All Chapters of TETHERED : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
49 Chapters
KEILAH Morning arrived, but I hesitated to open my eyes. I knew Ralph was sleeping beside me, and I couldn't bear to face him. I feel deeply ashamed and embarrassed for giving myself to him, considering all the terrible things he has done to me. Sometimes, I wonder if I've lost my sanity. OH, LORD HAVE MERCY, for I enjoyed everything he did to me last night. I cautiously placed my hand on my neck where he had touched me last night, and my entire body responded to his every caress. Suddenly, an electric sensation jolted through me, causing me to jerk my hand onto Ralph's side of the bed. To my surprise and relief, his side was empty and cold, which meant he'd woken moments ago. Quickly, I sprang out of his bed, wrapping myself in the sheet as I navigated through his room and into mine, sidestepping the discomfort between my legs—it was bearable this time, not as jarring as the first time. Upon entering my room, I noticed something different – the window had been replaced. Discar
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KEILAH His words hung in the air like a dark omen, filling me with a sense of dread that threatened to consume me whole. But despite the fear that coiled in my chest like a serpent, I squared my shoulders and met his gaze. His eyes bore into mine with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine. It felt as though he was peering into the depths of my soul, searching for something that even I didn't fully understand. Seconds stretched into eternity as we stood locked in a silent standoff, the tension in the air thick enough to suffocate.Unable to bear the weight of his gaze any longer, I broke the silence with a trembling voice. "What... What are you staring at?" I managed to muster the courage to ask, my words barely audible in the stillness of the chamber.The bastard's lips curled into a predacious smile, revealing the glint of his sharpened fangs. "Oh, my dear," he murmured, his voice a seductive whisper. "I am merely admiring the beauty before me, savouring the anticipation of
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DAHLIA Three weeks had passed since I delved into Keilah's memories, and the weight of what I'd discovered consumed me. Each day felt like a battle against time and the turmoil within me. I sifted through every detail, every emotion, desperately trying to piece together the puzzle that could either spell salvation or destruction. The burden of knowing bore down on my shoulders, a relentless weight that threatened to crush me. But I couldn't afford to falter.In frustration, I scattered my hair, feeling the weight of uncertainty pressing down on me. How could I prevent it from all coming back to Keilah, potentially turning Alpha's heart into a dark stone forever? I was a witch, damn it. I had to find a solution before it was too late. "I need to figure this out," I murmured to myself, the urgency of my task gnawing at my insides.“What would my witch be thinking about?” Zac's voice startled me from behind, and I gritted my teeth in irritation. "It's nothing," I replied curtly, attemp
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RALPH As I writhed against the silver chains, every fibre of my being screamed in agony. The metallic taste of blood filled my mouth as I gnashed my teeth together, trying to suppress the primal urge to tear into the vampire's throat.My vision blurred with the intensity of the pain, but through the haze, I could see her. My mate. Helpless in the vampire's grasp, her eyes wide with fear as he sank his fangs into her delicate neck.A howl of anguish tore from my throat, mixing with the vampire's cruel laughter. With every ounce of strength I possessed, I strained against the chains, desperate to reach her, to protect her from the monster that was draining the life from her.But the silver chains dug deeper into my flesh, their insidious power sapping my strength with each futile struggle. The searing pain lanced through my veins, rendering me powerless as I watched in horror.Her body went limp against the vampire's chest, her breaths shallow and weak. I could feel tears welling up in
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RALPH Keilah's sudden movement caught me off guard, my heart pounding with confusion. I instinctively moved to intercept her, my every fibre urging me to shield her, but she held up a hand, halting me in my tracks. Surprisingly, I did so. "Ralph," she said, her voice surprisingly calm amidst the chaos surrounding us. "I need to talk to him."Her words sent a shiver down my spine, a sense of foreboding settling over me like a heavy blanket. But before I could voice my protest, she stepped forward, her gaze unwaveringly fixed on Damien."Damien," she began, her voice resonating with a quiet authority that demanded attention. "I understand your pain. I know you've suffered unimaginable loss. But seeking revenge will not bring your wife back. It will only perpetuate the cycle of pain and suffering."Damien's expression softened slightly at her words, a fleeting moment of uncertainty crossing his features. But it was swiftly replaced by a steely resolve, his jaw tightening with determin
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KEILAH I observed Ralph's handsome face intently, waiting with patience as he wrestled with the words, his reluctance palpable in the furrow of his brow. As he struggled to find the words, I felt the urge to reassure him, to let him know that he needn't share if it caused him distress, but curiosity was gnawing at me. I needed to understand the source of his deep-seated aversion towards humans, even if extracting the truth caused him evident anguish. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes briefly, gathering the courage to delve into the depths of his pain, to expose the raw wound that had festered within him for so long."My hatred for humans..." he started, his voice trembling slightly. "It's rooted in the betrayal I witnessed, the betrayal that shattered my world and tore my heart asunder.""It was my mother," he confessed, and I could feel the bitterness of his words. "She was everything to me, the light in my darkness, the one who showed me love and kindness in a world filled
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KEILAHAs my eyes landed on Ralph and Damien standing in the living room, my heart plummeted, and a chill crawled up my spine. The sight of them made my blood feel as though it were draining from my veins, leaving me cold and vulnerable. I instinctively moved closer to my aunt, a protective instinct kicking in, as if they were a threat to her safety.But amidst my shock and fear, a surge of questions flooded my mind. What are they doing at my aunt's house? More importantly, how did the vampire... How did he find out about my aunt? What is he doing here?The vampire's gaze locked onto mine, his eyes glinting with amusement, and I felt something pulling me towards him. It was a magnetic force, unsettling and irresistible, like a moth drawn to a flame. His presence exuded danger, yet there was an undeniable allure that sent shivers down my spine.I swept my gaze over to Ralph, unable to ignore the complex array of emotions playing across his features. Anger simmered just beneath the surf
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KEILAH As I lay on the ground, dazed and hurting, Ralph's presence loomed over me like a dark cloud. I could feel his anger radiating off him in waves, his every breath heavy with fury."Why did you do that?" he growled, his voice low and dangerous. I struggled to form words, the pain and shock overwhelming my senses. But before I could respond, his grip tightened around my neck once again, his fingers digging into my skin like claws."You belong to me," he spat, his words cutting through the silence like a knife. "And you will learn to obey without question."With a final, brutal shove, he released me, sending me sprawling onto the ground once more. Gasping for air, I lay there, trembling with fear and pain."Get back in the car," he commanded in a chillingly even tone, his footsteps retreating towards his car. But as I resigned myself to obeying, a glimmer of hope flickered in the distance. A taxi approached, its yellow beacon of salvation drawing nearer with each passing mome
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DAMIEN As her lips crashed against mine, a jolt of surprise shot through me, momentarily stunning my senses. Her desperation was palpable, her kiss frantic and fervent, but it wasn't the taste of her lips that overwhelmed me. It was the sudden rush of warmth, of life, that surged through me, drowning out the hunger that had threatened to consume me.Swiftly, almost instinctively, I pushed her away, breaking the kiss with a forceful shove. As I pulled back, I felt a cold mask settle over my features, my gaze hardening as I met her eyes."Don't ever do that again," I warned, my voice cold and authoritative. "You have no idea what you're playing with.”She recoiled at my sudden change in demeanour, her eyes widening in confusion and perhaps a hint of fear."I-I'm sorry," she stammered, her voice tinged with confusion and embarrassment. "I don't know what came over me. I just... I had to stop you."I shook my head, the memory of her lips against mine still lingering like a phantom touch.
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KEILAH My heart pounded hard in my chest as Ralph dragged me away. I glanced back at Damien, who stood there watching us, his expression unreadable. When we were far enough from Damien's eyes, Ralph paused and turned to face me. I flinched back, expecting a slap or worse from him, but he just took a few steps back and shifted into his huge sleek black wolf form. My breath caught in my throat at the sight of his wolf. So magnificent, big, and so close to me. Hop on, his voice slipped into my head,his voice calm yet insistent.I hesitated for a moment but then took a tentative step forward. "You're beautiful," I whispered, my voice barely audible. I instinctively reached out my hand, my fingers trembling slightly.His wolf was breathtaking, his fur a sleek, inky black. Its eyes, a striking shade of amber, watched me intently, filled with a mix of urgency and reassurance. I took another slow step, my heart racing with a blend of fear and admiration.With deliberate gentleness, I pla
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