All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 671 - Chapter 680
680 Chapters
Chapter 671
Perhaps the Ward family believed their actions were concealed enough that no one would realize Tenan had been attacked. However, Chad, Dark Phoenix, and Jasper could see Tenan's condition clearly.Ronan sneered, "What are you implying? Are you suggesting that we, his family, injured him? That's ridiculous.""Ronan, shut up!" Mercer ordered, casting a cold glance over the three doctors. "Whether the old man fainted or was attacked, we'll know when he wakes up!"Mika said, "Exactly. Didn't someone say they could wake him up right now? Let's wake him up and find out."Chad smirked internally. Those old foxes had deftly shifted the problem back to the doctors.However, Jasper said, "That's not possible. The patient has a cerebral hemorrhage. Even if he wakes up, he might lose his ability to speak."Everyone could hear that Jasper, the Saffronesian, genuinely cared about the patient's well-being.Chad also observed Jasper's diagnostic techniques, confirming that he was a very orthodo
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Chapter 672
"Dr. Jennings is right!" Toby suddenly said excitedly. "Let's wake him up and let him identify the culprit himself! If anything goes wrong during the process, I'll take full responsibility! I want to see if you, his blood relatives, are truly filial!"Mika's face turned ugly as he shouted angrily, "Even though you're technically my uncle's godson, you're still an outsider. What authority do you have to bear the consequences?"Before Toby could respond, Dark Phoenix suddenly walked into the bedroom. Before anyone could react, she had already administered the vial of Evergrow to Tenan."I don't understand why you're all dawdling. Saving a life is saving a life—so much unnecessary talk!" Dark Phoenix's words left everyone speechless.She then exited the bedroom and looked solemnly at Chad."It's up to you now!" she said.Chad, unperturbed, glanced into the bedroom and saw that Tenan's body was already enveloped in a black mist.The Evergrow had started to transform his body. Howeve
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Chapter 673
Before Chad could think of a way to collect the Evergrow, Third Grandpa Fox had already licked it clean. Satisfied, Third Grandpa Fox smiled and looked at Tenan. "Kid, you're lucky this time! You didn't die!"Tenan opened his eyes in confusion, feeling the astonishing changes in his body, and gave a bitter smile. "They just think this old loner is in their way!"Then, Chad said, "Did you know that Sir Lawson and Dr. Healy, the miracle healer from the capital, have both passed away?"Tenan was taken aback and asked in shock, "When did this happen?"Chad told him and also mentioned that Micah had already gone to the frontline.The frontline was a codename for the firmament, and Tenan naturally understood the implication of Chad's words, becoming even more shocked."Hmph! These people only care about money and power. They don't realize I should've been going to the frontline this time!" Tenan said angrily, shakily getting up and reaching out to stroke Third Grandpa Fox's head.Thir
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Chapter 674
"Mr. Hart!"The Wards did not expect Mr. Hart to come, and they all went to greet him. However, Rustin was only concerned about Tenan's safety and completely ignored them, instead looking at Toby."Toby, you're here too. How's Mr. Ward?"Toby smiled and said, "Don't worry. Dr. Jennings is treating my godfather; the problem isn't serious!"However, that remark provoked Ronan's anger. "What do you mean the problem isn't serious? It's been an hour, and they still haven't come out. Didn't you say he could be cured? This is taking too long!"That obvious nitpicking made Rustin frown deeply. Rustin was quite familiar with the situation of the Wards.When Tenan retired from the cabinet and did not return home, it was because he did not want to get involved in the family's internal strife. It seemed that even though he hid in Orcreek, he still could not escape the schemes of those unfilial descendants.All the Wards looked at Toby. The situation could not be clearer.Toby spread the ne
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Chapter 675
"Finnley, you bastard! You're ruthless enough to want to kill even us!"Finnley hurriedly hid behind his father, crying out his innocence, "It wasn't me! My birth date is among them, and so is my father's. If you want to know who it is, just look at whose birthdate isn't there."Then, Mercer spoke up, "Who else could it be? Of course, it's missing the birthdates of Matias' family!"As soon as these words were spoken, the room fell into a deathly silence.The three Ward brothers were the eldest, Matias, the second, Mercer, and the third, Mika. The three brothers were highly influential in political and business circles and ruled the three northeastern provinces!However, they were cousins. Mercer and Mika's fathers had passed away long ago, while Matias' father had died five years ago.Just then, Mercer's phone rang. It was Matias!"Mercer, how's Uncle?"Mercer glanced at Mika beside him and sighed, saying, "I'm not sure yet, but the situation looks very bad.""Really! I'll be
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Chapter 676
"What are you all doing in Orcreek? The Cabinet is fine, but you seem to have too much free time?" Tenan, sitting authoritatively in the grand master's chair, sternly rebuked his former students, subordinates, and disciples.Finally, his gaze fell on Matias."And you, a minister, dare to run around? Is this how you usually work?""Uncle, I'm sorry! I heard that you were critically ill, so I—" Matias instinctively tried to explain but stopped mid-sentence.He saw the other Wards family members kneeling on the ground, not daring to rise, and a dead fox lying there.He quickly turned to look outside the living room. He saw endless wheat fields through the courtyard gate but no sign of his guardian spirit. The dead fox on the ground was the same white fox that had just run out to play.Tenan glanced at the six men. "Why are you still standing there? I need to handle some family matters. You can leave now!"Tenan dismissed those six esteemed dignitaries like children.Matias watched
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Chapter 677
Finally, Tenan cried out in anguish, "And you dare to conspire with the Saffronesians to harm me?!"Mercer could not hold it any longer and shouted, "Uncle, this has nothing to do with me or Mika. It was all Matias' idea; he arranged everything."Mika also chimed in, "Yes! He said that if you were dead, he could advance to become a minister."Matias suddenly stood up, tearing into them. "What do you mean it was all my idea? Don't pretend you weren't involved. Didn't you also want Uncle's shares in the Black Mosaic Group?"That statement instantly ignited a fierce argument, but Tenan quickly silenced them."Enough!"Tenan pinched the bridge of his nose and, after a long pause, looked at them coldly."You've all deeply disappointed me. Mercer, Mika, do you really think the Black Mosaic Group belongs to you? It belongs to the country, understand?"Mercer and Mika were stunned, and then they panicked.Tenan's next words drove them to despair."I've already donated my shares. The
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Chapter 678
Tenan glanced at Chad and motioned to Weldon, who immediately understood and cleared the room, leaving only Chad, Tenan, and Third Grandpa Fox.Once the doors were closed, Tenan turned to Chad and said, "I was strongly against sending your sister away back then. A little girl going to the celestial realm was a death sentence. But the others agreed, and my opposition was futile."Chad was taken aback. He did not expect Tenan to reveal such a shocking secret before he asked any questions.Tenan said, "At that time, I saw that those willing to go were divided into two factions—the Descent Faction and the Survival Faction. The Descent Faction hoped that the so-called immortals would settle on earth so they could learn the secret to immortality from them."As for the so-called Survival Faction, they believed that if those immortals came to earth, they would slaughter humans indiscriminately. They wanted to get on good terms with the immortals, preparing to become traitors. "Along with
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Chapter 679
Perhaps in ancient times, the so-called celestial realm could indeed be seen in the sky. Otherwise, poetic sayings such as reaching out to pluck the stars would not exist.However, what Chad found hardest to accept was that, according to Tenan, his sister Snow was most likely dead.Chad, unwilling to accept that, asked, "Are you sure all those people are dead?"Tenan hesitated as if trying to recall something, then shook his head uncertainly. "Not exactly. In fact, only less than half can be confirmed dead. Many others are presumed dead because we received no feedback from their life chips."Chad said, "Maybe the chips malfunctioned. Those people might still be alive!"Tenan shook his head. "That's impossible. The chips were embedded in the cervical vertebrae, a very simple technology. They only needed to be exposed to electromagnetic waves from the satellite to be activated."Even if they were hundreds of meters underground, as long as the electromagnetic waves reached them, the
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Chapter 680
Waves of golden wheat rolled past the car window as Chad stared at the scenery outside, speaking as if to himself, "You were one of those sent to the celestial realm, and you came back from the firmament, didn't you?"Dark Phoenix was stunned for a long time, unable to answer. She had not expected Chad to ask such a question.Seeing her silence, Chad continued, "When all of you went, each of you had a life-detection chip implanted in the back of your necks. How did you manage to remove them?"Dark Phoenix felt like she was going crazy, unable to understand how Chad knew that, but she still did not speak.Chad's next words shook her even more. "The first ones who tried to remove the chips all died. Even those who succeeded didn't live long. Even if someone had the cultivation level of an earthbound immortal, they couldn't withstand the backlash from removing the chip."Dark Phoenix shuddered and instinctively moved closer to the corner of the car.Chad, still looking out the windo
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