All Chapters of Her Sister's Best Friend : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
89 Chapters
OLIVIAIt is like the whole world has faded away. Nothing else seems to matter except for the two of us. All I want to focus on is him. Us. My eyes drop to his lips, they look so inviting, so full and plump. I can still remember how soft they were the last time we kissed. I don't like that the memory sends shivers down my spine. I hate how much power he has over me. The way he can make me feel so much with just a look or touch. I hate the fact that he knows he has that effect on me. It is as if he holds all the cards and I am just along for the ride.“What are you saying to that, Olivia?”His voice is like a caress, soft and inviting. I can't help but feel a tingle run down my spine.What's he doing to me? His words are piercing through my heart. There is this way he said my name. It is not the usual “Olive” I am used to hearing. He had called me “Olivia”, rolling the syllables off his tongue with a thick Italian accent.I have to stop this before I get any more caught up in him.
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This is a mistake. Another stupid mistake. I don't know if I am born to make mistakes or something. I should not be here. I should never have come here. I should have stayed home, bury my head in my pillow and imagine a world where Aiden is not my sister's best friend. Things will be different if that world exists."Hey, are you okay?"Ashley's voice snap me out of my train of thoughts. My mind is in a state of turmoil. I don't know what to think. I feel like I should scream "I am not okay" at the top of my lungs, but I hold it in, trying to get a handle on my emotions.I close my eyes, taking a deep breath. "I am okay," I whisper back. “Don't worry, the movie is about to start,’’ She says, smiling at me. I just nod my head, and try to smile.It is Ashley's idea to come to the movie night and she has the best intentions, but now I am beginning to regret it. I feel like I should not have come here. All I can think about is Aiden, and how much I want him. The movie night is suppos
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OLIVIA"Are you sure we won't get caught?" I whisper, glancing around at the dark school building. "That is the whole point of doing this - the thrill of taking a risk and breaking the rules," Aiden states, a sly grin playing across his lips. "Don't you feel the adrenaline rush through your body? The feeling that what you are about to do is wrong, but you want to do it anyway."Aiden is wild.He is crazy - crazy in the best possible way. First, he suggests we should break the school rules. Then, he says we should paint the art class building, which is totally against the rules. If we get caught, we will be in big trouble. I know this is risky too, but for some reason, I find myself going along with him. Maybe, Aiden is right. I feel a thrill knowing that we are about to do something wrong. Even though a part of me is scared of getting caught, there is another part of me that is proud to be different, proud to be a rebel. Everyone else is inside the hall, watching a movie. But I am o
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OLIVIA“What a jerk!" I swear under my breath when Aiden leaves the room. He has been toying with me the whole time. He never really intends to get drunk with me or make good on the deal. I feel so foolish for believing him.I let out a hiss, cursing him silently in my mind. Little did I know that he was just deceiving me and I thought I was about to do something wild I have never done before.Aiden is driving me crazy. I feel like a finished woman. Just then, I hear the door to the next room open and close.I can't blame him, but what if he gets drunk and starts touching me? We may end up in a situation we can't control. Fuck, a part of me wants that, no matter how wrong it may be. I want to feel his touch all over my body. Pushing away my thoughts, I unzip my jacket and let it drop on the floor, leaving me in only my crop top. I walk over to the king sized bed and let myself slump on it. The bed is so soft. I can happily stay here forever. Wait, this is Aiden's room. Girls mus
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OLIVIAAiden releases his grip on my hand, and lets it fall to my side. His eyes remain fixed on me, his piercing gaze that seems to see right through my soul. I sit in a daze, my eyes wide opened. Why did he do that? Why do I like it? Fuck, man is so big. Now, it is no wonder so many girls in school want him."Olive, chill," Aiden whispers, his voice sending shivers down my spine. "I am not going to do anything to you. Just showing you how your touch affects me,”I shake my head, finally finding my voice. "I am not scared. I trust you," I tell him. "Don't trust me," He states. "Why?" I ask. “I don't like when people say they trust me. What if I break their trust? Honestly, I don't know what I am capable of. I might do something that may come as a shock,” He answers. “I tuck a loose lock of my hair behind my ear. "Like what you did now. I was not expecting that," I utter. "So, did I break your trust?" He probes, nibbling on his bottom lip. "No, I like what you did," I mutter.
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OLIVIA“Whatever happened last night should be forgotten. It was useless,”Aiden's words echo in my head, over and over again. I can't get them out of my head, no matter how hard I try.His words stings like a slap in the face. Does he know how much they hurt me? Does he know that they cut deeper than any knife ever could?I should have shouted at him. I should have ranted and let him know how much his words hurt me. But, I didn't do anything. I said nothing. I let him call the cab and I left his house. Now, I sit in the cab and regret my reaction to what he said. I wish I could go back and tell him I don't like what he said. I wish I could tell him that he hurt me with his words. I wish I could tell him that I love the moment we shared last night and I hate the fact that he tagged it as “useless”.I look in the rearview mirror. My eyes are already brimming with tears. I hate how easily things affect me. I wish I were not so sensitive, but I know I can't help how I feel. Aiden is t
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OLIVIA"I know my man is so hot, but you don't have to stare at him like he is a damn pizza. You are just a waitress," The blonde blurts out. Of course, she is not just a baddie. She seems to think of herself as a queen bee. Aiden is definitely her arm candy.She referred to Aiden as “her man”. Does that mean they are dating? I thought Aiden is a playboy who is not interested in serious relationships. I force a smile and my palms are already getting sweaty. I try to shrug off the thoughts in my head. As a waitress, I should maintain a professional demeanor. "I am sorry, ma'am,” I apologize. “What can I get for you today?” The blonde throws me a deadly glare, before turning to face Aiden. I try not to let that get to me. It seems like she already has something against me. I can't blame her for getting mad because I was staring at her so-called man. I mean if I had a boyfriend as hot as Aiden, I would not want another woman to look at him. Oh God, why am I even thinking about how h
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OLIVIA"And, won't you say anything?" Sarah's voice resounds in my head. I take a deep breath, and release it slowly. Since I am already in trouble, I can as well get myself out of it. I clear my throat."Would you just calm down and give me a chance to talk this through with you?" I ask calmly. Sarah throws me a deadly glare. “Are you seriously asking me to stay calm when you have completely ignored everything I have told you?” “I don't know what the fuck is going on with you. I have told you over and over again not to mess with Aiden. He is my best friend. He is off limits. You should be hanging out with freshmen like you, not my friends.” She adds.“Relax, will you?” I retort, my frustration getting the better of me. “I am not hanging out with your friends. And, nothing is going on between me and Aiden.”“I found Aiden's shirt in your room, which leads me to believe that you wore it home from his house this morning,” Sarah rambles, folding her arms over my chest. “How the heck d
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OLIVIA "I wonder who had the guts to paint the building. I mean, talk about nerves! The person must be one tough cookie."Ashley's words drift in one ear and out the other. I am not listening to her anymore. A corner of my mouth curls upwards, giving a lopsided grin. I should not be smiling, but I can't help it. I guess I am proud of myself. For what reasons? For breaking the school rules and painting the art building. Why should I not be proud of myself? I violated the rules and made a spectacle.A crowd is gathered around the art building, gawking and gossiping about the splashes of blue and red paint. They are in awe of the person who had the nerve to do this. Some praise the boldness of the individual who did this, while others criticize them for violating school rules and vandalizing the art building.The girls standing beside Ashley and I jolt me out of my thoughts. “Wait, look at the letters,” The first girl tells her partner. “I think that should be the person's initials,
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OLIVIAI am at a loss for words. I can't even breathe. I don't know how to act.How am I supposed to act normal when Aiden is walking towards me? How can someone move in such a sensual way?His hands are tucked into the pockets of his hoodie. Each step he takes makes my heart pound faster."If I were given the chance, I would let Blacksmith have his way with me," Ashley whispers into my ear, her voice heavy with longing. “I would spread my legs for him.”I let out a hiss."I can't believe I am friends with someone who talks like this," I tease her, rolling my eyes.“Whatever, bitch,” Ashley whines.I pretend like my mind is not racing with similar thoughts. I know I am not much better, but I just keep my stupid fantasies to myself. Can never be Ashley. She does not hold back. She says whatever comes to her mind without a second thought. I bet the other girls in our vicinity are thinking the same thing, though none of them will admit it.The female freshmen in my department all look l
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