All Chapters of CEO's Genius Triplets: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
178 Chapters
New Enemy
Alexander frowned and asked with displeasure, "Charlotte, who is he?"Charlotte didn't feel the strange atmosphere between them at all and excitedly introduced, "Let me introduce you. He's Elliot James, my classmate."Then, Charlotte introduced Elliot, "Elli, they are my brothers. The eldest is Alexander Miller, you can call him Alexander. The second brother is Noah Steele."Elliot looked at the two who looked exactly the same but had different last names."Alexander Miller? Same last name as you?" he asked with a meaningful tone.Charlotte nodded vigorously, "Yes, he's my brother! Of course, we have the same last name!"Elliot asked with deep meaning, "Are you related by blood?"This question deeply hurt Alexander and Noah.Alexander walked over, angrily separated their tightly held hands, and pulled Charlotte behind him, "Whether she and I have a blood relationship or not is none of your business. I'm asking you, why are you here? It's seven o'clock now, shouldn't you be at your ow
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Seeing no response, the person outside stopped ringing the doorbell and started banging on the door forcefully.With such a temper, Samantha already guessed the identity of the person outside. She rolled her eyes speechlessly and walked over to open the door.As expected, Ethan stood at the doorway with a gloomy face, surrounded by an aura of frost as if she owed him money."The door is broken, and you'll have to pay for it!" Samantha said without any patience.Ethan gave her a cold glance, then walked into the house and looked around.Seeing him, Charlotte instinctively hid behind Elliot, her small body trembling in fear.Elliot comfortingly patted her hand, which tightly grasped his sleeve, while glaring at Ethan with anger.Charlotte was so good.So lovely.The fact that she was afraid of him indicated how terrifying he must be.And how bad he must treat her normally.Any man who wasn't good to Charlotte
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The Truth Hurts
Karen drank the milk brought by the servant, caressing her still-flat abdomen, her face filled with satisfaction and anticipation.Soon, as long as the child in her belly was confirmed to be from the Fletcher family, she could rightfully marry Justin. That would be wonderful!This child came at just the right time.She could finally completely rid herself of poverty and successfully marry into a wealthy family as the young mistress.Just then, Mrs. Fletcher walked in.Seeing her about to get up to greet her, Mrs. Fletcher immediately walked over and pressed her back onto the bed."Rest well. The first three months are the most crucial. Be careful to avoid harming the child," Mrs. Fletcher said gently.It was the first time that Karen felt the care from her future mother-in-law, and she felt very pleased.Indeed.Being pregnant was different.The child would be valued by the family.Mrs. Fletcher sat by the
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Ellena called Samantha immediately after leaving the Emperor Group to share the good news with her.Upon hearing the news, Samantha was stunned. "Are you serious?" she asked.Excitedly, Ellena replied, "Of course! He gave me the documents! Are you at the company right now? I'll bring them to you.""Yes! I'm at the company," Samantha responded.After hanging up the phone, Ellena drove to the Sky Group.When Samantha saw the documents handed over by Ellena, her heart couldn't stop trembling with excitement. "It's really happening," she exclaimed, hugging Ellena tightly and kissing her face repeatedly. "Ellena, thank you so much! I'm really grateful to you!"She hadn't expected Ellena to surprise her with such a big opportunity. She thought it would take some time and effort to secure cooperation with the Emperor Group. But it happened much sooner than she anticipated. Although the outcome was still uncertain, at least she had taken an importan
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Cowards Live Happily
Chelsea Creek.Alexander and Noah walked into the house with their backpacks on, feeling gloomy.Suzy kept whispering bad things about Samantha in their ears. "It's understandable, after all, she's not your biological mother. It's normal for her to be tired of you, not to like you. You don't need to take it to heart. She has her own life, and you have yours. No matter what, I, your biological mother, will always stand behind you, always love you, and treat you well."Unable to bear her incessant chatter, Alexander finally snapped impatiently, "Are you done yet? Even if mommy doesn't like me, I'll always love her. I'll never accept you as my mother! I hate you, I'm sick of you. Don't ever appear in front of me again, or I won't be polite to you."With that, he took off his backpack and threw it at her.Suzy couldn't dodge it in time and was hit in the abdomen by the backpack.She winced in pain.Seeing her hurt, Alexander finally felt
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The Dead Body
After returning to the car, Suzy vented all her anger on the documents, fiercely throwing them into the backseat.She was still unsatisfied.She pounded the steering wheel with angry hands.Samantha.It was Samantha again!What charm did Samantha possess that made Justin want to marry her, and even made Ethan, despite being engaged, unable to forget her and constantly seek her out?Why hadn't she been arrested yet?With these thoughts in mind, she immediately opened her phone, intending to search for any news about the murder case.However, the result showed nothing, everything was calm and there was no news at all.What was going on?Could it be that Rex's body hadn't been discovered yet?With the current hot weather, it shouldn't take long for the body to be found.When that happened, it would trace back to Samantha.With these thoughts in mind, her restless mood inexplicably eased, and she
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Karen lay on the emergency bed, her bloodstained hands tightly gripping Mrs. Fletcher's hand, tears streaming down her face. "Auntie, my child, you must make sure the doctor saves my child... He can't have any problems..."Mrs. Fletcher comforted her, patting her hand reassuringly. "Don't worry, I'll find the best doctor, and we will definitely save this child."Karen's abdomen twisted in pain, and her tears flowed even more violently.Suddenly, she had a ominous premonition.It felt like this child was going to leave her forever."Justin, Justin..."Mrs. Fletcher hurriedly comforted her, "Don't worry, I'll call him right now and ask him to come over immediately. Your child will be fine.""He must come, he must come..." Karen's voice grew fainter and fainter.And then it disappeared completely into the operating room.Mrs. Fletcher trembled violently, unable to shake the image of Karen's river of blood from her min
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Justin placed the last two pieces of luggage into the car and prepared to go upstairs to pick up Samantha and Grandpa Miller. Unexpectedly, as soon as he entered the elevator, he encountered Karen. Karen lay on the hospital bed, her face devoid of color, looking extremely haggard, her eyes devoid of any light. He just glanced at her lightly, then quickly shifted his gaze away. In the instant Karen saw Justin, she seemed to see a ray of light, eagerly grabbing his sleeve and choking, "Justin, you're back?" Justin disdainfully pulled away his sleeve, not responding. Karen's heart shattered, choking, "Justin, are you blaming me for not protecting our child? I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I..." Justin frowned impatiently, moving slightly away from her, trying to create as much distance as possible. Karen's tears fell even more heavily. "Justin..." Seeing this, the nurse couldn't bear it anymore and advised
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Worthy Opponent
Emperor Group.CEO's office.Ethan is on the phone with Suzy."Ethan, I really tried my best, but Samantha is as stubborn as a bull. As soon as she heard it was to design wedding jewelry for me, she refused to agree and even kicked me out..."Ethan frowned impatiently and interrupted, "I don't want to hear excuses, just tell me the result.""Um..." Suzy deliberately stuttered, "She, she didn't agree! I really did my best! Please don't be angry."Ethan's handsome face darkened, his eyes as cold as ice. "Until she agrees, don't appear in front of me."With that said, without giving Suzy a chance to argue, he decisively hung up the phone.Nonsense.She can't even handle such a small matter.As he was getting angry, there was suddenly a knock on the door.Ethan tightly pressed his thin lips together and squeezed out two words from between his teeth, "Come in!"The office door was pushed open.Etha
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Too Much Coincidence
Ethan, unaware of the situation on the other end of the phone, was covered in ice and gloomily said, "She's not answering the phone? Well... very well..."It seemed that she had made up her mind to distance herself from them.Indeed.When a woman becomes ruthless, she's more heartless than a man.The butler, oblivious to the two little ones eavesdropping behind him, exclaimed, "Sir, what should we do now? Miss Samantha isn't answering the phone, and the two young masters aren't eating or drinking, and..."Before he could finish his sentence, Ethan impatiently interrupted, "If they don't eat, let them starve..."With that, he angrily hung up the phone, feeling agitated.They could continue throwing their tantrums.But what about him?Who would comfort him?"Sir? Sir?" The butler couldn't believe that Ethan would hang up so heartlessly. He called out a few times, only to be met with a busy tone.He sighed, re
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