All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 1161 - Chapter 1170
1290 Chapters
Chapter 1161
Liam raised an eyebrow and looked at Kaiden with a mysterious smile. With a frosty tone, he asked, "Oh? Do you have no idea what I'm talking about? Alright, then. Let me ask you. You're familiar with the name Yaniv, right?"Yaniv!Kaiden's expression changed drastically at the mention of that name. He felt his heart drop to his stomach, and he lost his balance a little. If Xareny was not supporting him, he would have already fallen to the ground.Kaiden was in a panic. His forehead was covered in a dense layer of sweat. He flew into a rage and bellowed, "Wh-what the hell are you talking about? What is that? Yaniv? I have no idea what you're saying at all!"He had no clue why Liam would know Yaniv. It was at that moment that Kaiden understood why Liam would look at him the way he did earlier.However, Yaniv was from Peace Stone town. How could Liam, a loser who married into a family in Drunham City, possibly know Yaniv?He must be lying! Perhaps it was because those thugs from yes
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Chapter 1162
In the end, Kyros could no longer hold himself back anymore. He shot up from the couch and barked at Liam while pointing at him, "Liam, you've gone overboard! We know a little bit about what happened. Not only are you useless, but you're jealous that Kaiden is capable. Still, you can't be so cruel to him!"It is out of respect for the relationship between the Carson and Stone family that we didn't call the cops on you and hold you responsible. We only came here to ask you to apologize to Kaiden. Yet, you have the guts to talk about all these groundless things."I can tell you very clearly that Kaiden doesn't know the man named Yaniv that you mentioned. I don't even know who that is, let alone Kaiden."Yafe walked up to Liam with an extremely darkened expression. He glanced at Celena, then he turned back at Liam and said frostily, "Liam, Celena, both of you better know when to call it a day. My patience is running thin. I didn't ask you to come here today to be all cocky. What I want
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Chapter 1163
Kaiden shuddered after hearing Liam's words. Colors drained from his face as well.What the hell was going on? Could it be that Liam truly knew Yaniv, and Yaniv was in Drunham City?Kaiden was in a panic. His mind was blank. He just stood in place in a daze.Before the crowd could figure out what was going on, Calum walked in with Yaniv.Yaniv was brought to Drunham City from Peace Stone Town by Calum. He was already scared out of his wits, but he was even more nervous after he was brought to the Stone Mansion.As soon as Yaniv entered the living room, he saw Kaiden standing among a few others at a glance, and he flew into a rage in an instant. Ignoring Calum and the others, he charged at Kaiden and kicked him a few times while grabbing him."How dare you fucking appear, Kaiden! I wouldn't be in this state if it wasn't for you! I'm going to kick you to death, you asshole!"Yaniv had a strong build, so of course, he had great strength. Those kicks from him were so powerful that K
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Chapter 1164
Yaniv kept begging Liam for forgiveness on his knees, and he blamed it all on Kaiden.Celena was standing at the side, looking shocked. Once she heard Yaniv say that he had someone mess with Liam, she got nervous and worried, and she held Liam's arm."Are you alright, Liam? Are you injured?" she asked.Liam smiled and patted her hand before he shook his head and said, "Don't worry. I'm fine."Yafe and Sherah, as well as Kyros' family, looked incredibly upset.Yafe and Sherah did not like the Carsons, to begin with. That was because the Carsons liked to show off in front of them.Yafe and Sherah did not like Liam and Celena either. That was why they would let the Carsons be when they came to the Stone Mansion to make a scene.However, the tables turned. Of course, Yafe would no longer let Kyros and his family make a scene. It would be best if he could get some benefits out of the situation instead.After all, if Kaiden truly hired someone to injure Liam, then the Carson family w
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Chapter 1165
"This man from Peace Stone Town named Yaniv is an actor you hired, isn't he? Oh, the lengths that you went to. Not only were you jealous of my fiance and you beat him up, but you paid for an actor to frame him," said Xareny. Liam sneered and asked, "Hmph! Is this an act?"Celena quickly walked over and said, "Xareny, I believe Liam is not that kind of person—""Shut up!" Xareny cut her off with a shrill voice.She glared at Celena resentfully and said in an icy tone, "What do you mean Liam is not that kind of person? Are you trying to say that Kaiden is that kind of person? "Look at who Kaiden is and look at Liam. He's just a loser who had to rely on his wife financially and was jealous of Kaiden for making so much money every year. Is not strange for him to be that kind of person, is it?"Celena, don't think that I don't know you slept together with a man seven years ago and got pregnant out of wedlock. Just because it's rare for a man to want you, you're treating him like he'
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Chapter 1166
"Xareny! That's not me! You have to believe me! Mr. and Mrs. Carson, I've been framed! I have no idea what's going on at all. I don't know this man named Yaniv!" Kaiden cried.He was in a great panic after he saw that they were still looking at him in shock.Kaiden turned to Liam and shouted hysterically, "Liam, how dare you! Not only did you hire an actor, but you made a fake recording!"Yaniv sneered and showed Kaiden a screenshot on his phone. "Kaiden, you claimed that my records and my recording are fake. But what about this? This is a record of a bank transfer. That's your name on it, isn't it? Could that be fabricated too?"Kaiden did not have the guts to look at Yaniv at all. His eyes were shifty.Kyros could tell by the way Kaiden looked that he was feeling guilty. He shot a glare at Kaiden and bellowed, "Kaiden, what the hell is going on?"Yafe sneered and pointed at Kaiden while looking at Kyros. His voice was frosty as he said, "Kyros, your family's matter is none of m
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Chapter 1167
Seeing that Xareny was about to leave as well, Kaiden hugged her legs and pleaded in tears, "Xareny, my love. Don't leave me. I can't lose you. I love you very much. You'll be killing me if you break up with me!""Let go of me!" Xareny kicked Kaiden violently, wanting to kick him away. However, Kaiden was hugging her so tightly that she could not break free at all.Right as both of them were fighting each other, Liam suddenly let out a sneer."Did I allow you to come and go as you wish?" Liam said icily. Xareny was taken aback. Glaring at Liam furiously, she said, "Kaiden has nothing to do with us anymore. You just can go after him if you want to. What are you calling me for?"Liam suddenly chuckled, but it was not sincere. His gaze was frosty as he said, "Now you know you were wrong. What about the slap you gave my wife yesterday? Shouldn't we get even on that as well?"At first, Xareny was dazed. Then, her face flushed as she flew into a rage out of embarrassment and shouted,
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Chapter 1168
Kaiden was overwhelmed by fear and anxiety as he kneeled on the ground after he saw that Xareny was gone too. Seeing that Liam and the others were not paying attention to him, he wanted to sneak off.However, just as he got up, he heard Liam's frosty voice, saying, "Did I say you can leave?"Kaiden was so frightened that he was frozen in place.Liam looked at the petrified Kaiden before he glanced at Yaniv and said, "Yaniv, what happened between you and Kaiden is none of my business. You guys can work it out yourselves."Yaniv long wanted to teach Kaiden a lesson. As soon as he heard Liam, he thanked him sincerely and charged at Kaiden, punching him in the face.Kaiden was knocked to the floor by that punch, and he immediately started bleeding out of his nose and mouth. Then, Yaniv grabbed Kaidem by the collar and dragged him out of the living room."How dare you get me in trouble, Kaiden! It's bad luck for you now that you've fallen into my hands!" Yaniv curled his lips ferociou
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Chapter 1169
Hearing Liam's words got Celena smiling bashfully and feeling happy. She nodded and said, "Mmhmm. I got it. Oh yes, I have to head to the office today. There's still a pile of things that are waiting for me to take care of. I'll head to the company now. You should head home first."Liam glanced at the time and nodded. "Alright. Be careful on your way to work."He stood in place until Celena left before he walked back to the cottage.Liam first took care of the house chores once he returned home, and then he worked out in the yard. After he was done with some basic workouts, he did some boxing. It was after he was all soaked in sweat that he returned to the living room to rest on the couch.He was occupied ever since he returned to Drunham City, so he did not have the time to work out properly. He felt he was getting sluggish. It was after he did some boxing and sweated it out that he felt revitalized.Suddenly, his phone on the coffee table rang. Liam grabbed it and saw that it wa
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Chapter 1170
Liam frowned as he was surprised that these men had guns.Also, judging by the tone of the leader, it seemed that Sunniva intended to let Liam join her.Liam fell silent for a few seconds with her eyebrows locked. It was after he glanced at the black car behind the men that he nodded and said, "Alright."He closed the door behind him and followed them into the small black car. Then, they sped off.Soon, they arrived at the entrance of Luxoria Hotel.Liam was brought to the presidential suite on the top floor by two bodyguards in black suits as soon as get out of the car.Once he entered the room, he saw eight bodyguards standing in the room. All of them were filled with a desire to kill and looked intimidating.They were not just ordinary bodyguards but mercenaries, and they were quite skilled. The strongest one among them was at the level of a Second Order War King.Seeing that, Liam raised his eyebrow and thought, 'Well, this is interesting.'There was a middle-aged man in a
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