All Chapters of That One Night, Mr. CEO; A Lifetime Game: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
87 Chapters
As Good As Dead.
MADELYN. My jaw dropped and I clutched my chest. I needed to get a hold of myself first. But I found it impossible to take my eyes off him. I just had the worst nightmare of my life and the supposed villain in my dream, tends to be my friend who hasn't visited in a while now, and then I wake up terrified from my dream only to find him in my room. I'm still trying to connect the dots. But first thing first, how did he get in? “ Xavier, you scared the shit out of me. Besides, how did you get in?” His eyes creeped the fuck out of me and for some reason, I kept seeing his face flash in my head after that horrible nightmare. The room was silent as a graveyard and I heard the clock tick loudly. Turning my gaze in it's direction, I found out it wasn't even 8pm yet. All I had planned on doing was take a short nap and then freshen up and prepare dinner. But, I slept off. “ Xavier?” Okay, he's beginning to scare me. He hasn't answered
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“He's Gone, I Lost Him.”
MADELYN. What in God's name was I doing? Gripping the ends of the shirt I had on, I literally froze to the spot with mouth half opened. Maybe the words froze too. I couldn't say a thing, no matter how hard I tried. “ What does it seem like she's doing, CEO Black?” Oh hell yeah, it's Xavier to the rescue. On any other day, I'd be glad he said a thing in my defense, but not today, and not to Jason either. “ Xavier, just shut the fuck up!” Great, at least I didn't go dumb. I can finally speak. I catch Xavier winking at Jason. Something doesn't feel right though. It's like they knew each other and from the way, Jason kept shooting him a death glare, I'm pretty sure they ain't the best of friends either. “ Madelyn, ask this man to leave. We were in the middle of something before he barged in like he owned the house!” “ Hey, uncle Xavier, that's my dad you are talking about!” Chloe points a finger at Xavier as she stood up for
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Getting Revenge.
Xavier.I was on my way home. I walked out of her life and got into my car. She's definitely going to pay for this. Maybe Cara was right, I have been the one taking things easy with her. For the nth time, hate circulated all over my entire system. I'm going to break her and Jason the worst way I know how to. My phone beeped. It was a text from Cara. I had texted her about what happened at Maddie's house. Cara: You see what I was talking about? You better do something about it quickly, Nicholas. I can't keep being engaged to you. I love someone else but I can't disobey my father. Get Madelyn and set me free from this bondage. With one hand on the wheel, I texted back. Me: You don't answer to your father alone. You answer to me too. Your father gave you to me as a little compensation for your incompetence. Besides, your sister is playing hard to get. Well, do your part and let's relieve you of having to stay engaged to a man you dislik
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A Hottie!
Madelyn. It's a bright new day. I slept off in my room after Jason and I sang the kids to sleep. It was fun to watch him sing lullabies as he pets them. By the time we were done, it was past 9pm and his throat was a little sore. He had been singing for the past one hour plus and there were six babies to sing to. If your lullaby wasn't convincing enough, that child would remain awake and you would be left with no choice but to fall asleep before he or she does. My girls did that a lot. “ You have been singing them to sleep for how long now?” I found it a weird question but I'm sure he had a reason for asking. “ Since they were born, why do you ask?” “ You've had to sing six babies to sleep for the past seven years? You've had to clothe them, feed them all and divide your attention between six children all alone? How do you cope with this and work?” It's hard to cope, I'm not gonna lie. Well, not like I had any choice. “ I don't know
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Two Birds, One Stone
CARA I stood up when I heard dad's footsteps. He wasn't in a good mood, neither was I. I was still recovering from the pain inflicted by Nicholas's belt, and yet another heartbreaking news that could subject me to a forever life game with frequent assaults. If I ever got married to a man like Nicholas, or better put, if I ever get married to this new person who's Nicholas but isn't Nicholas, I'm not sure I'd be able to crawl out alive. “ How did this happen, Cara? I thought you said you have been sending death threats to her? Why didn't she back out? Oh, she's proving to be stubborn like her mother?” “ Father, I did. I sent a lot of letters to her, even had people follow her and her kids just so she could be frightened a bit. But, it didn't yield any results, father.” Unsettled, he frowned deeply and shook his head. “ She's crossing the line, Cara. She's getting on my nerves.” “ Father, why can't you just abduct her and bring her here?
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A Wedding In Two Days.
NATASHA. “ Natasha Caspian, calm down! I have done all I can, yet you are still up about this.” How do I calm down? How can I? It feels like a part of me has been snatched. How do I relax when I know he's going to be in someone's arm by Friday? “ Mom is that all you have to say or do? Are you for real right now? I should calm down? What do you think Jason's father would say if he was still alive? Are you going to sit here and fold your arms?” “ What do you expect me to do, Nat? What do you expect me to do? Should I drag Jason over here and have you both married myself?” She rolled her eyes at me and went on scrolling through her phone about the news of Jason's wedding to that little girl. “ Yes! As a matter of fact, I expect you to march to his office and give him a thousand and one reasons why he can't marry anyone else asides me!” She sneered. “ Like it's that easy, hahaha. Are you even listening to yourself? Are you? At this point
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“Past 4pm, Sir.”
Jason. “ Sir, it's past 4 pm.” Zoe had taken it upon herself to come over to the office and chastise me for still being in the office working my fingers off. With my fingers moving at breakneck speed, I answered her. “ Okay? What's the issue? It's not yet time to close up, or is it?” The company closes at 5pm, but I hang around till 7pm. She steps into my office and stands like a mom ready to scold her son. Without taking those eyes off me, she proceeded to remind me. “ It's Thursday, sir.” I get it, Zoe. I get all the hint, but I'm not planning on making it easy for her. “ Okay? And so what? What does the day of the week gotta do with what time I close from work?” That simple statement earned me a death warrant. “ CEO Jason Black, I came here to remind you that the time is past 4pm and it's a bright, sunny Thursday. Shouldn't a groom-to-be be home early so he can get as much rest in anticipation of his big day tomor
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Marking Territories
MADELYN. “ What's rightfully yours? I think there's a mistake somewhere, cause this handsome man over here is mine sweetheart. Or wait a minute,” with mouth agape, I turn to Jason and ask, “ Didn't you tell her, darling?” This was so much fun. I loved teasing Natasha. I always loved how she reacted towards the bait I always use. It's so sad to see a pretty young girl of her age running after a man that would never look her way. I wonder how love-starved a person would become, for it to get to this extent. I genuinely felt sympathetic for whoever birthed such a desperate, shameless lady. “ Madelyn or whatever they call you, I'm just here to sound a warning. Whether or not Jason is getting married, he still belongs to me. I will be back to claim him. Do me a favor would you, enjoy this while it lasts. I assure you it's not going to last for long.” “ Really? Oh no, I'm scared. Jason, did you hear that? I'm so terrified. Please Natasha, please spare
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The Night Before My Wedding
MADELYN. The night before my wedding was a memorable one. Jason and I had agreed on the no bachelor and bachelorette party. It would just be us spending the night awake with our kids and Grandma. That's if she doesn't fall asleep though, that lady loves her sleep! “ Mommy, you and daddy are gonna be married?” With the excitement building up in them, they never bring their selves to believe it. It's more like living in denial of it, and being pumped up about it, at the same fucking time. “ Yes princess, your mom and I would be getting married tomorrow. Wanna tag along?” Jason winks at me and our kids didn't find it funny. Seriously? Tag along? Like shut your mouth dude, we gonna be there and watch you both get married. If we ain't there, there's gonna be no wedding. He always addresses our daughters as princesses. It's heartwarming to see how much he loves and dotes on them. They can tell him anything, and everything. I like how he has ma
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False Promises
NATASHA. I sat on the couch in the living room, watching one TV show or the other and sulking like a miserable loser. “ You are still awake I see. Mind telling me why?” She knows the reason why. It's Thursday night for heaven's sake. My man would be getting married tomorrow. Not to me, but someone else. Y'all don't really expect me to sleep. “ Listen to me, I know for a fact that Jason and his wife are sleeping peacefully at their crib right now. But guess who can't shut her eyes? Natasha Caspian.” I rolled my eyes at her and stuffed the popcorn in my mouth. I have been doing this for hours now; watching TV shows, stuffing popcorn in my mouth and wiping my tears off with tissues. “ Can I go get you more tissues?”My mom volunteered and I gave her a go-ahead. She was no doubts feeling sorry for me at the moment. I look like a mess, I do know that. “ Crying or counting how many hours till dawn won't help, Natasha. Take it from
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