All Chapters of OWNED BY THE MAFIA DON: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
67 Chapters
HAKAN ** I couldn’t take my eyes off her and neither could any of my men. She was like a siren out of water whose sole purpose was to lure men to their doom. With every piece of clothing she took off, my desire was ratcheted up till I couldn’t stand it any more. I’ve never had a problem with control, yet this woman could make me lose it without even trying. I had to have her now. “I thought I could wait, take you back to my hotel and then spend the night with you. But if I don’t have you right now, I may lose my mind.” I said as I pressed her into the pole she was dancing on. I would take her right here just to take the edge off this burning need inside me, then I’ll follow my original plan of taking her back for an all nighter. I really hoped she was ready for all I planned to do to her and with her. “Y.your men, t.they’re still” I could have ordered them to leave, but I decided against it. They were the ones who made me come out and I didn’t regret it because I met this
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HAKAN**“Why is your hair red?” I asked after staring at her in shocked silence for several seconds.For some reason, that was the thing that stood out most to me. In all my time of searching for her, I never thought she would change her features, like dye her hair or wear contacts. I just never imagined what her reason for doing that would be. She was looking for her sister, she wasn’t a criminal who needed to hide their true identity in order to escape law enforcement. What if I haven’t found her for so long because I’ve just been on the lookout for anyone who looked how she looked the last time I saw her, an olive skinned brunette with amber eyes.She may have passed by me on the street and I wouldn’t have paid attention because her hair was a different colour and my brain was programmed to look for brunettes. Though to be fair, this was a different state in the country, one I don’t come to often, so the chance of walking past her on the street was less than ten percent. Yet, of a
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NIGHTINGALE ** I want to die. That was the thought on my mind as I became conscious again. My head ached so badly, like it had been split open with a hammer, my eyes felt heavy so I kept them closed even though I was awake, my throat felt dry and sore and my stomach hurt, though that was just hunger. When was the last time I ate? What time was it? Did I pass out in the club or did I make it home? So many questions that needed answers but somehow, I didn’t have enough mental fortitude or physical awareness to try and get the answers. I just wanted a few more minutes of peace because I knew that once I opened my eyes, it would probably be time to do one form of work or the other. And it was time for another pill, I could feel it. My skin felt itchy and I got that uncomfortable feeling that always came when I stayed too long without a pill or a shot. If I stayed too long without the drugs, I would get really sick. I knew I was addicted, but at this point, I didn’t really care. I prefer
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HAKAN**“I’m sorry that I was out of it, I hope you...enjoyed yourself at least even if I don't remember all you did to me. Don’t worry about tipping me for the service since I did a shitty job, I should have serviced you to the best of my ability, instead I was high as a kite.”Hearing those words from her lips made me livid. Did she really think I was that disgusting to fuck her while she was high and unaware of what was happening? When I take a woman, I want her to be willing and present, not disconnected from reality and giggling like a psychiatric patient. She looked terrified at my anger, and I suspect that if she wasn’t already pressed against the bedside drawer for balance, she would have moved closer to the wall just to put more distance between herself and me, or maybe even ran out of the room. Her fear made my anger worse. Did she think I would hit her? She should know me better. What the fuck has been going on with her since the last time I saw her? She looked more guarde
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NIGHTINGALE**He was just angry because I assumed he fucked me while I was asleep. I was relieved that he didn’t actually do it though, because thinking of him doing that to me was disgusting and sounded too much like rape. But it wasn’t my fault I assumed so, my time on the streets had taught me that people, especially men in this situation, were capable of so much worse. And just because we spent a night together once upon a time, it didn’t mean I was special or important to him. I apologised for my wrong assumption and was about to make my exit when he said something that shocked me.“You’re not going anywhere.”“What?” I asked because I was confused.Why didn’t he want me to leave? Had he been waiting for me to wake up so I could service him? If so then his chivalry was wasted. There really isn’t much difference.“You heard me. You’re not leaving this room unless it’s with me.”“You don’t have to escort me back, I can find my way.” I said to him because I assumed that was what he
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HAKAN**“Do you need anything?” I asked her as she tapped me.But for several seconds, she just stared at me like she had no idea how to make her request or like she didn’t think I would listen to her. She had no idea just how much I was wrapped around her finger even if I tried to behave otherwise. As long as it’s within my means, I’ll get her anything she wants.“Go ahead and ask for what you want.” I said to put her mind at ease.She still hesitated for a second before she sighed and finally spoke.“I need my pills. If I stay too long without taking them, I get really bad cramps.” She averted her eyes as she spoke to me.She hated having to ask me for it because she didn’t want to depend on me. I had to admit that the idea of her coming to me for whatever she wants was appealing, but she was delusional if she really thought I would aid her obvious addiction. How she ended up as a drug addict was a story for another day, one I would definitely pry out of her at the right time. I co
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NIGHTINGALE**“Just wait here. I’ll go up and grab a few of my things, and then we can leave. It won’t take up to twenty minutes.” I said to Hakan as the car stopped right in front of my building.Everyone in the neighbourhood would gawk at me when they saw me step out of such a fancy car but it didn’t matter because I wasn’t returning back here anyway. Hakan was very adamant about taking me with him. But I didn’t want him to come inside with me so I could freely search for my pills. He had refused to heed my request to him to get me more pills and it made me hate him. I don’t care about getting clean, I just wanted the sweet bliss that came with not being sober and in control of my brain and I could only achieve that when I was high. It’s my choice how I choose to live my life, why did he even show up to interfere?I gasped as he roughly grabbed my chin and turned my head to face him.“You’re crazy if you think I’ll let you out of my sight for even one minute. This is exactly how I
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HAKAN**Nightingale wasn’t acting like herself. I should have known that immediately when she became too handsy in the car, but I had been too distracted by her ass grinding on me. As I stepped out of the car and watched her smile at the sky with a loopy gaze, I had a suspicion what the problem was. I walked to her and made her look at me. Her eyes were glassy and her pupils were dilated.“I knew there was something wrong, you’re high again.”Her eyes widened with panic and she chuckled nervously.“W.what are you talking about? I’m sober. You refused to get me any pills, remember? How could I have gotten any?”She was obviously lying to me, and it made me even more pissed off than the fact that she managed to get a fix right under my nose.“You must have had some at your house, there’s no other explanation.”“Don’t be silly.” She giggled.“You were there the whole time, you were watching me, how could I have gotten a pill to take? And when would I have had the time to do that when yo
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NIGHTINGALE**I’m so confused right now. What my brain wants and what my body wants are totally different. My brain is screaming that I should get Hakan off me by all means even if it means I have to bite his arm off. But my body, the treacherous bitch craves his touch. No man has ever turned me on as much as he does. I might have been a virgin when I first met him, but after working on the streets for as long as I did, and in clubs, I was far from that. I have more experience now, yet, none of the men I’ve been with ever made my body so needy. Maybe it was because they were clients, they paid for my body so they’re only concerned about their pleasure and how I can satisfy them. Maybe because despite everything, he’s the only male I’ve ever felt safe with. But am I really safe with him when he technically kidnapped me from my life and forced me to come with him? My body didn’t care about all those technicalities, it only cared about his warmth and weight on my back, his arm around my
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HAKAN**“I will get that apology from you by hook or by crook.”That was the last coherent thought in my head and out my mouth before I made a lapse in judgement caused by a moment of weakness. By the sound she made, she hadn’t expected me to fuck her either, but seeing her bent over the bed, and arguing with her had managed to snap the last of my restraint. I was so pissed at her, at the same time, I wanted her so badly that my balls ached.“You feel so fucking good.” I groaned because I couldn’t help myself.Her arms had given out at my second thrust, and with her bent even more like this, I literally saw stars every time I thrust into her. I meant to give her more time to adjust to me, but the feeling of being in her was too much for my self control, she was so wet, and warm and tight, I just couldn’t hold back. My grip on her hips was tight enough that I knew that I would leave marks on her skin, but even the thought of that was so appealing. The thought of seeing physical eviden
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