All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 1171 - Chapter 1180
1286 Chapters
Chapter 1171
Thinking of that got Sunniva feeling anxious. She kicked Liam under the table and whispered, "Liam, are you out of your mind? Don't you know who that man is sitting across from you?"It was only then Liam looked at her and asked calmly, "Who's that?"Sunniva was speechless. She locked her eyebrows in a frown and regretted her decision to have Liam join her.She took a deep breath and continued softly, "Liam, listen up. The man across from you is not somebody you'd want to mess with. He's Forrest Dalton, the head of Mystic Falcon Hall in Drunham City. He's one of the top five most powerful mafia bosses in the city."Other than Eaden, there were four other mafia bosses in Drunham City. Forrest of Mystic Falcon Hall was one of them.Forrest was a cruel person. He was extremely vicious and brutal, even though he always had a smile on his face. He killed many people, so people in the mafia were rather intimidated by him.That was because they could never know when he would want to kil
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Chapter 1172
However, Liam was still acting as if nothing happened. He was still having his lamb casually.He looked at Forrest, who was sullen, and then he looked at Sunniva again. Then, he asked with a smile, "Who is this Mr. Dalton, Ms. Bristow? Do you know him?"Sunniva glared at Liam, signaling him to keep his mouth shut.Forrest was not a person they could mess with, to begin with. He was offended by Liam's behavior as Liam did not take him seriously at all. If he were to take his anger out of Liam, then Sunniva and Liam would probably be the ones to suffer in the end.Liam saw Sunniva glaring at him, so he shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said nothing more.Forrest, however, suddenly burst out laughing after he heard what Sunniva said. He looked at Sunniva with a creepy gaze and said, "As expected, you truly are the heiress of the Bristow Group."He got up and came up to Sunniva from behind, putting his hands on Sunniva's shoulders. Then, he leaned closer to Sunniva's shoulder in
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Chapter 1173
"Alright! Just do as you see fit as long as no one is killed."With that, Sunniva moved her gaze toward the scenery outside of the window, no longer paying any attention to the people behind her. Truth be told, Sunniva was unsure why she had so much trust in Liam. Perhaps it was because of Liam's timely rescue every time she was in a pinch. Perhaps it was Liam's gesture of patting her hand lightly after he kicked him when he first arrived. In any case, she had an inexplicable trust in him. She was initially worried and afraid, but at the sight of Liam, all these feelings vanished. Forrest took a glance at Sunniva's perfect and enticing silhouette, and he took a gulp of saliva and let out a smirk. His perverted eyes narrowed as he looked at Liam viciously, "Hey kid, I guess you are the skilled bodyguard that Mr. Long mentioned? "Now that I've seen you, I do find you quite interesting. You're indeed very arrogant. It's just that I'm unsure if your skill could match your arroganc
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Chapter 1174
The bodyguards only regained their senses after Forrest bellowed at them. They quickly regained their composure and rushed toward Liam with their fists at the ready. These were professional mercenaries, and to have their boss get injured under their protection was of utmost humiliation to them! On top of that, they would be in serious trouble once the day was over since Forrest was hurt while he was under their protection. In an instant, the few bodyguards were all enraged, and there was a towering sense of threat in the air.Liam continued to sit calmly in his chair as he watched the guards rush up to him. He was facing them without a single shred of panic on his face.One of the guards who was up at the front had his huge and tightened fist aiming directly at Liam's face in a flash of anger.However, before his fist could even get near Liam, Liam easily grabbed the guard's wrist. The guard was slightly stunned, and before he could react, Liam wrung his wrist ever so slightly
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Chapter 1175
The moment Forrest threatened his family, Liam appeared before him in a swift motion and choked his neck with one arm, lifting him off the ground."I don't care who you are. I'm not the least bit interested in your identity either. All I know is that my responsibility as her bodyguard is to make sure Ms. Bristow is safe. If you dare to lay a finger on Ms. Bristow, then I wouldn't mind killing you right now. Also, I want to remind you once again that the thing I hate the most is when someone threatens my family."Liam's voice was so intimidating that he sounded like he came right from hell. Forrest was someone who was in the mafia for so long and experienced all kinds of scenarios, yet he could not help but feel terrified and his body trembled slightly. As Liam spoke, he tightened his grip around Forrest's neck slightly, suffocating Forrest so much that his face turned from red to purple. Forrest felt a strong sense of deathly threat from Liam's tone of voice. He was certain that
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Chapter 1176
The thought of Liam together with his wife and children made Sunniva snap out of her stupor. Then, in order to conceal her thoughts, she quickly composed herself with her usual frosty look. With a scoff, she turned and sauntered away, like a haughty princess.She was Sunniva Bristow, for God's sake! She could get her hands on any man she wanted, so how could she allow herself to get hung up on a married man?Liam was rather puzzled by the abrupt change in Sunniva's attitude. He stared at her retreating figure, scratching his head in bafflement, and followed. Meanwhile, Forrest and his men were crowded at the entrance with looks of terror upon their faces. However, Forrest was more so infuriated than he was afraid. He was the mighty leader of the Mystic Falcon Hall! How could he allow a mere nobody from Drunham City to take him down?He would become the laughingstock of the town if word got out about this!Forrest then glanced once more in the direction of the suite he had just le
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Chapter 1177
"F*ck him! Tonight I'm going to make him sorry that he was ever born! Who does he think he is? He's a nobody, that's who he is! Oh, he's going to pay the price for messing with Forrest Dalton!" Forrest snarled. At the same time, he took out his phone to send a message.A few minutes later, a few vans screeched to a halt at the hotel entrance. The doors slid open and out leaped over hundreds of big, burly men, who clearly meant business. Within three minutes, the entire entrance had been packed full of Forrest's best men!One of the most important factors behind Forrest's success was that he had a team of incredibly loyal, dedicated men who answered to him and only him. Every time he was in danger, they would be there after a swift call, ready to take on anyone who dared to mess with Forrest!The color drained from Zane's face at this sight, but on second thought, he realized just how lucky of a position he was in—Liam had messed with the last person he should have, and as a result,
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Chapter 1178
Forrest sneered at this. "Is that so? Well, in that case, what do you suggest we do with her?"Zane swept his glance up and down Sunniva and whispered, "We can't kill her, but we can capture her and do anything we want to her, provided we don't torture her. Mr. Dalton, haven't you even wondered what it'd be like to bed an elegant, refined young woman like her? Hahaha…"A sinister smile spread over Forrest's face when he heard this. His gaze landed on Sunniva's gorgeous face, but his expression turned cold when he finally laid eyes on Liam. "Mr. Long, I've reigned over Drunham City for years now, but today was the most humiliating moment of my entire career! I can't allow my name to be tarnished by a mere nobody! He's not going to get away with this! What would people say if they found out that the mighty Forrest Dalton was beaten up by a good-for-nothing scoundrel? I will not allow such a thing to happen!"On the other side of the building, Liam peered around the threshold and quick
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Chapter 1179
Liam glanced at her and shook his head solemnly. He did not seem to register just how dire the situation was. "Don't worry, Ms. Bristow. I can handle them in my sleep. Just listen to me and duck inside for a bit. I'll come get you once this is all over."With that, he shoved her right into the elevator, despite her protests, then took out his phone and sent a quick message to Calum.Sunniva, however, suddenly felt tears brimming in her eyes. She glanced nervously at Forrest and his crowd of men, then at Liam. She bit her lip as though she was trying to decide the best course of action, but the truth was, she had no idea what to do. Although she practiced martial arts as well, she was a woman, and there was no way she could possibly overpower these men. Not only that, but she had grown up in a wealthy, privileged family, and thus had never faced a situation like this before in her life. Sunniva knew that she would be of no use to Liam at all, and on the contrary, her presence would
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Chapter 1180
Forrest, too, was glaring at Sunniva and Liam as though he wished he could burn them alive. Finally, his patience had run out, and with a swift gesture he shouted, "Boys, get him! Break his legs so that he can't run! You have permission from me to do the same to anyone who dares get in our way! Nobody messes with the Mystic Falcon Hall and gets away with it!"At his command, over a hundred or so men sprang into action, charging toward Liam with their weapons raised over their heads. Meanwhile, Forrest lit a cigarette and watched calmly as his men swarmed toward Liam like angry wasps. He did not seem at all concerned about the fact that such a dramatic sight would eventually attract the cops' attention. If anything, he was confident that he would be able to escape before the cops arrived. After all, it would only be a matter of minutes before his men killed Liam since he was severely outnumbered. Besides, who would even notice a dead man amidst the numerous that went missing in D
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