195 Chapters
111.. “You were being annoyingly over Tyler like a fly when I had something to tell you. Guess what?”
Author's pov…“Oh my gosh, this is 8pm already, can I still go check up on Tyler? I feel so tired already,” Ann muttered as she took her favorite drink from the refrigerator. She had a long day at work and just arrived home like fifteen minutes ago, the time currently says forty two minutes past 7pm already. “I feel so hungry, why isn't that delivery guy here yet?” Ann muttered to herself as she went to her window side and peeped from if . She actually ordered two boxes of pizza and her favorite flavor of ice cream ten minutes ago and her order hadn't been brought and she is getting real impatient. “I'm sure Becky would have been all over him throughout today.” Ann muttered with a scoff, she didn't rest these past few days as Becky never cease to stop telling her how much she misses her husband.Sometimes, Becky might just start crying on phone calls and she would be the one to console her.Thankfully, he is awake already so she is finally free from Becky's stress. “Anyways, I'
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112.. The gist..
Becky's pov…“I notice you look very excited tonight, since you came, you've been smiling non-stop. Did your company get a huge contract?” I asked and Ann hissed. “Has money ever made me this happy?” “Then just say it because I want to go back and meet my hubby, you know I have to be beside him all the time.” I said that intentionally to get Ann pissed and she scoffed.I've been with Tyler the whole day covering up for the times we've missed together. It feels so good being in his arms once again after a week, I can't believe I actually survived that. I would have gladly loved to spend Tyler's remaining days with him at the hospital but he insisted that I go to work and that he would be fine. He is going to get discharged in a few days since the wound has almost healed.I can't wait to have my hubby back home, we should even go on vacation to ease our mind off the stress and troubles we went through. I would discuss that with him after he is fully back on his feet. I will be go
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113... The surprises
** A few days later **Tyler's pov…“Are you sure you can drive yourself sir?” My driver asked. “Of course, I'm totally fine, I would like to go pick up my wife myself so you shouldn't bother.” I told my driver as I got into my car. I was supposed to be discharged from the hospital today as I was fully healed, I can't believe I spent close to a week at the hospital.It's been years since I last visited the hospital, I wasn't myself throughout my stay at the hospital. It feels so good to be back home and back on my feet. I know there's a lot of piled up work for me to attend to, my P.A can't do it all. Becky isn't aware that I even got discharged from the hospital today, she was thinking it's going to be tomorrow. I was the one who asked the doctor to tell her that it was tomorrow because I'm going to surprise her by going to pick her up from her workplace with flowers. She would be so excited and happy to see me, even imagining the happiness on her face when she sees she is alre
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114.. “We are here already,” Tyler suddenly announced as he drove into a gigantic and magnificent mansion.
Becky's pov…Tyler carried me in a bridal style and placed me in the seat opposite the driver's seat. Afterwards, he bent and began taking my shoes for me. I was touched and felt very special. Gosh! What do I do to deserve such a sweet man like this? I can't just stop asking myself that question because Tyler treats me like a queen. I will keep on repeating it, I'm the luckiest lady on earth to have him and I would be forever grateful to whoever that left him for me. “Does your feet still hurts that much?” Tyler asked as he pressed and massaged my feet softly, he had taken the shoes off already. “Not at all, I am fine already.” “Okay, let's go home.” Tyler entered and began driving. My personal assistant is going to take care of the things I am supposed to check out before leaving and she would also take care of my car that I left too. As we drove back home, my eyes were on Tyler and I couldn't stop staring at him. My legs were on his laps as he drove as he used one of his h
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115... More surprises, what could it be this time?
Becky's pov… “I am so glad that you're getting the happiness you deserve, I'm so jealous of you and Tyler.” Ann said and I giggled. We were both playing around the swimming pool while everyone else was inside. I've done a thorough check in the building and I just say, Tyler really left me speechless. I was even weak already because I screamed out due to too much excitement. The house has a garden and a very large swimming pool, it's very spacious and it has numerous rooms. Even Ann is going to be sleeping over and the rest of the other people Tyler invited to come celebrate with us. Tyler has already moved out my belongings from the other house, he did all that today. Tyler is just like an angel God sent to water the desert in my life, if every man could just be like Tyler, maybe the world would be a better place. “You have said that line too much already, if this jealousy becomes real and you try snatching my man from me, I will cut off your hands and legs.” I joked with a
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116.. “I wonder what more secret you have to tell me,”
Becky's pov…“Yah! Wake up! It's morning already, get your ass from that bed immediately!” Ann suddenly screamed in my ears and I flinched my eyes open immediately. “Why would you scream in my ears? Is that a proper way of waking someone?” I yelled sleepily at her as I sat up on the bed. The scream was already making my head hurt so much. “Do you have to make it obvious that you both had sex last night?” Ann suddenly said and I hissed, not understanding what she meant by that. “Your boobs look larger, I guess Tyler has been doing a good job in taking care of them.” Ann said and I furrowed my brows wondering while she was talking about all of that this morning. Not until I looked down at my chest and noticed my boobs were out, I had to cover them immediately. “What are you trying to cover? Something I have seen countless times, I've even sucked on them before.” “What! You don't mean that right?” I exclaimed in surprise.“No point in keeping it to myself anymore,I actually sucked
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117... “Oh shit! Now, this is more difficult than I thought. Well, I ....
Author's pov…“Doesn't he work on Saturdays?” Ann asked herself silently. She has been waiting for the past one hour at the eatery Levi works as a delivery guy. She has ordered alot of snacks already even though she has no appetite to eat, her main aim was just to find Levi. She could see other workers and has even asked after Levi but it seems they don't know about him at all.Probably because he is the quiet type that just does his job diligently. Ann has been ordering food for this particular eatery these past few days but it's always a different delivery guy.“I would be so sad if I don't find him, I just can't seem to take him off my head. We can even start off as friends before moving to the next level, I really like this guy so much.” Ann muttered, still looking around for any sign of Levi. He would have gone to the manager and gotten his contact information but it's not easy to just meet with the manager, he is always busy according to the information she got. And also,
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118.. The accident,
Author's pov…Ann gasped in surprise when she confirmed that it was Truly Levi, excitement filled her that she didn't know what to even do next.She contemplates on either going to meet him or she should wait for him to come out. “If I just rushed him right now, I know I wouldn't be able to control myself and might end up doing something stupid. I would like it if we are meeting by coincidence so he doesn't start thinking that I am stalking him.” Ann muttered silently as she began adjusting her hair And trying to look more beautiful.“Calm down Ann and don't mess things up, I understand how happy you are since you have been wanting to meet him again.” Ann said to herself and exhaled sharply.“I'm just going to wait out here till he comes out instead of going back in, I might lose track of him if I go back since it's a very large building. “ Ann held the two paper bags and waited nervously for Levi to step out, she could feel her heart racing so fast due to how nervous and excited sh
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119... Yet another heartbreak...
Authors pov..Why does she want him to treat her wounds when there is a professional present? That was the question Levi asked himself but nevertheless, he decided to help her treat the bruises since he was the one who put her in such a condition. “Don't worry, I would take care of her wounds, just bring what would be needed to treat it, I have a little experience though.” Without arguing, the pharmacist brought a box of first aid kit and a few other medical materials.“Here is what you need to use to treat the bruises, I would go get the drugs.” The pharmacist said and left for the other section of the store leaving just the duo. Ann sat up slowly on the small bed she was laid on while Levi knelt beside her, he started with treating the bruise on her left knee. “I'm using this medium to apologize sincerely for hitting you, it was never intentional. I promise to pay for the damages and for other losses that might have occured ,” Levi said as he treated her wound and Ann suddenly
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120... “Wait, let me get this, you got beaten up............"
Author's pov …Levi ended the call and then faced Ann who had a hurtful expression on her face. Her eyes were watery as tears threatened to fall, she doesn't know why it hurts even when she already knew he is likely to have a girlfriend. “Hey! Why are you staring at me like that?” Levi asked with a blank expression.“Is that your girlfriend?” Ann asked slowly as she tried to hold back her tears because if she cries, she would look so stupid in front of Levi. “You are in no position to know that,” Levi retorted and Ann smirked. “Oh really? You're so mean!” Ann yelled and stormed away immediately leaving Levi in confusion. Ann came across the pharmacist and asked the total of the treatment.“Are you okay ma? You…” Ann interrupted him immediately. “Just give me your cash app so I can transfer your money.” Ann requested and suddenly realized she wasn't with her handbag. She went back to the spot where Levi was and picked her handbag that was laying on the floor. “Hold on first,
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