All Chapters of Her Sister's Best Friend : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
95 Chapters
OLIVIAMy mouth falls open. No, this is too tempting.If I scream, he will shove his dick in my mouth. Should I just scream and let him do it? I don't know how the thought of his dick in my mouth comes into my mind. Now, I find myself thinking about how his dick would feel in my mouth. What does it even look like? Long and veiny? Oh shit, where do all these dirty thoughts come from? When do I become this way?I have always known that I have a darker side, but not to this extent. Where is it all coming from? Even I am taken aback by how dirty my thoughts have become. What kind of spell does Aiden have over me, that he can make me shed my good girl image? "Good girl," Aiden murmurs, pulling me out of my thoughts.I look up at him through the rearview mirror, and his eyes meet mine for a few seconds. A corner of his mouth curls into a sly grin before he turns his attention back to the road."I like how you listen to me. You are so obedient," He adds. "That is what a good girl doe
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OLIVIAI flinch when Aiden slams his fist on the steering wheel. That must have hurt. “ Are you deaf?” Aiden barks, his voice raised and sharp. I arch an eyebrow. What is with the sudden change in his tone? Is he messing around with me or what? But, the look in his eyes tells me he is not playing around. There is something going on with him. Something serious. I try to speak, but I can't find the right words. My voice catches in my throat. It seems like the right words are not in my head anymore.I just sit there, staring at him while his gaze still remains fixed straight ahead, not on the rearview mirror, but out the windshield. Aiden's head falls back to the steering wheel, and he clenches his fists on his thighs.I close my eyes, trying to piece together everything that has happened that day involving Aiden.I had called him and asked for a ride, and he had agreed. His tone and demeanor at the time were a far cry from what they are now.He had driven to my house. He had even fl
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OLIVIAI shoot Aiden a deadly glare. Is he messing with me? Or does he actually mean it? Is he really telling me to cancel my date with Nathan? Or Is he just messing around like a class clown?"Excuse me," I say, needing to get past him to find my makeup, my foot wear and everything else I need for the date.Aiden raises an eyebrow. "Didn't you hear me?" He asks, his eyes boring into me.“ I heard you. I just don't think you are serious,” I say, holding his gaze without looking away. “ Now, will you allow me to pass?” “ No, I won't allow you to pass,” He states.“ Don't you dare mess around with me,” I snap. “ I am already annoyed with you. Don't make me more angry.” “ Are you sure you are really annoyed with me?” He asks. My eyebrows lift. What is he getting at? “ Yes, I am annoyed with you about what you did in your car,” I reply. “ And, trust me, I would be more annoyed if you don't let me pass.”“Oh,” Aiden mutters. “ You are annoyed with me, and you let me kiss you.” “ Fu
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OLIVIATell me I am dreaming. Tell me this is a figment of my wild imagination. Please, just tell me this is a dream. I can't believe this is happening. I don't want to believe it. Is this really Elite Palace? There is no way I am really at Elite Palace, the most luxurious and exclusive restaurant in town. It must be a fantasy. “ Are you okay?” I hear a gentle voice ask from behind me.I feel a hand close around mine and our fingers lace together. The scent of his cologne - something floral, wildflowers perhaps fills my nose. I turn to face him, and my eyes lock with his, an ocean blue that seems to pierce right through me. I force a smile. “ I am okay,” I utter. I am not dreaming. This is real - no fantasy, no wild dream. I am really at Elite Palace and Nathan is standing right beside me with our hands interlocked. God, this is really happening. I've got to tell Ashley. We have been talking about saving up to come to Elite Palace just for a piece of cake and a drink. I can'
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OLIVIAI haven't thought of Aiden since I left him at my house. He has not crossed my mind since I got to Elite Palace. He has not even entered my thoughts since I started my date with Nathan. But now, Aiden's name has made his way into my mind. He is back in my head, all thanks to the silly mistake in his text. Why on earth would he make such a blunder? Is he crazy? How would he get my name mixed up with someone else's name? Has he lost his eyesight or what? I am getting angrier and angrier as I think about Aiden's text. It is starting to get under the skin and I am not sure if I am overreacting. What the heck is wrong with me?Okay, the deep brown eyed devil made such a huge mistake. He literally sent a text that I should come over to his house, then said it was intended for someone else. That means he is inviting someone over to his house. Do I care? No, I don't fucking care. Then, why am I getting so worked up? Why do I have the urge to go over to his house and smack him s
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OLIVIA“ Spill the tea. I want tea. Tell me every fucking thing, and make it snappy,” Ashley whispers loudly, drawing the attention of a few nearby students.I gave her a look, hoping she would get the message that she needs to lower her voices. I glance around the classroom and see that most of the other students are busy with their work, and a few are looking our way. “ Quiet down, will you?” I say. “ I will tell you, but you need to keep your voice down.”“ Oh, fine,” Ashley huffs. “ But, you have to tell me every little detail! You have to tell me everything that happened between you and Nathan. Give me the whole rundown on your date!” I take a deep breath. I am in too deep. I know there is no turning back now. I have to tell Ashley everything or she would never let me hear the end of it. In fact, she is more excited about my date than I am. The only thing I can hope for is that our lecturer would work in and put a stop to our conversation. That does not mean I won't tell her
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OLIVIAShould I curse him before answering his question about where I am?To be honest, I feel like Aiden deserves a piece of my mind for everything he has been doing to mess with my head. Even if he does not realize it, he is still to blame.I read his message again, a smile spreading across my face.I was really lying to myself when I insulted him and said he deserved to be cursed. Just look at me, grinning like an idiot just because of him.I am a goner for the guy with the deep brown eyes.Should I text him back now, or wait another five minutes? Would it look desperate if I replied immediately? Or would he think that I don't care if I wait too long to respond?Forget it. What is the point of playing these games? We are long past that. Besides, we are not even dating or anything. He is just here to fulfill my fantasies, right? And to make my sexual dreams come true.I should not forget that he is also my sister's best friend. He is someone who should be off limits, but I crossed t
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OLIVIA“ If you think we should talk, then say something,” I say. I fold my arms over my chest. I wait for him to speak, but he is silent for several minutes, just staring at me with a gaze that drills into me. “ Aiden?” I call his name, unable to hold it in any longer. I feel the urge to break eye contact, but I resist. His gaze is so intense that it is making me feel weak in the knees. But, I can't let him know that he is getting to me. But, who am I fooling? I am sure Aiden knows the effect he has on me. I swallow, my throat suddenly dry."This is the sort of thing you do that drives me nuts," I state. "You tell me you want to talk, then you just stand there in silence. I think it is a habit for you."Aiden places his hand on my waist, tugging me closer to him, before letting it go again. Why did he take his hand away? I want him to put it back, but I can't bring myself to ask, not when I am angry with him."How am I supposed to talk or even think about what to say when you a
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OLIVIAI heave a sigh of relief and I turn off the car engine. I have finally made it home. Now, I just need to figure out what has happened that my sister texted me like that, all caps and an exclamation mark. Something is definitely up. Before I step out of the car, I remember something. I have to text Aiden. He had asked me to let him know when I got home. I pull my phone from my bag and scroll through my messages to find Aiden's name.As soon as I find his name, I begin typing a message."Hey," I type. "I am home. How are you?"I pause, wondering if I should even be asking him that. But I hit “send” anyway.I swallow a lump down my throat. Should I wait for a text back or what? "Oh, Aiden," I mutter to myself.I nibble on my bottom lip, remembering the kiss we had shared. It kills me that we have to end our conversation because of my sister's text. "I've got a lot on my mind," Aiden's words flash in my memory. What is going on with him? There is always something botherin
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OLIVIAMy heart pounds in my chest. Oh God, I hope it is not what I am thinking. I really hope that what Sarah had heard about me and Aiden is not what is on my mind.I don't want to have another fight with my sister. I know we would end up fighting, but I can't deal with it right now. I am too worn out to engage in a long conversation. Oh God, I hope it is not what I am afraid it is. “ Did you even hear what I said?” Sarah asks, snapping me out of my train of thoughts. I bite my tongue to stop myself from rolling my eyes. What is the point of asking me that now?I am already in a panic over what she had said, and now she is asking if I had heard her. Sometimes, Sarah does things that make you want to smack her. I take a deep breath, then let it out slowly. I can't let on that I am already freaking out. If I act like I am panicking, it will confirm whatever it is that Sarah had heard, even though I really hope that it is not what I am thinking. “ Yes, I heard you,” I say. “ Wh
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