195 Chapters
071.. “Anyways, I have something to tell you, it's something I have been hiding and it's something that might make you get mad, it might even ruin our friendship.”
** The next morning **Becky's pov…“Wake up baby, it's morning already.” I heard someone whisper into my ears and I opened my ears slowly. His scent hit my nose and I needed no one to tell me that it was Tyler. My lips formed a wide smile and I sat up slowly on the bed, I yawned lightly as I rubbed my sleepy eyes. I still wanted to sleep badly but I've got to go to work today. “Good morning baby, hope you slept well?” Tyler asked as he gave me a light kiss and I blushed. No need to set an alarm anymore since I have him already. “Yeah I did but it would have been better if I had you by my side, why did you leave me all alone to sleep in this room.” I asked with a pout as Tyler dropped the tray containing my breakfast on the desk and sat close to me.I didn't even know how I slept off. All I know is that last night was one of my best nights because I slept with so much happiness and slept like a baby.“I'm sorry my queen, I just wanted you to be comfortable.” “Comfortable you s
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072.. “I am serious, I've always loved Ephraim even before you both started dating. I kept my feelings to myself when I noticed his eyes were....."
Author's pov…“Are you sure something isn't wrong with our boss? She has been smiling throughout today and she isn't even aggressive at all,” Becky's secretary whispered to Miriam, Becky's Personal assistant.“I noticed that too, she is probably in a good mood, I am happy to see her smiling though.” Miriam whispered back. “You won't understand because you were just employed a week back. I have been working in this company even before Mrs Becky took over and since she became the CEO, I have never seen her smile for no reason and she is always very aggressive and harsh towards everyone. Even during the times she secured a huge contracts, she is not always this happy and smiling. It's probably something else and whatever that thing is, I really hope it keeps on making her happy because I love this cool side of her.” Secretary said and Miriam was surprised. “Really, maybe it's just her new revolution. Whatever, we should be happy since she is happy.” They both suddenly heard approachi
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073.. "This isn't a good idea at all, I feel like Ephraim has something up his sleeves. This was the same guy who swore to have me no matter what a few days ago.."
Becky's pov…“Chill first Ann because I don't understand what you're saying anymore, are you sure you're not drunk because I can't just wrap my head around what you just said. Please just stop if it's a joke or whatever, just stop! Such kind of jokes aren't funny at all,” I warned, finding it very hard to believe Ann's explanation. She was silent and had a serious expression on her face which means she is being for real. “What!!! Are you fucking serious?” I screamed madly at her. “I am so sorry babe, I didn't mean to, you can get mad at me for as long as you want but I don't want to lose you.” “Can you shut the fuck up! Can you listen to how stupid and foolish you sound right now? Fine, I can manage to understand you have feelings for Ephraim, it happens so that's very much understandable. But you ending up with him is a big No for me! Are you dumb? You're smarter than this so what's wrong with you? How can you accept a proposal from a guy you have never dated? Isn't it obvious
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074.. “Don’t you get it! You've just been used and dumped, forget about everything I've told you, they were all lies. The proposal was fake,......"
Author's pov…“Hey baby,” Ann called out as she hugged Ephraim tightly.He actually came to see her in her apartment that morning. “Did you miss me too much?” “Yes bby, I missed you throughout the night, I couldn't stop thinking about you.” Ann said with a pout clinging to him like a kid. “You didn't even tell me you were coming, I was just preparing breakfast. Would you like to have some tea babe?” “Nah, I am okay baby, just came over to check up on you.” Ephraim said as he sat on one the sofas and Ann sat on his laps and crossed her arms over his neck . She was just putting on a large hoodie with no panties or bra. “So guess what?” Ann asked and Ephraim began wondering what she was up to.“Just tell me already babe, you know I'm not good at guessing.” Ephraim said as he grabbed her left ass and Ann bit her lower lips slightly. “Becky came over yesterday and I told her about us,” Ann suddenly revealed and Ephraim's attention got drawn that instant. He sat up immediately, “Wha
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075....“No! I need to teach that bastard a lesson, I want to insult him so badly and even tell him about me and Tyler so he can hit his head on the wall or better still go to hell!!!”
Chapter 75Becky's pov…“Calm down and talk to me Ann, what happened? Did anyhow hurt you? Why the tears?” I asked Ann numerous questions at the same time as my heart began racing out of fear but she ended the call immediately. “My goodness! What's happening?” I muttered fearfully as I began dialing Ann's number. “What happened? What's the matter?” Tyler asked but I couldn't even answer. My fears increased when Ann refused to pick the call again, what could have happened that is making her cry seriously? “Babe, talk to me, you're scaring me already!” Tyler demanded as he grabbed my hands and I swallowed so hard.“I…don't…know…I…don't…know Tyler, Ann just called and I heard her crying seriously, she didn't even say anything and kept crying seriously. I think something has gone wrong, I need to go to her place right away. Nothing must happen to Ann,” I said in a shaky voice, I was really scared. I've grown so fond of Ann that if anything bad happens to her, I feel affected not to t
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076.. Actually, my mind was on what Ann said about Ephraim. If he tries any shit, I will show him the stuff I am made of, let him bring it on.
Chapter 76Becky's pov…“Becky stop! Don't go to his house for any reason, I was the one who got hurt and not you so please stop. You would only make me feel guilty if you fight for me . I deserve this because you actually warned me but I guess I was just so stupid.” Ann begged me as I was about to storm out of her house. I actually had the intention of going to Ephraim's house and bash him with words because that guy is an animal. I stopped on my track and shifted my attention to Ann who was sitting on the floor. I think she needs my attention more than anything else right now. I went back to sit with her on the floor and continued rubbing her back soothingly. She wasn't crying loudly like she was when I just entered, tears just kept streaming down her eyes and it got me really heartbroken. “It's okay babe, that jerk isn't worth your tears, you're beautiful and classy and there are still other handsome, rich and responsible guys out there. So don't brood too much for just one,”
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077.. “Good job, just keep carrying out orders on a low key, you know what happens once.......,”
Author's pov…“I've answered all your questions so what else do you have to ask?” Tyler asked Becky. They were having fun by watching the night view from the balcony at the last floor of their mansion through the glass walls. Becky had her legs placed on his laps while he messaged her toes, they were both sitting on the couch. “How did you end up falling so deeply and madly in love with me? We weren't even friends so how come?” Becky asked and Tyler took a deep sigh. He playfully bent one of Becky's toes and she made a painful sound. “Ouch! That hurts, why did you do that?” Becky yelled as she tilted her head slowly with a pout. “Because your questions are always endless baby,” “You were the one who started it by telling me to ask you any question I want so you have to answer all.” “Okay, I first saw you when you came with your dad to sign a contract deal with me. I guess you can't remember because all you were focused on was signing the contract and didn't even acknowledge my
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078.. “They should enjoy it while it lasts! I won't be alive to watch that bastard take what's mine. If I don't have Becky, then I would make sure she doesn't experience happiness with any man..."
Author's pov…“That stupid bastard!!!” Ephraim yelled out with folded fist, there were visible veins at the sides of his head which shows how angry he was. He was staring at pictures of Tyler and Becky that were sent to him a few minutes ago from Draco, his spy. It was actually pictures of Tyler and Becky kissing, laughing and playing together, they were taken without the couple's knowledge. Ephraim kept staring at the pictures with so much hatred and his anger increased as he stared at the pictures for long. He was boiling with so much anger and the intensity of his anger can raze down a house. “Arrrgh!!!” He screamed out, tightening his fists. He was tempted to smash the phone but he had to hold himself back because of the vital information he had saved already in the phone. He threw the phone carelessly on the sofa next to him and roughened his hair. The picture keeps popping in his head, imagining the both of them kissing drove him crazier. “She is mine, how dare he kiss
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079... Before I could say a word, he dashed my head on the wall and everything went blank.
Becky's pov…“Oh my goodness! You're so funny Ann,” I said laughing so hard at a joke Ann cracked. Just like Tyler suggested that we go out and have fun with Ann, I put a call through Ann and told her about it and she agreed immediately. I and Tyler drove to her place and picked her up. I am glad she was looking so bright and happy and had stopped crying already. “I can't thank you both enough for making my day, I've totally forgotten that I even had a break up today.” Ann appreciated us and I smiled at her. “It's nothing Ann, this is the least I can do, you know putting a smile on your face is also one of my top priorities?” I reminded her and she blew me a kiss cutely.“I am so jealous of you Becky, you've literally got the best husband on earth. He refused to give up on you for months despite how many times you pushed him away. His type is rare and I really wish for his type or should I just snatch him?” Ann joked and I sent her a deadly glare. “He is mine and mine alone!” I
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080.. “She went out with a guy just a minute ago though she looked unconscious, the guy was.......”
Tyler's pov….“Nah! That's enough Ann,” I cautioned, grabbing the cup of beer from Ann. She was obviously drunk already and still wanted to take more beer so I had to stop her immediately. “You can't stop me from taking my baby! I want more! More of it,” Ann yelled out gibberish and I sighed.She struggled to stand up so I immediately stood up and forced her to sit down. Maybe getting drunk wasn't a good idea because how on earth am I going to handle the two of them? Thankfully, Becky isn't drunk yet but I can sense she is feeling a little bit tipsy.Once she is back from the toilet, I am taking the two of them home immediately now that they haven't gotten worse. “Oh my baby pookie, leave me alone, my baby is calling me, I want to fly to him immediately!” Ann cried out with a pout and I sighed heavily. Five minutes passed and still, Becky isn't back from the restroom. What's keeping her? She just only wants to urinate so what's taking her time? “Oh my baby dudo!!” Ann muttered
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