All Chapters of Let me Go! Mr Billionaire : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
107 Chapters
he said quietly. “But I have lost something I love so suddenly. Or, rather, someone.”That is when I remember. He is talking about Regin’s mom. Now I feel horrible having ranted at him about losing something when Micheal lost the woman he loved.“I’m sorry. I didn’t…”“It’s fine. I know where you’re coming from.” Even then, Micheal doesn’t look convincing. “I’ve made my peace with her death. Of course, it still hurts, but I’ve made my peace. No amount of mourning and wishing she was here is going to bring her back.”“Not in real life, anyway,” I murmur.He glances up at me, and I see a flicker of understanding. He does know where I’m coming from, and I feel bad for snapping at him.My phone buzzes again, and I reach for it as a reflex. It’s from Nathan again, and I can see the message on my screen.Do you want company tonight? I can come over and keep you warm in this storm. I know you must be scared.“For fuck’s sake,” I growl as I toss my phone onto the table. “Do you men know how t
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Micheal that I can’t read. Then he gives me a smile that makes my gut clench and heat pool between my legs.“No. We’re not. We’re actually behaving like decent human beings.”“And if we didn’t like each other, we wouldn’t have ended up having sex, would we?”“I don’t know about that. Desire and hate is a very fine line.” Heat flares in Micheal’s eyes as he looks over me. “I have wondered which side I’m on, but then I give up. Especially when I know what you’ve got.”How am I supposed to answer that? Especially when he’s looking at me like he wants to take my clothes off? I didn’t allow him to come in for sex, really.So why do I want to strip down right then and there?“We’re going to be here for a while. And while I can cope sitting on that couch, I don’t think it’s comfortable enough to sleep on.” Micheal shifts closer to me and brushes his hand against my waist. “How about I keep you warm tonight? I’m pretty good at that.”“Who have you been cuddling at night to get that review?”“
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spinning stops and I get my breath back. Lucia is also panting, her arms shaking as she lowers herself to her elbows, resting her head on her hands.“Holy fuck!” she gasps. “Now that was fast!”“It’s been a while since I touched you.” I press kisses to her back, moving down her spine as I slowly ease my cock out of her body. “I’m making up for lost time.”“Oh, really?” Lucia giggles as she turns onto her back. “I hope that’s not all you’ve got for me. Because if it is, this will be a very long night.”She does like to tease me. I push her legs apart and shift in close.“Trust me. I’m not done with you yet.” My thumb brushes over her clit, leaving Lucia moaning. “And don’t forget it’s not just my cock that needs to make you come for me.”Lucia arches towards me, and I see her smile.“I’ll hold you to that.”Two Days Later“Alright.Are you ready for this?” Helen asks. I look at myself in the mirror. My outfit looks good enough to go into an office building, and it’s smart enough for me
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“I’m here. I’m here.” I bat her hand away. “Would you stop doing that?”“Well, if you will get distracted…”“I’m fine.” I take a deep breath and pick up my bag from the bed, slinging it over my shoulder. “Okay, let’s go. I want to get this over with, and I’m going to be late if we don’t get a move on.”“At least the snow’s melted enough so we can travel.” Helen leads the way to the door, shrugging on her coat and slinging her scarf around her neck. “And that you don’t need to go far. It would be tough if you made that appointment and couldn’t get there unless you started walking yesterday.”“With tennis rackets strapped to my feet as well,” I grunt, putting my bag down long enough to put my thick duffel coat on. It’s not exactly professional attire, but in this weather, I don’t give a damn. “I just hope he doesn’t dismiss me almost immediately.”“Of course, he’s not going to do that.”“You sound very sure of yourself.”Helen smiles as she opens the door.“Someone’s got to be optimist
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Oh, God. Micheal. He’s my landlord.How did I not figure this out sooner? How did I miss this?I should be barging into the office and demanding an explanation, but I’m frozen. I can’t move, staring in shock at Finn as he crosses to the door and opens it."Lucia?”My heart pounds in my chest as I stare at him, the man I gave myself to just a couple of nights ago. My landlord.Shit, how did I manage to sleep with my landlord?“You…you are…”“I think you’d better come in,” Lucia says as he reaches for me, but I slap his hand away.“Don’t touch me!”“Lucia…”“No, you lied to me. You knew I was your tenant, didn’t you?” I push him in the chest, causing him to stumble back. “Were you teasing me when you were doing what you did? Did you know the whole time?”Lucia hesitates, looking unsure. Then Kenny clears his throat.“I think…I’d better go back to my office.”“Kenny…” Lucia starts.“No, you clearly need to be alone.” Kenny steps around Micheal and gives Lucia a sheepish nod. “I’ll give y
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Micheal “Are you kidding me?” Kenny stares at me in stunned amazement. “You actually slept with her knowing that she was your tenant?”I wince and wish I could turn the glass walls into something more solid to hide away from everyone especially my brother, who looks at me like I’ve gone mad.“I didn’t intend to go to her place to sleep with her. That wasn’t the plan at all.”“But it was the second time around. You went to her again!”“I…I don’t have an answer for that.”Kenny scoffs and shakes his head. He’s lying on the couch in my office while I slump behind my desk. Keef has gone to lunch, and I’m glad about that; she has been giving me odd looks all morning. I’m sure she’s telling her friends about this.So much for keeping things professional.“When I said you needed to go out and find someone, I didn’t mean someone technically under your control!”“It wasn’t intentional, Kenny! Would you stop making it sound like I purposefully went after her?”“You could have stopped long befo
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and drive and is a sweet woman.”“Oh, shit,” Kenny breathes.“What?”“Sounds like you more than like her. You’re smitten.”I don’t know what to say to that. Am I smitten with Lucia? We’ve only had a handful of interactions, and not all of them have been great. But then I recall the two nights I spent with her and how amazing she felt in my arms.I haven’t reacted to a woman like that since my late wife. Does that mean something? But why did it have to be with one of my tenants? Why couldn’t she be an ordinary person?She is ordinary. Just not ordinary to you.“Well,” Kenny says with a shake of his head, “this is fucked up. What are you going to do now?”“I don’t know. I doubt I’ll be able to contact her without her screaming at me or hanging up.”“And approaching her will end up with a similar result, I’m sure.” Kenny rubs a hand over his face. “God, you really know how to mess things up, huh? You’ve barely started as the boss, and you’re already fucked it up?”I frown at him.“You do
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Food poisoning
Who knew I would get food poisoning from something I eat all the time? Helen said I needed to get out and have some fun, so we went to our usual haunt. The food is always excellent, and I loved it. Now, I regret it. It’s coming back with a vengeance.I can’t afford to have food poisoning. That would mean closing the store today. I don’t have anyone who can come in and cover for me today, not at short notice. Given the financial situation, I can’t afford to close.Damn, Micheal. The rage I’ve felt since I found out a month ago that he was my goddamn landlord is still there, simmering away and flaring to life whenever my thoughts drift toward him. And that ends up being a lot. I can’t believe I’m still thinking about the bastard after what he did.He lied to me. He could have told me the truth initially once he figured out what was happening. It was like he held all the cards and left me to guess everything on my own. I can’t believe I had sex with my landlord. Does he usually do this w
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“If Regina keeps coming in here, I’m going to run out of books to sell,” I manage to joke.“With the way she’s going, I wouldn’t be surprised,” Mrs. Smiths laughs. “At least she’s got good taste. That’s what Micheal says, anyway. He and my other son love science fiction and fantasy.”I don’t know what to say to that. I busy myself with things behind the counter, only to feel my stomach lurch. It’s enough to make me grimace, and I grip the counter, making the room tilt slightly.“What’s wrong?” Mrs. Micheal is now frowning at me. “Lucia? Are you okay?”“I’m fine.” I manage a smile and slowly straighten up as the wave of nausea passes. “Just a touch of food poisoning, that’s all.”“Food poisoning? Should you be working?”“Haven’t got a choice. I’m the only one who can come in today, and I can’t afford to close.” I shrug. “Joys of owning a small business. I’ve been doing it for years, so this is nothing new.”Mrs. Smiths doesn’t look too happy about that.“But if you’re sick…” she begins
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Why did Regina have to say something like that? Now, after trying to get Micheal out of my head, he was firmly in my mind and refusing to budge.Maybe shutting up a little earlier wouldn’t be a problem after all. Not if this headache that was building wouldn’t go away.MichealI’m exhausted when I finally pull into my driveway. This is far too much overtime, and I’m meant to be the boss. Why am I doing all the overtime? I know Katie isn’t too happy about it, and Mom is probably going to have a few choice words for me. She doesn’t mind looking after her granddaughter but has her own life to lead. I shouldn’t have to rely on her so much.Yet, whenever I slow down and do something that isn’t work, I’m reminded of Lucia and our confrontation. I can still see the pained look on her face and the anger as she left my office. Hell, even at work, I still recall what passed between us. It’s like I can’t get away from it.I want to go and look for her, try to apologize, and see what we can do be
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