All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
260 Chapters
Chapter 131: Do you know how big this business is?
Eva couldn't quite understand whether Ana was pleased or displeased. She thought that as a female leader, Ana probably looked down on such behavior.However, Eva had no idea that Ana, if she truly were so upright, wouldn't be able to navigate the workplace successfully. In this world, people who were too straightforward, with sharp edges, couldn't thrive for long.Moreover, Ana, for now, was allowing Eranthe to bring in business. As long as it didn't touch Ana's personal interests, she tacitly approved.This was because, before leaving, she wanted to present the company leadership with a perfect report, and Eranthe was evidently contributing to that.As for the man behind Eranthe, if it were Colin, Ana would see it as a golden opportunity.However, she also harbored suspicions about Eranthe. The premise for her kindness was that Eranthe could be controlled by her.But if not, if this person she supported to climb the ranks turned out to be s
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Chapter 132: It's just that you might have a tough time
She decided to contact William to get some clarity.William picked up the phone promptly.Eranthe spoke sincerely, "Mr. Hernandez, I'm not holding a grudge against you. I accept your apology. However, I'd appreciate it if you don't bring up this matter again. It's causing me a lot of trouble, and involving my superiors will only complicate things.""I'm just a small employee in Ashly, and, as a boss, you should understand that this could easily offend higher-ups for me. Such actions could make enemies for me."William was somewhat surprised.Who would dare offend her when she had Colin's backing? Moreover, Colin's protection was stronger than that of his intimate friends. Didn't Ashly Group have eyes?Unless it's Eranthe, who probably hadn't disclosed her relationship with Colin to anyone, and everything suggests that Eranthe might be keeping her connection with Colin a secret."Don't think like that. We genuinely want to do business
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Chapter 133: If the thing you want is no longer in your hands
"Let's not talk about this. What do you want for dinner tonight? I'll cook for you.""I love everything you cook."When Adrian came over after work, the three of them would have a meal at Eranthe's place."Elsa living alone in this house, isn't it too lonely? Be careful when you come home at night, don't take the dark alleys. Maybe I should buy a pair of men's shoes to place at the door." Adrian looked at the house with some concern.Eranthe, aware of her previous experiences, didn't steer the conversation in that direction. "It's enough for me alone. I stay busy with work, so I don't feel lonely.""You're a worry-free good girl," Adrian sighed.He remembered when Eranthe was as old as Scarlett, so obedient and cautious, fearing to cause the slightest trouble for Urania. People really varied.Eranthe noticed Adrian had scratches on his hand, likely from Scarlett scratching him the night before.Adrian didn't stay too long. Now
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Chapter 134: Colin left only his silhouette for her
Morris rolled his eyes and said directly, "Then you take it back. We at Rodriguez Group have always done business like this. No matter what it is, it's all about competition, isn't it? Since it's a competition, let everyone rely on their own abilities."He tried to phrase it delicately, and besides, Morris himself believed in this philosophy.Men are inherently hunters, and taking the initiative is their nature.Even animals know to use duels to attract the attention of females; the winner becomes the king. If you passively wait, you increase the risk of losing your prey, as there are other males in the jungle.Moreover, the Rodriguez family is the leader of the werewolf clan, and Colin is the Alpha of the werewolf pack. It goes without saying that the instinct to take the initiative, to fight to the death, and to snatch his prey is deeply embedded in his genes.Colin gave him a glance, and there was a rare hint of pleasure in his eyes.Morr
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Chapter 135: You should know what to do with the rest
Sometimes she felt as if it were all a dream.Justin sat beside her, still happy to be at this event, "Eranthe, I bought two tickets for a concert. Want to join?"Eranthe turned to him, "No need. I'm not familiar with music."Justin, slightly disappointed, didn't see the shadow in her eyes, "Oh, I thought you liked classical music. I saw you chatting happily with that cellist before."Eranthe was surprised, "That was a long time ago."Blushing, Justin hinted, "Yeah, I've been keeping an eye on you."Feeling awkward, Eranthe replied."Your little sweetheart is being flirted with. How's that guy doing?"Frank's annoying tone chimed in.Colin glanced back and saw Justin, that fool, sitting with Eranthe.He, without concern, replied, "She's not interested in him."Frank had no doubts. After all, having been with Colin, if she still chose that guy, wouldn't she be insane?During their conversation, the ho
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Chapter 136: Silly girl, your supervisor gave you to me as a present
Selena put on her high heels and gracefully left.Eranthe played with her phone on the bed, initially planning to get some work done. Surprisingly, Ana sent her a message, asking her to come to the room upstairs.Eranthe didn't think twice, brought her laptop, tidied up her hair, and left the room.When she reached the top floor, she wondered why Ana, who should be staying on the 39th floor, was now on the 98th floor. This area was probably reserved for high-level executives of major companies. Could Vice President Hill also be here?Eranthe quickened her pace. When she arrived at the door of the room, she found it was open. She knocked, "Ana?"No one responded. Eranthe left the door slightly ajar and entered. "Ana?"The presidential suite was empty, with a computer set up in the middle of the meeting area and a black suitcase.Eranthe worried that she might have entered the wrong room. Just as she was about to leave, the door to the
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Chapter 137: The term 'long term' is used to deceive people
He would pamper her, indulge her, but he wouldn't and couldn't love her.That was the limit of what he could offer.His selfish and cunning nature, wrapped in a handsome exterior, aimed solely at achieving his goals, no matter the means.He would never reflect on his actions, and being a virtuous man wasn't his code of conduct.His behavior mirrored his business style. What he wanted, he would aggressively pursue, obtaining it as quickly as possible. As for the process, did it really matter?Eranthe pushed Colin away, and he, unguarded and unfazed, accepted it. When she pushed him to the ground, he adjusted his posture calmly, appearing unruffled. The towel around his waist loosened, but he remained composed.Eranthe pretended not to notice, even though she was fuming."Colin, do you think I'm stupid? There must be something you hinted to Ana. Otherwise, how could she do such a thing?"Ignoring whether she could deduce their re
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Chapter 138: You can't resist me
But the hurtful words were spoken by him.If he had treated herself as an object in their usual interactions, she wouldn't be here now, listening to him say these things.Her mind was a mess right now; all she wanted was to get away from him.Without a word, Eranthe picked up her laptop and started to leave."If you dare to walk out of this room, I can't guarantee that I won't do something."Eranthe's footsteps halted. "This is what you call reluctant?""I'm reluctant to lose you. Any problem with that? Moreover, since you don't appreciate it, this business deal has no investment value. Shouldn't I withdraw?" Colin said.Eranthe bit her lip. She really wanted to leave, but what about Urania?"Are you threatening me?""I wouldn't have to if you cooperated."Eranthe was furious and threw everything on the floor."Aren't you just trying to sleep with me? Why beat around the bush?" she said, starting to unbutto
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Chapter 139: If I proposed a relationship with you
However, she never expected that Colin, who played as if he knew the game inside out."Why are you looking at me like that?"Eranthe widened her eyes. "You play games too?"Colin raised an eyebrow. "Am I that old now? Don't I have my own hobbies?"There was a time when he was quite obsessed with these games. Knowing he wouldn't have time to play in the future, he spent time extravagantly, playing crazily. However, it had been a long time since he touched them.Eranthe was dumbfounded. "You really don't look like it."Colin chuckled. "Do you know the most popular games on the market?"Eranthe nodded. "From a foreign company.""Yes, mine.""Eh? What about this one?""Also mine. The outside world knows it's acquired by a subsidiary of the Rodriguez Group, but that's just for the convenience of my management."Eranthe was surprised, forgetting to be angry with him. However, Colin quickly finished the boss battl
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Chapter 140: I thought you all didn't like her
"You voluntarily talked to Uncle King.""And what about Matthew?"Well, the debt doubles.Eranthe stared at the capitalist, "You're quite the businessperson. According to your calculations, everything happens without my knowledge, and I'm left with the debt?""Well, of course. I'm a heartless capitalist. Why wouldn't I exploit you? I'm not a good person in your eyes," Colin coldly spoke words of frustration.But Eranthe knew he wasn't like Dylan.She was now a bit conflicted. If he threatened her, she genuinely didn't know what to do. However, he was currently speaking in a low tone, making it impossible for her to even utter a simple "get lost."She was tightly under his control. "I promise, what happened that night won't occur again. Besides, I won't let you feel uncomfortable," Colin assured."You've already made me uncomfortable," Eranthe replied.Colin leaned back in his chair, "Are you talking
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