All Chapters of CEO's Genius Triplets: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
178 Chapters
Miller’s House.Sarah felt as if lightning had struck when she saw the news of Rex's murder, she was standing there dumbfounded.Looking at the time of Rex's murder and recalling the last time she went out with Suzy, she felt a chill run through her body, as if immersed in ice water.Was Rex killed by Suzy?Though it was just a guess, this thought was incredibly strong.She was 99 percent sure that Suzy killed Rex.With this uneasy feeling, Sarah waited until Suzy came home.Suzy didn't notice anything unusual about Sarah and greeted her happily, “Mom, why are you sitting here alone? Didn't you go out today?”With a stern face, Sarah commanded, “Come here.”The commanding tone surprised Suzy slightly.After all, from childhood to adulthood, her mother had always treated her with utmost care, never using such a severe tone.She walked over, sat down on the sofa opposite Sarah, and curiously asked, “Mom, what's the matter? Why so serious?”Sarah opened the news on her phone and handed i
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Lay Together
Seeing him remain silent, Samantha felt embarrassed and said, "I'm sorry, I was just concerned about you and wanted to ask about your situation. If you don't want to talk about it, that's okay."Elliot lowered his head and whispered, "I have never seen my mother, nor do I know who she is! I heard from my dad that she abandoned me after giving birth, and I was raised solely by my father."Although his father treated him poorly, his father at least raised him.If it weren't for his father, he wouldn't have encountered Charlotte now, nor would he have felt warmth from her.So, deep down, he was still grateful to his father.As for his mother...She seemed to be called Suzy Miller. He heard his father call her that last time.Not sure if it's correct.But if his mother didn't acknowledge him as her son, then he wouldn't force her.He didn't like to impose.Hearing his words, Samantha suddenly felt guilty."I'm sorry, I didn't mean to! I told the kindergarten teacher that you'll be staying
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Seeds of Doubt
The next day,Ethan slowly woke up, suddenly feeling something in his arms. He lowered his head and saw a messy head.Was it Alex?How did he end up sleeping in his arms?Immediately, he felt a small hand resting on his waist.Although he didn't turn his head, he guessed that the owner of the small hand was Noah.Both of them slept by his side all night?This realization brought about a strange feeling in Ethan's heart.He couldn't help but stroke Alex's head.This was his son.Despite being angry with him yesterday, both little guys still stayed by his side.His empty heart seemed to be filled all at once.Ethan gently lifted Noah's hand off his waist, set it aside, and cautiously maneuvered his body without disturbing the two little guys.After considerable effort, he finally managed to free himself from the ‘magic claws’ of the two little guys.The two little ones slept l
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Jessica is Back
Justin bumped into Karen, his face suddenly darkening. He deliberately lowered his voice and asked, "What are you doing here? Karen, I warn you, don't even think about hurting Sammie. Otherwise, I won't show any mercy."His uncompromising warning made Karen's heart sink.Thinking of Justin's ruthlessness, she lifted her chin defiantly and retorted, "Is that so? Then don't expect me to show any mercy either! Since the child is gone, I have no reason to live. But..."She paused deliberately, then stepped closer to Justin, coldly curling her lips as she said menacingly, "But even if I die, I'll make sure Samantha takes the blame for me."Justin narrowed his dangerous gaze. "Do you dare?"Karen scoffed, "Just watch and see if I dare or not. I have nothing to lose anyway. If I die, I don't mind taking someone down with me!"With that, she strode past Justin and confidently entered the elevator.Justin clenched his fists tightly, his veins bulging on the back of his hands. His knuckles turn
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Was It Her?
Nick widened his eyes, his face full of joy.But then...As soon as he saw the woman's face, his smile froze.Ethan's expression also froze.The woman furrowed her brows, annoyed, "What are you doing? Who are you? Let go of me, or I'll call the police."Oliver realized something was wrong and immediately walked over, pulling Nick's hand away with apologetic eyes, "Sorry, my friend mistook you for someone else!"The woman regained her freedom, rubbing her wrist that had been pinched, gave Nick a glare, then hurriedly left.Nick watched her disappear from sight, disappointment evident in his eyes.Oliver patted his shoulder, "It's common to mistake someone, don't worry about it! It's late, let's go back!"Nick didn't say anything, he lowered his head and walked forward silently.Seeing him leave, Oliver turned to comfort Ethan but was surprised to find Ethan unexpectedly calm. He was slightly taken aback, "It seems
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Samara or Samantha?
“Huhh...”The phantom car screeched to a halt by the side of the road.Due to the sudden stop, Samantha's body leaned forward with inertia, and her forehead slammed hard into the front seat, causing her to groan in pain."Ugh..."Before she could react, Albert had swiftly opened the back door, grabbed her wrist, and pulled her out."I finally found you."Samantha was momentarily stunned by his sudden actions."What are you talking about?"Albert looked at her excitedly, his eyes slightly reddened.Suddenly, he forcefully pulled her into his embrace, his large body trembling slightly."Samara, I finally found you. Do you know? I've been looking for you for twenty years."Being suddenly embraced by a stranger, Samantha immediately became guarded. She pushed him away and took a few steps back, watching him warily."You've got the wrong person. I'm not your Samara. My name is Samantha, the el
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The Murderer
Mrs. Fletcher looked at Mr. Fletcher.Mr. Fletcher, filled with anger, handed the phone back to Karen and said sternly, "Rest assured, if this matter is true, I will make sure he gives you justice."Karen lowered her head and whispered, "How can he give me justice? My child is already gone. No matter how he compensates, my child won't come back! Sob, my poor child, it's because I'm useless, I trusted your father too much, and that's why you died tragically at the hands of your biological father."Mrs. Fletcher didn't like the way she spoke, furrowing her brow and displeasedly saying, "The child hasn't had a DNA test yet, so we can't confirm if he is Justin's biological father."Although she was ninety percent sure in her heart that the child was her own grandson. But she also didn't like others speaking ill of her son like this.Karen sobbed, "If it wasn't Justin's child, why would he kill him? He's afraid if the child is his, he needs to take resp
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Justin is Gone
Mr. Fletcher, with a stern face, explained the whole situation to Mrs. Fletcher.Mrs. Fletcher subconsciously defended Samantha, "Samantha is a child I watched grow up. I know her character very well. How could she possibly commit murder?"Mr. Fletcher replied displeased, "If she were truly a good girl, she wouldn't have gotten pregnant out of wedlock four years ago, carrying a child even her father didn't know about. For these four years, she has been out of contact, and we have no idea where she has been or what she has been doing. The only recent news we got was from Justin. Four years is enough time to change a person."Mrs. Fletcher fell into deep thought. Although she wanted to believe in Samantha, faced with the facts, she couldn't help but believe it."Your son is now infatuated with her. He even killed his own child for her sake. If he finds out that Samantha is a murderer, he will definitely try his best to exonerate her. With our family's statu
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In the evening, two unexpected guests arrived at Samantha's house."Aunt, Uncle, why are you here so late? Have you eaten?" Samantha greeted them with a smile as bright as flowers, but Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher felt extremely repulsed.They used to think she was quite innocent, gentle, and kind. But now, they couldn't help but find her hypocritical and disgusting.Mr. Fletcher remained silent with a stern face, while Mrs. Fletcher glanced at Grandpa Miller, who was watching TV with Charlotte and Elliot in the room, and spoke instead, "It's not convenient to talk here. Let's find somewhere else to have a conversation!"Samantha noticed their unusual expressions and a sense of foreboding rose in her heart. After giving some instructions to Grandpa Miller, she left with Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher.The three of them chose a nearby café to sit down.Mrs. Fletcher took out a cheque and handed it to Samantha expressionlessly. "Here is one million dol
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Too Smart
Samantha gathered her thoughts and hesitated for a moment before saying, "I have a witness."The police asked, "Who?"Samantha replied, "My sister, Suzy Miller, She invited me out that day, and we were together the whole afternoon. You can go ask her if you don't believe me.""Legally speaking, she's your sister, and her testimony cannot be used as evidence."Samantha forced herself to remain calm. "There's a dashcam in her car. Her car broke down that day, so the dashcam should have recorded both of us."The two policemen exchanged a glance.The one who had been questioning her said, "According to procedure, you cannot leave for now. We'll go find Suzy and clarify the situation. If she can indeed prove your innocence, we'll release you immediately."After saying this, they had Samantha locked up
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