195 Chapters
091.. A message from an unknown number popped on my notification and I opened it. “It feels so good to be back, I am sure you must have wished death for me but too bad I made it........"
Becky's pov…I was taken aback by Tyler's sudden question, why is he asking me that out of the blue and what makes him also think that I am hiding something from him. “Secret? Please make me understand,” I requested and he sighed heavily.He didn't say a word to me and just moved to his stack of clothes where he changed into one of pajamas. Now I am convinced that something must have gone wrong. I noticed this all started after Tyler got a message from his phone this morning. I didn't know what the message was all about but it obviously ruined his mood.Tyler took his seat beside me on the bed and took my hands, he then stared directly into my eyes. “Is there something you are wanting to tell me but you feel like I shouldn't know about it so I won't get hurt?” Tyler suddenly asked and I furrowed my brows.Why is he getting me confused? I don't think there's any other thing I am hiding from him at all, I've told him everything he needs to know. “You have been weird since morning an
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092.. “Is this a joke or what? Don't try going there alone, Ephraim is not normal. Why would you want to......."
Becky's pov…I and Tyler stepped out of the hospital together and made our way to his car. The contraceptives have been taken out already successfully and we are good. I confirmed last night that Ephraim was the one who told Tyler about it and also made him have the wrong ideas. I wasn't even aware that he had been discharged already. As if that was not enough, he had the mind to text me last night. That bastard needs to get an earful from me because I'm sure he must have said a lot of things to Tyler. I understand fully well that Tyler didn't tell me he met with Ephraim because he didn't want the matter to escalate. But too bad I already found out, I'm not going to keep quiet at all, how dare he send me a message after what happened last time? I didn't know the reason why God spared him when that accident occurred, he shouldn't have survived it because he would never learn his lesson. “Honey, I have somewhere to go right now, I've called my driver and he is already on his way
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093.. “What do I tell her husband? Everything is so fucked up right now! I hope Ephraim hasn't done something stupid, why didn't she listen for crying out loud?...."
Author's pov…Ann yawned tiredly as she shut down her laptop, she stood up lazily and began packing some documents and a few things into her bag. She just closed from work and is about to leave for her house already, she already ordered for a ride that would take her back. She would have gotten a car long ago but she doesn't know how to drive and she isn't ready to learn it yet. Even Becky does not support her getting a personal car for now because she knows her crazy friend, if not, she would have gotten a car for her already. Ann is the type that even if she finally learns how to drive and gets a car of her own, she would be visiting the station everyday for hitting someone else's car or even running over someone. “Finally, I can't wait to get back home and go under the shower because that's what I badly need right now.” Ann muttered as she slowly walked out of her work place after informing her boss of her departure and signing out. She stepped out and sighted the ride she or
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094.. “So kind people like this still exist? He brought me home and took care of me in my unconscious state. He even took out my wet clothes without taking advantage of me,....."
Author's pov…The rain drenched Ann so badly and her phone went off by itself, she couldn't find any empty shade to run into because most stores and shops were closed already. Apart from that, the spot where the car broke down was at an expressway so you can hardly find a shed. Ann kept running down the road as the rain didn't pity her, it kept falling heavily. She was freezing already and getting so weak, she was even tired already from today's stress so one could imagine how weak she was. “Today is a really bad day,” Ann said breathlessly as she began walking slowly, not caring about the rain anymore.This is what it really means for someone to be stranded. Suddenly, a powerbike stopped beside her. “Hop on miss,” The biker said in a muffled voice as a result of the helmet on the biker’s head. Ann was reluctant at first until the biker took off his helmet, the biker was a male. Even during the harsh weather, her eyes were working perfectly fine and she could see how handsome
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095... “You shouldn't bother looking for me, I'm fine with Ephraim and we would be moving out of Singapore to start a new life together. Send this message to Tyler........"
Author's pov…“What did you just say?” Tyler asked with a shocked expression and Ann swallowed so hard.“Believe me, I wasn't also in support of this too but she didn't just listen to me.” “Fuck!!!” Tyler yelled out feeling pained that Becky lied to him.“Do you know what this means? Do you have any idea what Ephraim might have done to her? You know how he wanted her back so badly, you're also fully aware that he tried to kidnap her last time. Just imagine what would happen when he finds her in his house without any stress, he would never allow her to leave.Only God knows what that bastard might have done to her, why does she have to lie to me? What was she even thinking or does she think going to insult and warn him would make him change his mind? Is she this daft? What the heck is her problem?” Tyler yelled out and kicked the wall angrily. Ann stepped back a little bit before she got hit mistakenly. “Why didn't you inform me when she told you she was heading to Ephraim's place
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096... I couldn't say anything as tears kept falling out of my eyes uncontrollably, this is where my foolishness has led me to.
Becky's pov…I slowly opened my eyes and felt a sharp pain in my head. I groaned as I struggled to sit up on where I was laying. My vision was blurry at first but after a while, it cleared. I looked around the room I was in, it kind of looked familiar but I don't know where I was. This is neither Tyler nor Ann's room. The glassy walls enabled me to know that it was night already. Where is this place? It looks so cozy and beautiful, I don't know why I have this feeling that I have been there before. What am I doing here? Who brought me here? Where is Tyler? I kept asking myself numerous questions and the more I tried to think about it, the pain I was feeling in my head only got worse. I stood up from the bed and immediately my feet stepped on the cold floor, everything that had happened before now came in a rush and I fell back on the bed. I remembered vividly that I went to Ephraim's house and met emptiness but something was sprayed in the air that made me fall unconscious.
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097.. “I'm going to call Tyler right now, break up with him, your voice must not be shaken at all. Failure to do so, I'm going to pull the trigger.”
Becky's pov…I didn't have the appetite to eat anything at all, I was filled with so much anger and fear at the same time. All that filled my head was how I was going to escape from Ephraim, neither Ann nor Tyler knows about this place so it might be difficult for them to find me. I know Ephraim is desperate but never to this extent, I need to find a way to escape before tomorrow night. “I guess you must have been searching for this,” Ephraim suddenly said as he dangled my phone in front of my face. I tried to grab it from him but he pocketed the phone immediately.“And what even made you think I would give it to you? Starting a new life means you're cutting every single ties with anyone you know. I would get you a new phone so just forget about everyone. Your dad is dead and you don't have any other family that can keep you back here. You can make new friends in this new place we would be going to. I'm not revealing the country yet, it's going to be a surprise.” Ephraim said and
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098.. What happens when Ephraim succeed in taking Becky out of this country? It's never going to happen! I assure you...
Tyler's pov…“This can't be Becky, she would never send such a message. Ephraim is capable of anything so I'm sure he was the one who used her phone to send the text.” I protested after Ann showed me the text she got from Becky. If Becky truly got back with Ephraim, she would never have texted me but might have even shown up and told me herself. “I suspected it at first too, Becky hates Ephraim so much and would never get back with him for any reason. So how are we going to find her? From the text message, it says they are going to be traveling out of Singapore tomorrow. This is the work of Ephraim so we need to find her before he travels out of the country with Becky.” Ann said and I ruffled my hair frustratedly. God knows that I would kill Ephraim if I lay my hands on him. I should be angry at Becky but I need to find her first, I can imagine what Ephraim might be putting her through already. Why would she go to his house just to warn and insult him? What was she thinking!!!
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099.. The spy must go to lengths, just to save herself from being caught. too bad....
Author's pov… “So what are the cops saying?” Ann asked Tyler. They were back home already and Tyler insisted that Ann follow him to their home since it's very late already. “They have started the search already, Ephraim would be declared wanted tomorrow morning and his pictures would be pasted everywhere, including on the Internet. All airports are on shut down and all flights have been out to hold till Becky is found. Ephraim would never be able to escape this and once he is caught, I would make sure he spends the rest of his miserable life in jail.” Tyler swore angrily. That's the kind of power he wields in the country.“I'm just worried, I really hope everything is fine with Becky.” Ann muttered sadly and Tyler sighed.“Don't worry, she will be fine and she will be found. You should go to bed already, this is 2am already, you've gone through enough stress already. Just go have your rest and prepare for today,”“How can I even sleep knowing fully well that Becky isn't alright?”
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100.. “He is going to kill me if I say a word. I pledged my loyalty to him already because he helped pay my surgery bills. He is the..."
Author's pov…Chloe ran out of the kitchen bumping into Tyler who had to rush downstairs as a result of the shouts and screams he heard. His eyes almost fell off when he saw Ann on the floor bleeding from her arm. “My goodness! Who did this to you?” Tyler asked in shock as he knelt beside her.“I…will…be…fine, just…go after that maid, she is a spy working for Ephraim. She…knows…something…about…Becky's whereabouts,” Ann stuttered as a result of the pain she felt from her bleeding arm. “No! I need to take care of you first, you're bleeding.” Tyler said as he began searching around the kitchen for a first aid box. “Just go first! Make sure she doesn't escape, I would be fine, we can treat my wound later but that maid must not escape.” Ann cried out. Tyler stared at Ann and then at the door, the state she was in was too pitiful for him to just ignore.But still, let him just get that maid first! Tyler rushed out of the kitchen straight to the outside of the house. He sighed in reli
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