All Chapters of Gone Too Long, The CEO Becomes A World-Class Doting Husband: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
148 Chapters
Chapter 60: Axel's Claims
Axel delivered uninterrupted kicks. He went at it so strongly that Lucas scrambled to find something better to protect him. With a swift motion, he grabbed a chair, wielding it as both a shield and weapon. Lucas fought but with hesitation. He didn't intend to harm Axel, but he also needed to protect himself. Papers scattered, and chairs toppled as the room transformed into an impromptu battleground. Lucas groaned and said, "Axel, listen to me! Whatever is going on, you have it all wrong!" Lucas swung his body from side to side to evade Axel's punches. At one point, he managed to grab his arm, gripping it with both hands. He said, "I'm your friend, Axel! I would not kill you!" "Liar! You sent men to have me killed!" Axel snapped. He rotated his arm, forcing Lucas to free it, and Axel threw in a decisive kick! Lucas found himself forced backward until his back hit the wall of the conference room. Before he could regain a fighting stance, Axel swiftly grabbed the office extension
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Chapter 61: Better Me Than You
Lucas was holding Lily like he was afraid of losing her. He was kneeling in front of her while she waited on the bed. He had his arms wrapped around her, and it felt like his hold strengthened in each second that passed. "Lucas," Lily repeated. Her voice trembled in suspense. "I opened the door so you could tell me the truth. I want the truth, Lucas. I can't bear it any longer with what I have heard. The Mullins also said Vice President Wallace was involved with the Alpha Vipers. So what is it really? What was your involvement with the Alpha Vipers?" "And why!" Lily's voice strengthened as she said, "Why get involved with them in the first place?" "Lily, I -" Lucas stared into Lily's blue eyes. He said, "I did what I had to do to ensure your safety." "What?" Lily's heart sprinted. Fear crept into her soul, and her head imagined all the possibilities of what Lucas meant. She said in frustration, "What do you mean, Lucas? Tell me? Please, I have to know!' "About ten years ago." L
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Chapter 62: Want To Know More
"How long have you been awake?" Lucas inquired upon observing Lily lying on her back, lost in thought. Her eyes were swollen, and the corners of her eyes were moist. 'She cried again,' he assumed. Lily blinked. She didn't face him. Instead, she remained staring at the ceiling, asking, "Lucas, I want to know more." Rather than responding, Lucas gently held her cheek and drew her closer. He kissed her face and inhaled her scent. He genuinely didn't want her to feel any more guilt about his past choices, but it was also in Lily's nature to probe. He said in a hushed tone, "What - what do you want to know?" "Is Axel part of the Alpha Vipers?" Lily asked. "And so is Ryan?" 'Oh, no,' Lucas thought. 'She would never stop bothering Ryan after this.' "Lucas?" She asked again. Seeing her frown, Lucas acknowledged, saying, "Yes." He told her about Axel and how the Alpha Vipers leaders had planned to eliminate him after accomplishing his mission. He explained, "The organization had mis
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Chapter 63: The Medical Mission
After Lucas left the room, Lily refreshed her mind as to what she knew about the Alpha Vipers. She had files about them on her laptop when the organization ceased operation. Lily read parts of the company's official statement: [Dear Clients and Partners, With regret, we write to inform you of the closure of Alpha Vipers, effective November 20XX. Over the years, we have valued your partnership and trust in our services. However, due to discontinued support from our investors, we find it necessary to cease operations...] Lily put two and two together. Lucas had brought down the leaders of the Alpha Vipers, so it was natural for the organization to lose its backbone. She made a phone call to her contact with the FBI. When the person on the other line picked up, she requested, "I want all information about Bane Emerson, his prison, and the charges against him. Also, I know we have stopped looking into the Alpha Vipers, but can you see if you have named the investors and all the le
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Chapter 64: Axel's Parents
"The Elder Marshall was convicted and locked up. He died five years ago, killed by inmates," Lucas said. "Everyone in prison hated him. I got my justice through other people, so calm down." Lily did not have her phone with her. She grabbed Lucas' phone and asked, "What's your passcode?" Lucas groaned. He replied, "Your birthday and 143." "You are crazy," Lily muttered. She was having an emotional moment, yet his mobile passcode threw her off track for a second. Lucas only chuckled as Lily unlocked his phone. She asked, "What's his name? Marshall -" "Marshall Edmond, and the cult name is Family Above," Lucas replied. Lily read the details online. It was horrific! She thought, even if this man had not harmed Lucas, she might also kick his balls and punch him in the gut! "This is terrible," Lily commented. "I know, but he already got what he deserved," Lucas said. "He might even be burning in eternal flame." Lily was still angry, imagining Lucas mending his wound at the foot o
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Chapter 65: Incredible Kiss
While Lucas chuckled, Lily's mouth fell on the floor. Lily glared at Lucas, but as they walked out of the villa, he said, "He already had sex education in school. You know that right." "I know, but -" "If you put malice into it, the more he'll be curious," Lucas suggested. "Better think of it as if it's nothing - that's part of human nature because it really is. We just need to set boundaries." Lily sighed. She said, "Fine." They were heading out. Lily said there was still time. She made a few phone calls while Lucas changed into casual clothes. Lily was also dressed nicely that night. She was in white instead of her usual brown or black leather jacket. She was still sporty but with a touch of elegance. Before the driver could bring the car up front, Lily took out a black tie from her jacket pocket. She said to Lucas, "Close your eyes." Lucas leaned back. He reacted, "What the hell is going on?" Rolling her eyes, Lily replied, "It's a surprise. Come on." Because she was put
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Chapter 66: Unspoken Bond
The heat of the moment continued in the car. Lily and Lucas were still at it, making out intensely. They did not care about the driver, but thankfully, the poor guy's eyes were on the road. With Lucas kissing her hungrily, Lily felt like her lips had swollen. The driver must have felt the urgency of the situation that he sped the moment they entered the private community that belonged to Lucas and his siblings. As soon as they arrived at the mansion, the car skidded to a stop. Lucas and Lily hurriedly got out of the vehicle. Lily ran up to the door first. She opened the door just in time for Lucas to catch up with her. He immediately carried her weight, lifting her so her legs automatically wrapped around his waist. Lucas forced Lily against the wall. He pushed his entire body onto her frame, kissing her wildly while he ground against her. When Lucas firmly tugged on her jacket, Lily pulled away and complained, "No, no. This is Versache." "Sweetheart, I can buy you more of
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Chapter 67: Koplin Again
"We will have to figure out a way to get to the hotel safely, to securely travel to the city's municipal office, to drive to the site location, then visit the hospital to see the affected workers, and go back, possibly without being detected," Lily said while studying a map of Koplin City with Gunner. A hiss left Lily's lips. She said, "This is difficult." "That is so many trips for someone being targeted," Gunner remarked. "We need as much help as we can get," Lily declared. "That's why I have coordinated with the military and local authorities, but we can't always rely on them. We have to have our own men." "I have already instructed our people from the Black Hawk to secure the hotel first," Gunner said. "I have asked for twenty contractors." Lily nodded. She said, "That should be enough. I will bring six of Lucas' existing bodyguards." While Lily and Gunner were planning the visit to Koplin City, Ryan and Lucas met in the study. "Maybe I should go with you. You will leave
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Chapter 68: Axel Is Awake
Back in Rose Hills, Axel was humming in his sleep. Flashes of his memories came to him in a dream. He witnessed his younger self undergoing military training and recalled the immense joy upon discovering he would graduate. To Axel, the military wasn't just a source of stability; it also allowed him to explore different cultures. Beyond that, it gave him a structured environment and a profound sense of purpose. Axel's eyes flinched, seeing an image of him leaving for his first deployment. It was the first time he lost a friend. In that dream, he relieved the challenges of serving his country. He remembered feeling hurt but was too angry to dwell on the pain. He recognized belonging to a brotherhood that would always have his back. The bonds formed through shared experiences and facing challenges together created lifelong friendships. This was true, even within the Alpha Vipers. At the thought of Alpha Vipers, Axel felt goosebumps all over. He saw the faces that mattered to him. To
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Chapter 69: Make Lucas Pay
"Again, we are sorry for your loss, Misses Gomez. We know this will never replace your husband's life, but I could at least ensure that you and your children will live comfortably," Lucas said while giving Misses Gomez a ten-million-dollar check. He also presented a certificate to the woman, granting two of her children a college scholarship at the University of Koplin. The settlement for the workers who died was held within Koplin Intercontinental Hotel's first conference room. Each affected family was given time to express their frustration about the accident. Lucas wanted to ensure he didn't just pay them but also let them know he was willing to listen. More than just the compensation, he earnestly wished to show that he was sincerely sorry for the death of their beloved. Each family has different needs, so Lucas tried to customize the settlement accordingly. His lawyers repeatedly drafted one contract to another, according to the family member's satisfaction. At the end of that
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