All Chapters of Gone Too Long, The CEO Becomes A World-Class Doting Husband: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
148 Chapters
Chapter 70: The Exit Vehicle
On the freeway, there was an eerie calm before the storm. Commuters were unaware of the impending danger should they put their noses where they did not belong. Inside a black pickup truck, Bane waited impatiently, his eyes narrowing at the Lexus car ahead. "Sir, the first car in Mister Thompson's caravan had collided with the teenager's car we had paid off. The exit to the Koplin Intercontinental Hotel has been blocked. It looks like the middle car is in a panic and is driving a hundred kilometers per hour," one of Bane's men reported. A more sinister laugh escaped Bane's lips. He turned off the safety of his handgun and said, "There is no running away from me, Lucas. I'm going to catch you tonight and make you pay!" He glared at the driver and said, "Hurry up!" "Yes, Sir!" The driver stepped on the gas, and a chase ensued. "They know we are after them. Lucas, you think they can run, but there is no escaping me now!" Bane laughed at the desperation of Lucas' men. Whoever was
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Chapter 71: Plan B
A sudden sharp, shattering sound pierced the stillness of the night. It sounded like a window; a large expanse had exploded within the hotel suite. Lily gasped awake and found herself staring into the dark. She whispered while pushing Lucas awake, "The lights are out." She heard that audible click coming from Lucas's handgun, which meant he was turning off his safety. Lily also searched beneath her pillows and found her own Glock 22 pistol. "You wait here. I'll check it out," Lucas said protectively. Who was he kidding? Lily got off the bed before him and whispered, "No, you wait here. I'm your bodyguard, remember?" In the end, they walked barefoot to their bedroom door and slowly opened it, their pupils dilating and adjusting through the dark. Hours after the attack on the freeway, Lily and Lucas decided to get a little rest. They have already scheduled to depart from Koplin in the morning, leaving the investigation of the collapsed building in the hands of the structural fore
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Chapter 72: The Lending Hand
"No, you say your last prayers." The voice was oddly familiar, and before Lucas knew it, the man with tattoos took a blow to the head, causing him to collapse on the floor and falling unconscious. Lucas looked back in the same direction and saw Axel. He said, "Looks like you need a hand there, buddy." "Lily!" Those were Lucas' first words, and his head snapped toward his wife. Axel seemed to understand what Lucas meant. He held his gun up and shot the first man who was standing close to Lily. Axel hit the unknown man in the shoulder, and he also fired at the other man, but the latter jumped to the nearest cover. Seeing Axel, Bane yelled, "Axel Green! You come back from the dead!" In a blink of an eye, Bane took Axel by surprise. He threw Lily in his direction, and she fell on top of Axel, his gun flying in an unknown direction. They toppled to the floor, leaving it up to Lucas to protect his wife. With Bane preparing to attack Lily and Axel, Lucas jumped. He put a distance be
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Chapter 73: The Brotherhood
"How is she?" "She is holding up. The trauma caused her to faint. She had a few blows to the head during the attack. She had a grade 1 bleeding, but it will heal on its own." "Does Aiden know?" "I told him that his mommy got hurt and needs time to heal, but I haven't told him the degree of the situation. I did not want him to panic." Lily heard voices around her. The thought of Aiden potentially worrying over her forced Lily to fight the drowsiness. She called, "Lucas." "Lily," Lucas responded. Lily immediately felt her husband's firm hand grip around her. He pecked her knuckles repeatedly, saying, "Thank goodness you are awake. How are you feeling?" "Lily," another voice came through, and she immediately recognized it as her brother. Turning to the other side of the bed, she gasped, saying, "Liam." "I need water," she said under her breath. "My throat feels so dry." Lucas was quick to help her up. Liam gave her some water, and she slowly drank it. After quenching her thirst,
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Chapter 74: The Tree Guy
"Is it fine for you to look after me? Aren't we keeping us a secret?" Lily asked since Lucas was wiping her face. Lucas sighed. He said, "Honestly, I'm tired of that. Let it all out. We are in Rose Hills anyway. I just want to be with you." "Besides, it's just two more weeks, and it will be over soon," Lucas suggested. "The medical staff here have learned not to be nosy. Doctor Brown got fired because she put her nose where it did not belong. They will think twice before making conclusions about our relationship, all the more gossip about it." "Doctor Wilma Brown got fired?" Lily raised her brow. "When did that happen? Why did you fire her?" Lucas chuckled. He told Lily precisely what happened, "Mom fired her. Mom was emotional when it happened. Shauna was almost assaulted, and then she found out about you through Doctor Brown." "Oh, got it. So, Doctor Brown told on us. Well, she had it coming," Lily remarked. Then, Aiden came to her mind. Lily said, "I miss Aiden. I want to ki
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Chapter 75: Miss Pink
Instinctively, alone with a man in an elevator with no power, Shauna frantically took out the pepper spray from her bag. She warned the Tree Guy, "Stay away from me!" No one can blame Shauna. She was nearly violated at a club, so after that experience, she equipped her purse with pepper spray, and she has never gone out with anyone since. The Tree Guy looked at her with a complicated expression and asked, "Why are you waving that thing at me like I am a bad guy?" "Well, for starters, it looks like you had been through a fight. You have a cut on your left cheek and your bottom lip." Yes, it was dark now, but earlier, she had seen the wounds on his face. She explained herself, "I'm just being on the safe side." "You'd be happy to know that I am one of the good guys," The Tree Guy said. "I don't know you at all." Shauna leaned to the further corner, as far away from the man, saying, "So, I'm staying here, really far away from you, Tree Guy." "Why are you calling me a Tree Guy, Mis
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Chapter 76: The Culprit
All in all, the Thompson Group of Companies has twelve major shareholders who were board members. Three of them were all Lucas' uncles. They were Keith Henderson, Wendell Franco, and Sean Ross. They were best friends of his father, Evan Thompson. The other board members were Steven Ford, Warren Ellison, Alice Walton, Jane Koch, Giovanni Ortega, and Alexei Petrov. Four of them supported Walton Reed. Some took neutral grounds. Of course, Lucas and his mother, Shantelle, also held relevant shares within the company. Over the years, expansion required more investors. Evan had always explained that more investors reduced the risk of losses. In front of the long table, the board members had found their seats on the left side. The executives took most seats on the right side. Lucas and Ryan stood before them, waiting for everyone to arrive. Evan and Shantelle came and took the remaining seats on the right side of the table. "Now that everyone is here, Let us begin this meeting," Luca
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Chapter 77: Aiden's Letter
Lucas relished how the three previous shareholders seemed envious to the point of being enchanted. Their jaws were dropping, and they repeatedly blinked, trying to fathom whether or not their eyes were playing tricks on them. "This - this can't be. I thought the Wrights and Thompsons had no relationship!" Jane remarked, her lips rounding in disbelief. Standing before them was the CEO of the Diamond Hotel, Liam Wright. He said, "Good day. I come here to represent our mother company, The Wright Diamond Corporation. I am here to buy shares and to bring back the former ties of the Thompsons and the Wrights." Liam smiled at the familiar people in the room. He was teary-eyed as he said, "It's good to be back here." Those who did not know Lily never connected the dots. None of the board members and executives were interested in learning Lucas' bodyguards. Thus, Liam's appearance was a complete surprise. With the vice president locked up, including his assistant and identified coconsp
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Chapter 78: Accidental Meeting
"Lucas?" Axel walked into Lucas's office. "You called for me?" Ryan was standing next to Lucas. He was smiling as Axel walked in. He encouraged, "Take a seat, Axel." Behind his desk, Lucas pushed a brown envelope in Axel's direction. He said, "This is for you. I did not know when I could give it to you, but now is the time." Axel's brows met as he sat in front of Lucas' table. He opened the envelope and saw a stock certificate for Gravity Ventures worth more than two million dollars. Axel muttered, "Woah, what is this?" "Remember your death gratuity pay with Alpha Vipers? Well, Ryan and I had taken that out of their corporate account a long time ago and added a little extra," Lucas revealed. "We saved that up for you and invested in Gravity Ventures under your name."x "What? But you didn't even know if I was alive," Axel reacted. Lucas and Ryan looked at each other. Ryan was the one who revealed, "We were going to give it to your parents if we did not find you." "When the Alpha
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Chapter 79: Move On?
It took seconds for Shauna to say something. She was still taken aback by the compromising position they were in, and then she realized that the man's hand was holding her thigh. When she turned to her legs, she gasped. Tree Guy quickly moved his hand away, saying, "Oh, sorry. I - It was an accident -" "No," Shauna carelessly got off him in a way that she accidentally kneeled on his groin. She screamed when she recognized this, "Oh, my god!" Axel grunted in pain. He curled to his side as he said, "Lady, you really are something." Finally standing next to the Tree Guy, she said, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She fixed her dress properly and offered her hand. "Let me help you up." She pursed her lips, looking in varied directions as Tree Guy soothed his pain. Eventually, he took her hand, mumbling, "First, you did not thank me for helping you back at the elevator. Then, I took a fall for you, and you repay me by kneeling on my dick." "That was not my intention. I'm sorry," Shauna said w
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