All Chapters of That One Night, Mr. CEO; A Lifetime Game: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
87 Chapters
A Cordial Visit
JASON The best feeling one could ever have in the world was waking up next to the person you married. I had trouble sleeping last night after she divulged the disturbing nightmares about Nicholas. I still think it would be nice to pay Nicholas a visit. She's a sleeping beauty! I could stay in bed all day watching her. It's a Saturday morning, and I sometimes go to the office. Especially if I had a pile of files waiting to be sorted out on Friday night. Asides that, I just love hanging around the company's environment. When I'm home, I do feel I'm idle and I don't like it one bit. Silk spotless velvety skin, rich golden blonde hair and a set of beautiful eyes. They look more pretty when awake. Why would anyone in their right senses want to hurt an angel? I watched her roll over twice, while she mumbled something inaudible. Was she having a nightmare again? Should I go ahead and wake her up? Her lips moved again. I was determined to he
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Would You Want Your Tomb Next To Hers?
XAVIER “ Graveyard, Miles.”I was physically in pain. I happen to have a broken nose. It's nothing too serious, the doctor had it cleaned up and I have to step out with a bandage on my nose, for at least the next three days. Jason really came all the way to my house to threaten me. If he really wants to play this game with me, then so be it. I won't be held responsible if he lost his life in the process of trying to beat me to my own game. Me: I think it's time you catch the next available flight down here. I have had enough of Jason! Few seconds and my phone dinged. She texted back. Natasha: Why? I only arrived here just yesterday, and I spent quite a fortune for this glass house. Ain't no way I'm coming back just yet. What's up with Jason? You guys got into a clash, huh? Me: You're a CEO for goodness sake. Ain't no way a glasshouse could cost that much. A clash? Your pathetic boyfriend broke my nose. After few minutes of waiting for h
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MADELYN Weeks ago, I was here. I was actually here to cry my eyes out and seek for mom's advise. Hattie made it more easier to make a decision. What a naive young lady I was weeks ago. I was even considering dumping Jason for Xavier! Jason had left for his friend's house earlier in the morning, and I lazied around with nothing to do. I had quit my job, and I have no friends, this house is completely boring without Jason in it. Except that Grandma Lorelei was around. I have grown so fond of her, we are almost inseparable. “ What do you think you are doing, Madelyn??” Oh no, I have been caught! With the broom in my hand, and my mouth slightly open, I stared blankly at her. I have no idea what to say or how to say it without getting the maid in trouble. The poor lady had pleaded that I leave all the work to her. “ We can handle it, ma'am. Please don't insist on helping me out. Master wouldn't be happy if he walked in on you clea
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Old Friends
MADELYN “ Hi, Madelyn. It's nice to see you again.”He made sure to stress on the ‘ again’, his face lit up with smiles that didn't reach his eyes. “ Hi Xavier, we met yesterday. Can't be that long already, or is it?” It definitely can't be. I'm talking to him, but my gaze is focused on the bandage on his nose. He noticed it, and quickly covered it up. “ This? I happened to have been in an unfriendly duel with a friend. But, I'm alright. You don't have to bother about it, Maddie.” And who said I was bothered about it? I had two things in mind. Firstly, I'm sure the bandage on his nose is as a result of the “ pleasant visit” my husband paid him. Secondly, I'm beginning to think he's CEO Nicholas. But there's only one way to find out. “ I think I happened to see you at the graveyard earlier today, about three hours ago.” I laid the bait, and watched him become uneasy. His body language gave him away immediately, but he wasn't going
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Unless It's An Emergency..
NATASHA. It's Monday. I'm packing the last set of clothes as my flight leaves in an hour. My vacation has come to an end. I have never really enjoyed a vacation without having to run back to the city when one or two comes up. As for my company, I only visit there like twice in a week. The GM sees to it that everything is running smoothly. Unlike Jason, I'm not a workaholic. My phone rang for the tenth time. I saw the caller ID. Xavier!! In the last one hour, Xavier has called a thousand times, and I'm not even kidding. “ What is it!” Is he calling to make sure that I get on the next available plane, or calling to know if I'm still alive? With the turn things are taking, even if I was dead, Xavier would ask that my dead body be brought to him. Alive or not, our meeting would hold. “ Woah, calm down girl. I'm only calling to see if you have boarded the plane. Can't I just look out for a friend?” “ You have called me several times in the last o
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Meeting Natasha
CARA. I got a call this morning from Nicholas. It's a Monday morning, and I'm not particularly interested in doing anything. I'm going through an old album of family photos. Actually I'm picking out suitable ones which could be used for our funerals. I'm gearing up for it already. There's no way I'm going to make Madelyn his by Saturday, so I might as well spend my remaining days on earth eating burgers and paying last visits to friends and relatives. “ What are you doing, Cara? Isn't that the album filled with all family pictures?” Craig inquired the moment he walks into the living room. “ It is,” I respond. I'm relishing the taste of the burger I had ordered earlier. If I had few days on earth, I might as well eat burgers till I die. “ But why are you going through it? We haven't opened that since mom's death,” he retorted. Yes, they're old photos of us, but I happen to find them more appealing. Besides, I couldn't find a more befitting one for Cra
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Back Already?
JASON It's a Monday morning, and my employees are shocked to see me resume work. I just got married on Friday, and I was back so soon? What happened to taking a few weeks off to probably enjoy our honeymoon? Sadly, there's no honeymoon. Only real couples get to experience that. “ What... what are you doing here Jason??” I was hoping to sneak into my office without being caught. How do I explain this? “ Hi Zoe. Didn't notice you were there.. you are here so early, what's the occasion?” Divert her attention, successfully change the topic and that's all. But, it doesn't work with Zoe. “ I'm always here early! Now, what are you doing here, Mr. Jason?” That's a pretty difficult question to answer. What does she mean by what am I doing here? It's my company, where else am I supposed to be if not here? “ I'm sorry boss, am I fired? The General Manager didn't send any letter to my desk.” We had a good laugh about it, but her fac
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Good luck Making Babies..
MADELYN I don't ever want to think about how Jason had to put up with Natasha while they were growing up. She looks impossible to handle. I personally won't be seen with such a person. The nerves she has got! Whoever is going to end up with her needs to learn how to tolerate certain excesses. “ I'm sure Natasha hates you more now. You just earned yourself a death ticket.” Jason noted when we got back to his office. The kids resumed school today, I dropped them off by 7, before heading to the company. “ Your little girlfriend doesn't scare me, Jason. She would need to level up her game five times before I would be afraid of her.” “ How many times do I have to say this! She's not my girlfriend. She's my sister!!” His eyes popped out when he realized the mistake he had made. He literally just said Natasha was his sister. “ She is?” If she's his sister, then why is she bent on having her brother as her lover? “ No, she's not. I mean technic
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Rooftop Pool, A Bikini, And A Crybaby..
MADELYN Side by side, we rest our arms on the concrete ledge looking out over the city. “ It's beautiful,” I whisper.He's quiet. Every now and then, he would cup his hands and splash water on my face. I'd do same and we would end up cracking up like teenage lovers. We watch the city in silence for what seems like forever. It was beautiful staring down at the entire city, but having Jason by my side made it more euphoric. “ Getting cold?” he broke the silence, and patted my already saturated hair which can't absorb another drop of water. “ No, I'm doing just fine,” I return..I know he's watching me, but I don't turn to ask why. Five minutes now, and all Jason has eyes for, is me. “ You might as well tell me what's running through that mind of yours, rather than staring at me in that manner.” He doesn't waste any more time, seems like I grant him the permit to. “ I'm wondering how your lips would taste in mine right now, wife.”
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NATASHA “ What is wrong with you??” his voice was harsh and nothing unlike the usual melodious baritone that usually fills the air with a soulful melody when he spoke. He lost his calm, and let his fury loose on me. I whimpered and my teeth chattered in fear. I was not frightened nor was I afraid What I felt at the moment was beyond such mere nouns. Jason looked like he would snap my neck and push my lifeless body into the pool. His chest rose and fell in a faster pace. Terror washed over me, raising the hairs on the back of my neck. Was he going to hurt me? I wasn't going to hang around any longer to find that out, cause he looked so annoyed. “ I'm... I'm sorry, Jason. I didn't mean to..” my heart was throbbing in my ears, loud and irregular, but I barely heard it, for I was clouded with fear. Suddenly I forgot how to say a sentence without stumbling over the words. “ You didn't mean to what??? Were you in a trance when you walked in here with a
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