All Chapters of If I Could Turn Back Time: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
680 Chapters
Chapter 161
Everyone was stunned since no one expected Chad to act.The members of the medical team were distraught. Several of their muscular members wanted to move, but Kaynes stopped them.Marilyn's recommendation to Kaynes to use traditional medicine, which Kaynes rejected, was, in their opinion, entirely natural.Marilyn had brought it upon herself, after all. Kaynes was a towering figure in modern medical society.Mariln's behavior was similar to a child attempting to teach an adult. It was completely ridiculous; she deserved to be hit.Even though Kaynes was in his 50s, he remained strong. It was a characteristic of Europeans.However, Chad's slap caused blood to flow from the corner of his mouth, and half of his face swelled immediately.Justin was furious. "Chad, you want to die? Guards!""Why are you all shouting?"At that point, Bill appeared and stopped them with an angry expression. "Justin, you better pack up your lackeys and get lost. My grandfather doesn't need a pack of d
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Chapter 162
In the presidential suite, Bill teasingly asked, "What brings you here?"Chad took out the bottle and said, "I made something good and brought it over for Mr. Hawthorne."Without hesitation, Bill snatched it and asked, "What's inside?""It's an Elixir of Life that can extend one's life by ten years. If Mr. Hawthorne takes it, he will be able to live for at least another seven years!"When Bill heard what Chad said, he grabbed the bottle tightly as if he feared it would be taken away.In truth, no one in any big family wanted their elders to die.That was because elders held the highest status, whether within the family or in the political and business spheres.The longer the elder lived, the more stable their family business would be.So, whether it was the Halt family, the Long family, or the Norman family, they all wanted their elders to live to a ripe old age.Bill greatly appreciated Chad's generous gift.So, Bill smiled and said, "Hey, why don't you get a marriage licens
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Chapter 163
Justin was utterly bewildered. He had no idea what had happened.He was very curious about what the old man with Chad had done to Kaynes.Matilda had initially believed that Europe's top medical team would be able to cure Kaynes, but it appeared that even they were at a loss, which caused Matilda to panic."Justin, what do we do? Will Professor Kaynes die if this continues?"Justin could do nothing, and he was already considering how to shift the blame."How would I know? It is entirely Chad's fault for being unable to let you go. If anything happens to Professor Kaynes, I will not let him go!"The door to the suite suddenly opened, and Archibald stood in the doorway.Chad had sent him to unlock Kaynes.However, Archibald was not in a hurry to unlock him, and he laughed as he looked at Kaynes and said, "How do you feel? Do you understand what locking is now?"However, just as he finished, someone shouted, "You devil! What have you done to the professor? This is witchcraft. If
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Chapter 164
Kaynes appeared disheveled; he had been humiliated.Faced with Archibald's mockery, he could not muster a single retort.After unlocking Kaynes, Archibald returned satisfied.The corridor outside the suite was dead silent. Everyone felt deeply humiliated.Justin was filled with rage, and he saw Chad as purposefully causing trouble.That old man must have used despicable means. It was clearly not a medical technique."Professor Kaynes, don't worry. That old man definitely did not use any medical technique. I'll avenge you!"Justin's words prompted the other medical team members to approach Kaynes and comfort him."That's right! That guy must have used some kind of witchcraft. He is shameless and despicable, and he certainly lacks medical knowledge.""Mr. Long is right. That person must have lived with people who taught him some clever tricks!"Marilyn could not stand it. Even though she did not understand Archibald's methods, she recognized that it was traditional medicine."
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Chapter 165
After leaving, Marilyn severed all ties with her mentor, Kaynes.Clinton began sweating profusely in the presidential suite shortly after consuming the Elixir of Life.Chad never expected that to happen, so he did not leave immediately.Chad's expression changed to a playful one when he noticed Clinton sweating.That was because Clinton's sweat was not clear. It was a dirty brown color with a pungent odor.Even though Clinton appeared to be in pain, his body was visibly changing.Chad even noticed the Clintons' white hair beginning to turn darker.Chad immediately remembered the cleansing he had experienced while performing alchemy.The difference was that Chad's cleanse occurred naturally after achieving a certain level of training, whereas Clinton's began after consuming the Elixir of Life.It reminded Chad of the Cleansing Pills described in the Law of Jennings' Mystic Healing.The Cleansing Pills were said to be able to restore hair to its original color, rejuvenate the b
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Chapter 166
Matilda was still hoping to persuade Clinton to support Zach in the demolition of Temple Road.After all, the collaboration between Bellenuite and Lumigen had already reached a point where there was no turning back.Ayo had issued an ultimatum, stating that if Temple Road could not be acquired, they would terminate their cooperation with Bellenuite.However, Matilda made it clear that if Chad were present, Clinton would most likely refuse to see her.She still needed to try, so Matilda brought Marilyn along.Matilda was actually surprised that Bill had let them in.She was perplexed because she had already come more than once in the previous two days. Every time, she was turned down at the door.Only when she was able to invite Europe's Guild of Eternal Life did she see a glimmer of hope.Matilda had previously assumed that the Hawthorne family was simply showing her some respect because of the Guild of Eternal Life's reputation.However, the previous scene revealed it was due
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Chapter 167
When Marilyn heard that, she smiled awkwardly and occasionally glanced at Matilda.Meanwhile, Matilda could only stare into her glass and pretend not to hear anything.At that moment, Clinton walked out of the room and asked with a smile, "What's all this excitement about?""Grandpa, we're talking about Chad!"Ivy approached Clinton with a playful smile and clung to his arm.Matilda was shocked when she saw Clinton. Was that really him?She had heard that Clinton was already in his 80s and his health was failing, so why was he not old and frail?However, the man looked to be in his 50s.Matilda would not pass up the opportunity because she had finally met him.So she rushed over and said, "Mr. Hawthorne, my name is Matilda, and I'm from the Bellenuite Group. I want to—"Clinton did not wait for Matilda to finish before raising his hand and interrupting her, saying, "You should have already been told that Temple Road can't be demolished. Even if you get Sir Lawson, the results
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Chapter 168
The sound of the banging angered Bill. He opened the door, only to find everyone from the Guild of Eternal Life blocking the way.Some of them attempted to rush in but were stopped by the bodyguards in the room."What are you trying to do? What murderer? Do you know where you are?Bloomington Hotel belonged to Bill's Sangrea Group.Every bad incident in his hotel would feel like a slap in the face.A burly man charged forward, knocking down two bodyguards and yelling angrily, "Hand over that old man. He killed our professor. We want revenge!"Marilyn was stunned when she heard that. Even though she had severed ties with Kaynes, he was still her teacher. Marilyn quickly stood up and asked, "Arthur, what happened to the professor?"The burly man was Arthur. He looked at Marilyn and said viciously, "Was I not clear? The professor is dead. That old man killed him!"Arthur pointed at Archibald. When the Guild of Eternal Life members saw Archibald, they began to shout."We tried to
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Chapter 169
Chad examined Kaynes' condition and concluded that it resembled death from a heart attack.It was clear that Kaynes did not struggle before his death. His face did not show any signs of pain, even though his mouth was wide open.The results of Chad's pulse examination confirmed that.Furthermore, Chad could point out that Kaynes' heart attack was brought on by anger."Charlatans! Are you trying to tell us that the professor is still alive?!" Arthur remarked bitterly after witnessing the scene. Then he glared at Marilyn.It made Marilyn lower her head. She had not expected anything like that to happen.Marilyn hoped Chad would say Kaynes was not dead yet.However, Arthur cursed Marilyn viciously, saying, "It's all because of people like you. Otherwise, the professor would not have died! You barbarians are not qualified to learn modern medicine!"Chad let go of his hand. He gave Arthur a disgusted look before shaking his head."You were just playing tricks! I thought you would b
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Chapter 170
"Oh, God! This witchcraft is too terrifying! They've turned the professor into a demon!"Someone shouted in the room, and members of the Guild of Eternal Life began to flee."That's so scary! These people are demons. He used magic to control the corpse!"After they fled outside, they trembled as they stood outside the door and looked inside.Arthur was still on the ground, agonizing in pain from being locked. However, when he heard that Kaynes had returned to life, he stopped wailing and looked over in surprise, his face pale.Arthur suddenly began to babble like a madman. "Professor, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you angry! I just wanted to graduate early. I didn't expect you to die. Oh, God! This is my fault. I deserve to go to hell!"Everyone looked at Arthur, stunned by his statement.Arthur was trembling in fear. The pain from the locking, as well as the shock of Kaynes regaining consciousness, had completely taken him by surprise.Chad entered a state of focus as so
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