All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
680 Chapters
Chapter 151
Yet, Zach never expected his father-in-law to suddenly call and challenge him, demanding that he stop the relocation of Temple Road.However, Zach did not agree, despite not knowing why Toby was opposed to it.Zach believed that developing Temple Road would be beneficial to Bloomington's prosperity, and no one would stop him!Tori could not help but sigh when he heard Zach's words. "Don't be so cocky. My father asked me to ask you something. Have you lost your mind to even touch Temple Road?!"Zach was puzzled. He did not understand Rustin's question."Tori, are you so jealous of me that you are using your father to put pressure on me? It is all pointless. I've already decided to demolish Temple Road!"Tori was already losing patience. It was only a joke. Temple Road would be demolished at will if it were any other city.However, Bloomington was a completely different story. Tori exclaimed angrily, "I don't have the time to joke with you. Here's a piece of advice. Stop Temple Ro
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Chapter 152
As the chaos of Temple Road broke out, Chad was at the Hall of Herbs, utterly unaware of what was happening.At the time, Chad was practicing alchemy in a secret chamber beneath the Hall of Herbs.He used meditation to unlock his body's potential, increasing the temperature just enough to refine the medicinal ingredients in the furnace.It was an extremely difficult task!After all, he could not raise his hands' temperature too much. Instead, he had to use his hands to sense the furnace and integrate it into his body for it to reach a specific high temperature.Chad's hands held the Divine Ware furnace, and smoke curled within it as the ingredients dissolved.Upon closer inspection, the furnace was already glowing red like a heated iron.However, there was no change outside of the furnace. There were even water droplets that had condensed on top.Chad had not performed alchemy in ten years, and he appeared to be struggling.Chad's body was also covered in layers of blackish-br
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Chapter 153
"Sir… Sir Lawson… Hello…"A drop of cold sweat slid down his cheek as he spoke.Zach never imagined that simply relocating Temple Road would rile up the great Sir Lawson.Zach's mind was blank. He did not hear Lawson's words very clearly. He only repeated after the man. "Yes… Yes… I understand, I know… I'll definitely do that…"After hanging up, Zach could not help but slam his fist on the table."Why did Matilda and that woman from Saffronesia want the land on Temple Road?! They've caused me so much trouble, damn it!"Zach, enraged, called Matilda.He vented his rage on Matilda, scolding her for an hour before finally calming down.Matilda did not dare to retort the entire time and ended up in tears at the end of the call.After hanging up, Matilda called Ayo to discuss finding a new location.However, Ayo insisted on Temple Road and assured Matilda she would handle it.In truth, Ayo was concerned as well, having received some calls.They were all from her Hacniane partner
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Chapter 154
The Hall of Herbs was home to six old men at the time—the Hart family's father and son duo, the Pulmano brothers from Tatum Supreme Group, Toby, and Darren, who had always stayed there.Miles was already in his 50s, but the King of the Entertainment Industry kept himself in good shape and looked to be in his 30s, so he could not be considered old.However, Esther was concerned that the Hall of Herbs was rapidly becoming a nursing home.When she heard the shouting outside, she got up and went to the door, saying, "Young man, what's your business with Chad?"Morgan bowed respectfully and said, "My mother has a strange illness, and she has seen various famous doctors for over two years, but she hasn't gotten any better. I wanted to ask Chad for help."Esther looked at Morgan's mother, who was thin and middle-aged.Morgan's mother was wrapped up tightly, as if she was afraid of the cold, even though it was not particularly cold."Come in for now!"Esther let them in without thinkin
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Chapter 155
As he spoke, the old man smiled at Chad and said, "The towering tree lives for thousands of years. So, when refining the Elixir of Life, using the wood element can help the pill achieve its highest grade!"Sure enough, the Journey through Mountains and Streams painting contained a Mystic Healing inheritance!The old man's words made Chad realize that his Mindfulness Breathing Meditation was of the wood element, best suited for creating the Elixir of Life!So, Chad was lucky enough to hit the jackpot and create the best Elixir of Life!Chad followed the old man and the boy through that painted world, temporarily forgetting about time.The old man showed the boy where to find various spiritual herbs in the mountains.He also showed the boy how to plant and cultivate them after harvesting.In the world of painting, a day seemed like a hundred years. Chad appeared to be completely immersed in the painting for what seemed like years.Chad accompanied the old man in the mountains, wh
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Chapter 156
"Morgan, what are you doing here?" Chad was surprised to see his high school friend in the Hall of Herbs.Morgan asked hesitantly, "Chad, I know you are skilled in medicine. Can you help my mother?""Oh, this young man and his mother have been here for a day. His mother's illness is complicated." Esther looked at Chad with concern as she explained Morgan's mother's condition."She was locked?" Chad looked at Morgan's mother in disbelief, completely shocked.Esther voiced her suspicions: "Yes! It is indeed a locking. I haven't seen one in more than 20 years."Morgan looked puzzled as he glanced at his mother and asked, "What is locking? Is it that serious?"Chad nodded thoughtfully and said, "It's incredibly serious. Locking is a rare and vicious technique that is extremely difficult to deal with."Archibald walked out of his room at that point, stunned, and said, "There are still people who know how to do locking nowadays?"Chad did not recognize Archibald. Who was that old man
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Chapter 157
It resulted in numerous accidents for Mystic Pavillion members in later years that they could not prevent.If Roggan was willing to submit to the Mystic Pavilion, he could use their members to protect themselves.However, Chad could not agree so easily, so he said, "Help me do three things. After you do that, Roggan will be a part of the Mystic Pavillion! The first is to unlock her."Archibald was overjoyed to hear that. He stood up immediately and exclaimed, "It's a deal!"Then, Archibald approached Morgan's mother and said, "Excuse me, I need to check what kind of ice lock you have been subjected to."Archibald grabbed her arm and pressed his right and left index fingers against it. Then, he moved toward the shoulder.At the same time, he said, "Unlocking and locking use specific circulatory points in a person's body. It is one of Roggan's eight skills.As Archibald's hand moved around Morgan's mother's limbs, his eyes widened dramatically."Now, I will unlock you—here!"As
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Chapter 158
In the car, Ayo listened quietly as Shuten explained.Lumigen Pharmaceutical came to Hacniane two years prior and chose the Hawthorne family of Shotham as their partner.However, just as the cooperation was about to be finalized, Ryan Chase appeared, putting all of Lumigen's efforts to waste.Jouzen was in charge of the negotiations at the time, and after they failed, he secretly found Ryan's wife to retaliate.Jouzen had intended to wait for a while before pressuring Ryan to agree to the collaboration between Lumigen Pharmaceutical and the Hawthorne family on the pretext of his wife's illness. Still, no one expected Jouzen to die in a car accident the next day.Shuten looked extremely serious when he mentioned the car accident. "That car accident was very suspicious, with many points of doubt, but the police concluded that it was just an ordinary accident. The case was settled with money."Ayo was deep in thought. She had gone to Hacniane to undertake a mission from Saffronesia'
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Chapter 159
Archibald thought for a moment before he said, "It was the Walt family from Century City!"Chad immediately thought of Harry and that warlock—Robert.After all, warlocks were notorious for seeking vengeance for the slightest offense, and Robert would not let Chad off so easily.Chad glanced at Harry, who was still in the backyard with Darren.Darren knew so many insider secrets. There was no way the Walts would let him go so easily!Perhaps…Chad suddenly realized something and grabbed Archibald's wrist.Chad relaxed after noticing that Archibald's pulse was steady and showed no signs of poisoning.It was just strange. Did Harry send Archibald there to steal medicine?"I understand. We can talk about this another time. Come with me for now."Chad believed that whatever Harry had planned was unlikely to pose a significant threat.Archibald followed Chad outside and asked, "Chief, where are we going?""Bloomington Tower!"Chad was heading to Bloomington Tower to deliver the
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Chapter 160
Even though Chad was aware of Temple Road's demolition, he had no idea that Bellenuite and Lumigen were behind it.So, when confronted with Matilda's angry rebuke, Chad maintained his innocence. "When did I ever oppose you?"Chad's denial enraged Matilda even more.Meanwhile, Justin became particularly hostile when he saw Chad.Justin felt he had nearly exposed Chad during the auction.Nonetheless, he was kicked out of the venue and chastised by his family's elders.In addition, his family was already dissatisfied with him because of the medical team from Europe.If Matilda had not given him so much money to persuade Kaynes to check up on Clinton, he might have been kicked out of the family."Aren't you targeting Matilda? Weren't you causing trouble when Matilda went to the Hart family for financing? Didn't you cause trouble when Matilda and I went to see Mr. Hawthorne? You caused trouble at Matilda's banquet. And weren't you also causing trouble at the Bellenuite and Lumigen a
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