All Chapters of SEX WITH MY BEST FRIEND'S FIANCÉ : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
99 Chapters
- KILLIAN -Cool breeze blows through the window and rests on my skin from behind. I sigh, signing and writing some paperwork while hacking into a ton of government databases. I will find her no matter what. The woman who murdered my parents will pay. Hacking into government and international databases was easier than I anticipated. Way too easy. All I'm going across right now are those suspicious ones regarding people. It's easy to delete one's existence but as long as the person was born, educated, trained and has been seen in daylight without a mask or covering, while having DNA samples in so many places, finding that person might take a while. But the person can be found. Unless she's dead. My jaw tightens. That is something I do not want. I want to have the pleasure of annihilating her myself. My fists clench. I want to have that murderer begging for mercy with the last life hanging in her throat while her body is decapitated with crushed bones while I strangle her. My life b
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- ASAMI -I throw a dart pin towards the board. It hit the center. I walk backwards to the small, round, fancy, long desk holding my champagne and champagne flutes in a tray and grab a half full glass of champagne. I force it down my throat steadily, the loathe for the person in the image pinned at the center of the dart board slowly evolving out my body. I thought a glass or five would do the trick and aid this anger dissolve but I'm on my fifth and I still feel this rage. It doesn't work. I surround the bottle with my hand and raise it up to look at the alcohol volume. 35 percent. Has my tolerance heightened or does this simply not do the trick? I throw my hand forward, flinging the bottle at the wall. The sound of shattering glass fills my ears despite the low music playing in the background. My jaw clenches. Staring at the empty champagne flute in my hand makes me miss having liquor down my throat. I laugh hysterically as I drop the champagne flute. Silly me. Always acting on
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- HAZEL -My hand is hung backwards from the end of my bed and my back rests on the bed while my legs are raised to the ceiling. I'm using my phone. Remember Caroline? I found her Instagram. Don't ask me how, I just did but that was some stalker type shit. She doesn't post much but she has a thousand followers. I pinch my screen and zoom in. My other hand picks a chip and I munch. Can't believe I'm invited to a party with a stranger. I finally have the chance to dress appropriately while in front of her. A ball comes flying my way, hitting the wall my bed leans upon then bounces back. I freeze. What the fuck? The sound caused by that is deafening and imagine if that thing hit me? Hit my legs?! I could be crippled!! Who the fuck is playing recklessly here? Does that person have a death wish?!"I swear to god, if that ball comes flying here a second time, I will puncture it myself!" I yell, annoyed. "Sorry." Jasmine's voice bubbles in my ears. "See? I told you to be careful. Give m
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- KILLIAN -A text notification diverts my attention from the screen to my phone. I was having a virtual meeting. Still having one, but the name that popped on along with the notification gave me all the reason I needed to zone out of this boring yet important meeting. Hazel. One end of my lips curls to form a not so noticeable half grin. 'What colour of fit fits to go to an eerie party?' She asks. 'Someone invited me for a dark fantasy, game night party today. I'm syked! Also worried but I've got no friends. lmaooo.' I read. My little angel is a loner? That's quite shocking yet I don't seem surprised. [ Translation; lmao means laughing my ass out ]I pull my phone from my desk and send a text. 'Show me your options.' I text and wait. My eyes avert to the screen before me then back to my phone in my hand. 'I-- I don't got no options. Still on my bed.' This made me chuckle under my breath. An image drops after. I click on it to load. It's her. Messily dressed in a baggy, white
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- HAZEL - Making out in his car has become my favourite thing yet. Parked in the indoor car park of a grand boutique, Killian is taking me. Devouring my mouth with his tongue. I moan into his lips. I am no different, I'm on top of him in the driver's seat, my knees situated at both sides of his thighs while my head is locked with his. His hands roams all over my body, slipping into my shirt as he positions my body on his to fit his rhythm. Soaring over me like a starved lion while keeping the hand to body contact. My body moves backwards to rest on the steering, due to his recent movement, when a gasp leaves my lips as he gropes my ass. Pulling my thighs forward. I moan when my clothed clit rubs on the hardness in his pants. It feels so good. I grind my body on his groin, enjoying what it's doing to my body. Killian groans in my mouth. "Fuck." He whispers, trapping my lower lip between both of his teeth. My breath collides with his. I can feel his breath fan my face and
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- HAZEL - "Keep this. Don't lose it next time." Killian slides something over my neck in front of me, while holding me to him. We're in the mall. My body feels ripened with good sex and I can't help but grin all through the walk. I hold it in my hand, wondering what it is. My mouth drops. It's my necklace. The one I wore to the congratulations dinner where I drowned. He had it the whole time. Wait, he was the mystery gifter! Oh my God. Unless he happened to find it in the pool. "I wanted to return it sooner but didn't have the chance to." I bite my lower lip. Is it weird that this makes me love him even more? "Thank you." I say, looking up at him. Killian spares me a gaze. "Don't pretend. You didn't even know it was gone." His tone is playful and a smile forms on his lips. Yup. Confirmed. He's the one who got it for me. "Yes, fine jewelry is what I would've been thinking of in the depths of a pool." I shoot him a glare, sarcasm trailing off my voice. I might'
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- KILLIAN - Being away from her when she is just in my reach is one of the hardest thing yet. I groan. I can't even speak to her and haven't for hours. The wait is killing me!! I stare at my phone situated between both of my hands which rests on my thighs. I feel like flinging this object. I texted Hazel after every hour yet I've gotten no response. I don't even know how it's going in there and according to Natalie, I can't go in. My face hardens. I dare not go in. Natalie is one scary woman. Although she doesn't look it, she's old enough to birth two of me. She's one of the only ones of my mother's friends that I'm close to. She's like a second mother. When my parents died, she took the role as my foster parent. Not legally by law, but more like a favour. That didn't stop me from being Liam's sole parent and having servants, but Natalie took care of the books and the household catering till I was old enough to assume that role. It's one of the reasons I adore her.
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- HAZEL - I never knew there were more to designs till today. Seeing this woman and these people work their ass off while putting things on me for me really amuses me. Knowing whatever outfit I decide on will be made today on such short notice really has me stunned. I can't even imagine how stressful this is for them and how expensive it will be. "I like this one. The material is soft on my skin, yet elegant." I say, swirling in the dress while looking at myself in the mirror. It's a crimson red lacey dress, like those the princess in the Victorian era wore. Just the not to pleasant and kind princesses. Natalie gives me a good look, sizing me from head to toe. "It is nice. But do you really want to be in an evil princess dress at a party? Movement surely won't be easy." Hmm. She does have a point. I don't even know what I want. "I'd love a dress. Maybe something less ballgown-y and more," I pause, trying to think of a word to use. What evil Disney villain can a middle a
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- KILLIAN - The door leading to an enclosed, grand office closes. The lights are off and the curtains are shut close yet it's well ventilated and I can make view of the objects in this room. These walls are also sound proof so I'm sure Natalie wants to talk about something dire. Natalie stops me from walking inside further, leaving me standing at the door despite the comfort cushions in the office. "Она не знает." Those words meet me at the entrance. I see Natalie did exactly what I told her not to. I swallow. [ Translation: She doesn't know. ] "Пока нет, я не хочу показывать ей эту часть себя." I say. [ Translation: Not yet, I don't want to show her this part of me. ] A resounding slap lands across the plains of the side of my face. I feel the sting due to the hi on my face and I'm guessing this might leave a mark. "Ты хочешь сказать мне, что она бездельничает и ничего не знает о том, чем ты занимаешься в подземном мире?!" Natalie sounds furious, her voice r
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- HAZEL - I step into the Uber, sitting down and making myself comfortable in the back seat. Killian is with me, standing outside, while leaning on the car's back seat door. "Are you sure you don't want me to drop you? Would be a pleasure to do so." Killian requests for the hundredth time tonight. I'm glad he's interested but no way will I let him take me there and risk being spotted by his side crushes and get bamboozled with questions. Although that would be kind of a brag but with Kate being in the picture and us sharing course mates? Not so much. "Again, you don't need to, it's a school girl hosting. Plus, the last thing I want is to interrupt your work and clog your space." I say to him, nicely. I did sound nice, right?... I hope so. The look on his face says 'I'm not complaining' but Killian sighs. "If you're so determined, sure. Just-" His hand brushes his silky hair backwards. "Send me your live update." "Obsessive much?" I tease. "Hazel!" He calls. Part o
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