All Chapters of OWNED BY THE MAFIA DON: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
67 Chapters
NIGHTINGALE *** I was trapped. My arms were pinned down, my legs were tied to restrict my movement and my father hovered over me with a sneer on his face. “Did you really think you could escape from me, Nightingale?” I tried to scream for help but then I realised that I was also gagged. There was nothing I could do and no one to help me. My whole body shook and I felt tears flow from my eyes as I saw his eyes leave my face to rove over my body. His intentions were written plain as day on his face. He inspected me like I was a piece of meat he wanted to purchase at the market. Last time, I was able to get away from him. Now, I knew that that I wouldn’t be able to escape from him again. I was too weak to set myself free and no one was coming for me, he was going to rape me like he wanted to. I couldn’t even plead with him and try to at least appeal to whatever little bit of humanity was left in him. Even if I could speak and beg him to let me go and not defile his own daughter, I do
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HAKAN ** I saw the Nightingale’s eyes fixated on my pendant and I knew the exact moment that she realised who I was. If she lived in that kind of neighbourhood, then she was a street kid like I had been, raised around violence and some of the most depraved sets of humans to ever exist on the planet, my kind of people. Of course she would have heard of me, I was infamous as Scorpion. Hardly anyone knew my real name was Hakan, except those closest to me like Tivan who called me Kan even though he knew how much I loathed being called that. Throughout my life after being trafficked from my home to this country, I had never once regretted all I had done to survive and get to this point. But as she stiffened in my arms and her breathing rate increased as her pupils dilated in fear, I felt a twinge of regret. I wished I wasn’t the kind of man she automatically had to fear. “Y…you’ …” She stuttered as she tried to move away from my arms but I didn’t let her. Instead, I wrapped my arms
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NIGHTINGALE***Hakan and I stared at each other in silence. He was waiting for my reply, giving me time to decide if I wanted him or not. Logically, I knew that I should be scared. I should be finding a way to get out of his car and away from him. But, whatever was compelling me to believe that I was safe in this man’s arms was beyond logical. It was making me see the sincerity in his eyes as he looked at me, the sincerity in his words when he said that he wouldn’t hurt me, and that he was waiting for me to make a choice instead of forcing himself on me when he had all the advantage right now. It was making me feel the strength of his desire. If wanting him was a crime, my sentence would be life imprisonment, but at this point I didn’t even care.“Yes.” I whispered my reply to his question and he smiled.Hakan is an extremely handsome man, but when he smiled, he looked like a god among men. It made me feel immeasurably good that a man like this that could have any woman he wanted, a
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HAKAN***As I realised that Nightingale had never been touched like this by a man before, I both hated and loved it. I hated that I was the first man to touch her because she deserved better, and the same hands I was touching her with had spilled blood countless times. And I fucking loved it because no one else had ever touched her, heard what she sounded like when she was being pleasured, or tasted her. It made my possessiveness of her multiply to levels I never knew existed. She hid her face in the crook of my neck and I stroked her hair with one hand.“You should have told me, Nightingale. I could have hurt you if I wasn’t already going so gently.”I tried to remove my hands from between her legs because she at least deserved better than being touched for the first time in the back seat of a car, no matter how expensive the car was. But she held my hand.“I’m sorry, I forgot. Please don’t stop.” Her voice was so low that I barely heard her. But, her second statement was spoken wit
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NIGHTINGALE***I initially thought he was just bluffing about spanking me till his palm smacked my left butt cheek. I jerked and immediately began to struggle. All my panicked mind was saying to me was that he would hurt me and that I needed to get far away from him to protect myself."Ssh, relax. Remember I said I would take care of you..” He said as he stroked my back. He kept rubbing me in slow circles till my panic attack subsided. He smacked my ass again, catching me off guard. But this time, before I could have another panic attack, he moved his hand between my legs.“Mmmn, you’re so wet already, baby. Your mind may be afraid, but your body knows that I’m only going to pleasure you. Relax and trust me.” As he spoke, his fingers moved in slow circles over my clit and I moaned. That was when he smacked me again, two times in rapid succession before returning his hand between my leg to stroke my wet folds. He continued like this for several minutes, alternating between spanking
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NIGHTINGALE***For several seconds after I made my request, Hakan was silent, though his eyes never left mine. I was beginning to feel self conscious because I had never been so brazen before, but I forced myself to stand still and not cower.“Nightingale.” He sighed and I knew that he was about to refuse me.“You’re tired, you need to sleep. When you wake up in the morning, we can discuss about it.”“I don’t want to talk, I just… I need you.” I said, my voice lower than I wanted it to.Despite what I was saying, I was unsure, and he could see it plain as day.“Baby, if you go ahead with it, you’ll regret it in the morning when you’re more level headed.” He said so gently that tears prickled my eyes.I wasn’t usually an emotional type, I hardly ever cried, but the events of the past hours had turned my emotional fortitude to mush. And it was ironic that now that I was giving a man free rein to touch me as much as he wants, he’s rejecting me. The others that I didn’t want, all wanted
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NIGHTINGALE***I cried out as Hakan sucked my clit. I could feel the tears on my cheeks as I panted, trying to fill my lungs with air. He dipped his tongue inside me and I sobbed. His head was between my legs, with my legs on his shoulders and my hands pinned by his own hands. He held me down so I could barely move while he tormented me with pleasure. In my head, the words I was speaking were all coherent but as they left my mouth, they all sounded like gibberish. I only knew that I was trying to plead with him to end my suffering.“I need you to be prepared for when I fuck you, Nightingale. I have no self control around you, I know that no matter how hard I try, I won’t be as gentle as I should be with you because it’s your first time. I don’t want to hurt you, I want you to feel pleasure like you never have before. I want to imprint myself in your body so it knows that you belong to me and only me. Pleasure is so much better after a build up, it’s not meant to be rushed, little bir
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NIGHTINGALE**I felt so warm, and I wondered if we had been cut off again. I tried to remember if I had paid our electricity bill on time but my head felt so groggy. Maybe Quetzal didn’t turn on our small fan. It didn’t circulate air so much, but it was better than nothing at least. I tried to turn, but I couldn’t, there was something heavy holding me down, the same thing that was heating me up. I groaned, Quetzal could be so clingy sometimes.I tried to remove her hand or leg, whatever part of her was over me, probably her whole damn body by the feel of it, but I couldn’t move her. She was heavier than usual, and when did Quetzal get muscles?“Quetzal. Get off me, you’re heavy.” I said as I tried to turn again but the arm around me tightened so I couldn’t move.“Who is Quetzal? And where does he live so I can… have a chat with him about touching what’s mine.” A voice said from behind me and my eyes snapped open immediately.That definitely wasn’t Quetzal. I was still held tightly so
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NIGHTINGALE**It was almost noon now. I told Hakan that it would be the best time to come back here because the gangs usually operated at night so by this time, most of their members would still be sleeping. The others that lived around the neighbourhood would also be busy with one thing or the other, mostly whatever menial job they got for the day, so the streets were usually calm around this time. Just like I told Hakan, I stayed on the paths that I knew I would have a lower risk of being caught in.There was almost no one along the road as I walked, only a few homeless junkies. I was wearing one of Hakan’s hoodie on top of his shirt, and I covered my face and kept my eyes on the ground to avoid being recognised. I could walk these paths with my eyes closed because I had passed here more times than I can count, but I still remained alert and cautious. I listened carefully just in case I would hear anything suspicious, and I prepared myself to run if necessary. I would have run now,
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NIGHTINGALE**I held on to the wall as I hyperventilated, tears streaming down my face as I tried to force air into my lungs. I was so focused on breathing that I almost didn’t hear a small groan of pain. I only heard it when it came a second time. I paused and looked around but I didn’t see anyone. I was about to turn around again when Ms Alisha’s body groaned and twitched. I moved to her and rolled her over, she groaned in pain as I helped her sit up and lean against the wall.“Night…” She tried to speak and then began to cough.I got up to get her a glass of water to drink and a bowl of water to clean her wounds with. When I returned to her, she was crying. I realised why when I saw her looking in Kaylee’s direction.“Here, drink some water. Don’t look at her, just drink.” I said to her even as my own tears never stopped flowing.I wanted to ask her what happened, ask her for my sister, but she was in pain, both physically and emotionally. The least I could do was give her a few m
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