All Chapters of Bound By the Billionaire: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
125 Chapters
Mr. Benson lifts his glass. “To the newlyweds, cheers!” “Cheers!” the echo rings out and champagne gets tossed back. And that was the first of many toast of the night, so many I zone out. Soon enough Ian and I stand facing each other, my hand on his shoulder, my other clasped in his as we have our first dance. A few other couples have come to join us on the floor. We sway slowly, I must be paying even less attention than I thought because I step on something uneven, my ankle tipping to the side sharply. The arm at my back tightens, holding me up against the front of his body. I snap back straight, looking at where I’m stepping on his foot. “Sorry,” I mumbled, heat spreading up my cheeks, usually I'm a better dancer but his hand on my spine is a constant reminder of him, no matter how hard I try to imagine being somewhere else. We continue and when I step on his foot for the third time, I decide it’s best to pull away. Bringing so close to him unnerved me in a strange way I cou
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We sit in absolute silence in the car for the third time today leaving the party hall, I’m glad the day finally is over. I just want to get home, climb in my bed, and forget all about today, at least for a few hours. If I’m lucky, I won’t run into Eunice and Monica. I swallowed, my throat, still tight from the emotions of the day “Can I go home now?” “We are on our way home” I glanced out the window and watched as we drove past the road that would lead to my house. My eyes jumped from him to the driver at the front, wondering if I should call his attention as he kept driving further and further away. It took courage but I finally voiced to the man beside me, “I mean my own home” “You live with me from now on” I almost swallowed my tongue, heat spreading up my neck in frustration, “Bu-but my things…” I trailed off. “I’ll have someone pick them up by morning,” he says effectively putting an end to the discussion. I sit tensed, my fingers clasped tightly around the clutch in my la
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Ian is seated behind a large oak desk that dominates the room. He looks up at my entrance. And I catch a look of surprise etched on his features before he becomes unreadable again. “I thought you’d be resting by now” The walls are covered in shelves housing books. There is a sitting area leading just up to his desk spanning two black leather couches, and two side tables holding decanter of alcohol. Stealing my spine, I walk to the middle of the room, stopping between his table and the bit of space spanning his sitting area, there’s more than enough distance between us. "I needed to talk to you, is this a good time? I can come back later" I say then winced already I'm thinking of ways to turn back my mind whispered. No, I just prefer not to disturb him, Dad didn't like interruptions when he was working. Ian motioned to the seats on the other side of his desk. I shake my head. “I can’t do this.” “Do what?” I wring my hands in front of me, then bring them down to my sides,
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I groaned at the sound of the door opening, can this day end already? I’m begging at this point. I’ve never had a more eventful day in my twenty years of leaving. Or a worse one. I’d come back to the room, pissed, my heart pounding in my chest, cursing at Ian and my tendency to get the short end of the stick. I was surprised to find another maid there and in no mood for company, she introduced herself as Alice or was it Amelia? Asking if I needed help changing or if I’d like to wait for Ian. I sent her away with a simple “no” and I meant that to both, I could damned well undress myself, and I prayed I didn't have to see Ian for a while, clearly my prayers went unanswered as he is here not less than an hour later. I flip on the light closest to me. “Good to see you’re settling in nicely” he is dressed the same as he was in his office earlier, sans bow tie, his pants tucked into his pants, a black belt at his trim waist, and a hand in his pocket. He looked so good it was irri
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I'm pacing.Is this really my life now? I can’t do this. The rings Ian slipped onto my fingers Friday morning stare at me accusingly from the nightstand. I spent all afternoon thinking about the arrangement the way Dad didn’t give me a chance and neither did Ian, dad’s is somewhat understanding, his stocks were pummeling, the board of directors was complaining, most were withdrawing their investments, and I can’t blame them for being concerned about their money, they didn’t know me or my family to care about us. It was strictly business. But with Ian, he moved too fast, signed and sealed in a matter of hours, would it have been bad to give me some time to come to terms with my new reality? Maybe if I had more time to come to terms with it and accept the situation things would have been different. I’d go in knowing what to expect. Who to expect? Maybe I could have prepared myself. I scoffed. “No kind of preparing would make anyone ready for him.” I rolled my eyes, tossing on the
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It had been surprisingly easy to leave Ian’s house this morning, I simply got dressed and grabbed my keys which were delivered along with my other stuff. I’d found my car in the driveway, I got in and drove out. I half expected the security to prevent me from leaving, or for someone to come from the house calling my name or shouting “Stop her!” But there was nothing of that nature. Sometimes my mind conjures overly dramatic events. I eased my car through the gates and drove down the path. Keeping one eye on the road, I searched through my bag for my phone, looking up Google Maps to drive out of the estate and find directions to my school. Now after my first class, I leave the campus for my meeting with Mr. Alfred. He sent me the location of a coffee shop not too far from the campus. If I drive over now, I should make it back in time for my next class. Thankfully it takes me a short time to find a parking spot, a Honda pulls out and I immediately claim the spot. Turn off the car and
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I return to campus pissed. Barely managing to make it to my second class of the day due to the crazy traffic, I zoned out for most of it, going over my meeting with Mr. Alfred, I refused to believe nothing can be done to nullify the contract. How could they just leave everything in his hands? Ian basically has the power to leave us on the street if he so wishes. Who does that? Dad and Mr. Alfred should have bargained better for Christ's sake. I see zero benefits for us in this.I leave my car packed at my faculty, opting to make the short walk to the library. We only have two classes together this year so I meet up with Hannah and the others.Hannah pulls me into a tight hug upon my arrival, I see she must have hurried here as have arrived before me even though her class was in another building on the other side of campus. “How are you holding up?” I shake my head. “I want to say fine, but I would be lying, I’m all over the place” Her black eyebrow arched, the silver hoop she h
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“Where have you been?” Ian is sitting in the living area, his black hair the same color as his suit, one leg crossed at his knee, his eyes trained on his phone, holding a second one to his ear. But I know he is talking to me. I was hoping to quietly pass by my room without having to engage him.“School” I answered. I was exhausted from my classes, moody as I am from the day I've had I don’t feel like dealing with him right now. I had half a mind of driving back to my father’s house but I didn’t out of fear of breaking the arrangement, knowing Ian, he is probably hoping I’d do just that and then he would make it seem like a breach of contract. So, I drove here, pissed at my situation but it’s better this way for now. He finally dragged his eyes from his phone to me, he placed the other on the arm of the white couch. His gaze swept from my face to my convers-covered feet then back up “If you are going to insist on continuing, I will assign one of my men to you” I blinked slowly. “
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After spraying a last spritz of perfume, I cap the bottle and return it to my suitcase as I still haven’t unpacked. It’s been three days since my conversation with Mr. Alfred and refused to admit defeat. Though I’m waiting for him to send that contract, I’m sure I’ll find something there. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear, I looked tired, the blue of my eyes looking washed out and pale, unlike the usual baby blue color. My lips look pale, almost as shite as the shirt I have on, I shake off my concern before tossing my bag over my shoulder and making for the door, just a few steps down, I see a maid, the black haired one, Amelia I think, looking flushed, smoothing a hand over the skirt of her dress, she gives me a shy look biting her lower lips, we exchange a good morning before disappearing down the hallway. I look at the door she just exited. Okay… I continue on my way. It’s afternoon and I have my bag under one arm, my notes clutched to my chest. “Katy!” I paused mid-
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The next evening, I sat crossed legs on my bed, typing away on my laptop, texting occasionally with Hannah. She’s complaining about a slutty girl who keeps hanging around Kyle. I’m trying to dissuade her from plucking out said slutty girl's hair and scratching her eyes out, because I’m miles away from campus and won’t be able to bail her out of jail. From my bag pack, I bring out a pack of peanuts and a bottle of water. Poping the nuts in my mouth as I read a chapter in my textbook, I go over it a few times and then take down some notes. We should be having tests in a few weeks and then exams, I already pleaded for extensions on my assignments, but I doubt they'd do the same for tests.When I raise my head I see it’s past midnight, I feel cross-eyed, my brain a little fried from studying. The last text from Hannah was twenty minutes ago saying she and Kyle were driving home. I imagined they were probably having sex and all is right in their world once more. I packed my books, puttin
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