All Chapters of That One Night, Mr. CEO; A Lifetime Game: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
87 Chapters
Surprise, Surprise!
MADELYN I'm at mom's tomb crying my eyes out, when I hear footsteps approaching. I'm on my knees, and my back is turned to the gate, so whoever comes in wouldn't see my face until I turn around. “ Is that her?” I heard a loud voice ask. From what I'm thinking, they're more than two people who walked into the graveyard. At first I thought it was just people who came to visit their loved ones, but the next statement of them makes leaves me disturbed. “ Yes. The old lady who doesn't know when to shut her mouth. She ratted Boss out on Saturday.” It wasn't me they came for. It was Hattie. But who were they? Who did she snitch on? I turn slightly without making a noise, and I was able to see who it was. Three muscular men who wore dark sunshades. They stood there and silently watch Hattie trim the flowers close by. She was in danger! “ Do we take her now, or we wait for Boss?” the first man asks. He scans the environment, and so far, I'm the onl
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MADELYN I have not the slightest idea where I am. I couldn't figure it out. It's like I'm in the middle of nowhere. No Jason or my kids, or Grandma Lorelei. There were no trees or houses around, not a single soul either. I was on the floor. How I got here remained a mystery to me. What happened? Soon images from the graveyard flashed through my head. The old lady, Hattie. Where's she? Where's Nicholas? Or the three brawny men? I got up and dusted my behind. This wasn't the graveyard, nor was it home. A quick glance around and I came to the conclusion that I was either dead or dreaming. “ Jason?? Jason, can you hear me?” No one heard me. No one replied. “ Grandma? Liam??” Was I dead? But the last bullet wasn't from Nicholas's men. I called for help, but it wasn't forthcoming. Rather than waiting for Jason, I think I should walk around and see if I can't find anyone nearby. Three minutes of walking, and I just happened to be back at the same spot I had been. “ That's strange
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Author's Note
Author's sincerest apologies in regards to the error made in the last chapter.. Hi dearies, I noticed there was a mistake in the last chapter. That's Madelyn's POV and not Natasha's.. I only saw it after publishing. I had it revised and edited. As for the comments, I'm sorry I haven't been able to find them. I have to go through each chapter to locate it, and it's stressful. You can drop those comments under this note, I'd definitely see them. New chapters would drop tomorrow GMT+1, Nigerian time. What do you think Jason would do to Nicholas? Was Madelyn dead or dreaming? Drop comments below.. Bye. From your author, Zee.😻
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Welcome Back Wife..
MADELYN “ Welcome back, wife.” It's been what, a day or two of not hearing him call me that? They all stood by; my kids, grandma and Jason. All eight of them are the only people I can trust, the only people I could call family. I can't even trust Cara or Craig no more, not like I even did in the first place. My throat was painfully sore, more like dry. I needed water, but first I looked down and heaved a sigh of relief. My heart was intact. It had all been a dream. “ Water,” I managed to say. He let go of my hand, and grabbed a glass by the bedside table. They had been waiting for me to wake up and ask for it. Jason helped me up, and watched me down the liquid in one go. Two glasses of water was unable to quench my inextinguishable thirst. Another glass of water, and I shut my eyes. “ I'm sorry I didn't take the guards with me, yesterday,” I began and noticed how their eyes bore into me. “ What?” “ It's been a week, Madelyn. It wasn't
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Dirty Secrets, Dirty Hands..
JASON “ So, he hasn't woken up yet?”The jerk has been sleeping. I'm not concerned if he's dead or not. That's the least on my mind. After leaving Madelyn to catch up with Hattie, I made for the secret room downstairs. No one knew such a room existed, no one but Grandma and the men who built the house. I crept down the dark hall which led to the secret room.I always loved it down here. I stopped by the banister of the stairwell leading into the darkness. The sounds of mice scurrying made echoes in the vaulted ceilings. My men were already there, taking turns in beating crap out of him. The secret room and it's hallway was connected to the art room downstairs. Behind the large painting of Medusa, was a secret passage way. I never have dirty linens, so it was built just because I wanted it to be built. But, I do have a good cause for it since Madelyn's slumber. “ Wake him up. I'm here for a friendly chat.” The dark figure pressed forward, knife gle
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Blood, A Foe, Weapons.
MADELYN The gruesome sight before my very eyes made me want to puke. My husband's eyes settled on me, while Nicholas just did what he knew how best to do— smirk. “ Oh hello Madelyn, I see you have awaken. You know your husband and I were just talking about you. So tell me, did it take a kiss from your prince charming to wake you up from your deep slumber?” I ignored the jerk, my eyes wandered around the room, and terror gripped me. All types of weapons, some I have never seen, were hung on the wall. Blood, no doubts that of Nicholas's made the once white rug one of many colors. “ It's not what you think, Madelyn. I.. I can explain, just allow me..” He stalked up to me and grabbed my waist. I swallowed the gasp and forced myself to be still as I stared at his chest. “ How long?” I asked, he leaned down until his mouth was less than an inch from my throat. “ How long, Jason?” " How long what?" His hot lips were barely an inch away from mine. “ How long has our guest been here?” t
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Speak of the devil
NATASHA. We were at Xavier's house. Actually, I and Cara have been meeting there for the past one week. He suddenly went MIA and we would sit at his couch, hoping he would show up. “ He's still no where to be found, Cara. Don't you think we have to report to the police?” To conquer my enemy, I have teamed up with my enemy's sister. Things we all do for revenge. I don't trust her fully, but she doesn't give me reason to suspect her either. Her relationship with Xavier might go way far back. The two seem pretty close but not in the positive sense. They're like two blades. Cara might be working with Xavier just to rid herself of a burden. “ We can't call the police. Not when you are reporting a Xavier McKinney.” Why? Was he hiding something? Or maybe he's a notorious criminal who is being wanted by the cops? " Why?" I asked the very calm and poised young lady. She's not that young. We are both twenty-four, and I learnt that Madelyn is her older sister. To think I have been referr
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Rover-blue Eyes, Silken Tofu And Jason..
My eyes met this sea rover-blue eyes. Deepset and darted constantly. Eyes so bright and spellbinding as lode stars, I found myself drowning in it. Now, when my mother set me up with a guy I barely knew, I had expected him to be some ugly dude with a face only his mother could love. I didn't expect him to turn out this smoking hot!! If I hadn't known my mother to have a soft spot for business men and CEOs, I'd have sworn on my father's grave that Theodore was a model. “ Natasha? Hello?” he snapped those majestic, long fingers in my face and I jerked up. How long have I been staring? Long enough to notice every little detail of him. The rich black hair which he groomed so carefully, his crescent-of- moon eyebrows were thin and narrow, down to the aquiline nose which complemented his prominent cheekbones carved down towards a flinty jaw. His silky, luscious lips might as well taste as scrumptious as they looked. His solid shoulders spoke of strength. I h
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Author's Note
Hi lovelies, The Koreans and Asians who read the last chapter, how did I do? I hope I didn't get those meals mixed up? I guess I didn't do bad for someone who isn't Korean. Anyways, let me know what you think under this note. A shout-out to Patience Michael. I see you. Keep the gems coming. Also, shout-outs to each and every amazing reader who has been following up. I hope you enjoy reading this book as I enjoy writing it. I can't find your comments, but I would definitely see the ones you drop under this note. Keep reading, commenting and keep gifting gems. With love, Zee..
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A Perfect Date Ruined
JASON Madelyn insisted I wait downstairs while she got ready. An evening date where we got the chance to dress normal and act normal. I didn't have to be in a suit and tie, and we didn't have to be cautious of how we acted. It was just us. In a lovely Korean restaurant, enjoying the evening's warmth. “ I'm ready.” she announced as she descended the stairs with a large smile on her face. “ Oh my..”My gaze swept her body, noticing how the dress accentuated her curves, and watching her thighs and those long legs through the slit in the gown. “ I look gorgeous, right?” she teased as she did a spin for me. “ Gorgeous ain't even the right word to describe this, my lady. Shall we?” Arm in arm, I led her out. The kids were upstairs with their grandma, probably reading stories or stuffing their mouths with candies. She loved to spoil them. The small but cozy restaurant was one of the best in the city. The tables were arranged sl
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