All Chapters of TETHERED : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
52 Chapters
KEILAH "As if sensing my gaze, Ralph abruptly lifted his head from what seemed to be his phone, catching my eyes. The suspense was suffocating, but I couldn't tear my gaze away. Conflicting emotions warred within me—should I approach him and seek clarification, or should I let it go and immerse myself in the warmth of my family inside the house? The struggle raged within me until I resolved to approach him."Give me a moment, Aunt," I murmured as I retraced my steps toward Ralph's car. As I neared his car, my heart pounded against my ribcage, threatening to break free. Standing by the driver's side, I waited for him to lower the window, but he remained unmoved, aware of my unspoken need.Unwilling to relent, I circled to the back passenger side, thankful the door hadn't been locked. I slid in, sat, and closed the door. "There's something I need to ask, if you don't mind," I began, my voice quivering slightly. Despite his silence, I persisted. "Ralph," I ventured, striving to maintain
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RALPH My grip on the man tightened as I felt the primal surge within me, propelled by the relentless force of my wolf. He refused me to relinquish my hold until he assured the guy no longer drew breath. The torment inflicted upon his mate had stoked an inferno of fury within my wolf, and this man had callously reopened the wounds. He's the one to suffer the consequences. His struggles for breath were palpable against my hold. Each gasp felt like a jolt of satisfaction, a vindication for daring to put his hands on what was mine. My wolf roared in protest, demanding retribution for the pain inflicted on his mate. As his eyes began to cloud over, I couldn't suppress the grim satisfaction that curled my lips. It was a twisted pleasure, a grim reminder that no one had the right to touch what belonged to me. The simmering rage within me spoke louder than any growl, a declaration that reverberated through the silence.I'm the only one who's allowed to hurt her. Not you. Not anyone,
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RALPH A persistent knock on the car window jolted me awake, and my irritation flared at the audacity of someone disturbing my much–needed sleep. Snapping my eyes open, it was this human mate of mine. I glanced upward, realizing it's already morning, though it seemed far too early for her to be awake. With a resigned sigh, I unlocked the door, feeling the cold seep in as she clambered inside. "You've got three hours left before we leave," I grumbled, the frustration evident in my tone."I found it hard to sleep last night because I couldn't stop thinking of the hell waiting for me at your place. I was also anxious about displaying any telltale signs of distress to my aunt, as I knew I wouldn't be able to conceal my emotions and leave her side. Therefore, I decided to leave before anyone could notice my inner turmoil. Despite this, I am thankful for the time I spent with them.”The pack house got closer as we drove back. It was good that the ride was quiet. She didn't talk a lot,
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KEILAH Everyone watched me in utter astonishment as my words hung in the air, causing a hushed silence to fall over this big room. I was tired of being intimidated by their threats of death, so it was up to me to face them and speak up for myself. I was undeterred by the intimidating presence of everyone, including their leaders, who exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by my unexpected interruption.Keilah Rivera," Ralph's voice echoed in my head, calling my name. Shocked, I snapped my head over to where he was standing, his grave eyes fixed on me. What was happening? Was he playing with my mind? I wondered. "What do you think you're doing there?" he asked again, his voice reverberating in my head. My knees trembled, but I steadied myself from falling. "If you value your life, get away from there," his voice warned.I gave him a long, shocked stare, wondering how he was able to communicate with me like this. My gaze flickered away from him, refocusing on those I had come to c
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KEILAH As I struggled to rise, the sting of pain seared through me. Dahlia, the silent girl I had come to know is close to Ralph, rushed over with concern etched on her face. "Did Benita hurt you?" she inquired, glancing in the direction of their departure. She reached out and took my hand gently."Is her name Benita?" I asked."Come on, I'Il take you to your room," she said, leading me through the hushed winding corridors of this house. Why is it so quiet here? I hope your alpha didn't order you to close me up here. I asked worriedly. Before she could answer me, her phone chimed with a message. She opened it and asked for a few minutes. Before I could ask where she was going, she had already turned away. Within seconds, I spotted the man who had brought me to Ralph's people, the ones who had nearly killed me with their wolf claws. I couldn't forget the devilish smile he had when he found me in that cramped room with that high-heeled woman( Benita)by his side. Ralph was dangerou
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RALPH When the council left, I strodded to my office and furiously punched the wall, drawing blood on my knuckles. Bitter grimace contorted my features as I sank onto the edge of my desk, the weight of disappointment settling heavily on my shoulders. The disapproving stares of the pack members towards me when the council made an official declaration of Keilah being a member of this pack pricked my skin, leaving an invisible mark.The fact that I don't like this but have to obey my leaders is a huge blow in the gut. The happiest one in all this was my wolf. I could feel his excitement within me. Interrupting my tempestuous thoughts, the door creaked open, revealing Zac with a smirk that grated against my raw nerves. "Not now, Zac," I growled, my tone curt. "I came in peace," he quipped, unperturbed by my hostility. "Just wanted to make sure my alpha is alright.” I gave him a pointed glare, expressing my disapproval."Trust me, Ralph, I genuinely care about you.I understand how
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KEILAH I was wandering through a vibrant and bustling marketplace. The air was filled with the intoxicating aroma of exotic spices, and colourful stalls lined the narrow pathways. The chatter of the crowd blended into a harmonious symphony of diverse languages, creating a mesmerizing cacophony.As I meandered through the lively throng, I suddenly felt a gentle touch on my shoulder. Startled, I turned around and was captivated by the sight of a mysterious, beautiful woman standing there, her features shrouded in a dreamlike haze. Her blond hair flowed soothingly in rhythm with the cool wind, creating an ethereal aura around her.Before I could gather my thoughts or react, she gracefully took my hand, enveloping it with a comforting warmth that instantly eased any lingering tension."Don't be afraid," she whispered, her voice as soft as cotton. "Stay close to your mate, and never let go.”Confused but curious, I looked around and realized that I was now not in the market but in the mid
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KEILAH Ralph slipped his hand under my blouse, scraping my skin, causing me to let out a soft moan as his hand came in contact with my sensitive breasts. It was very surprising that I willingly let the man who caused me experience death spread my legs wide for him. I feel ashamed of myself that I am giving in so easily. But I like it. I like the feel of his hands on me. I like his unpassionate kisses. As I moved my hands to run through his hair, he seized them, deftly securing them above my head and fastened them in his grasp as his other hand slipped back under my blouse to my breast, pinching my nipple a little rough. A moan escaped my mouth again. My mind raced with conflicting emotions as his rough touch sent swarms of butterflies in my stomach.I really don't like him, yet there was an undeniable allure in the way he commanded my body. It was a twisted dance of pleasure and resentment, leaving me questioning my own desires. Part of me wanted to push him away, to reclaim co
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KEILAH Ralph's commanding voice echoed through the room, “Call Isabella, NOW!” He growled as he effortlessly lifted her and strode out. Everyone followed suit, inadvertently knocking me down in their rush, still grappling with confusion. Despite the searing pain in my foot, I gathered myself and trailed behind. Everybody made a circle around the sofa where she was laid, their faces worried. A tug of guilt poked me as I realized the girl was now unconscious. Everyone made a way for that old woman who rushed over. “How bad is it?” She inquired with concern as she knelt beside the unconscious girl. Without hesitation, she extracted a small bottle from her pocket and, with Ralph's assistance, poured what looked like slimy green liquid into the girl's mouth. The old woman sighed in relief, “Thank the heavens it wasn't that bad. She'll be fine." She then got to her feet and turned to Ralph, confusion etched across her face. “What on earth happened? I don't get it. She's a goddamn
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ZACThe intensity of the human girl's gaze pierced through me, a fusion of bewilderment and disbelief etched across her features. It was evident she was grappling with the truth, her eyes betraying her attempt to unravel my intentions.Despite her shock, she composed herself, erecting a face of coldness with a forced smile."I'm sorry, but I'm not sure what you're referring to. If you'll excuse me," she uttered, attempting to withdraw her hand from my grasp. I halted her movement by clasping her hand once more."I was ordered to keep an eye on her," Dahlia interjected, her tone firm. "That means I can't leave her alone with you.""This doesn't concern you, little girl. I order you both to leave us alone," I retorted sharply."You're not my alpha to order me," both Benita and Dahlia shot back defiantly,simultaneously, their voices blending into a discordant symphony that grated on my nerves. "Say that one more time and see what I will do to both of you," I snapped, my patience wearin
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