All Chapters of Bound By the Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
125 Chapters
I’ve never met anyone who threw me off as much as he does. He is a strange mixture of hot and cold, I’m unsure which of them I prefer. Pissing people off must be an inane talent of a gift from God to him because he does it so well. It took me a long time to fall asleep last night after the kitchen, I stayed up, planning every aspect of this conversation. I am ready for him this morning. Already dressed for school, I left my bag on a couch in the living room after Ms. Pac directed me to the room where Ian was having breakfast. I remained at the entryway glaring at him. “Well, good morning to you,” Ian said without looking up. I want to remain where I was, to ensure he can feel my displeasure from a distance but as always, he remains unaffected by my glares. The steaming food smelled nice and I didn’t see a need to deny myself so I strolled in. I take a seat beside him spreading a napkin on my lap. “Sleep well?” In an effort to control the direction of the conversation and my
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I should call an Uber, but it would take too long. His car it is. Hopefully, he’ll be holding his breath throughout the day wondering if he’s going to get a call that I trashed it. I meet the same security from earlier, “Can you show me to the garage? Ian wants me to drive one of the cars for today” I don’t even know why I’m explaining myself. He inclined his head in a nod. “Right this way Ma'am” I try to pick up my jaw when I’m led to the underground garage. It looks like a place where they sell cars. Expensive cars not like any dealership I’ve been to or where I got Beatle. “I don’t suppose Mr. Quinn is in the business?” I pointed to the vehicles in front of me. There were over twenty in total. “No, which would you like” I’m not an automobile enthusiast. I appreciate a nice one when I see it like everyone else. But this is something else. And their colors, they look like they each got a fresh paint job, and we’re polished to shine. My finger jumped from a red Ferrari to a
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I had a nice quiet weekend, stayed indoors studying, I really do have a lot of catching up to do, I just say that to get out of parting with Hannah. So I start with reading up and listening to recordings or lectures, for those available anyway, taking down questions before attempting a few assignments. It’s a slow process but if I keep at it, I should be ready enough to sit for tests, for the easy courses anyway. Ha. Ms. Pat is kind enough to send my meals, and some snacks during the day. A few times I heard a familiar baritone the sound carrying through my door but not too low to catch the words spoken. I didn’t do much as dip a toe out of my room, I felt the need to avoid him, and I felt like running into me would bring me bad luck so in my room I remained. Sunday afternoon I’m flipping through my physiology textbook, my eyes were hurting from too much studying, earlier, I pushed back the curtains to let in some natural light. I straightened at the sound of a knock on the door
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I find a reception at the first floor, business people, both men and woman, old and middle aged walk about, holding briefcases, cell phones to the ears or carrying a bunch of files. But they were all busy, no one stoops to talk to me, no one even notices me. I continue with my mission, “Excuse me” I call the attention of the receptionist, a pretty lady maybe a few years older then me, he lips painted a bright red that matches her top, at least what I can see of her outfit. “Hello, how can I help you today?” I look around, “Can you direct me to Ian Quinn’s office?” The woman does a double take“Mr Quinn?” “Yes” Now she gives me a once over her brows arching dubiously “Are you sure?” Trying to curve my emotions, I nod wishing she would direct me or send me to someone who can. She points to the elevators at the side, pursing her lips. “Take the elevator to the top top floor, I should warn that you can only see him if you have and appointment, you look like a nice girl, surely any
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IANThe little spit fire, my eyes follow her ass swaying as she stomped out of my office, banging the door shot. I try to blink away the sight of her shapely legs from my brain but I fear the image is burned to my retinas. Christ. I take a moment to adjust my cock tenting my pants. One would wonder where she was hiding all that fire in her little body, for a moment I thought she was going to hit me, I would have let her, I deserved it. Then I’d have proceeded to lay her on my table, it would take little effort to hold down that little body while she squirmed to get away, with only a hand on her spine and leaving my other hand free to redden that pert ass for daring to hit me. The thought of spanking my kitten has my blood rushing south and I curb the thoughts leashing them and tossing them at the back of my mind lest I hunt her down and give her something to really scream about. And she would scream. Katy is too wound up, too quiet, what she needs is someone to help her let go, t
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***Getting through the rest of my day was a struggle. Ian has me twisted up I just wanted to scream or maybe break something in frustration. I should never have gone to his office.I could barely pay attention to my lectures which was bad as I was already behind. And I can't ask Hannah if I could move in with her because I feared what he would do. Sees him at home Monday night, I shoot him a displeased look and walk past him. “Good day, kitten?”I scoffed, he’s really enjoying this, isn’t he? I shot him a displeased look and walked past him. I'm almost at the corner that leads to the rooms when he calls “And Katy?” I paused at the sound of my actual name coming from his mouth.Katy, not kitten or a little mouse or anything degrading. It’s probably why I turned to him, I couldn’t help but hear what he had to say. “Be back here every night”“Do I also have a curfew, Dad?”“Do you need one?”Don’t curse at him Katy, don’t curse at him-“How about eleven? It’s a good time” Ian offer
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I find myself back in the closet the next morning, looking through my cloth choices while wearing only a towel around my chest. I’d gone right to bed after my shower last in the evening, exhausted. The thought of Ian and his controlling way pissed me off to no end, I wasn’t used to feeling such extreme anger, I didn’t know what to do with it. Talking to him proved fruitless, getting angry was even worse, my annoyance seemed to amuse him, the man could talk his way out of hell if he pleased. Thinking of it sucked the strength right from my bones. A few times I considered just moving out, what was the worst he could do? Maybe I didn’t have to ask Hannah, but there had to be options. I had money, I had access to accounts dad set up for me if only I hadn’t signed that damned contract. But I had. And knowing I couldn’t do anything about it made me bitter and I wasn’t a hateful person so I opted to sleep it off and wake up to a new day. Sadly, the taste of defeat was still bitter upon my
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I’m pulling into the lot when my phone starts ringing. Holding my bag by a strap, I get out and lock Bumper, then I fish out my phone seeing an unknown number, I swipe answer. Tossing my bag over my shoulder. “Hello?” “Good morning, am I unto Katy Quinn?” A female voice questions. Why in the hell was everyone calling me that? I didn’t remember requesting a change of name, it is an arranged marriage, I am keeping my birth names. I pinched the bridge of my nose, it wasn’t even nine in the morning but I could feel a head ache coming on. “Yes, this is she” I answered grimly wondering what other surprises the day could bring. “This is Ann, Mr. Quinn’s assistant” “Oh, hi” The woman’s voice comes again, “I wanted to apologize for yesterday, I was unaware of your identity please know that such would never repeat itself” It was actually my fault, the poor woman was just doing her job but I was just to pissed to see reason, I’m glad she didn’t lose her job. “Ah… sorry for making things e
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My phone chirps and I look to it as it lights up, as Professor Edwards drones on about behavior patterns, I click on the email notification from Ann Jameson and d******d the attachment. My brows go up, I see Mr. Quinn is quite busy, and now so am I. He has to make an appearance in over twenty plus events and I scan the dates, that was only for the next five months. Great. I see that there’s an event for Friday, I do a mental calculation, that’s in for days. The words black tie affair is written in parentheses. I’m still thumbing through the calendar deliberate if I have to show up for these events when a text pops in from an unknown number. I click on it with a frown I read the text out loud, “How’s your day looking? Mine sucks” I debate leaving it but before I know it my fingers are thumbing out a reply. Me: Who is this?” My heart jumps as I read the text that follows almost immediately. “Your husband” When professor Edwards turns to the board I type back. Me: Ian?
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“I’ll drop you off today” Ian says the next morning in the driveway. He motions at the back seat of the black Bentley holding the door open for me. A pang hits my chest at the suggestion, I shake my head, my eyes gunning for the black Ferrari is parked at the curb where I left it last night. He tilted his head to the side, “I thought we agreed to economize from now on” But I hurry to the other vehicle before he can rope me into an argument he would no doubt win, giving him and the Bentley a wide breath, shaking my head. “No Ian, just no” I’d rather drive myself thank you very much. I pop the handle and it stays shot, I stomp my feet, the car is locked and the key is nowhere in sight. Guess he’s taken it away, I just knew it’d come to this damn it. Using his car was another way of controlling me. I turn around heading back to the house “Guess I’m not going today” I could use some studying anyway. And some sleep. I glared at him as I walked past, what a dick. A hand wraps ar
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