmm."As she emerged from the tent, she ran into Jayden, who had come to find her.Seeing her intention to go out, Jayden wondered, "Are you going to buy something? Or do you need something in the tent?""No, I'm just about to look for you. Why aren't you resting with your group?" Eranthe replied.Jayden shrugged, emitting a strong smell of alcohol, "It's still early. They don't rest so early. I came over to find you since we don't have team-building activities now."Despite this, he seemed a bit happy. "So, why are you looking for me?"Eranthe handed him a hangover remedy she held in her hand, "I saw you drink quite a bit just now. Take one of these, so you won't have trouble getting up tomorrow morning.""Why do you care so much? Why take it so seriously? Some just wanted your contact information. Giving it would have sufficed. Why drink so much?"Jayden looked at her, "Are you really concerned about me?""What else? Do you want me to watch you ge
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Chapter 105: Colin! Help!
"Mr. Rodriguez, Miss Taylor is talking to someone.""With whom?" Colin's thoughts turned, guessing it might be Jayden. But anyone from the surveillance team wouldn't describe it this way if it was a woman."Um, it's a man.""Is he wearing a black hoodie and somewhat good-looking?" Colin asked.What kind of description is that?The bodyguard answered, "Yes.""Where is she?""...," the bodyguard was shocked."I'm asking you, where is she?" Colin's voice raised.In the blink of an eye, the bodyguard couldn't find Eranthe's figure!"Mr. Rodriguez, Miss. Taylor is missing!""!!"Colin reached out and activated the scene in front of him in mid-air, sat up, threw the phone out, lifted the blanket, scanned the clothes, flashed away, and disappeared in the cabin.Initially, he was still sulking, thinking that Eranthe, this woman, had gained confidence and dared to let him wait here to be graced by her, while she was having a heated affair with another man.But the bodyguard's words forced him
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Chapter 106: Is 'stupid' written on my forehead?
"The two of you, go check the campsite's surveillance and see what she did and what she drank." Morris ordered them."Yes, Mr. Hall."Jayden remained silent as Morris turned his gaze to his face, pointing a finger at him. "You, explain what you and Miss. Taylor were doing just now."Jayden was bewildered. "I didn't do anything. I just happened to go find her. She gave me a hangover cure, and then I went to the bar to get two glasses of water. We were planning to chat by the creek, but when I turned around, she was gone."He suddenly realized, "Those were really just two glasses of water, and I drank them too. No problem.""Did you drink from her glass?"Jayden shook his head. "No, I had my own."Morris picked up his phone. "Bring the bartender from the bar today to me."After the call, Morris turned to Jayden and ordered, "If you really want to do something for Miss. Taylor, go to the tent and pack up her belongings. We'll use the car to take Miss. Taylor's two friends to the airstrip
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Chapter 107: I can assist you, can't I?
"And after checking the surveillance, it is indeed him. This person has a criminal record, specializing in these kinds of shady activities. There are also many covert photos of women on his phone."Colin's voice turned cold, "What else?"He held his hand up to his eyes. During the car's fall off the cliff, the shattered glass and metal shards had pierced his palm, and blood had already coagulated.Werewolves had enhanced healing abilities, much faster and more potent than humans, but even now, there were still traces of the injury. He hoped his hand would be fully restored by the time Eranthe woke up.The voice on the other end hesitated, "He's a werewolf."Damn it, a renegade in his own community! Unacceptable!His brows furrowed, "Has anyone reported it to the police?""Yes, he has a criminal record, and we've handed him over to the police.""Find out who instructed him.""Yes.""Is there a police officer there?""Yes.""Let him take the call."Colin waited for the police officer on
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Chapter 108: Do you have any memory of last night?
Frank was holding that broken bottle, and he viciously kicked the bartender in the stomach."Spiked the drink, huh?" Another kick from Frank. "I can't stand scum like you.""Mr. Wilson."Frank's presence was the best kind of authorization; no one tried to stop him."Don't want to go to the police station, huh? Take him away with me."Frank lit a cigarette, and the man struggled, only to be pressed back down."Who the hell do you think you are? Do you know who my brother is?"Frank stepped on the bartender's head with his shoe, grinding it down. "I don't give a damn who your brother is. Blame your own bad luck. Heaven has a road, but you refused to take it. Hell has no door, but you insisted on barging in."According to Colin's wishes, they could have taken him to the police station and used human society's methods to ensure that someone with a criminal record like him would never get out.But if he insisted on causing trouble, they wouldn't hesitate to play rough.A werewolf scum dare
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Chapter 109: Don't imagine scenes from romance novels on me
Eranthe smiled, "If I hadn't been concerned about you calling me over, I wouldn't have left the tent."Colin's mind flickered, "Wasn't it to see that kid outside?"Eranthe shook her head, "Of course not."The tension that had eased a bit within Colin suddenly flared up again with her next words."I can see him whenever I want."Colin, who was about to extend his hand, retracted it, and his tone turned cold, "So when I come, your first concern is him? I shouldn't have disturbed your good time with him last night?"Eranthe was stunned; she didn't expect Colin's thoughts to deviate to this extent.In the next moment, he continued, his mouth not stopping, "It's because you're so brainless. You eat and drink whatever people offer, and you go out whenever someone calls you."Eranthe flared up, "Can you be careful every time you go out?"Colin stared at her, sneering, "I have a brain. I don't just drink whatever someone offers me. I drank to give him face, and no one dares to play tricks on
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Chapter 110: Did you cover it up?
Eranthe felt a bit embarrassed. Colin had just left, and now they arrived. She wondered if they overheard their conversation."Is your health improving?" Frank asked.Eranthe nodded, "Much better.""We took care of that person from last night. Your friend at the company should have arranged for you to take some time off. Get well soon."They originally planned to stay and witness Colin flirting with Eranthe, considering the rarity of a woman appearing by his side. However, after witnessing the spectacle just now, they felt it was better to leave before Colin gave them a disapproving look."Thanks for coming to see me," Eranthe said, though she knew the real motive might not be just about visiting."No problem. We'll take off then," Harold greeted and left with a few others.Frank stayed behind, sitting on the couch. "You shouldn't have talked to him like that."Eranthe remained silent."After you had the accident, he immediately called for a doctor, arranged for the director, and even
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