All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 1251 - Chapter 1260
1296 Chapters
Chapter 1251
Wasyl pinned the partially undressed Cheryl under him, burying his face in her chest to kiss it.Cheryl put on a charming smile, wrapping her arms around Wasyl's neck, and said, "You're so naughty!"…By the time Celena woke up the following day, Liam was already occupied in the yard.Celena had a really deep sleep. Her body felt a little tired, but she was in great spirits. It was a long time since she had a good night's sleep like she did last night.She did not see Liam in the cottage after she got up. After she got to the yard, she saw Liam tidying up the fence that collapsed. Celena was a little confused to see that a part of the fence fell so she asked, "Liam, why did the fence collapse?"As Liam laid the bricks, he smiled and replied to Celena, "Nobody was staying in this cottage before us. I'm guessing the fence collapsed because it was too old. It's no big deal. I'll just fix it up.""Alright. I'll leave you to it, then. I'll make breakfast. I'm going out later." Cele
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Chapter 1252
Celena did not notice the men's interaction, but Liam did. Liam saw the suspicious looks and the exchange they had. He frowned as a frosty glint gleamed in his eyes.One of the persons in charge looked at Liam and asked with suspicion, "Ms. Stone, this is?"It was only then Celena regained her senses. She smiled and explained, "Oh, I forgot to introduce him to you. This is my husband—Liam Cole."The person in charge immediately figured out who he was after they heard what Celena said. Their eyes started to be filled with disdain as they looked at Liam. One of them smiled and said, "Oh, I see. He's the loser who's depending on you financially."Celena got a little upset once she heard that. The man was very observant, so he corrected himself and said, "Oh, no. My mistake. I meant to say that this man is your husband."Celena eased up a little, but she was still upset.Things became a little awkward because of what that man said.Liam did not care that the men mocked him and rolle
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Chapter 1253
Celena had a solemn look once she heard what Jayme said. Her eyebrows were locked into a frown as she asked with concern, "What materials? How are they used up so quickly?"As she said that, she walked toward the warehouse desiccated to store the materials. She opened the door, took a few glances, and realized there were less materials in there.That made Celena feel even more confused. She knew the quantity of the materials that were delivered. Based on a normal construction schedule, it would be impossible for the materials to be used up so quickly.Jayme saw that Celena was staring at the materials in the warehouse in a daze and finding it suspicious. He quickly explained with a smile, "Ms. Stone, you're not familiar with the actual situation on a construction site, so let me explain. "Some materials would be used less, and some would have a certain degree of scrap rate. Take the materials that we're lacking, for example. Their scrap rate is at twenty percent. That's why the ma
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Chapter 1254
Even if Celena did not know the details of the construction, she felt that there was something wrong with the scrap rate as well.Celena grabbed the construction record and went through it carefully. After she pondered about it for a moment, she took out her phone and said to Jayme, "How about this, Mr. Robbie? Let me first call Mr. Stone and check with him."Jayme, who was still a little cautious, immediately smiled and replied, "Of course. No problem. You're serious and responsible in your work. We love to work with people like you."He flattered Celena, but he was looking down on her in his head.'What a tough bitch to fool! So what if you make a call? Call Mr. Stone all you like. We've already reached an agreement with him anyway!' Jayme thought.The other persons in charge exchanged looks with each other while beaming upon hearing Celena's words. Then, they started to butter Celena up as well.Celena's mind was fully occupied by the 20 percent scrap rate, so she quickly call
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Chapter 1255
"Jayme and the rest of them have worked with us for years. They are very experienced. You have to be humble and learn from them when you're on the site. Don't pretend to be a know-it-all when you know nothing. Otherwise, you'll create trouble for them. Can you bear the responsibility should something go wrong for the project?"Besides, Mr. Millar's collaboration project hasn't officially started yet. You better learn as much as you can about the renovation designs for these few malls now. You'll be more experienced by the time Mr. Miller's project starts."Yafe said a lot of things in a single breath, so much so that he felt his lips were about to be chapped. However, as soon as he saw the cash in front of him, he immediately beamed and poured himself a cup of coffee before taking a sip.At first, Celena was a little suspicious as she felt that something was off. However, all her doubts were completely dispelled by Yafe's speech."Alright. Thank you for the reminder, Mr. Stone. I u
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Chapter 1256
The fact that Celena refused to sign made Jayme panic. In a blink of an eye, he came up with an idea.Jayme pretended like he was anxious and pointed at the place ahead of them where the construction was going. Then, he said, "Ms, Stone, it's not that I'm scared about you checking the materials and their prices. "It's just that these materials are already listed at the lowest price in the market. I've checked myself as well. There are no issues at all. I've worked with the Stone Group for years. Mr. Stone knows very well what kind of person I am. There's nothing for you to worry about at all."You've seen it yourself as well. The materials we have are going to be finished soon. If we don't get the materials here in time, we'll have to stop the construction this afternoon. That's why I'm so anxious."Besides, if the materials don't arrive today and the workers have to stop working, we, the contractors, would just have to pay them an additional half a day's wage at best. It'll just
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Chapter 1257
"That's right, Mr. Robbie! We're all waiting for the materials so we can start working!""Didn't you say the materials will be restocked today? Look at the time. We can't just stand around and wait!""Mr. Robbie, we're out of materials. You can't just let us wait around while doing nothing, right?"The workers got more riled up the more they bellowed. They all threw their tools on the ground and gathered together by the time they were done.Jayme secretly observed Celena's expression after the workers started creating a commotion. A wicked sneer appeared on his face as he thought he was about to get his way after he saw Celena frowning and gripping the document tightly.Jayme let out a cough and walked up to the workers with a smile. Pretending to placate them, he said, "Listen up, everyone. Don't make a scene. I'm already discussing with Ms. Stone about purchasing the materials. "But you know that she's very serious and cautious when it comes to work. So, she'll first have to r
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Chapter 1258
Everyone fell silent in an instant.Jayme, the other persons in charge, and the dozen workers, in particular, stared at Liam in shock.Celena, on the other hand, looked at Liam with slight confusion and asked, "Huh? Did you just say that there's something wrong with this document?"It was only then Jayme regained his senses. His face was filled with anger as he bellowed, "Liam, what the hell are you talking about? What do you mean something is wrong? I'm the one who prepared the list and the quotations for the materials on this document. Who could something possibly be wrong?"Besides, you're just a man who married into the Stone family. What do you know about the company? I'm warning you. Stop spewing nonsense and dragging my name through the mud on purpose!"Jayme turned to Celena furiously, looking like he was humiliated, and bellowed, "Ms. Stone, I've worked with the Stone Group for years. We've always built our cooperation on trust. Are you going to just let Liam, a clueless
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Chapter 1259
It was after Liam reminded Celena that she remembered he was one of the outstanding young men in Drunham City back then. He interned at Cole Enterprise while still in junior high.He doubled the profit of the Cole Enterprise in the second year after he joined the company.Celena believed in Liam, but Jayme and the others were appointed by Yafe. If something was wrong with them, would that not mean that-Celena's expression changed drastically at the thought of that. "But they're all contractors that my father personally appointed. If something is off with them, th-then."A faint smile appeared on Liam's face after he saw that Celena was able to think of that. He patted her hand gently and said, "Celena, you just joined the company recently. There are still a lot of unspoken rules in the business that you're unfamiliar with. Take the situation today, for example. Have you ever thought of the possibility of them having a deal with Yafe under the table?""You mean like taking kickbac
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Chapter 1260
"He's a loser who relies on his wife for money. What right does he have to call the shots for this project?""Ms. Stone, you've gone overboard. We've explained to you that today's batch of materials is very important. Are you not going to think on behalf of the Stone Group at all?""That's right! Your husband isn't part of the company. What gives him the right to meddle in the business here?"After Liam talked about taking the agreement away to verify the details, the contractors could no longer hold themselves back anymore. One after another, they stepped forward and stopped him.After all, they knew very well what was in the document. The list and prices of the materials written in the document looked fine at first glance, but it would not stand a chance if it was verified and examined closely.They planned to pressure Celena by telling her that the materials were running low and the workers were about to stop working soon. They wanted her to sign the document without having the
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