All Chapters of The Supreme Son-in-Law: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
310 Chapters
Chapter 91
On the couch, Howard, who was trying to read the paper, just shook his head. There was never a moment's peace in this house, no chance for a little quiet time.He glanced at the two snakeskin bags by the door and frowned. "Elio, coming back is one thing, but hauling in two bags of rubbish? We're already tripping over each other in here. Where's that supposed to go? Just dump it already."Dylan was at the dining table, chomping on an apple. The last time he had seen Elio's tough side, he had learned to keep his head down. His curiosity, however, did not stop him from eyeing those bags, wondering what was inside. Actual trash, maybe?"Beat it, and take your trash with you! Evelyn's done with you. Don't you dare come back until you've paid up every last cent," Lana bellowed, as if she was confronting her worst enemy.Elio was no stranger to his mother-in-law's harsh vibes. He had built up a sort of immunity to her barbs and just shrugged it off, "Look, Evelyn's my wife, no matter what
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Chapter 92
"And get me an iPhone 11, plus some new kicks," Dylan chimed in, not wanting to miss his shot."Buy, buy, buy, is that all you think about? Your sister's business is strapped for cash, and we are still in the hole for a cool ten hundred thousand to the old man. Forget your wish list and let's see how much we have actually got," Lana cut in.The kids were bummed but hey, just getting to touch that kind of loot was a thrill. They plopped down on the floor and started counting, lining up the bills in neat little stacks.When they were done, the grand total was a whopping seven million, with an extra couple hundred thousand that Elio had stashed in the trunk of the Cayenne for walking-around money. That was what they were working with.Howard was scratching his head in confusion. It had only been a day, and Elio, his usually luckless son-in-law, had rocked up with a whopping seven million bucks. Something did not add up, and Howard knew he had to get the scoop. He turned to Elio and as
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Chapter 93
Elio could not believe his bad luck. Stuck with a mother-in-law who was the epitome of greed and selfishness, who never played fair, yet she was the mother of Evelyn, his perfect match, who had him wrapped around her finger and ready to face any disgrace.Lana could not see past her nose, or maybe it was more like she was blind to what was right in front of her. She was fixated on the idea of her daughter landing another rich husband, so she could live vicariously through her, soaking up luxury and wealth.What she failed to realize was that her son-in-law was from one of the most elite families around. If only she had been kinder to Elio, she would not have wanted for anything—mansions, sports cars, jewels, and all the designer goods one could dream of. She could have had it all.Elio was stuck between a rock and a hard place. He was head over heels for Evelyn, which meant putting up with his mother-in-law's antics was just part of the deal. Money issues? They did not faze him one
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Chapter 94
"No..." Evelyn shook her head, her expression serious. "Don't get it twisted. I'm not implying anything. I just feel sorry for you. Let's face it, what we have isn't going to last. We're bound to split up eventually."Elio's smile turned to ice. He felt a pang of resignation as he said, "I get it. You've never really respected me."Evelyn let out a weary sigh. "You just don't get it. You can't force fate. You're nothing like the guy I picture myself with, so it's only a matter of time before we split. It's for the best... I'm heading back." With those words, she turned and walked away, her elegant silhouette vanishing as she climbed the gentle slope.It appears I have just two years to win Evelyn's heart. Should I fail to make her fall for me by then, it seems we are just not meant to be. Rolling with it is the only option!Elio had come to accept it too. Marriage is all about love, and without it, you are just signing up for misery. He left his place, hopped into his Cayenne, and
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Chapter 95
The night was alive with the roar of engines as the Cayenne and the Porsche sliced through the traffic, racing forward with the reckless abandon of two flying fish. The other drivers knew better than to stick around. Anyone behind the wheel of such pricey rides was not just rich—they were powerful. Nobody wanted to tangle with the kind of trouble that could come from crossing paths with a wild rich kid. It was better to steer clear and stay out of the fray.When it came to handling a set of wheels, the lady driving the Porsche 911 was a force to be reckoned with, giving Elio a run for his money. Her supercar was nimble, and she drove it with such skill that they were neck and neck, each taking turns in the lead. The crowded streets, however, made it tough for either of them to really let loose and show what they were made of.This was Elio's first real race since he had moved in with his in-laws, and he was feeling the rush. His heart pounded with the kind of adrenaline he had not fe
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Chapter 96
She watched him, all laid-back and unfazed, which just made her blood boil even more. Clenching her teeth, she hissed, "Don't get cocky. You'll see what I'm made of soon enough. Just stick close behind me.""Fine by me, let's get moving," Elio said, clearly over the drama."Just you wait!"The woman's face was livid with rage as she steered her car forward, her eyes darting to the rearview mirror. Only when she saw the Cayenne keeping pace did she hit the gas. She was on high alert, ready to whip her car around and ram into it if that kid even thought about running.After a tense ten-minute drive, she led Elio to the Jade Dojo and was the first to step out.She was a vision of fashion, towering at least five feet nine inches tall, with a figure that turned heads. Her legs, long and sculpted, shone like polished marble beneath her miniskirt, and her high heels made her even taller than Elio, giving her the presence of a supermodel, a queen in her domain.Elio emerged from the car,
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Chapter 97
Layla and Alicia were more than just boss and employee; they were like sisters. Layla laughed and nudged her, "I think he's kinda cute, just needs a little style makeover. He would be a total catch. If you're not into him, maybe you could pass him my way?""That does not add up," Alicia shot back. "If you were not interested, why did you even bring him here?"You could tell right away that the coach, Layla, was the kind of person who lit up a room. Elio could not help but grin as he teased, "You know, you're pretty stunning—way better than some of those stuck-up types. Just so you know, I came here ready to take a beating." Layla's eyes went wide, but then she burst into laughter, her whole body shaking like she was dancing in the breeze. Her white training outfit just could not hide how fit she was—it was like her curves were trying to jump right out. "You're a riot, you know that? Sharp eye you've got, spotting my charm like that. But watch out, talk like that is going to land you
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Chapter 98
"Look at this guy, can't even afford new socks, and he thinks he can take on Alicia? He's in for a world of hurt!"The dojo was alive with anticipation, as a crowd of members gathered to witness the spectacle. They were all eager to see Alicia, the dojo's founder, unleash her might and deal with the unwelcome visitor."Let's get this started." Despite the irritation bubbling inside her, Alicia, ever the professional, bowed with the grace and precision expected of her position.Elio followed suit. However, the moment he lowered his head, a swift kick came hurtling towards him. Alicia's foot, swift and powerful, was a blur aimed straight for his head."Yikes!"Elio, ever the joker, feigned terror with a dramatic yelp and rolled away with surprising agility, ending up clutching at Alicia's other leg with an appreciative grin.The onlookers were stunned. What was this move? It looked like he was shamelessly trying to cop a feel on Alicia, the nerve!"Ah... I'm going to end you!" Ali
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Chapter 99
That was not all. Elio secretly channeled his inner strength, held his breath, and went stiff as a board, his face turning a ghastly pale with a tinge of blue, faking a total knockout."If you want to play games, I'll play for keeps. Time to give you a real fright and see how you handle this."The crowd had been whooping and cheering just moments ago, but now they were all staring as the boy suddenly went rigid. A voice from the crowd gasped, "Check him out, what's wrong with him? He's not moving. Did that kick mess him up?""Hard to tell," another murmured. "Alicia's kick could crack a rock. Bet his insides are all messed up, that's why he's like that."The heart of Alicia lurched. Her face went white as a ghost. She had been so angry she had not held back, and now, what if she had kicked him to death? That would be a disaster!She walked over, trying to sound tough, "Hey... quit faking, get up, will you?"The boy did not move a muscle, which caused panic to surge through Alicia
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Chapter 100
Alicia was momentarily stunned, then her embarrassment turned to fury. She wished she could smack him flat and snapped, "In your dreams. Spout that nonsense one more time, and I'll make sure you are stuck in a wheelchair for life.""Ow... I'm in so much pain, I think I'm breaking in half here," Elio winced, trying to get back on his feet, his body wobbling like a noodle in the wind.Alicia watched him, her finely shaped eyebrows knitting together in suspicion. "Is he hamming it up?" she wondered, her expression stormy as whispers spread through the crowd. "Lucky he's not dead. Looks like he can't even stand straight.""Maybe we should get him to a hospital, give him a full check-up, make sure nothing inside got messed up."Layla, muscles rippling under her skin, moved to Elio's side and steadied him with a firm grip. "Where does it hurt? Think you broke something?""Everywhere... I feel like I'm totally falling to pieces," Elio groaned, putting on a show of being utterly drained.
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