All Chapters of SEX WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCÉ : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
91 Chapters
- HAZEL - It's been two days, I clench my fingers around the huge pink plushie on my bed, sinking my head into it. It's so soft. And the best part about it is, it comes with a voice box. I gently press the collar around the neck of my plushie, which has my name engraved on a golden heart-shaped name tag, and a deep masculine voice plays. It's Killian's. "Hello kitten, I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but I'm begging you. Please. Forgive me. Give me a chance to make things right. Take care." Rang in my ears. Every word came with a sexy growl and that pleased my ears. In fact, it makes my eyes roll but I'm conflicted. I don't know if I should accept Killian's apology or not. Why does he even care? I'm just his student. Someone walks in. The nurse flashed me a smile and checked the condition of my room again before leaving. Killian also made five playlists for me. This made me giggle. I don't know how he knows but some of my favourite songs are here. He made one for my mood
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- KILLIAN - It's the d-day. The game is finally here and seats are getting occupied by home students and the school professors, guests and the opposing team. Certain board members have their own seats in the stadium and everyone seems to be getting cozy. I feel better. I've been on medication and haven't done anything stressful for the past week so despite certain minor aches, I'm confident that I'm improving very nicely. "Got popcorn." Liam says, walking to me. I stared at him with a brow raised. Did I forget to add that I invited him? Not by choice, obviously. Liam wanted to come. "Need I remind you I'm the coach. I won't be sitting with you nor will I have time to snack." "Who said I got them for you?" Liam smirks and puts some popcorn in his mouth. I scoff, looking away. I ran my eyes around the stadium, hoping to find someone. Certainly one week is enough time. Hazel didn't text me back but that doesn't mean I'm backing off. "Looking for someone?" Liam's voice slid in my e
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- KILLIAN -Winning is not much of a victory if she's not here to celebrate it with me. I close my eyes and splash water on my face. My eyelids slid open and I stare at myself in the mirror, breathing through my mouth. My hair is wet and dripping water down my face which drips down the sink. The image of Hazel kissing that blonde suddenly flashes in my mind causing my gaze to harden. Where was Liam when I needed him? I clench my fist and hit my hand on the sink in anger, still staring at myself in the mirror. If he was there at that moment, maybe he would've done something to stop it. I groan. My fist hurts but not as much as the ache I feel in my heart right now. The strange part about what I saw is despite this, I still desire her. My body craves her so much. I want to someday sit with her and remember this moment with the satisfaction that I won. Even though watching her lock lips with another man broke me. I kind of deserved it. I was a dick. But I'm trying to change that. I
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- HAZEL -I stood outside the closed amusement park with an extra paper-cup of coffee in my hand. I'm freezing and I don't have a jacket, plus, I'm alone. I wouldn't have been if Kaiden didn't have urgent things to attend to, leaving me stranded. And if Kate hadn't pulled an awol on me. I sigh and stick the tip of my half filled cup of coffee in my mouth, holding it firmly between my teeth and slowly dip my hand in my pocket to take my phone. I turn on the screen and head to my chat with Killian. Killian hasn't texted me since then but I'm waiting for him. I couldn't get any network signal to call a taxi and he was the only one I could think of that would actually be willing to help me. That's why I texted him. That, and also the fact that I want to talk, yet I feel devastated about that. I feel like I'm taking advantage of a situation I definitely have no upper hand in. Maybe it's because I know he cares about me. I'm a terrible person!!I pace back and forth in a line, still hol
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- KILLIAN -I didn't drive. After getting food for her, I waited for her to finish eating comfortably in my car. Without watching her of course, the least I want is to make her feel uncomfortable by my presence.Although I already got the hint that it happened quite a lot. I groan, pulling my hand over my face, forming a veil with my fingers. Right now, we're in the parking lot. "I'm done eating. Thank you, it was so good." Hazel slurps. "I'm glad you liked it." A half grin forms on my face. I'm not a stalker but I do have information on certain things she likes eating. Don't ask me how. "Should I leave this with me or I should-" She asks.Through the mirror, I can see her arrange the empty food packets inside the bag. My gaze lingers to the side and I espy her holding the food pack nervously. "Leave it in the car." I cut her short. "I'll take care of it." I say to her. Hazel's lips form a line. I can already tell she's having doubts. "Here, give it to me." I lean my hand forward
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- HAZEL -I stare at the love poster on the wall of Jasmine's corner. That could be me right now, with someone by my side, but I chose to stay here. I look up to face the wood supporting the bed above me. I never knew Jasmine as the lovey-dovey type but even she has a hidden poster on her wall. Maybe there's someone she's not telling us about. I'm sure if there is someone, she must have it nice. I don't. I can't believe I'm sulking after making my decision. When Killian said those words to me, my mind got trapped in the fantasy of what it would be like to follow him and be in his arms but the thought dried up to dust when it hit me that he was inviting me to his home. It was all about the sex. Not because he cares about me. Killian just wanted me to be his play toy, again. Then hurt me after and I don't want that. I huff. I can't stand being someone's toy when I know that deep down, it's more than that. My feelings towards him are more than just physical because knowing me, I won't
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- KILLIAN -She's not here with me. I desperately hoped that she would be. I guess a confession didn't really mean anything. I dip my hand inside the glass bowl full of popcorn on my bed and feed myself to it. I'm sitting lazily on my bed while watching a series. I decided to pause everything I had going on just to meet with her yet I ended up alone. I'm not pissed, I just realise how down bad I am for that chic called Hazel. I pick up the remote to change to the next episode. By my side on the bed is the flash drive. When I arrived, I was conflicted between working or relaxing and I chose relaxation. I guess I'll be making myself invisible for now till the dinner. I need to give her space to access her thoughts and think about what I said. It's just a matter of time.... I hope. After now, being the good, gentle man, if she doesn't accept me... I drop more popcorn in my mouth, I will try it the other way. Hazel will be mine. In every way possible and I will ensure of it. While gi
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- HAZEL -My eyes open when a knock on my door wakes me up. Confusion is the first thing I feel and I roam my hand on my bed to look for my phone. I check the time. It's six thirty pm. I still feel so fucking sleepy. Another knock draws my attention to the door. With a groan, I climb down from my bed and sluggishly make my way to the door. "Yes?" I yawn while opening the door. My eyes widen when an unfamiliar face visits me at the door. Sleep left my eyes faster than it came. "I don't know you..." My brows furrow. I look around in my room but no one is inside. She's definitely not a guest of any of my roomies. They never invite anyone over without being present in our room. "Did you get the room wrong?" "Hazel..." The lady looks at a jotter in her hand then looks up at me. "Summers?" I swallow, staring at her skeptically. "Yeah?" I raise a brow. That's my full name. She scribbles something down on the jotter and hands over a white gift bag to me. "You have an order. From a frien
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- HAZEL - We just arrived. I'm making my way inside the hall while Kaiden is outside talking with some gentlemen. It's hard to miss the event center. Even from the entrance, I can hear the sound of soft saxophone music. And everywhere else is empty. I hold a portion of my dress up between two of my fingers while delicately making my way through the corridor. I'm so close to the event center and I know it. My eyelids flare up for a second and a smile forms on my face. Like the red sea parting, tall, white flower vases filled with variety of pretty flowers line up, leading to the door. Floor lights, in line with the vases, illuminates the ground. Despite having the location for the dinner on our phones, the school definitely out did themselves to aid us find it easily. This is so sweet. I feel like royalty. Maybe a glove wouldn't have been bad after all. I roll my eyes at the thought. I gently push the door open and freeze. The interior design hit me like a wave and I need to cat
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- KILLIAN -"Liam, I sent you a file with some codes. It's a lead on the whereabouts of the murderer. Do your research." I say, standing in front of the table in my office while redoing my tie. I shouldn't have this conversation here, school is not a safe place to talk about something this delicate but here I am with no care in the world, leaving my phone on loud speaker on my desk while on a call with my brother. "Noted. I'll get back to you in the morning." Liam says. A grin masquerades my lips. Good. I just finished knoting my tie and I stick it underneath the inner layer suit then button my tuxedo. "That will be all for now." "Enjoy your dinner." Liam utters. Even without looking at him physically, I can see the sly grin forming across his face and hear the mock in his words. I abhor interactions and I hate school celebrations. Apparently, I have to participate with a smile or at least show interest. "You won't be laughing for long." I scoff. He bursts out laughing. "You sure
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