All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
670 Chapters
Chapter 121
"You're over 40 already, why aren't you rushing to get married? I'm eagerly waiting to hold my grandchild!" Esther's angry roar echoed from the backyard, along with Liam's heart-wrenching screams.Before long, Liam emerged, his ears swollen and red, making him look particularly comical. Chad chuckled and said, "Liam, stay for lunch!""I'd better leave! If I stay, my mom will definitely chew me out!" Liam hastily made his way out, his face filled with fear, hardly resembling a police chief.Watching him depart, Chad made his way to the kitchen in the backyard, calling out, "Aunty, what would you like for lunch?"To Chad's surprise, Esther responded as if she had swallowed gunpowder, "I'm not eating!"Shaking his head helplessly, Chad prepared to cook. Just then, Fentanyl, who had woken up, came through the kitchen and said, "Chad, I'm heading to work. I won't eat too.""Got it!" Chad replied, then suddenly remembered something and followed him out."Hey, Fentanyl, I've got news
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Chapter 122
At this moment, Darren spoke with an unusual solemnity, "You may not know, but the Stonemason Guild began targeting domestic traditional medicine and mystic healers a hundred years ago. They aimed to make everyone accept their medicine, wanting to control everyone globally."With a sigh, Darren expressed deep regret. Chad weighed in heavily, "I know. Those people even established an organization called the Zenith Organization to defame, sabotage, and even assassinate prominent traditional and mystic healers in our country. It wasn't until I established the Mystic Pavillion that things started to improve, but alas..."There was a moment of silence from Chad, with Darren sharing in his anguish.Suddenly, Darren grabbed Chad's hand, pleading, "I beg you to reorganize the Mystic Pavillion. We can't continue like this anymore."Chad fell silent at the plea. He had established the Mystic Pavillion nine years ago when he was only 16 or 17.Initially, he merely sought to expand his networ
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Chapter 123
However, Chad felt it was necessary to attend the auction.Darren was still quite angry, grabbing Chad's hand and saying, "The fact proves that those foreign devils overseas know how good it is. They exchange our national treasures for the rubbish in their hands! It's shameful how our people blindly worship foreigners!"Chad also felt deeply, softly comforting, "Time will reveal everything. It seems Mystic Pavillion needs to be restarted!"Before the divorce, Chad only wanted to reopen the Hall of Herbs, but now it seemed imperative to restart Mystic Pavillion.With his decision made, Chad bid farewell to Darren and quietly dialed a few phone numbers."This is Chad. Mystic Pavillion will reopen in a month!"After finishing the calls, Chad was met by Violet to go to the auction.After Chad left, Esther appeared in the backyard outside of Darren's room, speaking coldly."You've said too much. I hope this is the last time."Darren lay there silent, as if asleep."Why aren't you
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Chapter 124
One could see Justin proudly introducing a white-haired Caucasian man to the crowd."This is Professor Kaynes, the international medical genius. Today, he is invited as the special guest for Lumigen Pharmaceutical!"As for what you just mentioned about Chad, or whatever nonsense 'Dr. Jennings', he's nothing but a complete fraud! How could he even be mentioned in the same breath as Professor Kaynes? It's absurd!" Justin gestured dismissively, paying no attention to the others, and left with his medical team.Gerard watched Justin's departure and muttered under his breath, "Hmph! A brainwashed lackey who worships foreigners!"Upon hearing this, Joyce had intended to praise Professor Kaynes, but now she simply remained silent.Meanwhile, Chad's car had arrived outside the Cloud Nine Tower. However, due to the many high-profile attendees for the auction today, security needed to verify each one by one. Ahead of them, there was a long queue of vehicles.Inside the car, Chad flipped th
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Chapter 125
Joyce was surprised to see Rustin's warm attitude toward Chad.Rustin's car accident was widely known, and later, he did not appear in public for three years.There were many rumors circulating that Rustin might have passed away."Mr. Hart, your presence here is truly an honor. My apologies for not greeting you from afar," said Frederick as he emerged from the elevator with Stanley to greet Rustin.To everyone's surprise, Rustin replied, "It's alright. I didn't die in Bloomington back then. Guess I was lucky!"Instantly, a sense of tension filled the lobby.It dawned on everyone that Rustin had indeed been in a car accident in Bloomington years ago.Due to Rustin's accident, Tori, serving as the chamberlain to a great statesman in Kennington at the time, had to return to Rivervale.And the vacancy left by Tori was filled by someone from the Long family.It was said that this person had been by the side of that great statesman for three years and had recently been promoted to a
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Chapter 126
Travis was instantly furious and shouted, "Ask him!""Him? You mean that loser?" Justin glanced at Chad in surprise."That's right! Marilyn actually spent the night at this loser's place last night… "Travis could not continue, clenching his fists in frustration."What!"Justin could not believe Chad had managed to hook up with Marilyn. Chad was way too smooth with the ladies! Chad listened to the two talk about him, but he could not care less to defend himself.However, Justin smirked and said, "Don't worry, Travis. This is the Long family's territory. Just sit back and enjoy the show!"Travis was momentarily puzzled by Justin but then smiled, quickly understanding what he meant. When Justin arrived earlier, Rustin had not arrived.After setting up the medical team, Rustin finally joined them. He sat next to Travis, looking pleased with himself as he spoke, "You might be unaware of it yet, but he's a total scam artist. He not only fooled the Hart family but also managed to tri
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Chapter 127
Justin finally realized the mess he had gotten himself into and skulked over to Frederick.However, Rustin spoke up, "He's just a kid, so why are you getting so worked up?"Frederick awkwardly chuckled, trying to smooth things over."I'm truly sorry for making you witness such a spectacle. The younger generations tend to act foolishly."Yet, Rustin retorted, "Oh please! You're saying as if the rest of the Long family is any better!"Frederick's face darkened at that remark, realizing Rustin harbored serious hostility toward the Long family.Nonetheless, the Long family was the host of the event, and Frederick could not afford to lose his composure, even if Rustin's words stung.Hence, redirecting his frustration, Frederick did not hesitate to smack Justin across the face—twice!The sound echoed through the entire auction hall.Justin, holding his cheeks, dared not speak back, lowering his head in silence.Tori glanced at them and teased, "Frederick, why are you hitting your k
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Chapter 128
Many among those attending the event had once pursued Matilda, and they were mostly heirs of wealthy families and rising stars in the business world, all eager to mingle with the high society.Moreover, they had heard that Matilda would be present at the auction.Now that Matilda was divorced, they were all plotting their chance to woo her once again.Seeing Justin publicly embarrass Chad for Matilda's sake was something they thoroughly enjoyed."Matilda's divorced now, and my chance has come.""Why should it be your chance? It's clearly mine. I'll definitely win Matilda over.""Never mind winning Matilda over. I'm more concerned about this guy called Chad Jennings. He's bound to be doomed!"The crowd buzzed with excitement, and all eyes were fixed on Chad and Justin.Feeling the pressure of the attention, Justin was determined to expose Chad's true colors!"As you can see, that brat from the Long family is causing quite a stir. I want you to clear things up."Tori's voice su
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Chapter 129
Justin naturally came to the same conclusion, but he was adamant that Chad could not possibly be Sheldon's senior.He believed there must have been some mistake!Despite wanting to verify with Sheldon, Tori had already ended the video call, leaving everyone unable to confirm!Everyone was baffled and refused to believe the outcome.Justin, feeling overwhelmed, shouted, "This isn't right! Chad's a fraud; he can't be Dr. Healy's senior..."In truth, everyone shared Justin's sentiments, but there were no other candidates in that direction.Those who fit the bill had already clarified their identities. Besides, given their status, they would have admitted it without hesitation if they were truly Sheldon's seniors.Tori and Rustin did not want to reveal Chad's true identity.Chad had always kept a low profile, and exposing him now would only cause trouble.Frederick, deeply skeptical, could not believe Chad to be Sheldon's senior. However, Justin had embarrassed the Long family, fu
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Chapter 130
Ayo's every expression and gesture captivated everyone's attention.She epitomized the beauty of Saffronesia with her gentle voice, lovely face, and perfect figure, mesmerizing everyone.Travis was so enchanted with Ayo that he murmured, "Uncle Bernard, send her an invitation to my birthday party when the auction ends."Bernard Sandler frowned slightly but agreed, "Sure, Mr. Norman."Meanwhile, on stage, Ayo shared her background."I'm half Hacniane. My father was born and raised here. After I was born, he returned to Hacniane and never came back. So, my visit to Hacniane this time is to find my father."Ayo then made a heartfelt plea to anyone who might have information about her father, showing an old photo of her parents, a gorgeous couple that left everyone stunned."All pharmaceuticals produced by Lumigen Pharmaceutical are based on my father's formulas. Today, I've brought an elixir that my father created, the Elixir of Life! This elixir has been thoroughly tested by Europ
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