All Chapters of That One Night, Mr. CEO; A Lifetime Game: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
87 Chapters
Beauty And The Beast
There has been akward silence in the well ventilated, exquisite office. I'm seated here, occasionally glancing at my wristwatch and patiently waiting for the twenty minutes of courtesy I had promised to give to be over, so I could walk out that door without the slightest feeling of emotion. I got the shocking call from Jason this morning. I hurried up with my breakfast and fed my babies. Before I scurried out of the house like a mouse being chased by a cat, I sat them down and gave them reasons why the remaining five of them can't let Jason know that they are his. I solemnly swore to be honest and transparent henceforth and to never tell a lie to them, even at the expense of my life. They were unhappy but at least I made them see reasons with me. Even if I was going to get married to Jason, I needed to keep my kids safe. Anything could happen, he could file for divorce one morning and insist on taking the children. I will be left with nothing but a few bucks as
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Marriage First, Love Second.
Jason's POV “ You don't threaten me with my children, ma'am. I mean, you said it yourself that they were mine, so what makes you think you can take them away from me? Not even Liam, who is Jason's son.” I wanted to step in and tell grandma she had gone a bit far but I respect her so much. She is one wise lady and she always has a reason for whatever she is doing. So, I relaxed back on my chair and anticipated grandma's iconic reply. “ If I were you, I'd sit my ass down and rack my head for suggestions on how to put up with Jason.” Put up with me? I'm like the most loving man she could ever meet, so what's with the having to tolerate me? “ Okay, I have heard. I'm going to sit down and give you my own terms. If you want this to work, you would have to agree and then we are all set. Otherwise, I'm going to walk out that door with no regard for you and if you ever consider tracking me down and threatening to take my kids away from me, you sho
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Rusty leaves, flowers and reunion
Madelyn. I slammed the office door behind me without giving a fuck about it. I just needed something or someone to feel the pain I felt after being humiliated in such a manner. How I kept my cool and waited till I was out of their presence before I let the river that had gathered in my eyes to run freely, is a mystery. Right outside the door, with my head resting on it while my tears run down my cheeks. I was hurting and needed just anyone to cry on. I don't mind paying a stranger off after crying freely to them and expressing just how much pain I feel right now. “ I believe a woman as beautiful as you shouldn't waste those pearls on a man. Your tears are precious, Madelyn. You shouldn't waste it on the wrong people.” He came. He always comes to my rescue. Without a second thought, I ran into his embrace and let it all out. Pain, sadness, anger, fear. I let it all out. I didn't say what was wrong with me when I texted, all I did was tell him I
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Havoc At The Graveyard.
Madelyn. Cara Adrian. My inhumane beastly sister.Seeing her here was a typical example of the prodigal son's story in the Bible. Except, this was an unrepentant daughter coming to cause havoc at the grave side of her dead mother. " Nice to see you again, Cara. I bought two glasses. You may join me, while i lament about my life's problems to mother." " I ain't here to share drinks and have a chitty chat with you, Madelyn. I'm here to give you a simple piece of advice. Take it or not, but it would be of help now or later in the future." Well, bring it on girl. " Er, let's hear it. But please be brief, i have more important things to do with my time." " What important things exactly? You call sitting here, wasting away on wine and telling all of your pitiable predicaments to a dead woman who couldn't even save her own life?" Cara, you igniting the beast in me! " I won't have you stand there and talk ill things about mom. We both know you have not even the smallest atom of respect
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A dramatic entry
Jason. Madelyn left like hours ago. Grandma was still in the confines of my office, waiting for my return so she could round up her four hours lecture on how I treated Madelyn. Old ladies, and their ability to talk for ages! I had to leave my own office under the pretense of going to request for a file I needed from the financial team. “ Has power switched hands in this company, Jas?” I shook my head in response, “ Then, tell me why you have to go get files yourself when their are over hundreds of employees who would gladly go the end of the earth to get things done for you.” I learnt a lesson though. Never disrespect any lady in the presence of my grandmother. “ You look tired, Mr. Black. Probably get some rest or go home..” the receptionist began. When I left my office, the only place I could think of having a little rest to catch my breath, was at the reception. I loved sitting there, dressed like any other ordinary worker a
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Possessive Wife
Madelyn. “ Mummy, let's go say Hi to daddy and grandma.” They were literally telling me to walk into the devil's den again and risk getting insulted after what happened few hours ago. “ Sweetheart, mummy is tired already. Let's reschedule for tomorrow, okay?” “ Mummy please. We won't stay long. Okay, ten minutes. Ten minutes and we would be in a taxi heading back home.” I could never say no to my kids, even if they requested for the most impossible things I could offer. So, I got my shoes on and apologized to the trio for having to keep them away from their father knowing just how much they wanted to meet him too. After seeing the whole company gaze at me and my kids, I kinda wished I had for once said no. Daniel called him daddy in the presence of his employees and clients. The attention we were getting was something I hadn't bargained for. But then, I see Black whisper something to the feminine figure whose back was turned to us a
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“ I Fell First, He Never Did”
Natasha. Seeing Jason mess around with a female other than me made me more zealous to get him. I specifically want to see the look on her face when I send her an invite to our wedding ceremony. I stood there and bore the insults. I heard him call me an acquaintance and nothing more. I saw him stare at her with doting affection and love. And it made me more bitter. But at least it increased my determination to get Jason. I have known Jason since we were kids. His father used to be my mom's highschool lover but things didn't work out for them. Mr. Black met Melissa, Jason's mom and they got married instead. Few years later, he happened to run into my mom, his one time lover and best friend. As at that time, my mom just met my dad and they were still getting to know each other. Mr. Black already had Jason, I think he was about six years old then. His father still loved my mom, so did my mom love him in return. But they couldn't be together anymore, not with Mr. Black married and not w
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Sextuplets For Mr. Black
JASON. A week later. I was busy in the office, like every other day. It's a Wednesday and Felicity had just dropped a couple of files for me to go through. I was engrossed in my work until the telephone rang. “ Hello, it's CEO Black. How can I be of help?” “ Mr. Black, it's Andrew on the line. I tried reaching you through your mobile phone number but you never answered the phone, so I decided to call the office line.” Andrew Peterson, one of the most competent investigators in the city. A week earlier, I decided to run a background check on Madelyn, especially about the other two children who look a lot like me and refer to me as their dad but she claims they're not mine. I figured I would have a hard time forcing the truth out of her, so I decided to hire Andrew to find out as much as he can about Madelyn. “ Hi Andrew, I'm immensely sorry for not answering the phone. I placed it on silent because of the workload on my desk. So tell me
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A Human Like Us
MADELYN. Over the course of time, there's nothing I have been more scared of than my kids being taken away from me. They are the sole reason I'm alive, they are the only reason I'm still sane. They are my biggest motivation to never give up. My lovely little angels and the best gift I got after the incident with my father. Whether or not I got them out of a one night fling with a stranger, it doesn't change the fact that I'm proud to have them. When they came of age and begun to ask questions about their father, I started to fret. What if their father was a well-to-do man and they had to chose between me and him? What if they wanted nothing more to do with my broke, sorry ass? It was more reason why I didn't want them to ever find out about their father. Whoever he was, I was sure a time would come when my kids had to pick between their dad and me. As I wept in grandma's thighs, she stroked my hair slowly. Slow, gentle and affectionate strokes to ca
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A Nightmare
MADELYN. “Hi, you've reached Xavier, please leave a message.” I gave up after trying to reach him on phone for the tenth time today. Ever since he dropped me off at the graveyard, he's been distant. I have only bumped into him twice and he just exchanged pleasantries and moved briskly. On three occasions, he sped past my house without dropping by as usual, regardless of being in a haste or not. Now it dawned on me that he has been staying away because of my wedding to Jason. But why? He never told me how he felt about me. Okay, I think he did once but he waved it off the next minute. With him, you can't be sure what he's thinking or feeling? I don't even know this man too well, despite being friends for six years now. “ Ma'am. Excuse me ma'am.” I jolted back to life instantly. Phew, it was the cab man. I had totally forgotten I was in a cab home. Xavier was giving me a hard time and I just couldn't figure out what the problem could be. “ I'm
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