All Chapters of Her Lycan Mate: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
81 Chapters
Chapter 11
Chase’s POVMy jaw worked as I stepped into the pack house, rage boiling in my veins.My patience with Kylan Greene was wearing thin and when it finally snapped, nothing would be able to save that scum of an Alpha.I passed Miriam in the hallway and my already surly mood soured further.“Why are you still here?” I asked, hoping to goddess that my tone did not sound as short as my current temper.My former betrothed rolled her eyes, “Am I not allowed to come here now that you’ve so conveniently called off our arrangement?”My wolf growled at her insolence but I had no time for Miriam’s spoilt nuances.“I told you to go home, Miriam. I don’t appreciate you making my mate uncomfortable.”She was the only person whom I had told about Maya being my true mate. I had explained that it was the reason why we no longer needed to mate and I had expected her to understand.Unfortunately, I had overestimated her level of maturity.Miriam sneered, “Seriously, Chase? You think that mute mutt is fit
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Chapter 12
I blinked at Chase.OnceTwice.Then a scream tore from my throat and I scrambled for a towel, slipping and tripping over myself.Chase’s hands flew to his face, covering his eyes.“Shit! Maya, I’m so sorry! I panicked when—”“Not the time for a bloody explanation, Chase!” I yelled, securing the towel tightly around my chest.“Right. But I’m sorry—“Oh, goddess.” I cried, flustered. “I get it, please just leave!”“Yes, of course. Shit, sorry.”I stood in the bathroom holding on tight to my towel long after Chase left whilst mumbling apologies. To say I was rattled was an understatement.Back in my room, I changed into my pyjamas while replaying the scene over and over in my head. I flushed as I recalled the way his pupils had dilated as he got an eyeful of my body.I slipped under the duvet wondering if I should go find him and ask why he had entered my room in the first place.No, I was still too flustered to be in the same room with him at the moment. So I made up my mind to ask him
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Chapter 13
Chase’s kiss was ecstasy.He nipped my bottom lip and took advantage of my gasp to deepen our kiss, dominating every inch of my mouth.Chase let go of my wrist and circled a possessive hand around my neck. Every nerve ending in my body flared to life as he grabbed my ass and lifted me so my feet were off the floor. I wrapped my legs around his waist and fisted my hand in his hair to tug him closer.My wolf whimpered, hungry for more. There were too many clothes between us.He placed me on his large desk and ground his hardness into me sending a jolt of electrified desire straight to my core and a breathy moan escaped my lipsChase groaned. “You like that, don’t you?”He traced his kisses down and paused, nipping gently at the side of my neck.“It is taking every fucking thing in me not to mark you right now. To finally claim you as mine.” He whispered against the side of my neck, his hands holding my hips firmly.“Then do it, I’m yours, claim me.” I pleaded.His eyes darkened with sur
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Chapter 14
“What?” I gasped.I had an out-of-body experience as I tried to comprehend the answer I had just received.“That can’t be...” I trailed off, wide eyed. Kylan was a greedy bastard but murder?Chase sighed and dropped is head into his hands. I reached out to comfort him but drew back my hand and turned to Ron.I took a deep breath and then said, “Tell me everything.”I needed to know everything if I wanted to share Chase’s pain. I needed to know the whole truth to be able to comfort my mate if that was even possible“Chase?” Ron looked at Chase with worry. “Do you want to tell her yourself?”A moment of silence passed between us then after releasing a laboured breath, Chase spoke, starting from where it had all begun.“My parents also died on the 11th blood moon but that was four years ago. It was a stupid, bloody attempt of a coup.”Something nagged at me at the mention of that date but I pushed it aside. This moment was for Chase.“Those spineless bastards coveted the Alpha title and
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Chapter 15
“Two years later, the pain from our parents' death was still raw but at least we had found those responsible, it did not fill up the gaping hole that losing them brought but it was closure nonetheless. And we had each other.” Chase said, grief hidden within his words.I reached down and curled my hand around his, unable to stop myself.“We had no idea what was coming. If we had, I never would have gone for that meeting, I never would have left the territory, I never would have left Aubrey’s side.”“ can’t think like that, it’ll eat you up.” I said, running a thumb over his knuckles in a futile attempt to comfort him. He brought my hand up to his lips and kissed it.“Trust me, I know that. But I thought of the what-ifs every single day and it killed me. Aubrey was the kindest and bravest soul and the fact that she of all people was gone felt so unfair.“I wanted to fall off the face of the earth and disappear but I kept on living. I had to. My dad, my mum, and now Aubrey, I
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Chapter 16
“Dad!” I screamed but there was no answer. My voice seemed to echo in the quiet night and the forest stood still, holding its breath.Terror threatened to suffocate me as I ran as fast as I could on human legs, spider webs crawling all over my body. Somewhere in the shadows, the menacing growl I had heard before sounded but this time it was closer.Desperation made me try once more to shift but it was no use, my bones started to crack and then stopped, making me lose balance and crash into the cold forest ground.Pain shot through my knee where my skin tore.A twig snapped near me and I jerked my head up.“Dad.” I whimpered, praying to the goddess that he would hear me.I gasped, my heart pounding as I saw a tall figure advancing on me with a gleaming knife. I struggled to get up but my limbs stayed glued to the ground and tears streamed down my eyes as fear grew.When the faceless figure drew a hand back and flung the knife my way, a scream tore from my throat and I jolted awake.My
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Chapter 17
I laughed as Chase swept me off my feet in a bear hug and gave me a kiss that turned me into a puddle. “Also,” I continued, drawing away so that I could see his face. “I want to help you find solid evidence on Kylan or whoever the true killer is.” Chase’s hands dropped away from my sides. “Not, absolutely not.” He said, shaking his head vehemently. “Chase—” I started to protest but he cut me off before I could tell him he was being a disagreeable ass. “Maya, I love the fact that you are staying, I’m absolutely over the moon but, and that is a huge but, I cannot let you put yourself in danger by involving yourself in this.” “I’m already involved in this!” I explained. “Me being here is an involvement on its own. And Kylan probably feels that way too.” His forehead creased in confusion. “What do you mean?” I shrugged. I had just spoken randomly in my bid to convince him but now that I thought of it, it seemed possible. “Kylan probably already knows that you’re on to him and if m
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Chapter 18
“I can’t do it.” I said, dread forming a ball in my stomach.“You aren’t doing anything, just smile and say hello. You've been here too long without an introduction to everyone and they're starting to feel unsettled. Chase might not tell you but they whisper and a few that have been to Lunagrove recently have directly gone up to Chase to ask why we're harbouring a fugitive.” Henry said, only pausing to suck on his lollipop while I gave up on reading the novel that he had stolen from Ron’s library for me.“Hey, I’m not a fugitive.” I cried, smacking his arm.“I know you aren’t but you have your face on posters all over your old pack so it looks pretty bad to everyone else.”I groaned and threw the book aside, dropping my head into my sweaty palms with a long-suffering sigh.“Maya, no one is going to eat you.” Henry laughed“That’s what you think. Okay, sure, whatever. I don’t have a choice anyway.” I went to my room to get ready for dinner where I was finally about to be officially in
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Chapter 19
“No.” I announced theatrically, pushing Chase away with a grunt.“No?” His brows rose in question and he gave me a slow once over that turned my knees to jelly then repeated his question like he knew I was pretending not to want this as much as he did. I guess he did know, my arousal along with his had filled the room with a heady scent that made me hotter.“No?”“No.” I said with finality. “I don’t want to go to dinner with your scent all over me.”“Why not? I’m about to tell everyone that we are mates. I will be very satisfied with having your scent on me so that they all know I’m yours.”The sensual way Chase said ‘satisfied’ made me shiver with awareness and the rest of his words melted my heart but I put it back together and stood my ground.“No amount of sweetness will work on me, babe, let’s go downstairs.” I said, sauntering past him on my way to the door. He let out a muttered curse and followed me with a resigned sigh.At dinner, Chase sat at the head of the table and I sat
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Chapter 20
I could hear how loud my pulse was as I spun to face the vile male, my skin crawling at the sight of his left eye that darted restlessly without focus.“What did you just say?” I asked softly, refusing to believe that this unnerving bounty hunter had just made mention of my dad.He shifted his stance, balancing a duffle bag that I had not noticed before on his shoulders.“Heh, you don’t like that, do you? Me bringing up your father.” He snorted, laughing strangely at something only he knew about.I was starting to get annoyed. I scanned him again, taking note of details that I had missed before and something new struck me.It was fake. The animal skin he wore as a cloak was a fake, I could not pick up any scent from it.My nose flared and my eyes narrowed into slits, I could hardly pick up his own scent either, it was almost like he had somehow masked it.How...?“Who are you?” I gritted out, hoping that Chase would return. Others hardly ventured into the garden by this time and that
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