All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha trapped me: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
260 Chapters
Chapter 151: Don't forget to send me wedding candy
Seeing her so spirited, Colin leaned against the head of the bed and didn't say anything. He really hadn't slept well; she had talked in her sleep a lot during the night. Also, he needed an extremely quiet environment to fall asleep, and now his mind was foggy."Getting up so early to make breakfast for me?"Eranthe said with a bit of irritation, "There are only a few eggs in the fridge. Eat them if you want.""That works. I think you still have some whole wheat bread left," he said. He was well aware of her daily routines, and for the sake of convenience, she often grabbed something on the way to work.For breakfast, she preferred something simple and straightforward.Eranthe thought about how she could prepare him a lavish breakfast at home while here he was settling for a poached egg. There was a feeling akin to a prince visiting the civilian households.She went straight to the bathroom. "You should get up too. I need to go to the office
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Chapter 152: Mr. Jones personally welcoming her?
Colin smiled brilliantly and warmly.He left the neighbor dumbfounded, "Young man, you're too good-looking."Compliments about his appearance were the most common he heard throughout his life.Once the neighbor went off with her grandson, Eranthe muttered, "How can you deceive people like that, talking about sending wedding candy when you're not planning to marry?""Should I tell her I don't get married?" Colin didn't see any problem with his answer, casually pulling Eranthe forward."Is your driver here?" Eranthe didn't continue the previous topic."Yeah," Colin replied, and Eranthe saw the Bentley parked at the entrance of the residential area.After getting into the car, Morris turned around to greet them, "Mr. Rodriguez, Miss. Taylor, good morning.""Good morning, Mr. Jones," Eranthe responded. Her mood today was relatively good, perhaps because she had shed a good cry last night and had managed to adjust herself.In
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Chapter 153: Did she not get anything useful from Colin?
"What's up? I'm almost late for work. Is there something urgent?"Amanda was dressed in a new luxury outfit, even her accessories were from a prestigious brand.Unfortunately, the front desk employees were not in the mood to compliment her today. They inquired, "Mr. Jones will personally welcome someone today."Amanda frowned, "He didn't tell me anything. What's going on?""The CEO's office just called us. They said an employee from Ashly Group is coming, and Mr. Jones will personally receive them later."Amanda was puzzled and looked towards the reception room.Eranthe was sitting upright. When Amanda saw her, she furrowed her brows. Wasn't this the woman she saw in Mr. Rodriguez's room that day? She thought she was Mr. Rodriguez's girlfriend, but now it seems she's from Ashly Group? How did she end up handling the Chamber of Commerce activities?Amanda was disgusted by the thought of someone resorting to unethical means.Aman
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Chapter 154: She's actually quite good-looking
Taking the pass, Eranthe began receiving a tour from Morris, who explained the various departments of the company, including the businesses currently operated under the Rodriguez Group.Amanda found the situation quite strange. Normally, the Human Resources department handled such matters. What kind of status did Eranthe have for Morris to be her guide?Morris handed an iPad to Eranthe. "These are the companies we've invested in and the industrial chains we're part of. If the brochures aren't clear enough, you can directly view them here. It's an intelligent system, and if you have any questions, you can click on the cloud for intelligent playback. There's also a large exhibition hall on the third floor where outstanding employees and achievements are showcased annually. It should be more helpful for your work."After all, organizing business events was about showcasing the style of various companies. The information compiled in these brochures would be sent to
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Chapter 155: I think the role may not be suitable for you
"Okay, do you need me to take you back?""No, thanks."As Eranthe passed by her, just as Amanda's disdainful expression hadn't faded, Eranthe suddenly turned back."Miss. Churchill, is this how you usually treat people when you're with Mr. Jones?""What?" Amanda was puzzled.Shrugging, Eranthe said, "I was just curious, so I asked. Do you always gossip with a few female employees in the company's busy corridors, regardless of the situation?"Amanda's face turned ugly, "Miss. Taylor, what are you talking about?""It's okay. As a 25-year-old woman, I just wanted to give Miss. Churchill some advice. Your job represents that you will encounter people from different levels. If you label clients and speak without restraint, maybe you won't even be able to handle being a junior employee. This is advice from a senior."Even a fool knows that trouble comes from the mouth. If Amanda, following Morris, still doesn't understand this, talki
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Chapter 156: You're impressive
Where could she go without being laughed at, and which leader would take her in?A graduate of a prestigious university, with a wealthy family background, she had always been an honor student. Now, society was slapping her directly in the face, leaving her bewildered.Entering Rodriguez Group had made her family proud, boosting her status in the marriage market. If she resigned from Rodriguez Group, where could she find a company better than this? And all for Eranthe, who got in through connections?Amanda couldn't accept it. She stood in a deadlock with Morris.On the other side, Eranthe came out of the restroom and saw Colin standing there. She quickly retreated upon noticing the bustling surroundings.Colin found it amusing and walked towards her with large strides."What are you doing? This is the ladies' room!" Eranthe whispered, reminding him.Coincidentally, other female employees exiting the restroom were stunned to see Colin.
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Chapter 157: Is that something you can ask?
Someone familiar with him, like Frank, would surely know that this was a thoughtful gesture.Eranthe huffed, "If you continue like this, I'll leave immediately. I don't want to end up in gossip magazines with you."Colin raised an eyebrow, looking at the camera. The gossiping security guard in the monitoring room quickly shifted his gaze, as if caught doing something."They won't send it out, and no one will come in. This elevator is exclusively for my use," Colin assured.The elevator reached the top floor. Colin straightened his suit jacket, and Eranthe, her smile erased by the recent event, followed him. However, her attention was quickly captured by Colin's domain.It was the nerve center of the entire Rodriguez Group.People were rushing around, phones were ringing non-stop, and the employees, upon seeing Colin, stood up to greet him, not sparing a glance for Eranthe.She followed Colin into the office. A secretary brought in cof
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Chapter 158: Did you paint them?
Colin wouldn't treat a female employee differently just because she was a woman. In his view, work was work, and no one was exempt. If an old employee made a mistake, the consequences would be even more severe. Moreover, she was just an intern assistant. If her appearance and attitude were caught by Colin, she might not even make it through the internship.Little did Amanda know that this statement hit right where it hurt. Wasn't she afraid of this?The female secretary who had just spoken to her realized it. So, Amanda offended Mr. Rodriguez's woman?Her gaze shifted, and Amanda blushed, unsure of what to do."What's going on? Are you facing some difficulties?"Lunchtime was the perfect time for conversations, as everyone had submitted their tasks to Colin in the morning and had some free time now.Amanda dared not speak, just shaking her head.The female secretary said, "What's Mr. Rodriguez's girlfriend like? I didn't get a good lo
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Chapter 159: She is prying into Colin's past
She took a sharp breath because she never thought Colin would be an artist, especially considering her own appreciation level; it didn't match him at all.The colors in the paintings were vivid and rich. They say that painting can represent a person's true thoughts, and Colin, such a person, unexpectedly had an interior full of vibrant colors, like a volcanic eruption.Colin casually said, "I occasionally paint when I'm annoyed." It was a habit he had retained since his youth and had not changed over the years.Eranthe almost forgot that his background meant he couldn't be someone without talents. It wasn't just about academics; his other interests and hobbies were definitely under the guidance of renowned teachers."Do you like it?" Colin looked at her as she kept staring at one painting."I'm impressed. I never knew you could paint so well. If you didn't inherit Rodriguez Group, would you choose to be an artist?""I can't be an artist. I h
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Chapter 160: I want to apologize
Colin nibbled on her ear.Eranthe was speechless. "How long have you known me, and you're already thinking about me every time?"Colin took the painting from her hand and lifted her up. "I'll try to be quick. It's lunch break anyway. In the afternoon, you can continue refining the proposals you submitted."Regardless of Eranthe's protests, Colin remained the same, smelling the fragrance on her neck, slow yet firm, occupying every inch of her...The indoor temperature was adjusted to the most comfortable setting.After covering her with a blanket, Colin turned off the alarm clock, changed into another suit, and when he opened the door, the lunch on the table had been cleared away, and the office was filled with fresh air.Morris, seemingly oblivious to everything, handed him some documents."Notify everyone that the meeting will start in 5 minutes, and instruct them not to disturb her in the office.""Understood, Mr. Rodriguez."
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