All Chapters of My Invincible Husband Has Returned: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
1290 Chapters
Chapter 161
Cheryl strutted in her high heels and slid into Wasyl's sleek sports car, peeling away from the curb with an air of superiority.Qemal, with a stoic expression, slipped into his car. He was silent as a ghost and took off down the road.Sawyer, with Anna in tow, climbed into his vehicle. As he rolled down the window, he shot a look of pure disdain at Celena, who was burdened with an armful of paperwork. "Celena, make sure you handle that. Tidy up those documents and shoot me a copy, will you? I've got drinks lined up with some buddies, so we're off," he said calmly.With those parting words, he zoomed off, leaving Celena to wrestle with her mountain of papers as she trudged toward the bus stop.Back in Wasyl's car, Cheryl lounged in the passenger seat. Wasyl's hand crept up her smooth thigh. Seizing a moment at the red light, he leaned in for a few quick kisses and asked with a grin, "Dear, you seem upset. What's eating you?"Cheryl shoved his hand away, visibly irked. "It's Celena
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Chapter 162
"Kolten," Liam said, his tone composed and detached, barely acknowledging the receptionist. His request seemed to take her aback, but she quickly regained her professional poise. "I apologize, do you have an appointment?"Liam shook his head.The receptionist mentally lumped him with the dreamers from small-time companies who sought an audience with Kolten, hoping for a partnership. She could not help but feel a touch of scorn, though her smile remained impeccable. "I'm sorry, sir! Mr. Reath is currently in a meeting. Without an appointment, I'm afraid he's unavailable to meet guests."Liam's displeasure was evident as he frowned. Unfazed, he said, "If he's in a meeting, then please call him. Tell him Liam is here to see him."The receptionist, usually the epitome of patience, was at her wit's end with the man before her. Anyone else might have snapped, calling security to escort the nuisance out. However, her training with Jerden Group kicked in, and she managed to stay composed,
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Chapter 163
Liam's brow furrowed as he heard Yale's biting words. Calum, standing behind him, lost his composure and barked, "Out of line?! You think you can talk to my boss like that? Try me, and I'll turn this place upside down!"Yale did not even blink, a smirk playing on his lips. He regarded Calum as if he were a fool, thinking to himself, 'This guy thinks he can take us on? Dreaming of a sit-down with our chairman? He's delusional if he thinks he's anything but trash.'"Ha, you've got some nerve! You think a few tough words are going to scare me? Look around, this is the Jerden Group, not some playground for your antics! You think you can just come in here and tear the place down? This is the renowned Jerden Group of Willoughby!" Yale mocked as he shot a challenging look at Calum, then turned to Liam with a sneer. "What's this? Does a guy like you have followers now? That's a surprise. Do you really believe having a sidekick by your side means you can waltz in to see our chairman?" Cal
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Chapter 164
A manager beaten and bloodied on Jerden Group's turf? That was a serious failure on his watch as the security captain.Crack!Yale spotted a security captain coming his way and his boiling anger found its vent. He smacked the captain right across the cheek, then glared at Liam and Calum with a snarl. "What kind of Mickey Mouse operation are you running here? They're causing a scene at our front door and you're nowhere to be seen! Are you blind that you miss these two hulking guys! Get in there and give 'em a good thrashing!"The captain, his cheek still stinging from the slap, did not hesitate. He barked at his squad, "Move it! Take these two down and make them grovel to Mr. Yale!"On his command, a swarm of security guards, batons at the ready, surged toward Liam and Calum.However, Liam's frosty words stopped them abruptly. "Think long and hard about the consequences before you make your move."That single sentence froze the captain and his men in their tracks, leaving them loo
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Chapter 165
Calum's voices were soft, but they cut through the silence, reaching every ear in the room.A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Was that guy for real? Spouting such lies without a care. Did he think he was in some action movie? Talking big about military squads?The receptionists, who had already ducked out of sight, could not help but sneer at Liam. The one who had just dealt with him was visibly annoyed. "Seriously? He's lost it! Thinks he's putting on quite the show, huh? Believing he's somebody important?""Exactly! Nothing but a poser, a total nobody. He nearly got Willa fired!""I've got to get this on video, put it up online! This kind of pathetic act is just laughable. I'll show everyone what happens when you try to play the hero!"The scene unfolding was not just drawing the attention of those nearby. It had become a spectacle for a bunch of other employees, who gathered around, buzzing with gossip about Liam's impending doom.Among the onlookers were two famili
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Chapter 166
That turn of events had people mocking Liam instantly silenced, their faces etched with astonishment and fear as if trying to decipher the enigma that was Liam.Yale and the security captain were particularly incredulous, unable to believe the spectacle unfolding before them.They watched, wide-eyed, as the captain at the helm, exuding an air of noble purpose, strode in. He marched directly up to Liam, snapped to attention, and saluted with the utmost respect. "Report! Per the orders from our superiors, the Eighth Engineer Battalion, all one hundred and twenty-eight members, are present and accounted for! Awaiting your command, Mr. Cole!"The captain's gesture and words shattered any lingering doubts in Yale and the security captain. Those men were all there for Liam, and he was clearly not someone to mess with.The room was enveloped in shock.Liam gave the captain a measured nod, then turned his icy stare to Yale and asked in a chilling tone, "Do you think I have the means to ta
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Chapter 167
Then, to the shock of everyone watching, the tensed Kolten hurried over to Liam, bowed deeply, and said with the utmost respect, "Mr. Cole! My apologies for being late and making you witness this mess! I promise you, I'll sort this out to your satisfaction!"Liam was not interested in making a scene. He would not have even bothered talking to someone as insignificant as Yale if he had not insulted Calum by calling him a stooge."Mhm."With a nonchalant nod, Liam, followed by Calum, stepped into Kolten's usually private elevator, leaving the crowd's eyes wide with surprise.Once Liam had stepped into the elevator, Kolten spun around. His eyes burned with fury as he fixed his gaze on Yale, who was still in shock. With a swift motion, Kolten slapped him again and bellowed, "Get lost! You're fired! And don't even think about finding a job in Drunham City or anywhere in Willoughby ever again!"After his outburst, Kolten swept his steely gaze over the crowd of gawkers. His voice was icy
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Chapter 168
Yale, discarded at the entrance, wanted to fight back, but the sight of the stern soldiers outside quelled his courage. He slunk away, nursing his bruises, as onlookers applauded. Yale had always been a bully, hiding behind his status and connections. His comeuppance was a sight for sore eyes.Liam lounged on the sofa in Kolten's office, his gaze fixed on the cowering Kolten. "Do you even know who I am?" he asked composedly.Kolten addressed him with utmost reverence, "Mr. Lynch has made his point clear."Yet, Liam simply chuckled and gave a dismissive shake of his head."Kolten, five years have flown by, and you've really come into your own."Kolten blinked, puzzled, as he stared back at Liam.Without a word of explanation, Liam reached into his coat and flicked a medal toward Kolten.Catching it reflexively, Kolten glanced down and was jolted as if hit by a lightning bolt. His face lit up with excitement. He gazed at Liam, bowing deeply, cradling the medal in his hands, his
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Chapter 169
At that moment, Wasyl and Cheryl emerged from the building, grinning from ear to ear. They spotted Kolten right away, standing like a sentinel at the entrance.Chery's grip on Wasyl's arm tightened with excitement as she pointed eagerly at the retreating figure. "Wasyl, look quick! That's Kolten!"Wasyl's eyes followed Cheryl's pointing finger, his face lighting up with excitement before furrowing in confusion. "Kolten's a rare sight in public! He looks like he's seeing someone off. Who could be important enough to get Kolten to make an exception?"While talking, Wasyl narrowed his eyes for a better look, then hesitated. "Hey, doesn't that look a bit like Liam?" Cheryl paused, surprised at the suggestion, then peered intently in the same direction. The side profile was blurry from that distance, but there was a resemblance.However, Cheryl shook her head with conviction, countering, "What are you talking about? Is that loser Liam getting Kolten to escort him out? No way he's got th
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Chapter 170
"As you're all aware, we're on the cusp of kicking off our project with Max Group. We need new suppliers, and fast. If we miss our deadlines, the fallout for the Stone family will be massive. We're here to figure out who's going to step up and lock down some new partnerships."With Reginald's words hanging in the air, a wave of serious chatter swept through the room."Looks like someone's got it out for us. Why else would our suppliers be the only ones getting hit?""It's got to be one of our rivals. Not many landed a deal with Max Group, and the ones who didn't are green with envy. They're playing dirty, trying to make sure we don't come out on top."The room buzzed with chatter when Cheryl shot up from her seat, her voice cutting through the noise. "Celena's the lead on this project, right? With the mess we're in, she's the one to deal with it. Let's send Celena!"Her words set off a chorus of agreement."Absolutely! Celena's running the show. She's got to fix the material scre
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