All Chapters of My Stepbrother's Sinful Desire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
94 Chapters
chapter 21
Joan’s povMy thighs were sore, I placed my hands where it felt sore the most, and it reminded me of reasons why: I was staring at the ceiling so early, why I was so unmotivated and tired, why I didn’t want to step outside my door, my alarm danced by five this morning, and I threw it on the floor.Looking at it beside me, I see misery. It was an unlucky day, I guess. I had shattered it out of rage so early when it was doing its own task. I hated that it reminded me of another day—a day full of work and enough misery. I didn’t want to wake up, not this time or any other time.And for goodness sake, I was tired of everything. It was a Wednesday, two days before the weekend, so maybe I could lock myself up in the room. For all I care, it would be nice.But I couldn’t wait until the weekend. I didn't want to go out today; I was sick and tired, and the thought of it gave me an idea: I could call in sick for the week, which I didn’t hesitate to do. I took my phone, and I texted mom a very l
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chapter 22
Joan povThe day went on and on. Turning on my bed, I masturbated. I watched myself in the mirror to see if anything changed. I watched a movie, but all I saw were vessels playing to a script. I felt nothing but sex. That was all I could think about: who was coming to my door, why the house was so quiet, and why I chose to stay at home.Mom was okay. She took her meds, and her husband was by her side, massaging her foot. I called in sick, but I was already tired of staying indoors.The time went by slowly, and I wished I was back at school, but it was already too late. The section for the day was closed, and it was time for students to go back home, which meant Fred was coming back as well. Don’t get me wrong, but I was elated. Maybe I needed someone to talk to—someone who I could relate to. I wasn’t in any way relating to him; I just liked his company.He didn’t sleep at home, and my first guess was that he might have slept at his girlfriend's house. I had asked Anna about their rela
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chapter 23
Joan pov“Thank you so much, Joan; you make me happy.” He threw his ball, and guess what? All the pins fell down—a perfect shot. Unlike mine, he tosses a couple of balls, and all of them were wins. I tried mine, which came out as a disaster; it wasn’t meant for me, which I was so sure of.He talked more than I did about vacations and silly events that had happened in his lifetime. For a rich kid, he has seen some shitty things; most of them were dares and some were just child’s play, but all in one, I could sit and cling on to my sour emotions or choose my sorrows.The latter sounded pleasant, so I placed the thought of home at the back of my thoughts, and the little girl in me sprang back to life, from a bowling night to karaoke to dancing to the music in your head and a slot of soda—so much soda.The night was so blissful, I didn’t want it to end, but I forgot that I had to go back home—a home I didn’t want to be in—but it was too late, and he had to drive me back home.Just the fac
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chapter 24
Joan’s povShocked “Juvenile, what did you do?” I was totally stunned by his response. Why would a girl want to kill her lover?"Well, that’s a story for another day. Pain flashed in his eyes as he faced the road. I could tell he didn’t want to talk any further than he already did, so I didn’t ask, though my curiosity was unsatisfied.But soon we were diverted when we arrived at the ice cream thingy, a bowl of Sunday, and numerous pastries.“Enjoy” While at this, I couldn’t help but think about Fred and how stupid I am to want to have sex in the middle of a date. ‘ Get hold of yourself, Jo Jo, don’t embarrass yourself’ but then it was what I wanted: my thighs were moist, my hips were rocking back and forth, my lips were slightly parted, and my cheeks were flushed from all the crazy scenes in my mind."What is it? Are you not enjoying it?” He asked.Staring at the man, he was even sexier, but then I shouldn’t be the one courting him on matters like this, but I couldn’t help myself ei
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chapter 25
Joan’s POVI would call it guilt if I had to name it, but I had no idea how I was feeling, excited?The day went on with Isaac and I moving hands in hands, talking about things that shouldn’t be counted as topics in a valid conversation.Occasionally, I saw some blush on his cheeks when I said something sweet or smiled, but I was nervous. My heart was beating so fast that I couldn’t breathe.I made some kind of big decision I was going to regret; I shouldn't regret it. Isaac is a good boy; he likes me, though it’s too early, and I feel I should get to know him even more than I just did, but still, I made the hard choice. I just had to believe it.The day was quick to end, and he drove me home.“Welcome home, baby,” mom said. As I entered the living room, Jone was massaging her foot. I barely paid attention to him as I made my way to Mom."Thanks, mom. How are you feeling?” I said. She looked at him dreamily, then back at me. "I am better,” she said. I nodded, then made my way back to f
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chapter 26
Joan’s POV“Just one last time,” I said, leaning closer to him, but he pulled away as quick as I was done, like I was done. He couldn’t risk coming closer to him. It baffled me because he was always so enthusiastic to touch me and to pin me down, but now he looked rather worried that it left me in a haze of confusion.“I want to tell you something,” he insisted. What could be so important that he won’t let me touch him? The mighty Fredrick wants to talk; isn’t that beautiful? He never talked; we just fucked, and that was all but now?.“What do you want to talk about? What’s so important that you don’t want me to touch you?"I could think of everything in the world, but then he said, "I like you. I don’t know if I would call it love, but I am certain I like you."Perplexed.Like?, he never liked me; he would never like me either. He liked my body and the way I tasted and the way I moaned; just like he said earlier, that was all I was to him—just sex and nothing more—so maybe he liked s
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chapter 27
Joan’s POVI ran into my room, then jammed the door behind me. As mom and Fred chased after me, they banged on the door, but I didn’t respond. Why should I when all they would give was lame advice, and why should I stop dating the one person who treats me right?“Joan? Open this door now!"“Joan!”I ignored them, then walked back to my bed. I had enough scenarios to keep my mind busy while I slowly drifted to sleep, just to be awakened by a call on my phone. It pulled me right out of sleep, just to see Isaac’s name boldly written on the caller ID.He asked why I hadn’t answered his call earlier. My reasons were justified: I fell asleep because I was tired, and I also didn’t want to talk to anyone, so I suggested I call him back later.It was late outside; the skies were dark, and my mind and stomach rumbled. All I had today was so much desert, which didn’t hold anything. I needed to eat, but I could wish for so much more than to walk out of that door. I didn’t want to see their faces,
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Chapter 28
Joan’s POVIsaac was the only person I could run to; he had money, well, not off his own, but he was the only extra person that somehow entered my life who had no flaws aside from perfection; he had no flaws, and it was the only thing that provoked me.I couldn’t find a fault with him, which should be good, but my fucked-up like couldn’t deal with it somehow. I was a magnet for weirdos like Mom and the rest of this wacky building.But I was going to put it to an end. I was going to leave the house for them; they should eat the building down for all I cared. It was the last time I was going to be threatened and sleep-deprived.Taking my phone I dialed Isaac, and just like his perfect self, he picked after the first ring.“Isaac, I know it’s late... I really wanted to ask for a favor." It was really harder to say than I thought, but he was curious to know why I would call him the dead of the night, as he tends to ask so many questions, like, What’s wrong? Are you home? Did anything happ
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chapter 29
Joan’s POVThe night was excruciatingly long. At first, I thought I could sleep through the voices that haunted me, but I couldn't, and it became worse when Isaac slept. The silence was loud, and it bugged my mind so much that I stayed up all night, just thinking of where I might have gone wrong, why I ran away so early, mom would be so worried, what if he hurt her, what if she died, I wouldn’t have anywhere to go.And why am I here? , I became so close to him that it irked my thoughts, but then he was nothing but pure kindness, and I should have liked it, but I didn’t.The morning time came too early, and soon Isaac was up and staring at me while I pretended to sleep. He went out, then came back again. “I know you are not sleeping; you don’t have to pretend,” he said. My eyes shot open as I curiously watched his unfazed expression.“How did you know?” I asked in hopes of his reply being something utterly cliche, but it wasn't; instead, he said. "I was watching the cameras earlier and
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chapter 30
Fredericks POV“Where could she be? I don’t know. I am calling everyone; no one knows her whereabouts." Joan’s mother said, panicking as she paced backwards and forward for the past hour. She had cried so much that her eyes were now red, and her nose as well.“She will be fine; you know, kids, they are just paranoid; she will come back,” dad said, trying to coax her, but she rebuffed. "If anything happens to her, I won’t forgive myself; I should have consoled her, but no, you told me not to; you told me you would do so. Now she ran away.” Back and forth, they argued about her reason for running out in the middle of the night.On the other hand, I was not feeling myself anymore; my heart is beating so fast, yet my body felt too weak to move, sweat bead trickling down my body. I could think of a lot of places and scenes that she might be in, but none of them seemed to be coming into play.“Find her; stop telling me that; I need to find a report for a missing person.”“You know you can’t
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