All Chapters of SEX WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCÉ : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
99 Chapters
- HAZEL -I look at myself in the mirror after washing my hands. Tonight was calmer than I expected. Aside from those death glares I got from Killian every second, everything seems to be going alright. At least he's not being rude. I sigh and straighten my hair. I think he's not being rude because he's barely indulging in conversations.Maybe that itself is rude? I can't tell. I mean, I should be cross about his recent words fired at Kaiden but in a small get together, or date, where I can choose to be mad, I chose peace. Plus, my heart has been racing every time Kaiden's hands touched me. It's fun to see rage and what I think is jealousy across Killian's face but Kaiden's hands on my skin starts to creep me out. It just feels so wrong. I press my lips on each other, spreading my lip gloss evenly around and pout. My lip gloss is drier on my lips and I didn't come to the restroom with my purse so I can't apply more. I let my thoughts drift away from my lips back to dinner. How I su
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- HAZEL -"Are you okay?" With every word that left her lips, I felt my violent, pounding heart beat intensify. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. I shift away from Killian and look at the floor. My phone is on the floor. I just noticed that that must've been what dropped earlier. Kate finally walks to my front. I'm standing here in a spot looking guilty. Where do I even start my explanation from? I keep my gaze focused on the tiles in terror. My organs force its way to my throat, cutting my air flow and I hold myself from whimpering to breathe. "Oh, Kil, you're here." She says. My head darts up immediately. Confusion is written all over my face. She sounds calm. Very calm and she looks surprised to see him. Wait. Does this mean she doesn't know? ....She didn't see anything? My eyes widen. I can't tell. I don't know. She could be playing the ignorant card while giving me a chance to explain why my mouth was in her fiancé's. This just makes my stomach churn."Hazel," Kate calls. "Hm?" I answe
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- KILLIAN -The night ended nicely. I hold a glass to my mouth and gulp down my red wine. Way better than I anticipated it to end. Don't get me wrong, I still wanted to rip Kaiden's limbs apart when she was all over him but that girl's mine. Hazel is finally mine. The best part about this is she accepted me. And I don't feel stupid now that my head is clear. I've never been one to make a decision recklessly, yet a few hours ago, I was high on jealousy and rage and asked the question I never thought I was ready to. There's this form of accomplishment oozing out of my mind along with satisfaction. Those nights being patient did not go to waste. Those nights she invaded my thoughts and I barely had an iota of rest because she was my only interruption. I would've had her my way if things didn't end well between us in the long run, thankfully there was no need, but, boy, do I feel happy! Genuinely. It's so weird yet intriguing at the same time. I haven't had such a rush of emotions
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- HAZEL - Kate is packing. I'm supposed to be having lectures but I skipped it to give her a hand. I don't know when she'll be back but I do know she'll be back for exams and tests. Till then, her stay back home may be indefinite. I really hope everything goes well for her and her family. I'm really going to miss her. While locking lips with Killian? My mind taunts and I shove the thought off. A grin forms on my face. Yes, while locking lips with Killian. Consider it good will. I reply myself in my head. The truck boot jams shut and the driver walks to the front, entering the driver's seat. I can't believe she'll be gone. Temporarily, but I still can't believe it. I moved to this school because of her. Partially because I had a messy break up but mainly because I wanted to be with her and now, life is taking her far away from me. Again. "Okay, I guess this is it." Kate says, walking to me. Her eyes are reddish and her under eyes are sore. She looks drained of energy and I can tel
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- HAZEL - That lady is pretty. I sink lower in my seat. I still can't seem to get her out of my head and we've been driving for a while. He has. "You okay?" Killian's voice slid in my ears, soothing every cell in my body. I should scold him about picking me up like that again. Just because Kate ain't here, doesn't mean not many ladies wouldn't have my head. And he's a professor. "Mmm." I whisper, shaking the thought off. His car is cool. I love the air conditioner blowing on my skin. "Just thinking." I hear a chuckle. "I'm right here. You can talk to me instead of circulating your thoughts around me." I narrow my gaze as I turn my head to face him. "For someone who left me twelve messages, you sure talk high." Saying that out loud makes me grin. He did think about me all day. I feel very accomplished. Killian spares me a gaze then averts his eyes back to the road. He leans his other hand, not on the steering, to the side then places it on my thigh. This makes my body sti
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- KILLIAN -She was silent throughout the drive. Apart from her outburst about me meeting her in her dorm along with the ground rules when she got in, Hazel said nothing. I am not one for small talk so I didn't know what to bring up to kill the silence. I just snuck stares her way every second to ensure she's comfortable. That was until our drive got eventful. She's all I can taste in my mouth and I fucking love it. I grin, driving into my compound. Today was hell. Everything about today was hell. I thought I'd see her to ease my mind off a lot of things but she never showed up. Fuck, I missed her. I hate being away from her at all, talk less of a few hours. It felt like forever. I also find it strange because this feeling is so new to me. Not long ago, I was considering proposing, then seeing her with someone else drove me nuts and I proposed, now all of a sudden, my brain acts like it needs her to function. Like she's my daily source of energy supply.And I know almost nothing
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- KILLIAN - A groan make it's way out my mouth as I pull out slowly, leaving half of my length inside her, while holding her with one hand and pressing her body against the wall. I let go of her hair and place my hand on her ass. Now I twist her hips back and forth on my dick. I'm so hard. Hazel's pussy clenches around me, causing another groan. Fuck. I missed having her around me. I missed being in her. Having her in my arms, not unconscious nor in pain, naked this way in the confinement of my bathroom gives me a form of relief I never thought I needed. Hazel mewls as her ass slams into my pelvis. So far, I've been slow. I'm huge. I'm aware of that fact and it's been a while since she took me in. I want to make her pussy get accustomed to my girth. And I will. "How are you doing this to me?" Hazel breath on my face. I look up to face her. Her eyes are shut. "You're not even moving. Yet you're all over me at the same time. Messing with my mind." I press my lips on her chest, k
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- HAZEL -I am completely spent. My whole body is relaxed yet overwhelmed at the same time. How many times? I ask myself, staring at the ceiling from the comfort of his bed. My vision is dazed and my head is still wrapped around my orgasms. Our orgasms. How many rounds? I couldn't count. But it felt so good. I lean my body lazily to the side to face him. Our bodies wet the mattress so we're in a different room. His other room. I find it odd that there are more than one master bedrooms in this mansion, but he surely must love his privacy. "Not coming to join me? I miss holding you." I whine, adoring him from afar. He's working. I don't know what he's working on but he has been working since. After taking my collapsed body in his arms, out of his room to his other room, Killian put me to bed. I felt his arms around me in a cuddle before dozing off but I woke up to slightly cold sheets. I could tell he's been up for a while. Killian spares me a gaze and returns his eyes back to h
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- HAZEL - I yawn and spit in the sink. My hand form a bowl and water runs in. I lean my body lower and bring my hand close to my mouth then slurp the water in. Now I'm gurgling it all around. I spit it in the sink again and flash my teeth in front of the mirror. Now I stick my tongue out. Yup, clean as ever! I walk out of the bathroom and take my toothbrush with me. Last night was quite eventful. A sly grin forms on my lips. Very eventful. I recommend. I gaze around the room when I walk to the bed. My bag is on his bed. I dip my toothbrush, the one Killian got for me, in my bag. I plan to put on the same outfit I wore the day before today to leave. After I've had my bath and probably breakfast. I also need to leave early or I'd miss my first period and that's not something I want to experience again. Not at all. I walk out of Killian's room. A delicious scent fills my nose and I inhale. Someone's cooking. I follow the scent to his kitchen. I wonder if the cooks were around y
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- HAZEL - The dorm is quiet. I sneak in, trying to avoid passing through the dorm mistress in charge. It's too quiet that it irks me. Surely not every human here went for lectures. Is there a program that required all our attention that I wasn't aware of? I dip my hand in my pocket to take out my room key. I didn't study at all throughout yesterday. I plan to make up for it today but I finally have something to write in my journal. A wide smile forms on my face. A lot actually. There's no freaking way I'll miss adding the juice from last night. I stand in front of my room door and stick the key in. A soft click rings in my ears as I turn the key to the side, the door just unlocked. I push the door in slowly, opening it. In case my roomies are trying to pull up a surprise attack, I won't be so surprised. I peep my head in. No one's here. "Jasmine?" I call and wait for an answer. I know I didn't see anyone but girls sometimes do the most bizarre things. Who knows? Someone c
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