All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
260 Chapters
Chapter 121: Even his breathing was unsettling
The cat's belly, round from eating, rolled as Colin used his fingers to push the cat away, only for it to pounce back."Elsa's mommy," Colin murmured softly.Eranthe felt a moment of confusion. "Did you just call me?""Mm."Even though they didn't quite fit the traditional mold of a couple, they inadvertently became parents to a cat.Eranthe didn't want to ask if he liked her, but he certainly didn't dislike her. However, most of the time, Colin was an enigma to her.In the evening, he had a video conference, and Eranthe also wanted to attend to her work.After returning from the garden, they each went about their tasks. Colin had his meeting in the study, and Eranthe sat cross-legged on a small table, working on the documents she needed to submit the next day.Ana's due date was approaching, and the tasks assigned to Eranthe were increasing. She was now responsible for organizing the content of the morning meetings.Mor
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Chapter 122: Did Eranthe go back with you?
But why, on his territory, was she so restless?At that moment, an arm reached out, pulling her into an embrace. Leaning against his warm chest, Eranthe involuntarily curled her fingers."Why are you so far away?" His voice echoed in her ears.Eranthe suddenly asked, "Colin.""Hmm?""Do you, like me?"She had never asked such a question, but she couldn't hold back anymore. If he didn't like her, why would he do so much?"Hmm."For a moment, she thought she might have misheard. She turned her head abruptly, staring at him.The air seemed to stagnate, and she listened to her own heartbeat. Then she asked, "Do you love me?"This time, he didn't answer, and his gaze remained as clear as before.Eranthe's heart suddenly felt cold.Perhaps his liking was just a lack of dislike, a hormonal attraction between a man and a woman, but far from evolving into love.They could do anything intimate between a
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Chapter 123: Are you angry because I left suddenly?
He didn't expect to see Colin here.Colin was stunned, frowned, and asked, "Why do you ask like that?""I saw her pulling a suitcase alone in our area at night. It probably takes an hour to reach the entrance on foot."After saying this, he asked the waitress next to him to light a cigarette.However, Colin directly asked, "When was that?""Just now. I drove over, and it took about half an hour. She should be close to the entrance by now."Colin didn't believe it and immediately called. The result was that Eranthe hung up the phone.Frank looked at it with a smile and mocked, "Well, you're just like me now."Colin wasn't in the mood to banter with Frank at the moment; he was puzzled about what that woman was up to."Colin, what's going on? Did you two have a fight?" Harold added fuel to the fire.With a cold face, Colin questioned, "You saw her alone, so you let her continue walking? Didn't you think of bringing h
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Chapter 124: Game should be over
"I want to go home, and I'm already standing downstairs at my own home. I have nothing more to say to Mr. Rodriguez. You can think whatever you want. I not only have a bad temper, but I am also sentimental. It's all so obvious. you'd better find someone more obedient to continue playing with you."After saying this, Eranthe tried to move forward with her suitcase, but in the next moment, she was grabbed by the man."Make it clear. What did I do wrong? Just now, Harold and the others called me. I was on my way back a little while. I didn't leave you alone there.""It doesn't matter how you see it. The final result won't change. I don't want to continue playing with you. Is that not acceptable?"Colin pulled her into his arms. "Play? Do you think I've been playing with you all this time? Just because I didn't answer your question tonight, Eranthe, be honest. Did you fall in love with me and couldn't stand even a bit of neglect? Haven't I treated you well en
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Chapter 125: If you all want to see me drink
She wondered how they would react if they knew about her separation from him.She had considered clarifying it, but since no one brought it up, she felt it might seem forced if she mentioned it without reason."I saw Frank and Colin earlier. Let's go up and say hello," someone suggested after returning from the restroom.William suggested, "Why don't we all go up together?"Having said that, William turned to Eranthe.Eranthe's hands tightened momentarily. Whether it was intentional or not, William's words seemed directed at her.She didn't want to face Colin directly and waved him off. "Mr. Hernandez, you all go ahead. We'll stay here.""Don't be like that. Since we're all here, and we know each other, what's the harm?"Everyone present was quite perceptive, observing Eranthe's unwillingness to go upstairs. They sensed that she was trying to maintain a distance.However, since the person involved wished to stay clear, t
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Chapter 126: Colin didn't go after her this time
"It seems Miss. Taylor was just making excuses earlier. Now we can consider ourselves friends. This is not fair, is it? "Eranthe felt her stomach burning like fire, and she smiled, saying, "I've had my drink, Miss. Torres, how about your glass?"William, seeing everyone eager to join, felt uneasy. Yet, Eranthe had indeed engaged with this group, deciding to drink whenever they did."Maybe we should drop it."But Ines insisted, "No, no, we're having a good time drinking with Eranthe. We're all friends here, right?"William, with a sense of unease, couldn't figure out why things were going this way. Colin was supposed to have rejected Eranthe.William couldn't understand why he should cut ties with the group just because of her.Acacia anxiously said, "You just got out of the hospital; shouldn't you refrain from drinking?"Eranthe, displaying her stubbornness, replied, "You're the one who shouldn't drink. Can't you see whom they
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Chapter 127: It turned out to be Scarlett
The way men and women handle conflicts is different.The more a woman pretends not to care, the more she cares.While any man who doesn't want to continue with this woman would generally not completely sever ties, especially considering that Colin is not an impulsive person.Eranthe waited until she was outside before bending over and retching.Acacia said urgently, "I have a water bottle here; take a sip first."Eranthe waved her hand, "Call a car; I want to go home and rest.""Alright." Acacia picked up her phone to call a car.A young man in a black suit approached from the front. Eranthe recognized him as Colin's driver."Miss. Taylor, Mr. Rodriguez asked me to take you home.""No need.""Miss. Taylor, it's safer if I take you, and it's hard to get a cab at this time with traffic jams."Acacia quickly added, "Yes, I'll go with you."Eranthe frowned, "Really, no need." She didn't want anything to
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Chapter 128: Why are you protecting her?
Scarlett yelled, "Eranthe, are you doing this on purpose? You know my dad is about to marry your aunt, and he would love to get rid of me. You deliberately said this!"Scarlett then tried to shove Eranthe.Acacia couldn't take it anymore and said, "You need to see a doctor! If you weren't so young, we wouldn't bother with you. Don't you understand when someone is being kind to you?"Scarlett retorted, "Are my friends less reliable than yours?" She then grabbed a nearby guy and kissed him on the face, saying, "See, he's my boyfriend. You guys don't need to worry about me."Eranthe immediately called Adrian King, saying, "Uncle King."Adrian, sounding like he was sleeping, asked, "What's wrong, Eranthe? Is Scarlett with you? I heard her voice."Eranthe confirmed, "Yes, we're currently at Road Lancer, and she's with some local youngsters. Could you come and pick her up?"She hung up after conveying the message.Urania was still in
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Chapter 129: Can I really refuse?
Eranthe didn't want to cause trouble for Urania, and any issues with Scarlett could affect Urania and Adrian's relationship.Colin instantly understood. She didn't want to cause any trouble for her aunt."Keep an eye on her, don't let her leave," he ordered, then picked up Eranthe and walked towards the car, with Acacia following behind.Acacia personally hoped that Colin and Eranthe would reconcile, not because he was the most powerful man in Assyria, but because she could see that Colin genuinely cared for Eranthe.Dylan used to treat Eranthe well, but when things got tough, he wasn't as reliable as Colin. Ironically, in the end, he ended up hurting Eranthe.Colin, being a prominent figure, was willing to swallow his pride publicly.Acacia, feeling a bit inexplicable, thought that falling in love with someone like Colin, with no possibility of a future, would be a very painful experience.Eranthe was placed in the car, her body curl
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Chapter 130: This is Eranthe's own ability
A hint of mockery appeared on her face.Especially since there are her clients involved; having signed contracts, she can't afford the consequences of offending them."With me, of course, you can refuse," Colin assured her, although his thoughts remained inscrutable."But we've ended our relationship. Even if we haven't, I don't want a relationship where I have to rely on you and make enemies everywhere," she added, referencing the ambiguous situations that had caused her a lot of unwarranted trouble.Colin remained silent, his body emanating a crisp fragrance mixed with the scent of the beverage.Eranthe observed his disheveled state and handed him tissues. "Thank you for tonight," she said."Hmm," Colin responded coldly.They fell into silence.It was only when Acacia returned that the driver came in to start the car.When they arrived home, it was Colin who carried Eranthe upstairs. Acacia opened the door, found slipp
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