All Chapters of Her Sister's Best Friend : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
96 Chapters
OLIVIAMy fingers curl around the towel, holding it so tightly that my knuckles turn white. I try to steady my breathing, but my heart is beating so fast I can barely think straight. I can't think of a single word to say. I can't think of a single move to make. I just stand there, frozen in place, trying to make sense of what is happening.I force myself to meet his gaze, staring into his deep brown eyes. I can't hold his gaze for long. Aiden studies me, his eyes trailing over my face, my lips, my body.I don't like how he seems to undress me with his eyes, like he is staring right through me. I can feel myself growing more and more nervous, even though I know I should not be. I should be mad at him. I should have been boiling with rage. But, all I can manage is a feeling of frozen anxiety. Aiden folds his arms over his chest."Are we just going to stand here and stare at each other?" He asks, a smirk playing on his lips.My brows knit together. He is the one staring at me like he ca
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OLIVIA“Oh my fuck, he's incredible!” Ashley exclaims, making me look up from the TikTok videos I am watching. I raise my eyebrows. “Who?” I ask. It might be a new guy she is interested in, but I don't mind. Lately, I am always happy to listen to her latest gossip. My friend is the queen of tea, and a little distraction from my troubles is always welcome. She scoots closer, her phone screen nearly pressed against my face. I catch sight of a long paragraph of text on her phone screen. She is showing me a full paragraph of text on a specific topic."Is that the project?" I probe, already knowing the answer."Yup!" She replies, a big smile is plastered on her face. "My partner sent it over, and he has written so much about the topic. It is insane!"“How can someone be an Instagram influencer, hot, rich and intelligent?” She gushes. My eyelids drop, looking away from her phone screen. “That is great, I guess," I mutter under my breath. Ashley pats me on the shoulder. “It is not your
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OLIVIAI lower my gaze.I want to run far away from this place, far away from these people and their words.But, I am rooted to the spot, frozen in place and unable to escape the dirty conversation they are having about my body.I don't know what to do. I can't even say anything to defend myself.And, I am still here, stuck with these people. All because of what? Because of a brown eyed jerk. Because I want to talk to him about a stupid project.One of the guys who are talking about my boobs start, “I think she is fucking hot as hell, way hotter than Sarah. Just look at those - ““Can you just fucking shut up and stop babbling that bullshit about her?” A familiar, deep voice echoes in the head.I force myself to raise my head, my lashes fluttering. Aiden stands tall in front of the guys, his eyes blazing with fury. His gaze is fixed on the guy who is talking about my body.“Who are you to tell me what to do, bro?” The guy snaps back. “You think you are some kind of white knight or s
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OLIVIA“This is too boring,” I thought. “I look like a nerd.” I know I am a nerd. I am a goody two shoes. But, I should not look like it today.I pull the t-shirt off and toss it in the corner of my room. It is not the right look for Aiden's house. I don't want to look too plain or casual. I want to look put together, but I also don't want to look like I am trying too hard. Fuck, what the hell is wrong with me? Why do I even want to look “put together”? I should dress the way I used to. Why do I care too much about my look now? It is just a project. I am going to Aiden's house to work on a project. It is not a date or anything like that. “Whatever you want,” The way Aiden had said those words, his voice low and calm. No, I should not deceive myself. I am not just going to his house for a project. There is something more. I might as well wrap my arms around his neck, and kiss him as if there is no tomorrow. I am losing control over my intrusive thoughts, and I can't help it.
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OLIVIA “Are you all right?” Aiden's voice resounds in my head, his hand reaching out to touch my cheek.I almost jump out of my skin. His touch makes me jolt out of the crazy thoughts going on in my head.His hand drops back to his side. I blink my eyelashes rapidly. His touch. Can he touch me like that again? Aiden tilts his head, his gaze raking over my face, as if he is trying to figure me out. “Olive, are you okay?” He asks again. “I am not okay!” I almost scream those words out, but I manage to control myself. No, I'm not okay. Not even close. How does he even expect me to be okay? He is standing here in nothing but a pair of shorts, planting all kinds of thoughts in my head. And if those thoughts send me to hell fire, it would be his fucking fault. Oh God, I need to get a grip on myself. I am acting way too much. Breathe in, Olivia. Breathe out. I need to calm down. I can't be acting this crazy already.A half- smile plays at the corners of my mouth, but I fight the u
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OLIVIAI hear the door to the bathroom creak open, I turn my head in that direction.Aiden comes out, water dripping from his hands. He grabs a hand towel, and begins to dry them off.He strolls to the mirror, gazing in it. I can't help but follow his movements with my eyes, taking in the sight of his chest, the droplets of water clinging from his skin. Obviously, he has taken a shower after finishing with me.My cheeks turn pink. What's wrong with me? Why should that thought make my cheeks flush? Aiden's hair is wet, the black strands hanging in damp curls around his face. I don't know why I have the sudden urge to run my hands through his hair, to feel the wetness. How does damp hair look good on him? It looks so good. Everything just seems to fit perfectly.I should probably take a shower too, but the idea of getting out of bed seems like something I can't do now. My limbs feel heavy. It is already 7pm. I need to get home, but I can't even bring myself to move. All I want to do
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OLIVIA“Good news!” Ashley's excited voice echoes in my ear, causing me to flinch and cover my ears.I glance around the restaurant, checking if anyone is staring at us. But, I notice that other students are too busy with their own world, they don't even pay us any attention. I heave a sigh of relief. The last thing I need right now is to have everyone staring at us. I shoot a deadly glare at my friend, who is now sitting across from me. Why does she have to be such a drama queen? “What the hell was that all about?” I snap at her. “Don't you notice that there are other people trying to eat here?” Ashley lifts her shoulder in a half shrug. “I don't think we are bothering anyone. They all seem pretty busy with their own conversations,” She replies. I shake my head, a line appearing between my brows. “I don't know why you always have to be like this,” I mumble under my breath.“ What is wrong with you?” She asks, cocking her head to the side, observing my face. “You seem tense, is i
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OLIVIA“Aiden,” I mumble.It seems like I am tongue tied. I struggle to find the right words, but they won't come. He always knows the right thing to say, and I can't keep up. It is something about him, something about him that makes my words falter, and my thoughts scatter.“Look at me,” Aiden orders.I swallow hard and turn to face him, meeting his gaze. The corners of his mouth curls up into a half smile, a hint of mischief in his eyes. It is not an ordinary smile - there is something more to it, something I can't quite place my finger on. "What do you think, Olive?" He asks, drawing out my name slowly.I give a half shrug, trying my best to hold his gaze.I am pulled in by his eyes, but also feel a little weak in the knees. It is hard to look away from him, especially with the way his gaze bore into me, and the small smile that plays at the corners of his lips."I don't know," I reply. "I want us to break the school rules again,” He repeats, letting the words hang in the air
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OLIVIAAiden's intense gaze bores right through me, and I feel a tingle run down my spine. His eyes seem to pierce into me, stirring up a lot of emotions inside me - feelings I have never felt before, and I can't quite place them. I can't look away from his eyes, and I am not even sure I want to. His gaze lingers for a moment, and then his lips curl up in a little smile. His smile - the one that always seems to say more than words can. He takes a long drag on his cigarette, then exhales a cloud of smoke, turning his gaze away from me. I find myself letting out a long breath I hadn't realized I have been holding. What the hell is wrong with me?A gentle tap on my shoulder snaps me out of my thoughts. I turn to look at Nathan, only just remembering that he is standing right next to me. “Ready to go?” He asks. I force a smile. “Yeah, sure,” I cast one last glance at Aiden's direction before following Nathan into his car. "Aiden Blacksmith likes The Midnight Melodies too?" Nathan
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OLIVIAOne thing I have noticed about Aiden A.K.A the brown eyed devil is his talent for ghosting. He is so good at ghosting. I don't know if he does it to everyone, or it is just me. I can't imagine that my sister, Sarah, has ever had the same experience with him. Then again, we are not close enough for her to tell me anything about her friendship with Aiden. Either way, I am sure I am not the only one Aiden has ghosted. He probably won't do it to Sarah - they are best friends, after all.But, he must have done it to many people to be so skilled at it. Aiden fucking Blacksmith has ghosted me for two days straight. Two whole days. Today is day three, and I can't be sure if he even remembered I exist. I am losing my mind. He is making me lose my mind. I hate that he is causing me to feel so many things. It is the first time I have ever felt like this because of someone, and it really bothers me. I usually don't care less about anyone else, but Aiden is different. He is driving m
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