All Chapters of The Supreme Son-in-Law: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
310 Chapters
Chapter 71
Zachary was tending to the flowers in the garden. He straightened up to greet them. “Miss Evelyn, you’re back!”"Uncle Zachary, whose car is that outside?" Evelyn asked curiously."That big jeep? Your husband drove it here. He's treating the Old Madam in the house right now." Old Zachary did not know what kind of car it was, so he called the SUV a jeep.Evelyn frowned. She was deeply in debt because of him, but he had borrowed yet another luxury car to parade around the city. If he damaged it, he would have to pay compensation. Why did he never learn his lesson?When she heard that Elio was looking at her grandmother, her heart skipped a beat. Something was wrong. He was going to cause more trouble again!Her grandmother had gotten her illness diagnosed at a large hospital ages ago. The specialists had already said that she could never get any better. At the most, her condition would not worsen, and she could live for a few more years.That clueless Elio, what if he made her cond
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Chapter 72
“Ah, the Old Madam can move her foot again! It’s a miracle! Master Elio’s treatment worked!" May shouted excitedly.Evelyn thought she was hallucinating, but May saw everything too. Was this actually happening? She shook her head and muttered to herself, "How is this possible?"Elio smiled calmly and said with increasing confidence, "Anything is possible in this world! Grandma, bear with it for now, okay? Don't move too much. After all, you've been paralyzed for too long, and you need a few more rounds of treatment."Old Madam Jones was overjoyed and practically idolized Elio now. She hurriedly agreed, "Okay, I promise I won't move. Elio, you really saved me! I’m so glad I was right about you!”Her voice choked up and tears flowed out of her eyes. After all, this illness was nothing short of torture. She used to be so graceful and elegant, but now she was left paralyzed and incontinent on the bed! To her, the affront to her dignity was worse than death!Evelyn knew very well the s
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Chapter 73
When they arrived in the room and saw the beautiful Evelyn, Tony could not take his eyes off her. He had thought Jackie was quite attractive, but Evelyn was in a different class altogether.He had believed that Jackie was elegant, but compared to Evelyn, she was like a yapping dog.When she noticed that her boyfriend was staring at Evelyn without blinking, Jackie fumed with jealousy and said, "Evelyn, you’re here too? Tony, let me introduce you. This is my cousin, Evelyn. She looks young, but she's already married to that good-for-nothing Elio over there. He doesn’t have a capable bone in his body, by the way. He's a professional freeloader."A cold light flashed in Elio's eyes. That wench must be crazy. What did he do to her to deserve an instant character assassination like that?Tony was disappointed to hear that. A beauty like Evelyn had been utterly wasted! What a pity. If she was still single, he would have dumped Jackie and pursued her instead.However, on second thought, h
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Chapter 74
Old Madam Jones' expression darkened. To her, Jackie was the good-for-nothing lout here. She was ruining everything! She had brought her stupid bullshit doctor boyfriend and flattered him to the high heavens… but she would soon be proven wrong.Tony carefully inspected Old Madam Jones’ condition. When he learned that Old Madam Jones had been suffering from myelitis for two years, he frowned.As a neurologist, Tony was not completely incapable. He knew very well that a patient of Old Madam Jones’ age could rarely recover from an illness like that. If there were no signs of improvement within three to six months, it was basically a lost cause.He pinched Old Madam Jones' legs a few times to confirm that she did not feel anything. Tony said helplessly, "If you’ve been paralyzed for two years, ma’am, your chances of recovery are exceedingly slim. Why don't you go to our hospital and try some hormonal treatment? There might still be a chance—"Before he could finish, Old Madam Jones sco
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Chapter 75
It all happened in the blink of an eye.Tony’s face turned ashen. He felt like he had seen a ghost. How was this possible? That had to be a miracle!Jackie was even more puzzled and incredulous. Who would have thought that the good-for-nothing Elio was an expert in alternative medicine? Even if he did know his stuff, her grandmother was so seriously ill. How could she be cured so easily?She was still hoping Elio’s treatment would fail. It would be best if her grandmother's condition worsened, then she would have an excuse to get him hauled off to jail. He would never be able to turn things around.In a way, she was a failure of a granddaughter. She even prayed that her grandmother's illness would not be cured because she wanted to crush Evelyn and Elio!Elio pulled out the silver instrument and inserted it into Old Madam Jones' right leg. Then, he clasped his hands together and gathered some energy in his palms. He then placed his right hand on Old Madam Jones' stomach, sending t
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Chapter 76
However, the old lady did not think her well wishes were sincere. She said coldly, "I don't need you to congratulate me. I haven’t forgotten what you said about Elio. “Also, that insolent boyfriend of yours said I was doomed to die like this just now. Didn't he say that he would crawl out of the room on all fours if Elio managed to cure my illness? Well, it’s time for him to fulfill his promise.""Grandma, Tony is my boyfriend! Are you really going to make him humiliate himself like that?" Jackie stomped her feet in anger."A gentleman keeps his word, and he said it himself. No one forced him to say it. If he's a man, he'll keep his word." Old Madam Jones snorted.Everyone looked at Tony, who was beet red in the face. He raged, "Like hell I’d do that! Don't try to lie to me, the old hag was just pretending to be sick! You all worked together to humiliate me! Just you wait, You're just putting on an act to mock me. Don't think that I’m so desperate to earn your family’s good grace
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Chapter 77
"Why would I regret it? I can't wait for him to leave. He's just a useless piece of trash. He's penniless. How is he worthy of me? All else aside, I’m more than beautiful enough to marry someone much richer.”Evelyn spoke from the bottom of her heart. After all, that was what she really thought. She always believed she was way above Elio’s league. He was overestimating himself if he ever thought she would actually love him.Old Madam Jones sighed and said earnestly, "Child, you're being blind. Just trust me! Rich people can be cold and heartless. Take your grandfather for example. Ever since I got sick, he never once even looked at me. Remember, that a man who truly loves you is the most reliable, and Elio's feelings for you are unquestionable.""So what if he loves me? I want a man I can rely on, someone who makes me feel safe. As for him, he only knows how to start fires everywhere. I always have to clean up his messes for him. He can't help me at all! I’m tired, Grandma.”Evelyn
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Chapter 78
As expected, a truck was parked at the entrance of the company. The skinned corpse of a Tibetan mastiff was hanging from the frame, creating quite a gruesome sight. There were also a few burly men standing shirtless and revealing their tattoos. They stood beside the dog’s mangled corpse, brandishing their sharp knives. All of them looked vicious and ready to fight.The skin of the Tibetan Mastiff had been thrown onto the company’s porch. They had also splashed two buckets of red paint, forming a large pool of crimson on the ground. It was as if the place had been flooded with blood.At the top of the stairs, more than ten of Evamor’s black-clothed security guards stood in a row to prevent the troublemakers from entering the office. The security captain was negotiating with the people in the truck, trying to get them to leave as soon as possible, but they were not having it.The bald man in the lead cursed him out. "This is none of your business, cuck. It’s within our rights to ski
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Chapter 79
Elio was surrounded by a group of gangsters in front of Evamor Tower. When he heard Wendell’s name mentioned, he immediately understood who Tiger was. That man was one of Cloudsea’s biggest mob bosses, with plenty of money, influence, and deathly loyal underlings.At that critical moment, the dark green Land Cruiser quickly approached them and screeched to a stop. Felix and the others quickly got out of the car and rushed toward Elio, attracting the attention of Bryson and the others.More than ten men, with the bald man in the lead, stood off against Felix and the others. They brandished the sharp knives in their hands and threatened fiercely, "Stop right there! Hurry up and get lost before we get rid of you permanently."The sharp knives flashed with a cold light, making the thugs look even more intimidating. Felix's expression was just as terrifying, however. "Do you have any idea whose territory you’re encroaching on? Get the hell out of here!""You don’t scare me! Do you know
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Chapter 80
“I admit I’m stumped, Tiger. I can't let this go so easily. You have to avenge me! I've already looked into it. He’s Evelyn Jones’ useless husband. He doesn't have anyone big covering for him," Wendell said indignantly."The Jones family, huh…?" Tiger puffed on his cigar and snorted. "They’re just some nouveau riche with a little money. They’re not a big deal. He's nothing to me. Don't worry, I'll teach that kid a lesson for you.""That's great to hear! I’m relying on you now, Tiger. There's nothing you can't do once you put your mind to it." Wendell was nothing but a toady lackey in front of Tiger.Tiger's face contorted into a sinister smile. "I have an idea. Why don't we castrate him so he can never touch his wife again?”"I like that idea!" Wendell's eyes flashed with viciousness. He looked at his injured hand and said, "But as far as I know, Evelyn doesn't even like him. I heard that she has never slept with him since they got married, so there's no need for that. Let's just e
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