All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
674 Chapters
Chapter 131
Moreover, when the Elixir of Life appeared, Toby had asked Chad beforehand if it was real and if it could extend life by ten years.Chad responded, "It's worth it if it's within 4.5 million!"Hence, Toby dared to start with 1.4 million, and now he wanted to raise the price directly to 4.5 million.Just then, a pleasant female voice rang out, "5.25 million!"A gorgeous woman with long hair stood up, holding her auction paddle to bid, looking confidently around the room.Travis felt like he was going mad.Miles had instructed him to secure three items. The Elixir of Life was just the first, yet the competition was already so intense.Chad also looked over curiously.The price had reached 4.5 million, which was already the limit. After all, this was not a complete Elixir of Life; it would require additional ingredients to achieve the ten-year life extension effect.Without these ingredients, the Elixir of Life would not work.Of course, a true Elixir of Life would not require ad
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Chapter 132
With a thud, the auctioneer's gavel fell, and the Elixir of Life was sold for 70 million dollars."Congratulations to Client No. 5 for acquiring the Elixir of Life!"However, everyone had heard Chad's comment, and they started to doubt the authenticity of the Elixir of Life.Life was simply unpredictable at the end of the day, and nobody could predict when tragedy might strike.Moreover, how could a so-called elixir dare claim to extend life by ten years?Chad glared at Toby and scolded, "You can still back out now!"He said this because he treated Toby as his patient; otherwise, Chad would not have bothered.Toby also felt he had acted impulsively just now. Yet, before he could speak, Ayo on the stage spoke up."Sir, do you have any evidence proving this Elixir of Life is ineffective? Keep in mind that Professor Kaynes of the Guild of Eternal Life personally tested and approved it."Only then did the crowd realize it was Chad who claimed the Elixir of Life could not extend li
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Chapter 133
Miles urged Travis over the phone to secure the Elixir of Life at any cost, so Travis, accompanied by Bernard, rushed over immediately.Toby found himself in a dilemma; while 70 million dollars was a hefty sum, it would be a waste if the Elixir of Life proved ineffective.However, 70 million dollars would be well spent if it did work!Ayo smiled and remained silent, knowing this dilemma would make them hesitant.Travis, seeing Ayo's silence, turned to Toby and said, "Mr. Enfield, I'll buy it from you for 140 million dollars. My grandpa is truly on his last legs!"Toby was surprised; this meant he would essentially earn 70 million dollars more!As a businessman, he had no reason to refuse, especially considering Gerard's assurance that he would live well with Chad around, even without the Elixir of Life.Thinking this, Toby smiled at Travis and said, "It's a deal!"Ayo had intended for Travis to bid higher for the elixir. Though somewhat reluctant, she could not intervene. Nonet
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Chapter 134
After disbanding the Mystic Pavillion, Chad married Matilda and publicly announced his retirement from the medical field.Rustin was Chad's last patient before his retirement. Similarly, Rustin was also Chad's first patient after his divorce and returned to practice.Six years ago, Chad treated Alfie, but Travis did not know Chad as he was abroad at the time.Nevertheless, many people at the scene were unaware of Chad's true identity, and they were surprised that the King of the Entertainment Industry, Miles, knew Chad."Could you please help, Dr. Jennings? Is there any hope left for my dad?"Miles' humble demeanor made the unaware onlookers feel uneasy. After all, how could someone of his status possibly be so submissive to someone they perceived as a freeloader?Ayo was even more annoyed and coldly remarked, "The Elixir of Life can extend life by ten years and can save patients from any severity of illness. Even if he understands medicine, there's no need for a diagnosis once t
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Chapter 135
However, it seemed utterly ridiculous to others.Someone in the crowd hid and shouted, "Why is Mr. Norman being so polite to this scammer? Is he really a miracle doctor?"Upon hearing this question, everyone looked at Miles, waiting for him to respond.Before Miles answered, he glanced at Chad and noticed Chad's indifferent expression.Then, he said, "Yes! Dr. Jennings is Dr. Healy the senior. Of course, he's a miracle doctor!"With that statement, there was a brief silence followed by loud laughter."How could he be Dr. Healy's senior? He's too young for that!""Exactly! If you said he was Dr. Healy's junior, I might believe it!""Mr. Norman must have been fooled by him!"However, these voices soon quieted down as everyone remembered the scene where Tori had a video call with Sheldon before the auction started.Could Chad really be Sheldon's senior?That was impossible!Everyone who did not know the truth vehemently rejected it because it was too absurd to comprehend.It
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Chapter 136
Chad carefully looked at Suri and said, "You seem healthy; you don't need a consultation."Suri was a bit resistant, but spoke up when she saw Chad was serious, "I-I've been possessed!""Possessed?"Possession was a term used in folk culture, known as hysteria in Mystic Therapeutics. There was even a specialized field within the various medical departments called psychotherapy for treating those possessed.Chad was surprised and grabbed Suri's wrist, his expression instantly changing.He had not expected Suri to be cursed!Suri seemed eager to prove she was possessed and rolled up her sleeve.Her arm was covered in dark purple bruises, with some areas already ulcerated, as if she had been severely beaten.Chad then noticed that Suri was wearing high-necked, long-sleeved clothing. Suri recounted her experience, explaining, "Every night, I have nightmares where I was beaten up! When I wake up the next day, these bruises appear on my body. It was especially bad before coming to
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Chapter 137
Kenji smiled and said, "Although there was a mishap with the Elixir of Life, the top-quality medicinal ingredients in this auction will surely fetch high prices and raise the funds needed for the collaboration with Bellenuite."Ayo smiled coquettishly and replied, "That's good to hear. Let's hope there are no more mishaps."Kenji chuckled and assured in a dismissive tone, "Don't worry! Hacniane has no good doctors left, and they've never seen our medicinal ingredients."Ayo proudly smiled and stated, "My dad left behind the Herbal Handbook, which details the cultivation methods of thousands of medicinal herbs. Nowadays, no one in Hacniane knows how to cultivate these herbs. Only our company can cultivate these top-quality herbs!"At that moment, a tall, thin man named Shuten Kenjiro approached.He respectfully addressed Ayo, "Ms. Kato, can the auction resume now?""Of course. Let's go!" Ayo replied, leading the way to the auction venue.Ayo did not take the stage this time but w
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Chapter 138
Chad was well aware that the painting was not a valuable masterpiece, but it held significance as a visualization of Mystic Therapeutics's vital energy healing technique.Vital energy healing technique, also known as breathing exercises or inner work, was essentially a method of controlling one's breath. Moreover, a good breathing technique could promote longevity and prevent various diseases.Throughout history, many summarized their experiences with vital energy healing techniques and depicted them in special diagrams, known as visualization diagrams, to aid in practice.Some experts even imbue their life's teachings into these diagrams, allowing future generations to inherit their knowledge.Chad's family heirloom, the Geronimo Thirteen Needles, was a visualization diagram by the Jennings family ancestors.Toby, however, was puzzled and asked, "This painting isn't valuable; it's probably not even a hundred years old. Dr. Jennings, why would you..."Before Toby could finish, Ch
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Chapter 139
"If they insist on bidding, the remaining two medicinal herbs might not fetch high prices," Ayo said seriously to Shuten."Lumigen Pharmaceutical's divine medicines can't be sold cheaply. Raise the bids!"However, Kenji opposed, "What if they don't buy if we raise the bids?"Ayo smiled proudly, saying, "I bet they will! After they take these herbs, we'll find a way to get them back."Ayo then looked at Shuten and added, "Go contact Henry from Century City's Walt family. Let him reach out to that person.""Got it!" Shuten responded and swiftly left.The auction continued, with all the prices of the items adjusted upward. Even so, the transactions proceeded smoothly.Some items even fetched hefty prices.Strangely, the medicinal herbs were still sold at surprisingly low prices, with most sold after just one bid.All the herbs Chad had discussed with the Hart, Pulmano, and Norman families were successfully acquired.When Chad saw that he had secured these items, he could not hel
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Chapter 140
Ding!The elevator doors opened, and Chad led the group in.In the elevator, Tori suggested, "Dr. Jennings, since you don't like Lumigen Pharmaceutical, the Hart family can take action against them."Moris chimed in, "Lumigen also collaborated with Tatum Supreme Group in three cities for three auctions. Should we terminate our partnership with them now?"Chad leaned against the elevator wall, lazily replying, "Do as you wish. It's none of my concern!"As they spoke, the elevator reached the lobby on the first floor, and Chad nonchalantly stepped out.Moris quickly followed, asking, "Dr. Jennings, do you have any way to help my wife conceive twins?"Chad furrowed his brow lightly and turned to give him a cold, disdainful glance.That look made Moris shiver, and he lowered his head like a scolded child."I'm sorry, Dr. Jennings."Meanwhile, in the luxurious suite at Bloomington's Cloud Nine Tower, Ayo was furious upon hearing that Chad had refused her invitation that harshly. H
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